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I was tagged my -not_your_time-

1. Favorite artist?
One of my best friends.
She's amazingly talented

2. Last song I listened to?
"Hey pretty girl" by kip moore

3. Loves?
Hugs, people, books, blankets, heat, food, music, my phone, my guy friend/ex bf, dogs, Thomas Brodie Sangster.

4. Dislikes?
Cats, peas, crappy books, mean/homophobic/transphobic people, pedophiles, almonds, Chocolate with nuts in it, peanuts

5. Otp?

6. One fact readers don't know about me?
I think the beach is overrated

8. Zodiac sign?

9. Wallpaper?

10. Pet name?
My dogs name is Mopsy

11. Obsessed with?

12. Favorite book on Wattpad?
Oh gosh-

Psychopath by thea1010
Or Solangelo one shots by JustASolangeloStan

13. Favorite anime/cartoon?
Currently I'm loving Phineas and Ferb
Which I am watching for the first time at age 13
I was never allowed to watch it as a child-

14. Last chat with?
On Wattpad?
I'm currently chatting with ShadowAngel_666

15. Miss anyone?
My best guy friend.

16. Best friends?
On Wattpad?
Oh gosh.
Y'all are all awesome
All of Wattpad is my bestie.

17. Theme color?

18. Spoiler on any of my books
Chiquita isn't gay-

19. 27th pic in my gallery

20. Tag 10 people
Do the freaking tag yall.

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro
