An unfair world.

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Dear Journal,
This world is unfair. 

That is the cold, unavoidable truth. Yes, it is the truth, unfairness rules this world, tragedy, and heartache shape people, disasters are normal, and crime has risen in its violence. All this, because of a variable in the human DNA, Quirks, as they are called.

 I don't know the exact science, but, as far as I'm aware they fall under categories, Emitter, Transformation, and the one I have, Mutant. However, despite these wonderful gifts, not all are so fortunate as I am. 

You see, unfortunately, while a large portion of humanity has quirks, not all get them. I've seen it, well, more like overheard it, but about one-fifth of the human population has no quirks. some people don't seem to like quirkless people. I find this dumb, after all, they are still human, unlike me. truly, if anyone was a freak, it would be those like me, those with mutant quirks. 
Anyway's it's late, so this will be all for tonight.

I sigh as I look down at the journal on my desk, standing up as I walk over to the closet, grabbing a jacket and shorts, putting them on my naked body. I don't bother with underwear, I have nothing to cover anyways, at least, I haven't had any ever since I was three, when my quirk emerged. 

I get dressed and walk out of the room, sighing as I go down the steps, rolling my neck as I step into the kitchen. I open the fridge, rummaging through it for a few seconds, before backing off and closing it.

"Damn it." I mutter to myself, sighing in annoyance as I grab the keys, walking out of the house without a further noise after leaving a note telling my dad I was going to the store. Taking a deep breath, I walk down the streets, heading to the nearby 24/7.

It was peaceful, for the most part, I let my mind wander, only snapping out of it after I had bumped into someone. I look down and see I had accidentally knocked someone down.

"Ah crap, sorry man, I didn't mean to knock you down." I apologized, offering a hand as I tried to keep my embarrassed glow down to a minimum. I let out a silent sigh of relief as he just smiles at me sheepishly and accepted my help.

"A-Ah, no, it's not your fault, I was running way too fast without looking." The talking broccoli counter apologized. I chuckle silently as I help him stand up. If I could smile I would.

"Well, It's really late, and you look exhausted. No condition to defend yourself, so, how about we... I don't know, go get a snack from the 24/7 gas station?" I offer nervously. I didn't want to seem like a creep.
"After that, we can call whoever you need to call to make sure you get home safe."

"U-Umm, okay, yeah. I don't see why not." Broccoli said with a smile. "You walk in front since you're basically a walking flashlight." He jokes, though, from the way his eyes wandered up and down my face, I could tell he was curious.

"No Problem, Broccoli." I tease with a mental smirk, walking in front of him, walking to the 24/7.

"H-Huh?! Broccoli?!" He asks, confused as he walks next to me, his confusion clear.

"Yup. I don't know your name, and you have fluffy green hair." I explain, walking across the crosswalk. "Like a head of broccoli. So, Broccoli is what I'll call you." I tell him, patting him on the back. 

For the next few minutes he was completely quiet, not a peep was heard as we stepped into the store. I smile at the shark man behind the register, waving at him like usual. I walk to the back of the store, grabbing a bottle of peppermint coffee.

"Get any drink you want," I told broccoli, walking up to the hot foods section, grabbing a fresh sandwich. "Good morning, Tani." I said, placing the food and coffee on the counter. Before he can say anything I place I give the required amount of money.

"Oh come on, Taiyo, I've told you, You can call me Yoshito." he said with a sigh, putting the money in the register after counting it.

I nod and sigh. "I'll be sure to remember that." 

Suddenly, I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn around and chuckle as broccoli smiles at me, in his hand was just a simple apple juice box. I nod and pay for it, grabbing my food and drink, walking out of the shop, yawning as I open my coffee, occasionally taking sips as I sit at a bench just outside the 24/7.

Broccoli sits on the opposite side of me, looking down for a few seconds before looking up. "Midoriya." He said suddenly, before smiling at me. "My name is Midoriya Izuku,"

"...Midoriya, huh? hm, it suits you." I say, taking a bite out of my sandwich. the bite dissolves in my 'throat', as all food and drink does for me. 

Midoriya blushes and looks away shyly, causing me to sigh.

"My name's Taiyo Y/N" I said wrapping up my sandwich. "My quirk is a mutation type, called Super-Nova." That got the greenette's attention real fast. "You look curious, do I really need to explain it?" I said jokingly, gesturing to my currently glowing featureless face.

"W-Well, I just, I've never seen a quirk like yours before." Midoriya said nervously like he didn't want to offend me, which was sweet of him.

"Well, I'm glad you think I'm unique," I say as a chuckle. "Anyways, you should call your guardian to come pick you up. It's not safe out here, you know." I tell him, which causes him to flinch.

"R-right, oh man, my mom is so gonna kill me." Midoriya muttered, taking out his phone and calling her. I look away and tune out the next eight minutes Midoriya spent on the phone. Midoriya put his phone away, tapping my forehead. 

"Hm? Is something up?" I ask, tilting my head in his direction.

he nods. "I-I was wondering if you were planning to go to U.A. In six months."

"Hm? Maybe, probably not. My quirk isn't suited for heroics. Why?" I said, shaking my head, looking up at the moon, resting my neck in my hands.

He slams his hands against the table. "That's not true! You have a great Quirk, plus with your personality, I have no doubt you'd be a great hero!" He said with determination glaring in his eyes.

I chuckle and would have smiled. "You really think so? Heh... Maybe... I guess you'll just have to wait and see."

He smiles. "Great! if you ever want to help me train, just stop by Takoba Municipal beach park!" Midoriya said, standing up, looking to his left, then smiling as he sees what I assume is his mother's car. "Bye!" he said, rushing off to the car. 

I sigh and chuckle. "He's a good guy." I say to myself as I eat the rest of my sandwich while walking home.

 I enter my home and lock the door, entering my room and shedding my clothes as I fall into bed, looking over at a picture of a younger me on my mother's shoulders. 

"I'm gonna be a hero." I grab the picture, staring at my mother's smiling face. "Are you proud of me, mom? I'm gonna help people like you always knew I would." I say, before placing the photo back on the dresser and drifting to sleep.

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