Entrance Exam

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Today is the day. Today is the day I become a hero! 

Well not really, but it's the day of the entrance exam, and a little optimism never hurt when it comes to tests. With that in mind, I jump out of bed and put on my least favorite sweatpants and tank top.  The clothes probably wouldn't survive whatever test the best hero school in japan had prepared.

I dash out of my room and leap down the steps, uncaring for what would normally be safe. Today is the day, baby! Nothing can slow me down, I will join U.A. Highschool!

...This sucks, where the hell is Izuku! I've been waiting for that dummy for over an hour! how could he possibly not show up early! Doesn't he know how important this is? He's the one who got me excited for this test, and he can't be bothered to show up with me?!

Nah, I'm just kidding, Izuku has worked hard, I just wish he had gone to sleep on time instead of staying up so late. Like, he's my best friend, and I'm worried he won't make it here on time. This is his dream after all, and he was determined to join, I'd hate to see him not make it because of his bad sleeping habits.

Though it seems I didn't need to worry. As the American's say, speak of the devil, and he shall appear. Right in front of me was said Green Idiot., his face showing excitement, but also disgust like he had eaten something horrendous.

"Hey Izuku, You alright? You look sick." To which he just nodded, before a smile broke out upon his lips.

"This is it, huh? Today is the day our future is decided." Izuku said under his breath, looking up at the large school, wonder and amazement shining in his eyes as he takes a deep breath, marking into the schoolyard.

I chuckle and follow him, Looking around the large lot, admittedly impressed with the size of the campus. When I was looking away, I heard a shrill shriek, causing me to snap my head in Izuku's direction, seeing he was a bit ahead of me, but also only a few inches from hitting his face against the floor.

That wasn't the weirdest part, though, no, that would be the fact that he was floating. Yeah, that's weird. Broccoli didn't have a flying quirk, he had a strength enhancer! At least, that's what he told me. To be completely honest, I'd never actually seen him use his quirk. 

Whenever I asked to see him use it, he brushes it off nervously, saying he needed to get stronger without his quirk first, saying that since it enhances his strength the stronger he was normally, the stronger he'd be when using his quirk, which made sense to me.

Anyways, I walk over to Izuku, helping him stand back up, patting his back as we look at who I suppose would be the one who saved my friend from dying to embarrassment. She touches her fingers together, and I felt Izuku's weight on my shoulder.

"Howdy, I'm guessing you're Greenbean's savior?" I ask, my face brightening to mimic a smile. She nods and smiles in return, though she seemed a bit shy about it.

"A-ah, yeah." She answers softly, before looking at Izuku. "S-sorry about using my quirk on you without permission, I didn't want you to fall on your face the day of the exams, bad luck y'know."

Izuku just nods, clearly dazed.

"Great! Good luck in the exam!" She exclaimed, before running off in the school's direction.

"Thanks, you too!" I shout after her, before chuckling. I look at Broccoli and mentally laugh at his blush.

Izuku stammers for a bit, before suddenly saying in a soft, excited whisper, "...I talked to a girl!" 

"I wouldn't exactly say you talked to her, but good for you, bud." I say, guiding him to the front entrance of the school as not to be late. Izuku nods and stumbles along, smiling as we step into the school. I won't lie it was, Amazing.  Just the whole sight of it was awe-inspiring. This is the place where we will spend the next few years learning to be the best we can be, where we will learn to save those who can't save themselves.

I shake my head, looking over at Izuku. "We got this, Let's go be heroes." I grab his hand and practically drag him to the auditorium.  Stepping into the auditorium, I felt my body glow, all these people, wishing to help others, no matter their motives, is inspiring.

Izuku and I take our seats, looking forward to the stage. I tuned out the entire speech by Present Mic, though I did pick up on the important stuff like that the points varied on certain robots. I also, thanks to my quirk, avoided being caught blanking out of the speech by the blue-haired guy from before. Sorry Green-bean, but I'm not getting in trouble when unnecessary.

Anyways, I was assigned Battle-Zone G, so I can't help out Izuku, but, he won't need it. I know he'll do great.

I sigh and step off the bus, Ignoring all the stares. I've gotten used to it. We pass through a locker room, though I just walk past into the main area before the arena. I don't talk to anyone, no need to distract myself.

We all wait around a few minutes before it happens, Present Mic speaks to us all. 

"Are you ready?!" The gate opens. "Go!" This shocked almost everyone, and no one moved, except me. Life has taught me time waits for nobody, and that you should seize any opportunity you are given. That's why I had been heating up my body for the last few minutes.

I dash up against the robots, internally smirking as I ran through the robots, feeling the steel melt instantly, as I charge through the bots. I lose count as I keep doing this for the next four minutes, giving my fellow applicants to get some points, while still taking the majority for myself.

I nearly laugh as I ready one of my attacks against robots. The one that will ensure my entrance into the Hero Course. 

E.M.P, an Electro-Magnetic Pulse. By manipulating my mass, I am able to mimic the effect of a collapsing star inside my body, generating a field that absolutely fries all technology inside a certain radius, which varies on the size of the collapse I am making. And with that single move, my score shot up, completely securing my place as the top scorer of the year, if not ever.

-(In the control room)-

Vlad King frowns as he looks over at the screens for Battle Ground G, noticing that the robots there aren't moving.

"What's going on inside ground G, are the cameras broken?" he asks Nezu, who shook his head, the principal of U.A. gaining a curious smirk. 

"No, look, the student in the corner of screen seven is moving." He stated before humming. "A student stopped them all. That's why we lost signal to the robots there."  The rat-bear thing said before cackling almost evilly.

"Okay, boss, you know who did this then?" Power Loader asked, looking at the tea-drinking mastermind of the school. To which the principal once again simply nodded.

"There's only one student in that battleground capable of creating a large enough E.M.P. to disable all of the robots. Well, all except one." Their debatably insane boss said, before reaching for a button. He planned on pressing it, but not so soon, however, he backs off. 

"In two minutes I release the Zero Pointers." He told his employees. They all looked worried, that was a whole minute sooner than last year.

-( Y/N Taiyo )-

I sigh and sit on a robot that fell over, reaching into the pocket of my shredded pants, grabbing a couple of energy bars. I won't lie, the E.M.P. is draining, it's difficult to create and contain a collapsing star. So, I spend the next minute or two munching down energy bars until I feel the floor beneath me rumble. I look around, before noticing the ground splitting open, and rubble dropping down from faux offices. 

"Crap, this is the Thwomp, huh...." I mutter, looking at the rising robot turn on before it began smashing buildings. 

As It began rolling around, I noticed the people running away, though some seemed too tired to do so.

With that in mind, I knew what I had to do. If people can't get away, I'll send It away.

Running up to the machine, I ready my punch. Just before it squashed me with its treads, I raised my fist to meet it, and with the mass only slightly less than that of the sun behind my fist, I sent it flying. The robot tore to shreds as it exited earth and entered deep space.

I cackle with joy, glad my theory was correct. though, saddened that this is likely the only time I can use such a strong punch, the fact that it worked at all was enough for me.

Though, as I stare at where my hand was, I knew that it was an emergency-only move. It would heal, but it would take a while. But, not like it matters too much, I know I qualified, and I know my mother would be proud. And with that, I'm satisfied.

-( In the control room)-

"Nezu, what the hell was that?!" Midnight asks, shocked at what she had just seen.

"Kekeke, It seems we have two heavy hitters in this year. We all know it's common for examinees to try and fight the robots, but for an applicant to destroy it is rare, and for two applicants to do so at the same time is unheard of. Truly you will have your hand's full, Aizawa." Nezu stated with a wide grin,  a low groan of a tired man being heard from the back of the room.

The other staff members were in shock, but all grinning. If just the applicants were this strong, then really, the future is in good hands.

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