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Serenity POV

I just got back from an exhausting day of work driving my car home to cuddle with my lovely boyfriend back at home to relax. I was just hoping he got me something for my excellent day at work because I just got a promotion at my job and best part is that I get to travel to Japan which was always my favorite place to go as a child. I just arrived at my house so I pulled p in a driveway and got out of the car to get inside the house. Once I got inside the house, I heard moaning and groaning coming from our bedroom upstairs. 'No. This has got to be a joke! Please tell he did not just do what I think he is doing.' I thought to myself as I went upstairs quietly to not let myself noticed then when I got to our bedroom door, I heard more moans and groans then some smacking against the skin which made me cry a little so I opened the door quickly to reveal my worst fear.

"Oh Serenity I thought you were at work!" "SO THIS IS WHAT YOU'VE BEEN DOING BEHIND MY BACK FOR 4 YEARS?!" "Babe let me explain." He tried to get come to me but I just pushed him and punched him repeatedly in anger then got off him and looked at his mistress with a death stare saying, "I hope you're happy." as I packed my stuff and then went  out of the house but not before Damian grabbed my hand telling me, "Wait don't go let's talk it out." as I swiped my hand away from him and then got in the car but before I left, I had one last thing to say so I said, "Also I got a promotion and going to Japan so i thought I could bring you along but I guess not." then drove off away from the place. 

I decided to stay at my friend Artic's place for 2 weeks before I went off to Japan to work over there so I wasted no time and went over there. After 40 minutes of crying and driving, I finally got to my bestie and then got out of the car with my stuff in hand and went up to the door and rung her doorbell

Artic POV

I heard my doorbell ring while I was watching TV so I got up and went to the door to open it and when I did, I saw Serenity at the door crying. "Serenity honey what's wrong?" "Damian cheated on me with his mistress." "Aw honey." I comforted her as I took her into my house and let her sit on the couch while I made us some tea. After I got done making the tea, I came into the living room with the tea and set on the table and sat next to her. "So tell me, how did you catch your ex cheating." She sniffed as she got herself ready to explain then finally said, "Well I just got home from work, then I heard sexual sounds coming from our bedroom and soon when I opened the door, I found him in the bed with his mistress fucking each other." as I drank my tea in surprise then said, "Wow he has got to be the worst douche bag lying ass fucking weasel cunt to ever cheat on you." (Yeah I have a colorful vocabulary) as I made a icy fire aura getting very angry for what he did to my friend. "It's ok he's gone anyway I think he won't even bother to call be anymore now that he's with his mistress and all that."

I calmed down when she said that but I could still see the hurt on her face so I hugged her tightly then looked at my watch realizing it was getting late. "Serenity it's getting late you know?" "Right!" We said to each other as we went to get changed and I helped her get her room ready for the 2 weeks she's going to spend here. After we got all that done, we then went to our separate bedrooms saying good night to each other then we both went to sleep resting for the big day ahead of us tomorrow.

What did they do during those 2 weeks?

Artic Chan POV Montage

1. They went shopping together to get Serenity some clothes to wear in Japan and some other accessories to fit in the Japanese style of life to adapt. But when Damian and his mistress Felecia came into the store, Artic Chan couldn't hold herself and turned into dark blizzard and went full metal on his ass body slamming him making a crater and also slapping Felecia hard making her fly into a pile of clothes chastising them about hurting Serenity's feelings and when Damian tried to get up, Artic stomped on his face to make him stay there and also went to Felecia to slap her again then drop her in the pile of clothes saying the famous line, "BYE FELECIA!" then took Serenity and the items they bought back at home.

2. They then spent sometime learning some manners and language in Japanese since Artic is actually a sensei in Japan so she's the expert. Artic actually helped Serenity learn that fast and so she was crowned Co-Sensei and now helps around her dojo which is the next part of the montage.

3. Now Artic helped Serenity learn more martial arts and ninjitsu and although it was grueling it was worth it as they now know lots of martial arts and now are strong as fuck to annihilate anyone in their way.

4. Now onto the last thing and that is when they get Serenity's stuff ready for the trip tomorrow and now they went over the things the learned and now they will go to the airport tomorrow to drop Serenity off.

Montage Over

Timeskip to when they get to the airport

Serenity POV

After 2 weeks, we got to the airport where my flight was waiting for me and I saw Artic Chan was crying a little so I hugged her to calm her down. "I'm gonna miss you so much." "Don't worry we'll call everyday and even face time." "Yeah I forgot about that. Ok  be good and tell me your adventures." "I will." We said to each other as I ran to my flight and waved to Artic one last time before getting on my flight to start a new life but not before Artic saying, "MOTHER MAY I PLEASE CHOP OFF DAMIAN'S KNICK NACKS?" "YOU MAY MY CHILD!" "THANK YOU!" We laughed as we went our separate ways with me going to fulfill my dream.

Hey my lovely readers this is a prolouge I did and I think I didn't do that bad on it so expect more to come as we start the real story. Wait should I add gifs or naw?

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