Chapter 6: Raging War of Determination, Who's the Vice Captain?

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Kinako POV

During the match with Hitsue in the end I never had a match since we managed to win enough games thanks to the efforts of Naoki, Shingo, Kourin, Misaki and especially Aichi his match was amazing and facing a unit like Dragonic Overlord The End a unit which after doing research was a unit that Kai used, so with that the club became official and we have a new advisor helping us with the club, after the matches and a some rest I got over the letter for now.

~At the Clubroom~

"I can't believe we finally did it, ahhh I used to dream something like this would happen, our high school lives are about to get much better, can you feel it" Shingo said with immense joy

"Oh I can feel it alright intact I think I'm about to barf it all up" Naoki said with a grin on his face

"If you do that go to the window if you don't mind" I said pointing to the windows

"Hold it right there, you need to get your mind out of the gutter pal!" Shingo said annoyed

"Huh" Naoki replied

"Its like they say you can lead a horse to water but you can't make em' drink" Shingo stated

"I never understood that I'm pretty sure can lead anything to water" Naoki said confused

'Of course he wouldn't understand what it means' I thought face palming

"It means you can't force people to do things like we can't force you to be polite" Shingo answered

"How about I say please before kicking your butt" Naoki threatened

"Get away from me you neanderthal" Shingo said worried

"Can't you guys go one minute without going at each others throats" I said starting to get angry

"I'm sorry for being so late" Our new advisor said walking in the room

"Its alright nice to see you again sir" I greeted joyfully

"Thank you Kinako" The advisor replied

"Now lets see are we ready to do some club activities" The advisor asked

"Yeah" Aichi answered

"I was born ready" Naoki answered finally stopping his fight with Shingo

"I am also prepared" Shingo answered

"Ehehe, actually wait a second theres something we have to discuss before you'll be able to play your game" The advisor said

'Wonder what he's talking about' I thought

"Whats up" Shingo asked

"The student council has requested we select a captain and assistant captain for our club so lets get down to business" The advisor exclaimed

'Oh of course we need the captains that organise things like events or activities, sounds cool' I thought to myself

"A captain" Misaki said

"Seriously" Kourin said annoyed

"I guess, if its really necessary" Aichi stated

"Oh come on can't we just play some vanguard" Naoki asked disappointed

"Not quiet yet the student council has a rule requiring two representatives from each of the school clubs these people will attend monthly meetings on our behalf, I know it probably seems weird to elect two of you to represent the group especially when there are only 6 members total, but rules are rules I suppose" The advisor explained

"The captains an easy choice right sir" I said looking in Aichi's direction

"Correct Kinako, right Aichi" The advisor answered

"What" Aichi said confused

"You did start this club after all, its obvious we need you as our team captain" The advisor explained

"Me, thats not a good idea, cause I..I've never been the captain of anything before, shouldn't we submit resumes to see who has leadership potential, no thanks" Aichi said nervously

'Thats an answered I'd expect from Aichi' I thought

"Don't try to be so humble it doesn't work" Shingo stated

"I agree, you were basically the leader of Q4" Misaki added

"Yeah but" Aichi said

"Hurry up and say yes so we can get to vanguard man" Naoki said

"Of course your the captain" Kourin said

"I know you'll be a great leader Aichi" I said with a closed eye smile

"I guess, thanks for thinking of me and I look forward to taking this role for the sake of the group" Aichi answered bowing

As he gave his answered we all gave him a big round of applause to congratulate him this brought a smile to Aichi's face.

"Next for the assistant captain position, is there anyone here that would be interested in this job" The advisor asked

Immediately after he asked us that question Shingo raised his hand in the air.

'That was fast' I thought

"YES, I'll volunteer" Shingo yelled excitedly

"Oh well, thats great enthusiasm" The advisor complemented

"And what kind of assistant I will be you asked only the greatest ever, I have a plan to increase membership, first we need to get the word out how awesome our club is we'll do that by filming a viral video where we all sing and dance about the game we love so much, Kourin I'll put you in charge of writing the song of course, what we need to do is get a couple million views in our video and the next thing you know I'm doing an interview on morning television to promote our card fight club, students will transfer here from all over the country to play by our sides, we'll have so much power they'll name the school after us, we're gonna have the best vanguard club on the face of the planet, I thank you" Shingo lectured

'Well that was boring and that seems more like a plan to get more fanboys/girls to want to sign up, if you ask me seems like a dream instead of a plan' I thought sweat dropping

"So..anyone else interested in taking the job" The advisor asked

"I don't know, kinda sounds like a hassle to me" Naoki stated

"I think if Shingo wants it that much he should just do it" Misaki answered

"Works for me" Kourin answered

"I'm not interested in the position either, so I'm ok with it" I answered

"Yes" Shingo said triumphant

"Uh, I think we should have lunch on it, listen why don't we take some time to think about it tonight , we'll come back with clear heads tomorrow and make our final decision" The advisor suggested

"Aww, why" Shingo said complaining

"Fine" Naoki said annoyed

"Whatever you say" Kourin answered

"Sure" Misaki answered

"Why not" I answered

At that point we all went our separate ways to think about the position to see if we change our minds

~Time skip~

Kelly POV

After school me and Kinako were walking home together to talk I was kinda hungry so I asked her if we could go to a cafe nearby to have our conversation while I eat some sweets.

"So what did your club do today after making it official" I asked Kinako taking a bite of my macarons

"Not much really, all we did was talk about the captain and vice-captain positions" Kinako answered

"Thats cool so is Aichi the captain" I asked

"Yep, it was obvious that he would be the captain, I mean on the vanguard team he was the leader of the team even Misaki said so" Kinako answered then taking a sip of her tea

"What about you are you gonna be the vice-captain Kinako" I asked

"Not really I don't really have much interest in roles of leadership even when I was playing sports back in America even though many teams asked me to be I turned them all down" Kinako answered then proceeding to take another sip of her drink

"Really' I thought you would to get closer to Aichi" I said disappointed

This surprised Kinako causing her to spit-take the drink she had and turn a deep shade of red.

"KELLY, I told you I'm not close to Aichi in that way" Kinako yelled still a deep shade of red

"Sorry...but I guess if you don't want to be vice-captain thats fine too" I answered finishing the macarons I ordered

Kinako POV

Thanks to Kelly all I could think about is whither I should take on the position or not on the way home and as I got home I started to get confused about how I feel.

~Kinako's room~

'Maybe I should take up the position, it would be a way to experience the things a leader has to go through if not that I would be helping the club much more,plus but since me and Aichi became friends recently it would be a good way to learn more about him, what am I thinking thats not a good reason' I thought to myself getting more and more confused

~The next day at the clubroom~

"Ok its time to decide on our vice-captain" The advisor stated

The room was completely silent, considering the situation that can only mean one thing.

"So if your interested please raise your hand" The advisor asked

Shingo was the first to raise his hand and as I thought Naoki, Kourin and Misaki raised their hands....just like I did to be expected we all gave each other an intense stare.

"Oh, didn't expect that" The advisor stated

"Wow you guys thats great" Aichi said with his usual smile

"Ok, we've only got enough room for one assistant in the club, what do you think Aichi" The advisor asked

"I don't know" Aichi answered

"Surely there is someone you prefer to work with" The advisor exclaimed

"Come on I can't possibly pick one of them" Aichi stated

"Yeah, I guess your right" The advisor replied

Aichi sighed in relief knowing he didn't have to choose.

"I've got a solution for this, I think we already know how to solve this problem" Naoki stated holding his deck case

"You read my mind Naoki" I stated holding my deck case

"Lets card fight ok" Shingo agreed

"Who ever wins" Kourin said

"Becomes the assistant" Misaki finished for Kourin

"Oh I get it, so vanguard is a game used to settle disputes" The advisor said

"Well..sometimes" Aichi answered nervously

In the end we managed to decide the pairings since there was 5 of us to play matches I ended up having to fight the final winner, the pairings were Kourin vs Naoki and Misaki vs Shingo and so the games went on quiet fast though we never really managed to finish because...

"I'm so pathetic" Naoki yelled

"Hey Aichi I think somethings wrong with Naoki" Shingo yelled

"Whats wrong Naoki" I asked

"Naoki are you ok, are you not feeling well" Aichi asked concerned

"Come on buddy, you gotta snap out of it" Shingo stated

"Pathetic" We heard Naoki muttered hitting his head on the table

"Don't say that" Shingo said

"I'm ashamed...of myself" Naoki quietly said

Everyone was confused by what he said.

"Why is that Naoki you did great" I said trying to cheer him up

"I finally found something to be excited about, and yet this is how I act its super lame, Aichi said...we needed to find an assistant..I thought it would be a bother I joined this club because I wanted to be a part of something ..and that was enough" Naoki explained with sadness in his voice and tears in his eyes

"But thinking about it last night I realised I really wanted to be the vice-captain, I wanted to do something useful for the card fight club guess I'm not good enough I've got no one to blame but myself, knock it off I'm so stupid for going on like this..I should swallow my pride and be quiet...I'm sorry..for carrying on like this when the three of you have games to play, Kourin, Misaki and Kinako are all awesome, either of you would be a great assistant for the team" Naoki continued with tears in his eye and a big grin on his face

'Now I feel terrible I had horrible reasons to want the position and Naoki just wants to be useful to the group..he deserves the position and I'm sure those two think the same thing' I thought looking at the reaction Misaki and Kourin had

"Sorry for making a scene you guys..make sure you try your hardest" Naoki said wiping away his tears

"Uh,thank you" Kourin answered nervously

I could tell by their faces that they are thinking the same thing.

"Listen..we shouldn't" Kourin started to say

"I know where your going with this and its a good idea" Misaki interrupted

"Then we agree" Kourin stated

"Sure do" Misaki answered

"Then its decided" I said standing between the two

"Hey guys I think we should let Naoki be the assistant captain" Kourin suggested

That brought a look of shock on the boys faces especially Naoki.

"You still want the job right" Kourin asked

"Yeah, but I lost..I mean" Naoki said

"Who cares, its clear your the most passionate person in this club so do it" Misaki stated

"Plus I'm sure you'll do an amazing job as the vice-captain of the card fight club" I added with a closed eye smile

"You guys" Naoki said with tears in his eyes

"So this is how its gonna be surely we'd be better with someone like me doing it" Shingo boasted

"You got something to say" Kourin asked with anger

"Should be vote on it" Misaki suggested with emphasis on the word vote

"I'm sure that the results would speak for themselves" I added with a grin on my face

This caused Shingo to sweat drop at the fact its no use changing our minds.

"No its unanimous, Naoki wants the job real bad and I think he'd be good for the club" Shingo said in defeat

"You mean it, I got the job" Naoki asked with joy

"Yep" I answered

"*Grrr* Promise you'll do it well, cause I'll be waiting for you to screw up and you better believe I'm offering a big vote of no confidence when you eventually do" Shingo stated

"I'm impressed with the way you guys decided to settle this" The advisor stated

"Yeah" Aichi agreed

"I know, I think we made the right choice" I exclaimed with a smile on my face

"Alright Naoki, its up to us to run the club" Aichi explained to Naoki

"Right, lets make it great" Naoki replied

"Sure thing" Aichi agreed

After that I went back with Kelly instead of following the rest of the club since I needed to tell her about how Naoki became the vice-captain instead of me though she accepted it quiet fast especially when she heard that Naoki got the position, though I could've been overthinking it with that all I could look forward to was the next few days with the club I have learned to love and enjoy.

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and for anyone that was hoping Kinako would be vice-captain I apologise after all I personally thought Naoki was a good choice for captain anyway let me know what you thought of the chapter and leave a vote if you liked it so I hope you all look forward to seeing more of this story with that this chapter ends and a new one begins soon.

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