Chapter 1

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'You are so gorgeous Ananya, I can stare at you all my life long...' he said in his mesmerising voice

I blushed, looking down, and he held my hands in his strong yet warmer hands, interlinking our fingers

'You know I am so lucky to have you... Thank you for coming in my life...' he said again

My heart fluttered, I looked up but he turned around leaving my hand, I can't see his face...

Why can't I see my partners face ?

'I can't see you...' I whine, I really want to know how he looks *ring ring*

'You will, when the right time comes... ' he replies

'But....*ring ring* how will *ring ring* I recognize you...'

'Don't  worry *ring ring* sweetheart you will.... *ring ring* just listen  to your heart...' he said


He was about to turn around...


My eyes flutter open, with that irritating sound of my phone..

'What...?' I growl without looking at the ID

'Wake Up Babe, It's 8 !' comes my besties booming voice from the other side

'Deeps ! It's only 8... And you disturbed my dream, AGAIN...' I scratch my head getting up and leaning against the headboard

'Did you see his face....?'

'No ! I was about to,  But you !! You  woke me up...!' I whine

'I am not sorry for that Ms. Thapar... ' Deepika teases me

'Why are you trying to take me away from my Mr. Perfect !'

'God Ananya !! How can you be so crazy for someone who doesn't even exist ! Wait for some time, let's see if he is real or not !'

'Ofcourse he is real...! And he will come... '

But Deeps cut me off in between..

'Babe... We will continue  this argument in college, just wake up now and get ready....'

'Do I have to come today ? I feel like sleeping again...' I yawn

'Dare you miss college today ! We have moot court...'

'But I don't....'

'If you don't, I will tell uncle about.....' she threatened

'Ok ok ! I am don't have to threaten me of Paa all the time...' I snap...

She ignores my comment

'Be here at 10 or else I'll kill you...'

'I hate you...!' I grit

'I hate you too... ' Deeps chirped and cuts the call

I huff and get up from my bed,  tossing the phone on the mattress...

But to my bad luck, instead of falling on the bed,  it fell on the floor....

I gasp in horror...

I can see the crack on it's screen from here...


It was my latest iPhone, I brought 3 days ago, after breaking an equally expensive one...

Mumma was very angry...
But Papa saved me...
Like always...

But this time...Mumma will kill me...

Ved and Vansh Bhai too won't leave this chance to tease me...

God what do I do...???

Just then my Dad enters the room..

'Wake Up ! Prin... ' he stopped mid sentence looking at the phone

'Again ? Girl why you take out your anger on poor phones...' he said picking up the phone

I guiltily look towards him

'Papa... I swear.... It was a mistake... I didn't do it intentionally....It just fell...' I stammer

'Hey my precious don't worry... I'll get you a new one... ' He embraced me and I hug him back

I love when Paa hugs me...
I feel so protected...

'Mumma is going to be so pissed..! I mutter

'Who is going to tell your Mumma ?' Paa said

I look at him bewildered...

'What do you mean....?'

'I'll buy you a new phone, exactly like this one today itself... How will she know then... ' he grinned

'You think fooling Maa, is easy ? Vansh Bhai failed terribly yesterday !'

'Hey, I am your Vansh Bhai's Father okay... And can make a better story than him... His story was so stupid that even a kid won't believe that...' Paa said and I chuckle...

True, Vansh Bhai cannot lie..

'But Ved bhai will catch me.. He is smarter than everyone...' I say

'Don't worry about him as well... I know how to handle my sons...' Paa said proudly

'But you can't lie to Maa..' I raise my brow

Paa scratches his head, and then looks at me and smiles..

'I'll figure that out, don't worry, she won't scold you' he said

Thank god...

'Love you Papa....' I hug him tightly

'Love you too My Princess....' he kissed my head

'Did you fight with Deepika again ?' he asked

'Sort of...'

'Why ?'

'Because she said my...' I stop mid sentence

Are you mad Ananya... You are about to share your secret crush on a mystery  man with your father...

He'll kill that man in your dreams itself...

He hates any mention about boys in your life remember ?

'Your ?' Paa ask

'My...  uh.... My... My.... Research Theisis is not...  Uh well.. Well sorted....' I stammer and Paa look at me suspiciously

'I think it's pretty much well researched and arranged princess, we did that together last week remember...?' he frowns

Sorry Papa
I can't lie to you..
It's not like I am having  an affair or something

'No..  Uh Actually we fought for....' I began

'Ananya !!! I hope you are ready beta it's already 8:15 !' came Mumma's voice

Me and Paa panicked

'Go go !  Get ready.... I'll take care of the phone...' he pushed me towards the bathroom


'You want Naina to scold you for waking up late and missing the morning walk ?' he asked

Oh right... The morning walk....

I nod in negative nervously

'Go then !' he said

I run inside the bathroom, and can hear my dad shuffling through the drawers to hide the phone...

I heared Maa's voice... 'Ananya Baby? Are you up yet...?'

'Yeah...  She was already in the bathroom when I came to wake her up..' Papa said

Aww Paa...

I chuckle imagining his panic stricken face trying to lie

Maa didn't say anything .. Maybe she is looking at him suspiciously...

'Don't you believe me Mrs. Thapar... ' Paa sounds flirty

Nice move
That's my Paa...

'Shut up ! Go get ready...
Ananya come out soon for breakfast  beta... ' she says and probably  walks out...

I open the door and peek through, she is gone and so is Paa...

Locking the door I sigh...

Papa is my saviour...
I hope you are too Mr. Perfect....

I hope you are just like him...

Maa is very lucky to have a husband  like him...

They are perfect !

Childhood sweethearts turned into married couple crossing the difficult hurdles, that came in their way...

I hope we too have a beautiful love story like them Mr. Perfect...!

Just come soon...  You are taking too much time..

I wonder how we will meet...

And most importantly who are you ??



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