Chapter 107

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2 days later...
Vansh's house...
9 a.m.

Jai and Arjun were sitting in the living room, their chairs opposite to each other, not talking to each other...

There was this awkward silence between them, it was for the first time in their 50 years of friendship, that they had nothing to say to each other...

Jai was reading the newspaper while Arjun was holding a book in his hand, not really reading it, just glancing through the pages..

Amayraa and Ananya were sleeping in Ananya's room, while Ved, Aayan and Naina were in kitchen preparing breakfast..

Vansh comes out of his room, sliding a travel bag along with him, wearing his work clothes, he and his team were leaving today for Switzerland, for 15 days to shoot a song and the story plot based on that place...

'When is your flight ?' Jai asks

'It's at 3 p.m., Bade Papa...' Vansh replies

'Then why are you leaving so early...?' Arjun enquires

'I have to finish the editing of  previous shoots before leaving, or else it'll be hectic to edit so many scenes once I return...' He informs

'Then why are taking your bag with you...? Come back here, eat something and then leave na...' Naina says from the kitchen

'No Maa, I can't, we have 5 scenes to edit, and I don't know whether we, a team of 15 people will be able to finish it today, so Me,my staff and Vicky will leave for the airport, directly from the office...' Vansh informed

'Oh, Okay then, I'll pack something for you and Vikrant for the lunch...' Naina said and Vansh grinned

'I love you Maa...' he hugs her and she chuckles..

'I thought your editing work was supposed to be finished by yesterday...' Ved says keeping plates on the table

Vansh glares at his brother, and then gulps, bracing himself for a scolding from his father, Naina pats his cheeks and goes back in the kitchen...

'Time of the work doesn't really matter, if quality isn't compromised ...' Arjun said not looking up from the book

The boys looked at their father shocked, and so did Jai..

'My my... Sun surely rose from the west today... Vedie boy will you check that for me...' Jai commented getting back to the newspaper, and Ved chuckled at this

Arjun looked up from the book and rolled his eyes..

'I can be a supportive father too...' he said sarcastically, Vansh started tying his shoe laces, avoiding to be a scapegoated...

'Yeah, Scolding is the new supporting...' Jai comments, while Naina and Aayan look at each other, both of them knew where this was going...

'Like you never scolded Aayan or Nitaara...' Arjun counters, Jai's comment

'Of course I did... But I knew where to stop...' Jai said and Aayan chocked on his water

'I did not yell at my sons all the time, I was a fun dad too...' Arjun said defensively

'Surree you were....' Jai sang without looking at him

'Hey... Don't you test me...! I am a fun father alright... Let me prove that to you...' *Gets up from the seat and walks towards the kitchen* 'Naina ! Wasn't I a fun parent to our kids...?' he asks Naina who was coming out of the kitchen holding a casserole

Naina looks at Arjun and opens her mouth to say something, but she couldn't really get any words to say, so she looks at Jai, then her sons who pursed their lips, pretending to do their work

'What...! Oh Come on ! I did not scold them all the time !' Arjun exclaimed

'Of course you didn't Honey, you are the best father they could ever have ! Isn't he boys...?' She looks at her sons who nod grinning...

'See...?' He looks at Jai

'Our subject was 'Fun Dad' not 'Best Dad' Jai smirked, and Arjun huffed

'Yeah...! Like you were the fun parent to your kids....' Arjun says raising his brows

'Of course I was ! Wasn't I, Aayan...?' Jai asks Aayan who looks at Naina uncomfortably 

Jai puts his newspaper down, as he did not get any answer from Aayan and looked at him, while Arjun hides his smile

'Son...? Wasn't I a fun Dad...?' Jai asks again, raising his brows

'Sure Dad...' Aayan replied looking everywhere, but him and Jai's mouth was hung open

'Ha Ha Ha..! We understood what your son meant by that...' Arjun teases Jai and he huffs

'I should've asked this to Nitaara...' Jai muttered

'Let me ask this to my boys...' Arjun said and Ved - Vansh stiffened

'I'll water the plants in the balcony...' Vansh said getting up..

'I need to use the restroom...' Ved said getting out of the kitchen

'Boys...! Wasn't I a fun dad to you when you were young...?' Arjun asked before the twins could escape the room..

They gulped and turned towards their father, and then looked at each other..

'Sure Dad...!' They replied unanimously and ran out of the room

Arjun was shocked at their answer too, while Naina controlled her laughter looking at Arjun - Jai's  expressions

'I should've asked this to Ananya...' Arjun muttered

After 15 minutes they were sitting on the breakfast table chatting about random things and Mary served them their food

'I'll go and wake princess up...' Arjun says getting up, but Naina stops him holding his hands

'Let her sleep Arjun, she needs rest, she couldn't sleep last night...' She said

'What ! Why...? Is she okay...?' Arjun asked and Aayan too looked at her worried

'No silly, she and Amayraa were playing, That's why... You have your breakfast... I'll wake her up in an hour...' Naina says, and Arjun sits on his seat, and Aayan relaxes too

Naina gets up from the breakfast table and goes inside her room, while the men looked at each other confused

She comes out with an envelope in her hand, grinning at Vansh and sits beside him, who looks at her suspiciously

'I have something for you...' Naina grins forwarding the envelope to him

Vansh puts his spoon down and wipes his hands with a tissue before taking the envelope, and then opens it, while others curiously look at it..

As he tears it open, it revealed photographs of 6-7 young women in their 20s dressed beautiful dresses, smiling for the camera..

Aayan and Ved understood what was it, and smirked...

Vansh glanced briefly at the photographs one by one and put it back on the table

'Naah... None of them can be models... Dead expressions, dull body language, improper posture... And this one's nose is weird...' he commented pointing at a photograph, and Naina glared at him

'These are not aspiring models you Idiot ! I short listed them as potential brides for your marriage, me and Ananya picked them from over 50 photographs and you rejected all of them at once...! Not fair..' Naina whines and Arjun chuckles

'What kind of new crap is this Maa... Who marries so early...?' Vansh huffs

'You are almost 30 okay...! This is a good age... Once you grow old, who will marry you...?' Naina says

'Yeah Vansh... You are the only one left... Get married na, then we'll whine about our wives together...' Ved teases him and Aayan nods excitedly, while Vansh glares at them..

'Yes boy, get married fast, or else at the ripe age of 60 you won't have a single grandchild, just like your father...' Jai comments and Arjun glares at him

'I am not 60 ! And I will have a grandchild soon...' Arjun says

'Oh yeah...! Your first grandchild will be my third one....' Jai says sarcastically

'Technically, Annie's baby will be Paa's second Grandchild after Amayraa....' Ved intervenes in between

'Exactly..! Thank you Ved beta, See...?' Arjun pats Ved's shoulders and turns to Jai

'I'll have more grandchildren than you...' Jai says challengingly

'I highly doubt that... I have 3 kids...' Arjun smirks

'You hear that Aayan...! You will have more kids than Ved...' Jai threatens Aayan who gulps

'Aayan's kids will be my grandkids too, as their mother would be my daughter...' Arjun shot back, and Jai was speechless

'Enough both of you...! What kind of talk is this...! That too in front of your children ! Where are your basic manners...?' Naina scolds them and they glare at each other

'Sorry...' they say unanimously like punished kids

'So Vansh... I was saying...' Naina begins

'Maa... I will not marry any of them or anyone you search for me in future, so don't bother to do the hard work please... I don't want to get married ever...' Vansh declares getting up from the table, while his parents look at each other worried

'But beta...' Naina began 

'Don't worry Maa... Vansh will give you that Khushi of being a mother in law very soon...' Ved grinned and then hi fives Aayan, while Vansh throws a table cloth at him..

The elders look at each other confused as Vansh goes inside his room...

After sometime, Vansh freshens up and brings his stuff from the room and was ready to leave

'Here... Have this...' Naina feeds him curd and jaggery

'Eww Maa... No curd..!' Vansh gulps it with disgust

'It's for good luck...' Naina hits him

'Yeah I would've preferred frozen yoghurt...' Vansh comments, drinking some water

'I would have preferred a daughter in law, but life is not fair, isn't it...?' Naina taunts and Vansh rolls his eyes

'Yeah... I'll miss you too Maa...' Vansh kisses her forehead

He hugs Jai and then Arjun, who wished him for safe journey..

'Don't miss me too much...! I'll be back in 15 days, Baby... Then we'll go out for a candle light dinner... Okay...?' He says to Ved who rolls his eyes and hugs him

'Yeah.. Don't forget my chocolates...' Ved says leaving him

'Happy Journey bro...' Aayan wishes him, he looks at him briefly and then engulfs him in a hug, and all of them look at Vansh shocked and Aayan was blank for a moment

'Take care bro....' Vansh said

'Don't worry about Ananya...' Aayan smiled

'No ! I meant, take care of yourself... I know you are there for Annie... BTW You can sleep in my room, the couch is not good for your back...' Vansh pats Aayan's shoulders and looks at his father, who nods

Aayan was shocked with this sudden change in Vansh's behavior, but Jai smiled at this... He knew that slowly Arjun and Vansh, both of them are accepting Aayan back...

'Maa tell Annie, I'll get whatever she asked.. And ask her not to jump here and there...' Vansh says to Naina and she chuckles

'Come...' Ved takes his bags and Aayan tosses the car keys to him, Vansh waves good bye to his family and leaves the house..

1 hour later...

Aayan and Jai were discussing about an ongoing project in AV Tech, while Arjun was watching the news...

Naina finished preparing porridge for Ananya and was about to go to her room to wake her up, when Amayraa came out of the room crying and ran towards Aayan

They looked at her bewildered, as Aayan embraced her and she sobbed in his arms

'What happened baby...? Did you see a bad dream..?' Aayan asked caressing her cheeks

'Aaya... Annieyy... Annieyy cry...' Amayraa sobbed

They worriedly looked at each other and rushed towards Ananya's room, followed by Aayan who gave Amayraa to Jai...

As they walked inside, they saw Ananya writhing in pain, her one hand on her flat belly, while other clutching the bedsheet tightly, her face was red and sweat beads falling from her forehead..

It appeared as she wanted to get up, but can't, she let out a whimper as she saw her mother

'Maa...*gasp* It... Hurts...*gasp* please do something....' she cries 

Naina quickly pulls the quilt away, and helps Ananya sit, she was sweating very badly, so she removed her cardigan to make her feel better...

'Take a deep breath baby... Take a deep breath...' Naina caresses Ananya's back, as she whimpers in pain once again

Arjun panicked seeing Ananya's condition, his hands and feet turned cold, but Aayan was quick to his action, without wasting any time, he picked her up carefully and walked towards the door..

'We don't have a car...' Jai said

'Call Ved...' Naina asks Jai, and he takes his phone out...

Just then Ved enters the house..
'Sorry there was traffic and Deepika called...' he said, but stopped speaking as he saw Ananya's condition

'Oh my god, what happened...' he rushed towards them

'Start the car Ved, we have to take her to the hospital...' Aayan instructed and Ved quickly runs out of the house, followed by Naina, and Aayan with Ananya in her arms

Arjun who went blank seeing Ananya's condition, stood rooted to his spot as they were taking her out of the house, Jai who saw this, held Arjun's hand and dragged him along...

'Mary... Take care of Amayraa, one of us will call you...' He instructs Mary who nods, trying to pacify the crying baby...

Bombay hospital...
11th Floor, Maternity ward...

Ananya was being examined by the doctor and only Aayan was allowed inside, rest others were waiting outside the room praying for her

Naina sat beside Ved, who held her hands, assuring her that she will be fine, she forced a smile, but was on the verge of crying seeing her daughter in pain..

'Don't cry Maa, she'll be alright...' Ved hugs her and Naina cries in his arms

'Gods have been very harsh to my daughter for a very long time now... It's high time that she gets some relief..' She cries and Ved hugs her tightly

'The bad times have passed Ma... She'll be fine...' Ved assures her and she nods, not leaving him

Arjun and Jai were sitting just few metres away from them, Jai not leaving Arjun's hand which was very cold, and he did not utter a single word since he saw Ananya in pain...

'Be strong old man, your daughter will be fine...' Jai pats his shoulders

Arjun took a deep breath 'All this looks so familiar, don't you think...?' he said and Jai nods

'Do you remember that day...?' Arjun asked

'How can I forget that fateful day Arjun, That was the very day, I realised that I was living in a illusion....And my life was going to change... Forever...' Jai said and Arjun sighed

25 years ago...
City Hospital, Delhi...

Arjun was pacing to and fro, outside the ward, as the doctor were checking Naina inside..

This was the 5th time she was being admitted in the hospital, since she conceived their 4th child...

They were dead worried about the well being of this kid, since they lost their daughter an year ago...

Naina had a difficult pregnancy this time, as compared to her previous ones, frequent discomforts, pains were getting unbearable for her and this was the beginning of her 3rd trimester, and things were getting worse...

Sash was in USA with Claire, Adi and Riya along with their parents were in Mumbai, to look after E market's affairs there, as Jai was back in Delhi to take care of the company, which was suffering with crisis, so this time Arjun - Naina were virtually alone, with only Jai by their side...

Arjun was in a meeting when he received Naina's call, she was on her way to the hospital by herself and was in pain, Priyanka was unavailable at that time to help her...

Jai hurriedly walks towards Arjun who was leaning against the wall, helplessly looking towards the door of the room where Naina was...

'What did the doctor say...?' Jai asks, trying to catch his breath, holding Arjun's shoulders

'I don't know, she was already taken in, when I arrived here...' Arjun replies and Jai nods, both of them did not say anything for a while

'The investors ?' Arjun asked

'Don't worry about them, we've convinced them to invest in our firm, considering e market's goodwill they have faith in us...' Jai assured him and he nods

'That's good...' Arjun says and then slowly walks towards the bench, at sat there, massaging his temples

Jai follows and sits beside him

'She'll be fine bro...' Jai assured

'I shouldn't have agreed for another child... Her body wasn't ready for this...' Arjun says, on the verge of tears

'Stop saying nonsense okay... Naina is strong, she won't let anything happen to the baby...' Jai pats his shoulder

'What about her...? What if anything happens to her ! How will I raise Ved and Vansh alone ! How will I live...?' Arjun croaks, wiping his tears furiously

'Don't be stupid...! Nothing will happen to her...' Jai says

'I don't want this baby...! If given a choice, I'll ask doctors to save Naina... My boys are enough for me...' Arjun says angrily

'Don't be stupid...' Jai says

'I don't want to risk Naina's life again, what if this kid kills my wife...?' Arjun says

'What if your wife loses this one too...?' Jai counter questions him, and Arjun's expression changes from angry to anxious one

'Think positive okay...! For Naina..' Jai caresses his hair and Arjun rests his head on Jai's shoulder

'Where are the boys...?' Jai asks

'I don't know...' Arjun replies, and then realisation dawns upon them

'Fuck...! My kids...!' Arjun panics

'Let me ask Priyanka to check on them...!' Jai said, taking out his phone

'Bhabhi's number is unreachable... I tried, while I was reaching here, I thought she would be with Naina... But she wasn't...' Arjun said

'You mean Naina came here all by herself !' Jai exclaimed and Arjun nods

'Where is this woman...! She is not at home as well, Aayan has fever, and she's not there, I thought she'll be with Naina...' Jai said, dialling someones number

'Mrs. Kumar...? Yeah... Where is Priyanka...? *Pauses* Okay... Did she tell you when she'll be back...? *frowns* Okay.... Is Aayan fine...? Alright... Mrs. Kumar please do me a favor, Can you please ask Nitaara to look after Aayan for a while, and go to D block, 11th floor to check on Ved and Vansh...? *pauses* Yeah... Bring them to our house, Arjun will pick them up in a while... Yeah, Naina is in hospital... No... We don't know yet... I'll let you know how is she later... Can you please check on them and call me...? Okay... Thank you so much Mrs. Kumar... Bye...' Jai hangs up and Arjun sighs

'Everything is a mess...' Arjun sighs

'Just a bad phase bro... This will pass...' Jai assures him

Doctor comes out of the room, while Jai walks away to receive a call from the office..

'Mr. Thapar...? Your wife is fine... She wants to see you...' Doctor says and without asking anything further Arjun runs inside the room

He runs inside and finds Naina leaning against the head board, her hands covering her face and she was sobbing, he slowly places his hands on her shoulders, and she looks up to him and then wraps her hands around his torso and begin crying badly..

'Why are you crying sweety... I am here... Tell me...? What happened...? What did the doctor say...?' he caressed her hair, but she continued crying

'Naina... You are scaring me... What happened...?' Arjun asked again, this time Jai was inside the room as well..

'They can't hear it's heartbeat Arjun... They say my kid is dead...' Naina sobs not leaving him, and Arjun's hands turn cold and Jai was shocked too

None of them did not say anything, there was dead silence in the room, only Naina's sobs were heard

Arjun could feel his world falling apart, he pretended to be strong but inside he was dying.. In these 6 years of marriage all Naina did was to suffer, either for his deeds or for because of losing children, he blamed himself for her suffering, she would be living very happily had he not married her...

'What do you feel about this...?' Jai asked out of blue

Naina and Arjun looked at him confused

'What do you mean...?' Arjun asked

'You are the mother, you must know about the baby's well being more than anyone else,after all you are carrying him inside you... their sonogram could be mis functioning who knows...?  Do you feel that baby is not fine...?' Jai asks Naina

'No... I think he is alright...' Naina answers caressing her belly

'Okay then... Let's see another doctor..' Jai said

'But they said they have to do a surgery...' Naina said

'That's not allowed...! And there is no harm in seeking a second opinion isn't it...?' Jai says and Arjun nods

'Ask these people to discharge Naina... I'll call Priyanka's OBGYN, let's take her there immediately...' Jai orders Arjun and he immediately leaves the room

'Are you sure Jai...?' Naina asks

'I am trusting your motherly instinct kid ! If you say the baby is fine, that means he is... It's your baby anyway... He or she has to be a fighter....' Jai smiled, ruffling Naina's hair and she chuckles...

'Thank you...' Naina says wiping her tears, and Jai pulls her cheeks

'Anytime kiddo..' he smiled

Naina was taken to another OBGYN who confirmed that the Baby was alive and there was no need to perform any surgery... Her medications were changed, and she was sent back home for rest..

Jai's home...

Jai enters the house and Nitaara runs towards him and hugs him

'Paa.. How is Naina mom...? Is she okay...?' She asks

'She is fine baby... Arjun will come to pick Ved and Vansh in a while... Where are they...?' he asks

'They are in Aayan's room, playing...' she informs

'Where's Maa...?' He asks Nitaara

'I don't know, Prateek Uncle came to pick her up and she went with him, she hasn't returned...' Nitaara says and Jai frowns at this

'Does Aayan have fever...?' Jai asks

'He pulled my hair twice ! If that is what fever is... Yeah he still has that...' Nitaara frowns and Jai laughs..

'Go to Aayan's room and watch over them okay...? I'll be there...' Jai says and Nitaara goes to Aayan's room

'Did they eat anything Mrs. Kumar...?' Jai asks Mrs. Kumar who served coffee to him

'Yes Sahab, they woke up just now... I was making soup for them...' Mrs. Kumar informed

'Good... At what time did Priyanka leave...?'

'Around 12 sir, Prateek Sahab was here to pick her up, his wife and son were along with them too...' She replied and Jai glanced at the clock which showed 5:30 time

'Okay...' Jai said taking out his phone

'Sir..? Is Naina madam okay...? I hope her baby is fine...' Mrs. Kumar asks

'Yes, she is fine and her baby too... We'll get the good news soon...' Jai grinned

'That's good to know sir, I'll prepare u breakfast for you and Nitaara baby and soup for the boys...' Mrs. Kumar says and walks to the kitchen

Just then bell rings, Jai puts the mug on the table and opens the door...

Priyanka enters the house, with her hands full of bags, she kisses Jai on the cheeks and then keeps the bags on the couch

'Mrs. Kumar... Coffee...!' she calls

'Yes Madam...' Mrs. Kumar replies

'Where were you...?' Jai asks

'I went shopping...! See...?' she cheerfully shows him the bags

'Your phone was unreachable...' Jai said irritated

'Really...? It would've switched off then...' she takes out her phone.. 'Yeah see...' she shows him the blank screen

'Aayan was sick here... Naina and Arjun called you, and I have been trying to reach you since 2 hours ! How can you be so irresponsible...!' Jai exclaims

'What happened to Aayan...? Is he okay...?' She asks Mrs. Kumar who gives her the coffee

'Yes madam, Baba didn't get the fever since you left...' Mrs. Kumar informed

'Good..' Priyanka smiles and takes out her jacket and stretches 'What a tiring day...' she says and sits on the sofa

'Priyanka I told you to cut out the unnecessary expenses, were are suffering from cash crunch in office...' Jai said

'So you have issues with my shopping as well...? Why should I cut my expenses...? When your friend spends thousands on his wife...' Priyanka says angrily

'He spends thousands on his wife's treatment... She is sick... That is necessity... What you are doing is leisure..' Jai countered matching her tone

'She is not sick..! She is pregnant...!' Priyanka countered back

'Naina needed you today... She was in pain, she went to the hospital all by herself...! Leaving the boys alone...' Jai said

Priyanka was unaffected by this...

'You know what.. Those are your friends, why should I entertain them...?' she said flipping her hair back and Jai fisted his hands

'You could've helped her as a fellow human... She was with you whenever you needed her, when you were pregnant with Aayan, even though her boys were few months old... As a return favor it's your duty...' Jai said controlling his anger

'I said Thank you to her, and that is all I can do...I am not you... I care about my children and family, more than Arjun's and that's not being selfish...!' Priyanka said

'Oo really... You went shopping right..? What did you bring for the kids...?' he asks

'Nothing...! Because I need some me time as well.. I am tired  of taking care of your children...' She said angrily

'Now they are my children... Good...! Listen Priyanka... Please cut your shopping expenses for few months... Let things get back to the track... You can shop as much as you want...' Jai said in a calm voice

'Why do you ask me to adjust all the time...!' Priyanka yells angrily

'I have not paid Mrs. Kumar her monthly salary because of the crisis, it's her virtue that she didn't left work here, I travel by the bus, Arjun travels by bus to the office, to save fuel expenses... We cannot pay our staff...this is our condition right now, do I need to be more explicit about my misery to you...! All I am asking is to the cut unnecessary expenses... You can but your jewellery and dresses next month...' Jai said angrily

'Why don't you let Prateek help you..!' Priyanka exclaims

'I don't wish to keep any ties with that wicked man...' Jai replies

'You don't want to or Arjun doesn't want that...?'

'Both of us..' Jai replied calmly

'You care more about your best friend than your own family...' Priyanka accused

'That's not true...' Jai said angrily

'Why don't you ask Arjun to cut his expenses...' Priyanka countered

'Arjun is not overspending... Naina is sick.. Her pregnancy has complications and she needs care... And his expenses are only for her well being...' Jai countered back

'I don't understand why do they need another child...! After her miscarriage last year, they should've learned...' Priyanka commented in a disgusting manner, but Jai cut her off in between

'It's their choice...! We should not be concerned about that...' he said angrily

'Your best friend has turned Naina from a successful businesswoman to a mere baby producing factory... And that stupid girl is not getting this...'  Priyanka taunts and Jai loses his patience at this

He was about to lash out at her, when they hear a soft knock on the door, which they left open, and saw Arjun standing there with unreadable expression on his face..

'I am here to pick Ved and Vansh...' he said calmly, but he heard everything

'Arjun, how is Naina...? I am sorry my phone was switched off... I...' Priyanka began but he did not let her finish

'It's okay Bhabhi, she is fine now...' Arjun replied coldly

Jai was embarrassed because of what Priyanka said about Naina, and he could not look at Arjun due to guilt..

'Mrs. Kumar, bring Ved and Vansh from Aayan's room...' Jai said in a low voice

Arjun just looked at Jai,and they briefly looked at each other, then away...

'Paa...' Baby Vansh runs towards Arjun and he picks him up..

'Ved..?' He asks

'He's asleep sir... Along with Aayan Baba...' Mrs. Kumar informed

'I'll pick him up in a while Bhabhi, after dropping Vansh at home...' Arjun says to Priyanka and she nods

Arjun walks out of the house and then turns back..

'My wife is more than just a baby producing factory to me Bhabhi.. I wish you could understand that...' he said and Priyanka looked away while Jai looked at him guiltily

'I am sorry...' Jai mouths and Arjun nods, taking Vansh away from there

Jai glares at Priyanka, who simply walks inside her room with no remorse


'Papa...? Papa...!' Jai hears Aayan's voice

'Yeah... What happened...?' Jai asks

'Ananya is fine.. But doctor says that they cannot say the same for the baby... They say we may lose him...' Aayan says slowly

'Don't lose heart son... Your wife is a fighter right from her birth... She won't let anything happen to her child...' Jai assured him, while looking at Arjun, who nods at this

'Go to your Naina mom, she needs you, tell her to trust her motherly instincts, her baby and her baby's baby both will be fine...' Jai said and Arjun smiled at this too...

Aayan nods and goes towards Naina who was talking to the doctor..

'I never thanked you for saving Ananya's life...' Arjun said to Jai who smiled at this

'I saved my daughter in law... So yeah... It was for my benefit ultimately....' Jai replied and Arjun chuckled

They did not say anything for a while, both of them lost in their thoughts, none of them realised that Naina, Ved and Aayan were already inside to see Ananya..

'Was I a good father Arjun...?' Jai asked

'Yes you were buddy...! We all make mistakes... But now you have your Aayan back... What else do you need...?' Arjun smiled and Jai wipes his tears

'But other than that, you were the best friend that people pray for, but don't get easily... I am the luckiest man in this world to have you by my side...' Arjun said and Jai smiled at this

'That you are...' Jai laughed and Arjun chuckled

'I am sorry man...' Arjun apologised with tears in his eyes

'I am sorry too...' Jai said wiping Arjun's tears

They hugged each other tightly and Ved - Aayan who witnessed this from a distance smiled at this...

Things were getting better...

Or were they...?
Dear readers, I generally proof read the part, 4 times before posting, but couldn't do it today...
This is an unedited part, there are hell lot of grammatical mistakes I agree...
Will post edited part, after 3 days, with the new update..
Till then, kindly bear...

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