Chapter 11

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'Mummy...! Where are you going...?' 7 year old Aayan cries

'I am so sorry Aayan, I cannot live with you guys... ' Priyanka caresses his face

Jai is standing in the other corner of the room, his back facing others...

He was super angry, but for his children's sake, he was quiet....

10 year old Nitaara was holding her father's hands and sobbing...

'But why ?' Aayan sobs

'I cannot explain this to you my baby... But always remember, Mumma loves you and Nitaara so much....' Priyanka kisses his cheeks

'But why are you going...? I will ask Papa not to fight with you like yesterday, he will listen to me...He always does...Right Papa...?' Aayan asks wiping his tears...

Jai doesn't reply at this, he just took a deep breath...

'Don't argue Aayan... Let Mumma go... ' Nitaara says and Jai tightly holds his daughter's hands

'When will you come back....?' Aayan asks

'Never...!' Jai says and Priyanka doesn't say anything...

'Why...?' Aayan cries again

'Go to your room Aayan... ' Jai orders

'Atleast she can visit us, please say you will come to see us...?' he asks hopefully looking at his mother..

Priyanka looks away, wiping her tears and Jai loses his patience...

'No ! She will not come back in this house,  you will not see her...!  Now go to your room... ' Jai barks angrily..

'No ! I will go with my Mumma... ' Aayan holds Priyanka by waist..

'Aayan can't....' Priyanka croaks

'ENOUGH !! I AM DONE WITH YOUR OBSTINANCE AAYAN... NITAARA ! TAKE THIS BOY TO HIS ROOM AND LOCK HIM INSIDE.... ' Jai yells and terrified Nitaara hurriedly follows his orders

'No ! I want to go with Mumma...' Aayan cries

'Aayan please.... ' Nitaara cries and pulls him away from Priyanka

'NOOOO MUMMA.....!' Aayan yells

'I am so sorry baby... ' Priyanka cries

'You can leave... ' Jai says to her

'MUMMA...  PLEASE... DON'T GO... PLEASE.... ' Aayan cries

Aayan opens his eyes, and realises his cheeks are stained with tears...
He sits straight on the recliner chair he was lying on...

He was about to wipe his tears, when a soft hand wipes them before he does...

He looks at the person and hurriedly wipes the tears away, it was his Naina Mom...

'Hey Mom..! Something got inside my eyes... See.... ' he says

'You can't lie to me Aayan, you know that... ' Naina smiles and sits beside him

Aayan sighs and gets down from his chair and sits on the floor, resting his head on Naina's lap, she lovingly caresses his hair and he takes a deep breath...

'You miss Priyanka....?' Naina asks

Aayan nods..

'Then why not go and meet her, she lives few blocks away... ' Naina suggests

'I don't want to... ' He replies

'Why complicate things son, you miss your mother, you go meet her, simple... ' Naina says

'Despite of whatever she did...?' Aayan asks

'People tend to make mistakes in the past Aayan, hurt us so much, that it may shatter us... But we should not hold grudge against them, life long... Not because we are saints or something... But,we will suffer the most at the end, so for his peace of mind, a wise person always Forgives, Forgets and moves on you know...' Naina smiles

Aayan chuckles, 'How do you know so much...?'

'I read a lot of philosophical books you see.... ' Naina jokes and Aayan smiles

'Sometimes it's not that easy mom... ' Aayan says

'I know son, it's not, but you can try, you will succeed one day.... ' Naina says

'Ved is very lucky you know, for being your son... ' Aayan sighs

'Aren't you my son too... ' Naina caresses his hair

'Yes... I am...' Aayan chuckles and hugs her

'You are the best mom... ' he says

'Not as perfect as you... ' Naina chuckles

*********At Deepika's house*********

'I just hate that person Deeps ! He has to get out of my house... Or else my brain will explode in a week.... ' Ananya complains

'Who is he again...?' Deeps asks

Ananya glares at her 'You forget things so easily,  what do I do with you....!  He is Bade Papa's son & Ved Bhai's best friend.... ' he says

'OMG... Ved's bestie ! Do you have his picture, let me see how he looks... ' Deeps says excitedly and Ananya narrows her eyes at her

Ananya opens Ved's profile on Whatsapp and shows it to Deepika...

'The one in blue... ' She huffs

'Damn he is hot... ' Deeps comments and Ananya glares at her...

'You find everyone hot, don't you...'

'Eww no ! But I swear this one is... Seriously do all the Delhi's hot people belong to your family and friends or what...?' Deepika teases her

'Focus Deeps... ' Ananya huffs

'Yeah okay... So what did he do...?' Deeps asks

'First he makes me cry, by commenting on my cooking and later becomes hero by annoying me...' Ananya says

'What ???' Deepika gets confused

Ananya sighs and explains what happened during breakfast...

'Aww... That is so cute.... ' Deepika says

Ananya glares at her...

'What...! He seems to be a nice guy....why don't you date him Ananya...?' Deeps teases her

'We both can't even stand each other, forget about dating...  And even if he is the last guy in this planet... I am not dating him.... ' Ananya huffs

'Who knows, you may end up marrying him... ' Deepika smirks

'Come here you... ' Ananya advances towards her threateningly and Deeps runs away from there


'Deeps ! This is so much Fun....!' Ananya cheers

'Ananya please slow down, you will fall.... ' Deepika yells

But Ananya doesn't pay any heed to her, she continued riding Deepika's scooter at dangerous speed wheras Deepika was begging her to stop, standing on the roadside...

'I didn't know driving is so much fun...'  Ananya exclaims

'You don't even know how to drive girl ! Slow down... You will meet with an accident Ananya please listen to me... ' Deepika calls her panicking

'No ! I am a free bird...  Wheeee..... ' Ananya drives far away and Deepika runs towards her direction...

'Ananya please... If anything happens to you, Uncleji will kill me... ' Deepika breathes heavily as she is chasing her

'Don't worry Deeps...!  I got this... Nothing will happen.... This is a deserted road... No one comes here.... ' Ananya says

'Exactly Ananya, no one comes here... If anything happens we won't get any help... Just slow down girl... You are giving me a heart attack....' Deeps says panicking

'Chill Deeps... ' Ananya grins and continues driving in high speed

'Ananya please....!' Deepika sighs

Just then a speeding car comes on the deserted road where Ananya was driving and she panics seeing the car..

'Damn Deeps...!  There is a car, what do I do...' Ananya yells

Deepika is terrified now, she runs at her direction....

'Slow down girl... Don't press the accelerator...' Deepika says

'I don't know how to.... ' Ananya says

The car honks badly and Ananya is scared now...

'Deeps...!' she yells

'Drive to the left, left Ananya ! Slow down, nothing will happen... ' Deeps assures her

'He will hit me !' Ananya yells

'Relax !  Slow down... He is not mad to hit you... ' Deepika runs behind her and now panting badly

The car halts just when it was about to hit her and panicked Ananya loses her balance and falls on the footpath, with scooter's weight on her legs...

'Damn it...!' The driver comes out of the car and panics seeing her

'Ananya...!' he says

Ananya who is terrified yet thankful that she is still alive looks at him and curses her fate right there...

'Damn it... ' she mutters

'My god Ananya...! Are you okay...' Deepika ran towards her

'Yeah... I am alive...' She grins

'Shut up you... Didn't I ask you to slow down... ' Deepika scolds her

'As expected, you are crazier than I thought... ' Aayan sighs and pulls her out of the scooter's weight

'I lost balance because of you... ' Ananya glares at him

'You were driving like a maniac... ' Aayan shot back...

'No I wasn't...' Ananya says

'Yes you were... ' Deepika glares at her

'On who's side are you ?' Ananya huffs

'Shut up ! And let me see whether you are hurt or not....' Deepika orders

Aayan was about to help her standing up when Ananya glares at him

'Don't touch me...!' She says

Aayan narrows his eyes at her, and than backs off

Ananya tries to get up, but then pain shoots in her legs and she yelps in pain...

'Ouch ! Mumma... ' she cries

Deepika panics 'Damn it, You are hurt,  god Ananya what do I do with you...!  Is it paining....?' she asks touching her leg and Ananya yelps again

Aayan leans against the pole and smirks at her
'You know, I think you broke your leg... '

'Whatt...!' Deepika cries

'Shut up you... ' Ananya glares at him

'Who is he...?' Deepika asks

'Yeah I forgot to introduce you guys, Deepika, Sadu.. *points towards Aayan* Sadu, Deepika...*points towards Deepika*  Ananya smirks, trying to get up but is unable to do so...

Aayan glares at her and Deepika stares at him confused...

'Your Name is Sadu ? Like really... ' she asks

'Aayan... ' He gestures his hand forward for a handshake

'Ohh so you are Aayan... You look better in real life.... I am Deepika ' she shakes his hands

'Ohh so you have my photos Ananya, how sweet is that... Why stalk me, You could've asked, I'll send you better pics of mine...' He winks at her

'Shut up ! I showed her Ved Bhai's DP... I don't have your pictures... ' Ananya huffs

'Atleast you discussed me, I will count it as fangirling... ' he smirks

'I so wish to kick and break all your teeth right now... ' Ananya grits

'Yeah, please do that... First stand up and then kick me... ' Aayan smirked

Ananya tries to stand, but fails and winces in pain

Deepika tries to help her, but can't help her to stand...

'Please help her Aayan... This stubborn girl will not ask for help... ' Deepika requests him

'No... ' Ananya huffs..

'She asked me not to touch her,  how can I help... ' Aayan shrugs his shoulders

'God ! Why am I stuck between these two maniacs...' Deepika sighs

'Fun fact...!  Ever wondered why this road is so deserted...?' Aayan says blowing on his nails

Deepika and Ananya look at him confused

'No... ' Deepika says

'Because this road is haunted by the ghost of a lady who comes in the dark, wearing a white saree and looks for young girl's blood to quench her thirst for prolonged youth....' Aayan says

'What nonsense... ' Ananya huffs

'Are you serious....?' Deepika asks him terrified

'Don't listen to him, there is nothing like Ghosts okay... ' Ananya says

'If you don't believe me, wait for few minutes, she will come... it's already dark... ' Aayan says looking at his watch

'Ananya,  let's go !' Deepika says

'Don't tell me you believe him Deeps..' Ananya huffs

'I don't, but it's already dark... Let's go... ' Deepika says in a low voice anxiously looking around

'I am not going anywhere... ' Ananya huffs

'Okay...!  You stay here... Come Deepika, I will drop you at your house...  Let her have a pleasant meet with her long lost sister... ' Aayan says dragging Deepika towards the car..

'Arre but, she is hurt... ' Deepika protests

'She is fine.... ' Aayan says and Ananya glares at him

Ananya looks around the road, it was seriously scary and awfully deserted...
She was scared, but she won't show this to them

'You will leave me alone here...?' Ananya looks at them helpless

'You wanted to stay... ' Aayan says coolly...

'But it's cold here... What if I fall sick...' Ananya says shivering

'Your sister will take care of you.... ' Aayan counters

Ananya glares at him..

I do need his help...

'You just have to say those three magical words to get my help.... ' Aayan smirks

'I Love You...?' Deepika asks

'Shut up... ' both of them say together

Ananya glares at him, and then sighs

'Please help me...' she says

'What....? I can't hear you... ' Aayan says yawning

'Aayan, Please help me...' Ananya grits

'How will I help, you asked me not to touch you...' Aayan says innocently

Deepika sighs and Ananya loses her patience now

'Stop this nonsense okay...! You have full permission to touch me alright,  now please help me....!' she barks and then winces in pain

'As you say... ' Aayan smirks

He holds her by the shoulders and helps her to stand, but she loses her balance and gasps...

'Damn it.. ' Aayan mutters and quickly grabs her by waist

He picks her up in his arms and in due course, Ananya's legs hit the pole and she cries in pain clutching his shirt and snuggling herself in his chest...

'Mumma... ' she cried

'Hey, it's okay... We must take you to the hospital first...' Aayan says

She pulls away and stares at him and for the first time, their eyes meet...


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