Chapter 110

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Verona, Italy...

Vansh was shocked after reading Khushi's letter...

I had no idea...! How can I be so insensitive.. The girl already suffered a lot !

'Damn I was way out of the line today...! I must apologize...' he keeps the letter in his shirt pocket and walks swiftly towards the way Khushi went

He comes out of the building and looks around in hope to find her, but cannot see her, she was gone...

Where did she go ?

He takes out the phone from his pocket and curses himself right there..

'How will I contact her... Vansh you idiot !' he kicks the pole nearby and gasps as it hurt really bad...

The elderly couple sitting on the bench near the pole, look at him as if he was some mad man..

'Owww....Oww... Damn it...' he cries hopping on one feet and then looks at the couple staring at him

He stands properly, ignoring the pain in his legs and smiles, waving his hand awkwardly at them, muttering a quick Hello, but they continue to look at him weirdly..

He sighs and takes a deep breath, fixing his jacket he turns to them and smiles

'Ciao, signore e signora, per favore non badare a me, impazzisco quando il sole tramonta... (Hello Sir and Mam, please don't mind me, I go crazy as the sun sets...)' he says smiling politely, the couple stare at him horrified and hurriedly leave the place

'Not bad...' he smirks and pats himself, looking at them walking in haste..

'Did I scare them...?' he mutters but then hits himself on the head...'Focus Vansh...!'

'Khushi, Khushi...! Where can you go...?' he looks around, hoping to find her

There are hell lot of places in Verona ! She can be anywhere...! And I am only one, me ! I cannot go every corner to search her...

Even if I find her...! What will I say !

I need help with the apology !
Who do I call...? Who do I call ?

Ved !

He takes out Khushi's phone and dials Ved's number.... Ved picks up in 3 rings..

'Hello ?' Ved answers

'Big bro !' Vansh answers

'Vansh, what a surprise ! I was just thinking about you...' Ved answers

'Aww, missing me Big bro...?'

'Yeah Kinda...! Mumbai is not fun without you, *pouts* leave it, you tell me, How is Verona...?'

'Beautiful' Vansh says looking around

'And that picture ? Did you send me that ? The beautiful house ? What place is it...? Btw whose number us this, why did you send me something  from an unknown number...?' He asks purchasing a bottle of water from the vendor

'Yes, I sent you that picture from Khushi's phone, It's Casa di Giulietta aka Juliet's house...' Vansh informs looking around

'Oh my god...! Me and Maa always wanted to see that...!' Ved exclaims and Vansh chuckles at this, but then Ved pauses for a moment and answers

'Wait a second, why do you have Khushi's phone and most importantly What were you doing there...! You hate places related to Romance..' He says and Vansh sighs

'Long story and I didn't purposely come here, I was following Khushi... And now I can't find her...'

'Brother... Stalking is bad, and you can be arrested in Italy if someone suspects your intentions...' Ved gets serious

'Aaeyy.... I was not stalking her...! I just... See I said something stupid, which hurt her and now want to apologise, but I don't know what to say and how to say... You are the Good Boy of the house so I called you... Help me...!' he whines and Ved laughs

'What did you do...?' he asked and Vansh narrated him the whole incident

'Why is that offensive...? The 'No one calls her' thing...?' Ved asks

Vansh sighs 'Her Parents abandoned her when she was 7 and her Grandparents are no more...'

Ved gasps 'Vansh you idiot !' he scolds

'I know...!'

'That was a Low Blow bro ! You must apologize...' Ved instructs

Vansh rolled his eyes 'I figured that out, Genius...! Tell me how...? And also I cannot find her...' he says looking around

'As far as I understand, if she is sad, she'll go to a place where she finds solace from the whirling thoughts in her mind...' Ved says

'She can go anywhere bro ! This place is huge !' Vansh exclaims

'No little Bro, like a unhappy child always runs to his parent, a heartbroken person will always run to God... Find a Church nearby, I am sure she will be there...' Ved says and Vansh nods

'And when you find her, apologise to her wholeheartedly, don't just say it... Mean it ! Girls know it, when you are lying...' he chuckles

'Are you sure she will forgive me...?' Vansh scratches the back of his neck

'No one can stay mad at you for long Vansh Baba...' Ved encourages him

'Thanks...' Vansh smiles

'Now Go and say sorry to her, and do call me if she says Yes...!' Ved teases

'I am not proposing...' Vansh rolls his eyes

'I wish you were... Like you knew that Deepika is the right girl for me, I have this feeling that Khushi is the one for you....' Ved says


'Vansh, It's high time to stop with the flings and look for something serious... There should be some stability in life, be it personally or professionally...' Ved says in a serious tone

'Now you sound like Papa...' Vansh chuckles

'Well there's a lot more we inherited from him, than just the looks...' Ved chuckles

'Yeah.. I can see that... Fine ! I'll call you in sometime...'

'Yep.. All the best Little bro...! Go win her... Bye Bye...' Ved laughs

'Ha ha ha... Bye...' Vansh says and takes the phone away from his ears, but before he hangs up Ved's scream boomed on the earpiece...'OH MY GOD ANNIE !' which unfortunately Vansh did not hear due to noises around him, and he hung up...

'Hmm... So if I am a girl, who is mad at her boss, which church will I go to wish for his death...?' he says while searching places on the Google...

He found Verona's Cathedral to be the nearest one near the Juliet's house, and started walking towards it with the help of the google map

As he reached there, He found the place was crowded at all, may be he was there at the odd hour..

He was stopped from entering inside and was informed that the tourists were allowed in after 5:30 p.m. as right now the Pastors were praying inside...

Vansh figured that even Khushi won't be inside, so he decided to walk around the Church, admiring it's beauty...

On the back of the Church he found a setup, where beautiful statues put up together, showing the Nativity scene i.e. The Birth of Jesus..

He slowly walked towards it and sat on the small bench placed near the set up, for the passerbys to rest... There was no one around..

He folds his hands in front of Baby Jesus, who was on Mother Mary's lap and Prayed, kneeling in front him...

'Dear God, please take care of my Parents and Siblings, they need you right now, especially Annie, she needs you the most, her baby is troubling her... Please help her get through this Pregnancy without much trouble... And help Aayan too, he suffered the most... And please forgive me for being harsh on him... And also for hurting Khushi... I did not do it intentionally...' as he thought about her, guilt filled inside him once again..

He sighed and then stood up, as he turned to leave, he heard muffled sobs from somewhere nearby...

He walked around, to find Khushi kneeled in front the setup, her hands folded, eyes closed, tears rolling down from them and her nose red

He felt really bad seeing her in this state, because partly he was responsible for the tears right now...

He walked towards her, and without making any noise, kneeled beside her, not facing the God, but Khushi...

Tears were continuously rolling down her eyes and she was preventing herself from sobbing out loud...

There was something about her, that was drawing him more towards her, no matter how much he tried, she somehow kept his mind occupied...

And right now, in this Cathedral, he was absolutely sure that he was attracted to her, and it's high time that he stops denying the feeling...

Instinctively, Vansh wiped her tears off and she opens her eyes, and stiffens seeing him in front of her...

'Sir... I... How did you...' she stammers and quickly wipes her tears while trying to get up

Vansh catches her hands and makes her kneel again, she looks at him bewildered

'I want to tell you something...' he states and Khushi's heartbeat hyped at this already

She did not say anything, just nodded, and then noticed that he hadn't left her hands yet..

'See... We are at a holy place, right in front of The God... *gestures at the statue* so I will not lie or fake anything in front of him...' he says

'I wanted to apologise for whatever I said, I didn't mean to hurt you... It just came out okay ! You know me from last 2 years, I speak anything without thinking...! So... It was not at all meant to hurt you Khushi, and I am really very sorry for whatever I said, I don't want you to regret telling me about your parents... I... You know...'s just... Did you get it or I need to say more ?' he finishes and Khushi tries to hide her smile

'That's okay Sir... You are forgiven...' she smiles, and now Vansh is smitten seeing her beautiful smile..

She gets up, and realises that Vansh still hasn't left her hands and is staring at her

'Sir...?' she shakes him, breaking his reverie

He gets up, but doesn't let her go...

'I.. I also have a confession to make...' he says

'Go ahead...' Khushi encourages him

He takes out the letter from his pocket and Khushi gasps seeing that...

'I know this is written by you and also that I wasn't supposed to read this... But I did... So please forgive me for this as well...' He says, but Khushi was blank now...

'You have gone through so much Khushi, and I just wanted to say that you are not the unfortunate one, but the people who left you are...' He said softly, placing his hand on her cheeks...

Khushi couldn't hold her tears any longer and she breaks down in front of him, he wastes no time and engulfs her in his arms, hugging her tightly, whereas she sobs uncontrollably on his chest...

'Cry all you want, because after this, I won't let you...' he says and kisses her head, while she continues to cry..

After sometimes, her grip around him loosens, but his hold around her remains the same, she leaves him and tries to wipe the tears, her face was all red now...

Vansh slowly wipes away her tears and kisses her lovingly on the forehead, while she closes her eyes, savouring the moment...

She thought this was a dream, but no, this was actually happening...

'I hope the boy mentioned in letter rots in hell for doing that to you...' he says caressing her face with his thumbs, while she looks into his eyes

'And.. The other guy... I know it's me... Please forgive me, because I don't wanna go to hell...' he says and Khushi chuckles..

They did not say anything for a while, just stared at each other, they felt complete in each other's arms and none of them wanted this moment to end

'I have another confession to make...' he says caressing her face


'I really Like you Khushi... And not as a fellow human being, let me be clear on that... It's more than like... I am.. I am attracted to you... And it's high time, you should know it... Before I start acting all crazy and weird...' he confessed and Khushi was dumbfounded

'Sir... I...' she was unable to find words

'I am not finished yet... Here comes the real issue... Although I am attracted to you and hopefully you too reciprocate the feeling... I.. I cannot commit anything to you right now...' he finishes and Khushi looks at him bewildered

'See there are a lot of things going into my life right now, to name a few, my sister is going to have a baby, my parents are at war, Ved is going through mid life crisis, Aayan is in trouble, V square is going nowhere, and everything is just messed up ! I cannot drag you into this mess with me and I don't want to divide my time between you and my family... So... If you are ready to wait... I'll be grateful, and if not... Please find someone else soon, so I can make peace that you are gone, and focus better...' he says, Khushi opens her mouth to say something but he stops her

'Had I wanted a fling, I would've asked you to be my girlfriend right away, had my way with you, and then after returning back to Mumbai, would've never spoke to you... But.. This doesn't feel like... A temporary know... I have been fighting long with myself on this...' he says looking straight into her eyes, and Khushi was speechless...

'I know you must be thinking which weirdo confesses their feelings this way... I.. Don't know how to do this, so... This is all I wanted to say... Now it's your decision... Whatever you decide... I'll respect it, and whatever maybe the answer, our professional relationship won't be affected because of that, I promise...' he says and finally frees her from his hold

Khushi was unable to comprehend what just happened, she couldn't believe that her crush likes her back and is asking for some time to get into a long term relationship with her...

What do I say now...?

'I think my presence is intimidating you, I don't need a answer straightaway... I'll go...' he says and turns to leave, but before going he leans closer and kisses her right cheek

'I'll be waiting for you at the Town's square...' he says softly, and then leaves the Cathedral...

Khushi stares at his retreating figure, sitting slowly on the bench near the nativity scene and touches her cheek where he kissed...

Oh my god... What do I do now...?

Central Park...

Aayan was searching for the Ice cream vendor to buy some for Ananya, Ved, Amayraa and himself, when he sees a familiar person standing, few feet away from him

He blinks his eyes several times, but couldn't recognise the lady..

'Where are my Specs...?' he searches near round collar of his T shirt and the back pocket of trousers...

Finding the specs which were right there on his hands, he wears them and sees Ritika standing on the other side of the road, she had a panicked expression on her face and as soon as she spots him, she starts walking towards him...

Damn you my fate...! My day was going really well.. Why do I have to see her stupid face...

He spots the vendor and starts walking towards him, completely ignoring her...

'Aayan...!' he hears her calling from behind

He doesn't pay heed to her and starts selecting the flavours, as soon as he reaches the cart...

'Aayan listen to me...' She pants as she reaches him

'Go away...' Aayan says

'Please go Inside Aayan... Don't waste your time here... Your wife and daughter are in danger...!' she says, breathing heavily

'What new Drama is this...?' Aayan raised his brows

'You must go inside ASAP... Yash plans to harm Ananya and your daughter Amayraa.... He's inside the park... I was supposed to distract you, so that you don't reach to rescue her on time...' Ritika says calming her breath down

'Very funny....' Aayan rolls his eyes, while he pays for the ice cream

'Run you idiot...! You unborn child is in danger... For fuck's sake... Go...!' Ritika yells at him, while Aayan ignores her

'Why are you doing this noble deed of informing me, beforehand...?' Aayan asked sarcastically, and starts walking towards the park in a normal pace

'You don't have time for all this Aayan...! Go...! I beg you... Please go ! I don't want to be a part of a sin for killing a baby....! Run...!' Ritika panics and now Aayan starts feeling uneasy...

Just then they hear Ananya's scream and Amayraa's cry from inside... Aayan drops the ice creams and run towards the spot, and Ritika follows him too

As they reach inside, they see Ananya running behind Yash, who was carrying Amayraa in his arms, and running towards the other exit of the park, his head was bleeding...

Amayraa was crying, while Ananya was trying to catch Yash, but couldn't match his pace...

'LEAVE MY DAUGHTER YASH...!' Ananya shouts while Amayraa was crying, trying to reach Ananya...

The passerbys tried to stop him, but Yash pushed them away making his way outside..

From the other side of the park, Aayan sees Ved running towards them

'Annie don't run...! It's dangerous for you...' he was screaming

Aayan fisted his hands and cursed his half brother, and starts running towards him.....

Within no time, Yash was out of the park, carrying the crying child in his arms, while Ved and Aayan were right behind him, followed by Ananya who was slower than them, but was running as fast as she can, ignoring the pain that started to rise in her abdomen...

'LEAVE THE CHILD YASH...' Ved yells, dodging the speeding cars on the road

'YOU BASTARD, LEAVE MY DAUGHTER....' Aayan growled, and ran as fast as he can, leaving Ved behind...

Aayan reached near Yash and Amayraa cried seeing him...

'AAYA...' she cries, stretching her tiny arms towards him

Aayan catches Yash's jacket from behind and pulls him back, but Yash gets out of it, and in process of removing his jacket, he lost grip on Amayraa, and now was holding her by her legs, and ran as fast as he can

'Leave my daughter...' Aayan yells, and now the pedestrians were alerted too...

The police was informed, as now the chasing game was away from the park, and they were reaching the highway...

Yash unable to hold Amayraa by the legs, so throws her away like a doll, and she lands near the footpath, her head hitting the pavement...

'NOOOOOO.....' Ananya screams seeing the scene, while Ved was quick to reach Amayraa before any vehicle hits her...

But Aayan did not stop, he was still chasing Yash..

Today he was going to kill him, no matter what happens after it...

He holds Yash's T shirt and drags him back, but Yash was quick enough to get out of Aayan's hold and ran without even caring about the running vehicles ahead...

'Yash ! Watch out...!' Aayan screamed and tried to pull him back, as he saw the lorry approaching him...

Everything happened in the fraction of seconds, Yash was hit by the lorry, while Aayan too was thrown on the side of the road by the lorry's impact, injuring him badly, he winced as he tried to get up but couldn't...

With the help of the pedestrians he sat up and then gasped seeing Yash's lifeless body lying in the middle of the road...

While few meters away...

Ved was holding Amayraa who was not responding to his calls, she was unconscious, blood oozing out of her head, and the people were calling the ambulance...

Ananya ignoring the shooting pains in her abdomen, walked with difficulty trying to reach Ved, but at one point the pain became so unbearable, and she felt hot fluid trickling down between her legs, she lost the conscious and fainted in the middle of footpath...

'Annie...!' she heard Ved's voice before blacking out..

Vansh's house...

The Door bell rings and Naina gets up to answer the door, expecting their Kids to return...

As she opens it, she sees Sameer who was breathing heavily, standing there taking the wall's support..

'Sameer Beta, what a pleasant surprise...' Naina smiles

'Aunty, is Aayan here...?' he pants, while Naina tries to calm him down

'No Beta, he went out, what happened...?' she says and invites him in..

Arjun and Jai who were watching news channel, look at him and turn off the TV

'Is everything okay, Son...?' Jai asks

'Uncle I went to my house to collect my certificates and other things, where I came to know that Yash is in Mumbai from last month... I don't know why, I have a bad feeling about it.. So I came to inform Aayan...' Sameer says keeping his bag on the couch

'They all went out...' Arjun says


'Yeah, Ved, Aayan, Ananya and Amayraa, they went to the park...' Naina says

Sameer started feeling uneasy hearing this.. His heartbeats were rapid now

'Sameer... Are you okay...?' Arjun asks

'Sir, can we call them back...? Like right now... Please...' he says taking out his phone...

'They'll come back any moment now beta.. Calm down...' Naina tries to pacify him

'Aunty, you don't know Yash, he is very dangerous and stupid at the same time... He will harm Aayan... I know him...' Sameer says

'He can't do anything son...' Jai began, when Arjun's phone started ringing

'It's Ved...' Arjun says before answering

'Hello...?' He answers and then goes pale after hearing what Ved said..

Verona, Italy...

Vansh was sitting on a bench at the town's square, glancing at the huge clock, the sun was setting in the sky, giving the place an orange - pinkish hue...

The other tourists were busy in clicking photographs and chattering among themselves, while Vansh just watched them thinking about something else...

He was waiting for Khushi's answer, he couldn't believe his actions, He was just supposed to apologise, but ended up confessing his feelings...

He was nervous about her decision, but was excited as well, because deep down he knew what her answer was going to be...

Vansh saw Khushi approaching him from the other side, and stood up...

She smiled and waved at him, while his heart started beating very fast, Vikrant was right, no other girl had this impact on him...

And he remembered Ved's words

Khushi is the right girl for you...

As Khushi was nearing him, his excitement was increasing, he couldn't take his eyes off her...

Her smile indicated a positive answer, and his happiness knew no boundaries...

Just then, his phone started ringing and he saw the caller and creased his brows in confusion

'Why is he calling me at this time....?' he mutters and gestures Khushi to stop there and she does as instructed, looking at him confused

'Yes Papa...?' He answers and his heart drops into his stomach as he hears his father crying over the phone..

'Dad what happened...?' he asked, sensing something very bad has happened..

Khushi who couldn't hear anything, observed his expressions, which went from anxious to worried and finally tears filled his eyes, he covered his mouth to prevent the sob to escape...

She started walking towards him, but before she could hear anything, he quickly hangs up the phone...

'Vansh...?' she places her hand on his shoulder, which he jerked away in anger..

'Leave me alone !' he growls and walks away from there, leaving her heart broken once again

Khushi was hurt by this, she had no idea what just happened in his life, and took it as his confusion once again...

What was I thinking...? She thinks and tears trickle down from her eyes..

She stood in the middle of the town's square in Verona surrounded by hundreds of people, feeling all lonely and abandoned once again...

Maybe this story wasn't meant to be...

J. J. Hospital, Mumbai...

Sameer, Arjun, Jai, Ved and Naina were waiting outside the ER...

Ved was holding Naina's hands, she was praying, while crying continuously...

Arjun was in tears as well, while Jai and Sameer were anxiously looking towards the door, waiting for doctor to come out..

'When will the difficulties in my daughter's life leave her...! God why are you punishing her...!' Arjun cries

Jai doesn't reply at this... His son, daughter in law and grand daughter were inside....

The Doctor walk out of the door and approach them...

'Mr. Aayan has sprained his left leg, and has few scratches in the body, because of the impact... We suspect a hairline fracture in right arm, so we put an arm rest for precautionary purpose, otherwise there are no major complications... He's sedated... Will wake up in an hour...' The doctor treating Aayan informed them

They thanked him, when 2 doctors came out of the room..

'Mrs. Ananya Verma's relatives...?' One of them asked

'Yes...' They answered unanimously

'Patient is fine, but has suffered from a miscarriage... The placenta was ruptured before she was brought here, maybe due to high blood pressure, the foetus could not survive and was eliminated naturally out of the body.... We are sorry.... She needs rest... She'll be up in few hours....' he informed

Naina burst into tears while Arjun became numb...

'Are you Amayraa Mishra's father...?' The other doctor asked Ved, who controlled his tears..

'No... I am her Uncle... Aayan is her Father...' Ved replies

'The child has lost lot of blood, as the impact was on the skull... The baby has slipped into a coma... But her vitals are strong and injury isn't deep, So there are strong chances of her revival... Please don't lose hope...' he pats Ved's shoulders who went numb and Jai gasped, and began crying..

'And the other man brought with them, unfortunately was already dead on arrival, we tried to revive him by CPR and shock but his heart didn't respond... We are sorry for your losses...' they said to them

Sameer went numb hearing this, he slowly walked away from them and slipped into the floor, and started sobbing violently...

All five of them were inconsolable... None of them could keep their calm, as all of them suffered losses...

A simple walk in the park, cost them their long lost happiness...

What next ? No one knows...

I am so sorry for not replying to any of your messages here...
It's just that, I only login to wattpad for updating 😅😅
I love to connect with you guys... Please don't get offended if you don't get replies my dear readers, I love you all...
I Just don't get the time to reply here on wattpad, I don't have the app...😅 You can text me on my insta account... I'll surely talk to you there...❤❤
It's been specially created few days back interact with you guys...😀
It was a suggestion by one of you... Thanks dear ❤❤ I hope your idea works 😃

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