Chapter 119

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2 weeks later..
Varma's house...

Ananya walks downstairs carrying her office bag, which had around 7 big files, which were the pending cases she was busy in wrapping up since last 10 days...

Sameer's wedding was just 1 week away and Ananya took leave for it, today was her last working day...

Amayraa was getting ready in her room for school and Aayan was helping her...

Jai was seated on the sofa, reading the morning newspaper, while Sameer was in his room sleeping

Ananya walks inside the kitchen, placing her bag on one of the chairs in the dining table, and greeted Mrs. Kumar

'Morning Pappy....' she says, taking her seat and winced audibly

'Good morning Ananya... Are you okay...?' Mrs. Kumar looks at her pained expression

'Nothing Pappy, just the first day of my period, you know how much it hurts...' she whines, and leans against the table catching her torso

'Why don't you take leave today...? You always take leave on your first day, I've seen you, you can't even walk properly...' Mrs. Kumar says holding her shoulders

'I've utilised all my paid leaves this month Pappy, also I have taken 15 days leave for Sameer's wedding, I really have to wrap up with these cases today, before handing it to Mishra....' she points at the file

'Well he can come here and take these...' Mrs. Kumar suggested

'No Pappy, let this office people to stay at office only... I can deal with one headache at one time, will bear the pain for today....' She whines and Mrs. Kumar chuckles

'Are you sure...?'

'Yeah..' Ananya grins

'I'll get something hot to drink, it eases the pain, meanwhile don't forget to keep the medicines in your bag, just in case the pain becomes unbearable....' Mrs. Kumar says and walks towards the refrigerator

Yeah I better get them, or who knows, I'll be lying on the office floor by evening..

Ananya gets up, wincing and walks towards the exit of the kitchen, just then Aayan and Amayraa enter there

'Annie....! Good morning' Amayraa excitedly jumps on her, while Ananya takes a step back

'No no no Amy... Owww... Not today...' Ananya warns, but she already threw herself on Ananya, and she had no option but to catch her, she winced while holding Amayraa

Aayan stares at her pained face and took Amayraa from her arms

'Don't bother her Amy...' he says to Amayraa who pouts

'What's the matter ?' he asks Ananya, who sighed in relief, but then held her waist again

'Nothing...' Ananya replies and walks out of the kitchen

He looks at Mrs. Kumar confused and then takes his seat, while Amayraa sits beside him

'Paa, will you drop me at school today...?' Amayraa asks

'Why ? You don't want to go with Annie today....?'

'She always drops me, you come with me na today... Just for a change...' Amayraa grins and Aayan chuckles

'Okay... You have to ask Annie about it though...' He says, as Mrs Kumar places Amayraa's milk and Aayan's coffee in front of them

'She won't mind, I suggest you drop Amy today... She won't be able to do much work today anyway...' Mrs. Kumar says and Aayan looks at her confused

'What's up with her...? She looked as if in pain...' Aayan asks as Mrs. Kumar places the toast in front of them

'You know baba, girls thing..' Mrs. Kumar replied, Aayan got more confused at this

'Uh... I don't understand...' He scratches his head

Mrs. Kumar rolls her eyes and continues her work

'Let it be Baba, you lived away from your wife for 3 years, that's why you'll not remember it...' she says and Aayan frowned

How are those two related ? Women !
He rolls his eyes and starts eating his breakfast

After a while, Jai joins them and looks around

'Where's your brother ?'

'Sleeping...' Aayan replies

'Why ? He never sleeps this late, is he okay Taraji ?' Jai looks at Mrs Kumar

'He was fine by night Sahab, let me check...' She keeps the breakfast on table and turns off the stove

'No need Pappy, he was talking to Disha all night, that's why he's sleeping, nothing is wrong with him...' Aayan says while pouring some milk on Amayraa's bowl for cornflakes

'Why are you brothers so hopelessly romantics ?' Jai rolls his eyes

'I am not...'

'Oo really Baba...' Mrs. Kumar answers before Jai and they high five each other, While Aayan rolls his eyes

'Eww...' Amayraa cringes looking at her breakfast

'Eat something healthy, you are always on junk...' Aayan says sternly and she frowns

'Will I get cookie after this...?' she looks at him hopefully and Aayan couldn't deny looking at her puppy face

'Fine...' he sighs and Amayraa grins victoriously

'No you won't get any cookie, we don't want another visit to the dentist...' Ananya says entering the kitchen, followed by Sameer who looked sleepy and was literally dragging himself towards the table

'Good morning Romeo...' Jai smirks

'Morning Uncle...' Sameer rubs his eyes and stretches

'I thought you'll be up late...' Aayan says while Ananya takes a seat opposite to him

'I wanted to sleep more, but this crazy wife of yours, she tossed me down from the bed...' Sameer glared at Ananya who rolls her eyes

'Really ? She tossed you down ?' Jai asks surprised

'Yeah, she has more strength than me and Aayan combined...' Sameer says, he was a bit cranky

'Impossible...' Aayan mutters

'Really ? You wanna try ?' Ananya raises her brows

'No...' Aayan answers immediately

Ananya smirks, while Jai and Sameer look at him disappointed

'Scaredy cat...' Jai mutters, only Sameer and Aayan heard that

'She'll hurt herself...' he says in a low voice

'Well with you this lean, she can easily knock you down...' Sameer comments

'I still have strength...' he huffs

Ananya who was busy in eating fruits, winces as her lower abdomen was hurting like anything, Mrs. Kumar places her hot chocolate in front of her, patting her shoulders, she smiles at her and then glances at her phone

'Amy...? Where is your progress report...?' she looks at the message from Amayraa's school and then at her

Amayraa gulps and pretends she didn't hear Annie, and continues eating her breakfast

Ananya narrows her eyes and holds her hand, which held the piece of bread

'I know you heard me, don't act... Get your progress report here right now, and you can eat this...' Ananya says sternly

'Wo... They didn't give me the report card... Only to me... Others got theirs, they somehow misplaced mine...' Amayraa says nervously, now even the men looked at her

'Go get your report card...' Ananya orders and Amyraa sighs

'Okay.. But you won't sign it, Paa will...' Amayraa says and Ananya glares at her

'We'll see about that... Go now...'

Amayraa shoots a pleading look at Aayan who assured her, and she goes to her room

'She's a terrible liar...' Sameer comments

'Don't worry, her dad will teach that...' Ananya comments and now Aayan takes a deep breath, showing his irritation

'Why you direct every negative thing towards me...' he says, controlling his anger

'Because you support her in every mishap she does...' Ananya argues

'That is what fathers do alright... It's called keeping the balance, if one parent is strict, another has to be soft... Both of us cannot sit on her head...' he shot back

Jai and Sameer look at each other and then at them worriedly, Ananya opens her mouth to argue back, but she knew Aayan had a point, and she was being cranky unnecessarily...

'You won't sign her report card...' Ananya declares

'I wasn't planning to...' Aayan replies calmly

Amayraa comes out of her room and hands the report card to Aayan, Ananya's anger rises at this..

Aayan hands the report card to Ananya, without looking at it, She calms down a bit, but Amy was terrified now

'Paa no...' Amy tried to protest, but too late

Ananya looks at her card and her eyes widen, she looks at Amayraa, who hides behind Aayan, and then back at the card

'Amy you failed in English and Maths ? Why didn't you tell me ?' she says softly, while Amayraa looks down

'That's okay Princess, go to your mom, she won't scold...' Aayan pats her shoulder

She looks at him hopefully, he gestures her to go to Ananya, who was looking at her, she slightly smiled which encouraged Amy to come towards her

She slowly walks towards Ananya, who held her arms and made her look up..

'Are you facing difficulty in understanding things, in the school baby ? You want me to talk to your teacher...?' Ananya asks softly

Amy nodded in negative

'You want me or your Dad to take your lessons every evening, if you don't like your teacher ?'

Amy nodded in negative again

'Then what's the matter beta ? I don't expect you to get full marks, but at least don't fail.... And I don't understand, we did those spellings before exams, you got all of them correct, how couldn't you not write that in exam...?' Ananya asks

Jai, Aayan and Sameer relaxed seeing that Ananya wasn't angry, and resumed eating their breakfast

'Amy, did they deliberately give you tougher spellings ? Tell me beta, I'll talk to them... Let me call your teacher...' Ananya picks up her phone, but Amy stops her

'No Annie, they did not give any tough spellings to me, neither the Maths paper was hard...' Amayraa said looking guilty

'Then what's the matter...?'

'Yeah Amy, you are a smart kid, how come you failed such an easy test...?' Sameer asked

'Wo Chachu, I...' she began

'Yes....?' Ananya looks at her concerned

'Wo.. I was bored and didn't want to write, so.. I did not write anything on the paper...' Amayraa says looking at Annie whose expression went from concerned to angry in seconds

Aayan chocked on his juice, while Jai controlled his laughter, and so did Sameer

'I forgot my phone in my room, I'll get it...' Jai excused himself

'Yeah, Me too...' Sameer too walked out of the kitchen

'Did you just say, you did not attempt the paper, because you were bored, Young lady....!' Ananya glares at her daughter

'Uh... I...' Amy took step backwards and ran towards Aayan, and hid behind him, who was trying to catch his breath and wiped his mouth with the towel

'Did you hear that...?' Ananya looks at Aayan

'Yes, I did... Amy... That wasn't cool, you can't just skip tests, because you are bored...' He scolds Amayraa, who nods guiltily

'I am very angry on you Amy, I thought you are facing some difficulty in understanding things, but this didn't even cross my mind...' Ananya says angrily

She looks at the report card, and saw the part where the teacher mentioned that she wanted to see her parents

'When are you going to tell me that your teacher called us...?' She asks Amayraa

Ananya anger was escalated by the period cramps she was getting and the heat flashes just began

'Amy...' Aayan looks at her

'Sorry...' Amayraa says looking down

'Sorry ! That's it ? You are sorry...?' Ananya gets very angry now

Aayan looks at her bewildered, while Amy hid herself in his arms

'Don't hide behind your father, look at me... Is this how you behave Amayraa...! I never scold you, I never stop you from all those mischiefs you do, and this is how you behave with me ? Hiding things from me...?' She glares

'Ananya, she's just 6...' Aayan defends her

'Why are you taking her side ! Are you planning to make her like you ! Irresponsible and reckless...!' she glares at him

'You are going too far now...' Aayan glares back

'Like you haven't crossed limits at all...' Ananya shot back

'She is in Grade one okay... Don't pressurise her...'

'I am not pressurising her... But her behaviour is unacceptable...'

'I agree, but who is going to tell her this ? Us right ! We are her parents, we tell her how things work, and this is not the way...!' Aayan said calmly

Ananya again, did not have answer for this, she looks at Amayraa, who had tears in her eyes, and her heart broke seeing her like this

It was true that Amayraa's behaviour was unacceptable, but she is just a kid, kids do this kind of stuff, it's not right to scar them like this..

And being hormonal or angry is never a excuse, one should know how to control their behavior, especially in front of kids

Aayan became what he saw, Amayraa cannot become like him, and certainly Ananya can't be responsible for it, she realised her mistake, and guilt filled inside her..

You are becoming the beast you tamed
A voice inside her spoke and tears filled her eyes

'I can't go to her school today... Please go and meet her teacher...' she says and takes her bag

'Yeah I will... But...' before Aayan could finish, she was already out of the kitchen wiping her tears

Aayan was super confused now, he sighed and then bent to reach Amayraa's level, who was crying now

'Annie won't talk to me ?' she asks sniffing

'Of course she will, she's just sad, you don't hide things from your mother, never hide things from your mom, Amy... She will scold you when you do wrong, but no one can love you more than her...' he wipes her tears and kissed her forehead

'Now when she comes back, you will say sorry to her, And from today, no hiding... Okay ?'

Amayraa nodded


'Annie's promise...' Amayraa smiles and Aayan smiles too

'Good, now go bring your bag, we'll go to your school...' he says messing her hair

'Yep...' she says and goes out of kitchen too

'What's the matter ? Why was Ananya crying...?' Jai comes inside the kitchen

'She was crying...?' Aayan asked bewildered

'Yeah... While getting in the car... Did you...' Jai glared

'I swear Papa, I did not fight, she was upset on Amy, I just defended her...' Aayan explains

'Okay... So what now...?'

'About ?'

'Amayraa silly, all jokes apart, studies are pretty important...' Jai smacks his head

'Oh.. Yeah... I am meeting her teacher today, let's see what she has to say...' Aayan caresses the place where Jai hit him

'Okay... And find out why was Annie crying, and if you are the reason... I will throw you out of my house...' Jai says in a threatening tone

Aayan's mouth was wide open

'What ! I did not... Also... I am your son...' He says not believing his dad

'Who likes to run away now and then ? Yeah I am so lucky to have you...' Jai says sarcastically

Aayan narrows his eyes and gives up

'Okay you win... But I did not do anything to your beloved daughter in law...' he clarifies

'Really ?' they hear Vansh's voice, who was followed by Arjun

'Today I meant...' Aayan rolled his eyes and wore his coat, as he had to meet his investors in a while

'What happened today...?' Arjun asks

'Amyraa lied to Ananya about her results and she got angry...' Aayan said

'She forgot her days I guess...' Vansh laughs and Arjun hits him

'You weren't studious as well...' he rolls his eyes and Vansh chuckles

'Yeah, the geniuses of the house were Ved and Aayan...' he said

'I agree on this, I was never called in school for him scoring low marks, The teachers would always say, he is such an extraordinary child, with serious anger issues... I swear I was bored with this statement after a while...' Jai yawns and they chuckle

'Where is Shaurya ?' Aayan asks Vansh

'Well Maa has him now, she says Khushi must rest, I swear he is one hell of a cranky boy... Didn't let us sleep from last 2 nights...' Vansh sighs

'Ananya was the same...' Arjun smiles

'So was he...' Jai smacks Aayan again

'Oww...' Aayan whines

'I love the name Ananya chose for him...' Jai smiles and Vansh looks at Aayan who smiled

'It was your suggestion, right ?' Vansh asks

'Uh... No... Who said...' Aayan lies

'Annie doesn't hide anything from me, Jeejaji... I know this was the name you wanted to give to your first born.. And it's really sweet of you, to give it to my son...' Vansh smiles and hugs Aayan

Aayan smiles and hugs him back, while Arjun and Jai get gloomy, remembering Ananya's condition when she lost her kid

'I better leave, I have to see Amy's teacher and then meet the investors...' Aayan says, looking away, as his eyes welled up too

'Come Amy...' he calls and leaves the house wearing his jacket, Amyraa follows him, followed my Mrs. Kumar who had her tiffin in the hand

'Will they ever have their firstborn...?' Arjun asks, wiping his tears

'I don't know...' Jai sighs and Vansh gets sad at this too..

Ananya's office

There was a soft knock on her cabin's door,which broke her train of thoughts

She felt guilty for shouting at Amayraa today and made a mental note that she won't lose her calm in front of her ever

She quickly wiped her tears and adjusted her hair, drank a few sips of water, before answering

'Come in...' She says, pretending to look at her file

Aayan peeks from the door and she gets surprised at this

'Oo wow, someone finally graced my office with their presence... How do I thank you Mr. Varma...' She says sarcastically, but she wasn't pissed

Aayan chuckles and gets in

'Just by giving me one of your prettiest smile Mrs. Varma...' he says and takes the seat in front of her

She rolls her eyes at him and then picks up her phone

'Sneha, can you please send one black coffee without sugar and a green tea to my cabin ASAP...?'

'Sure Ma'am..' comes a voice and then the line goes blank

'Oh no.. I don't need...' Aayan begins but she cuts him off

'I saw you didn't have coffee because of my drama few hours back, just have some, so that you can kickstart your presentation with the investors... I know you cannot function without it...' She says adjusting her papers and Aayan looks at her admiringly

She remembers

'So.. What happened at Amy's school...?' Ananya asks but didn't get any reply


She looked up from the files to find him staring at her like she was the prettiest thing ever made, she rolls her eyes at this..

She clicks her fingers in front of him to break his reverie and he clears his throat

'What were you saying...?' Aayan asks, scratching his head

'What happened at Amy's school...?'

'Oh yeah, the teacher was surprised that Amy has a dad...' Aayan huffs and Ananya chuckles

'I said, do you think her mom had her by herself Ma'am...?' He rolls his eyes and Ananya starts laughing

'It's not their fault, you never showed up, and they never asked me about Amy's dad, so I guess you were absent from the records...' Ananya shrugs her shoulders

'What !? Isn't she Amayraa Aayan Varma...?' he raises his brows

'No, she is Amayraa Ananya Varma...' Ananya corrects him and Aayan smiles

'She couldn't get a better middle name than this...' he smiles and Ananya narrows her eyes

'Stop buttering, tell me what did they say...' she diverts her attention back at the papers

'She is concerned about her behaviour actually, Amy takes everything casually, which isn't healthy she said, She always does things as per her mood, and won't do it even if directed to, if she doesn't want to...'

Ananya massages her temples
'Why is she behaving like this...? She obeys everything I say... Why isn't she obeying her teachers...'

'I'll talk to her on this...' Aayan suggests

'Please do... She needs to be disciplined, or else they'll expel her...' Ananya exclaims

'Well yeah, I have been warned about that today...' Aayan sighs and Ananya sighs and hides her face behind her palms

'It's kinda my fault too, I am not able to pay attention to her lately... I'll see what I can do...' she says and Aayan holds her hands

'I am here, don't worry...' he says softly and Ananya looks at him

'I cannot really say that you will stay forever though...' she admits truthfully and Aayan's grip on her loosens

His hands turn cold and he look at her scared

'Uh.. I don't... I mean.. Are you...' he stammers

'No I am not divorcing you...' she completes his statement and he sighs in relief

'I don't want my daughter to grow up without a father...' she says, avoiding his gaze

'And I can't grow old without my daughter's mother...' Aayan says and Ananya chuckles darkly

He thinks I can be impressed by these cheesy lines of his...

She looks at him, to give a sharp reply, but goes speechless seeing him really close

'What are you...' she began, but words cease to leave her mouth when he got really close, and brings his mouth near her ears

'I am not being cheesy, I mean it... I don't want to live without you... And won't let you go anywhere...' he says and Ananya closed her eyes, she could hear her rapid heart beating

She looks at him and he smiles, she couldn't help but stare into those beautiful hazel eyes, he puts the strand of her hair falling on her face, behind her ears, and she felt goosebumps all over, she closed her eyes again to feel his proximity

She was longing for it since last three years

He kissed her eyes and she took a deep breath, trying to control her rapid breathing, she wanted to stop him, but she couldn't her body wasn't letting her do it..

She closed her eyes to contain the pleasure as he moved towards her cheeks

Why am I not stopping him...

Nevermind !

'Ananya ?' a voice calls, she ignores it

'Ananya, is your head hurting, why are you covering your face for so long...? Are you okay...?' the voice said again

I've heard this voice somewhere...

'Ananya !' the voice grew louder, and she opened her eyes

She saw Aayan was sitting in front of her, looking concerned and she gets confused...

She looked to her right, where he was, to see him gone, rather, he was sitting in front of her, looking confused, like nothing happened...

She thought for a while, looking at Aayan and then at the place where he was, when he was really close to her and then gasped...

All this time even Aayan was looking at her expressions, getting more confused...

She realised he was never left his place, it was all her imagination

'Why are you all red ? Are you okay ? Do you need a doctor...?' he asks concerned and she looked at him confused and then around her

He never came close to her

Did I imagine all that ? Oh my god !
Am I longing for him so badly, that I imagined being intimate with him, while he was sitting right in front of me !!

How horny are you Annie !
Damn you periods !

She cursed herself

'Ananya you are scaring me...! Are you alright...' he now hesitantly moves his arms towards her to hold her

'Yeah I am fine... How long was I not responding...?' she asks

'Right after you covered your face... I got worried when you didn't even remove it when the coffee arrived...' Aayan said and she looked at him confused

'Your coffee is here ? When did it come...?' Ananya asked

'Just a few minutes ago, see...' he pointed at the tray which had their drinks

'Oh god...' Ananya covers her face in embarrassment

'What happened Ananya...? What's going on in your mind...?' Aayan asked, genuinely concerned

You better not know that..

'Nothing...' she answered immediately

'It's not your fault Ananya, she's just a kid, we'll talk to her... Don't worry...' He smiled and she nods

'Here...' he hands her the green tea mug, and while Ananya was taking it, their hands slightly brushed

Both of them felt the spark running through their spines, and immediately withdrew their hands away, looking away

They got goosebumps all over, it was like they were touching each other for the first time, none of them said anything and things were getting uncomfortable due to prolonged silence

'Um... The temperature is really low here..' Aayan looks at the AC, shivering slightly

'Yeah, I'll increase it...' she takes the remote and adjusts the temperature

They quietly have their drinks and then Aayan gets up to leave

'Okay.. I'll see you at home then....' he says and Ananya nods

'Yeah...' she answers

He walks towards the exit, holds the door knob, but then mutters something under his breath and turns around nervously..

'Uh.. I brought this for you...' he removes the big chocolate bar from his suit jacket

Ananya looks at him surprised

'This will help with the pain and uh.. Keep drinking something warm, you'll feel better...' he says and keeps the bar on the table

'Also, don't walk much, otherwise your toes will swell...' he takes a step back, Ananya couldn't stop staring at him

Mixed feelings were playing inside her

He remembers she thought

'And if you are okay with it, I'll pick you up after work maybe ? I am free after 4:30...' Aayan said and Ananya couldn't help but nod

'Okay...' he smiles, and Ananya couldn't help but smile back

He left the room and Ananya sighed and threw herself on the chair, whimpering in disappointment

What's wrong with me

Thapar's residence

Naina was in her room, holding Vansh's son Shaurya in her arms, she was calming him down, whenever he got cranky

'Don't cry baby, you are a good boy right...? Don't cry...' she coos and he stares at her with his big blue eyes, which he inherited from his mom

'That's like my good boy, you know you are just like your aunt.. She too wouldn't let me or Daadu sleep... She always wanted our attention... Just like you...' she kisses his cheeks and Shaurya smiles

Naina gets happy seeing her grandson smiling and looks at Vedika who was playing with her blocks on her bed

She couldn't believe she was a grandmother now, it seems yesterday that she use to argue with Arjun in a game in their building compound and today, she was holding her son's son..

Time really flies, doesn't it ?

'Ammi, Why does Shaurya cry so much...?' Vedika asks

'Because he is so little na, he always needs someone with him, be it your chachu, chachi or me...' Naina explains

'Did I cry like that too when I was little....?' Vedika asks and Naina chuckles

'You are still little my princess...' Naina sits beside her, holding Shaurya carefully and pulls her cheeks

'No Ammi, I am not little... I am a big girl... So big that I can marry Spiderman !' Vedika huffs and Naina remembered something hearing this

25 years ago..

'No Maa, I am not little... I am a big girl, I can hold that bat... Please tell Ved Bhai to let me play with it...' 3 year old Ananya whines and Naina sighs

'Princess, that bat is really heavy, what if it falls on your leg, or worst your head...' Naina tries to explain her

'Maa, something already has fallen over her head I think, that's why she is like this...' 6 year old Vansh comments

'What do you mean by 'like this'...?' Naina raises her brows

'Like this means, Stupid and stubborn...' Vansh says and Naina gasps

'Who taught you that word...?' Naina asks sternly and Vansh gulps, while Ananya sticks her tongue at him, hiding behind Naina

'Uh... Paa.. He said this few days ago that Naina is so stubborn, and Always makes me look stupid... So Annie is stubborn like you and stupid like Paa...' Vansh says guiltily

'Let him come home, I'll show him who is stupid, and who is stubborn, and don't call your sister that, she isn't stupid...' Naina scolds Vansh

'So you agree that she is stubborn, right ?' Vansh asks and Ananya huffs

Naina gets speechless at this..

'Go play...' She says to Vansh and he runs out

'Maa, what's stubborn...?' Ananya asks

'Nothing beta...'

'No tell me...' Ananya whines

She indeed is stubborn, Naina thinks

'Uh.. Stubborn means, those people who like things to be done, only the way they want...' Naina explains

'Is that Bad..?' Ananya asks

'Sometimes it is... You cannot make people do what you want always, sometimes you got to adjust...' Naina caresses her hair

'Paa says I am princess and Princesses don't listen to others...' Ananya grins

'Your father needs serious lecture on parenting...' Naina mutters

'Yeah that's true beta, it's good to keep things under your control, but sometimes when our behaviour hurts others, we must humble down...' she explains to Ananya

'What's humble Maa...?'

'It means being nice to others...'

'Like you being nice to Paa and Paa being nice to you...?'

'That's love beta...' Naina pulls her cheeks

'Maa, when I will grow up na, I will marry a boy who listens to everything I say...' Ananya grins

'Marriage ? Beta you are very young for that...'

'When I get big Maa...' Ananya rolls her eyes

'Boys hardly listen Baby, but I really hope that you get a boy like that..' Naina taps her nose

'You'll see Maa, the man I will marry, will always listen to me, will do everything I say and never make me cry....' Ananya grins and Naina hugs her

'Touchwood to that my baby...' Naina says caressing her hair

Naina's eyes fill with tears, her stubborn daughter was humbled down in a worst possible way...

Yes, life teaches everyone how to adjust, but it was indeed very harsh on her daughter, the girl who never shed a single tear in her maternal home, did nothing but cry the whole time after wedding..

Naina couldn't forgive herself for landing her daughter into this situation, she could've stopped this, she could've prevented Ananya from marrying a broken man..

Broken people, break everyone around them, not by gestures, but just the way they are...! It's very rare that they emerge out to be strong..

She was glad that Aayan was changing, But the sad part was, it was on her daughter's cost..

Tears roll down her eyes, and she looks Shaurya who was sound asleep in her arms and Vedika was gone

She carefully placed Shaurya on her bed and wipes her tears..

She missed her daughter's joyful, innocent and carefree nature, with a hint of stubbornness, yeah she was still stubborn, but her innocence was gone

Ananya was now a responsible Daughter in law, caring mom, but her innate cheerfulness was gone

From last 3 years, there hasn't been a single day, when she didn't curse herself for Ananya's condition

Everyone could see Arjun's care for his daughter, but couldn't see Naina's tears for her, but they were there, it was just, that Naina was the stronger one when it came to parenting

She carefully placed pillows near Shaurya and walked towards the washroom

She washed her face and images of Ananya's miserable life went through her head, she couldn't help but wince, but Ananya's misery wasn't the only reason for her wincing

She felt a sharp pain in her chest, she held it to ease the pain, but after a while, the intensity of pain increased, and she couldn't breathe..

She managed to come out of the bathroom, trying to find her puff, but the couldn't move with ease because of the pain..

Tears flowed from her eyes and she was sweating very badly

'Ve.. Ved...' she managed to say, but her voice was mere a whisper

Naina tried to breathe, but again couldn't move because of pain

'Ve.. Ved....' she called again, a bit louder this time

No one heard her, and she collapsed on the floor, everything was going black around her, and her head felt heavy...

It felt like sharp pins were pricking inside her chest, and she couldn't speak at all...

Naina thought this was it, her time has come, images of her life flashed in front of her eyes, she could feel her arms and legs getting cold and black spots blurred her vision...

She felt soft hands wiping her forehead and patting her cheeks lightly, to keep her conscious

'Open your eyes, Maa... Maa...!'

'Maa ! Ved Bhai... Please come here...' she heard Khushi's voice, she was rubbing the palms to keep her warm, Naina tried to open her eyes, but they felt really heavy...

She could hear footsteps approaching her, before getting lost in complete darkness..


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