Chapter 13

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'Why did you hit that boy Aayan...?' Jai asks 10 year old Aayan who was sitting on the sofa crossing his hands in defense...

He didn't reply, just looked at his older sister who was in tears...

'Don't look at her, she won't save you today... Tell me what made you behave like a barbarian... Do you know that boy is in hospital....!' Jai says angrily

'He deserved it... ' Aayan gritted angrily

'What....!'  Jai exclaims annoyed

'Ved...!  You tell us, what made you both hit Jindal's son ? He is not even in your class, why did you both beat him up so badly, Do you know his father threatened for a police complain...!' Arjun asks Ved angrily, who looks at his best friend and nods approvingly

'He annoyed us Papa... ' Ved simply replies

'Annoyed you ? He is your senior !! Why would he bother you kids ! And even if he did, you could've told us, why did you hit him with your hockey sticks...' Jai says

'He could've died ! Do you understand what this means....?' Arjun scolds both of them

But Aayan and Ved didn't budge, they didn't apologize for their deed, instead angrily looked at their fathers..

'Papa listen to me please... ' Nitaara says

'Nitaara don't take their side... ' Radhika warns her

'But Aunty... ' Nitaara quivers

'Maa, listen to us, Vihan did.... ' Adhiraj comes to her side

'Don't say anything Adi, you are the oldest among them, you could've stopped them...' Radhika scolds him

'Maa they didn't do anything wrong... That guy.... ' Adhiraj begin

'We don't care alright ! Anyone one who bothers us, will face the same consequences...' Aayan shouts angrily And Adhiraj looks at him shocked

'Aayan don't... ' He says

'Please Bhai, don't interfere...' Ved says

'Ved ! Is this the way you talk to your older brother....' Naina scolds him

Arjun and Jai's anger was escalating every second, as their sons behaved inappropriately and were not even sorry for their deed...

'You know what Maa, luck was on Vihan's side, that Arun Sir arrived on time, or else he wouldn't be alive now...' Ved says glaring at her


Naina gasps...
'Arjun.... ' she says shocked

Ved looks at his father teary eyed..
'You disrespectful boy ! You commit a mistake and instead of apologizing, you are talking to your mother like this..! How dare you...!! ' Arjun shouts angrily

'Big Dad, it's not his fault... I made him do that... ' Aayan comes to Ved's rescue

'Why would you do that Aayan...! Tell us the truth...!' Jai threatens him

Aayan doesn't reply and this elevated Jai's anger...

'I am waiting for your answer boy !' Jai grits

'I don't owe any explanation to you...!' Aayan says looking him straight in the eye and Nitaara gasps

Jai loses his patience and slaps Aayan so hard that he falls on the floor

'You mannerless boy... ' he advances towards him

'Jai...!! Are you mad...!' Radhika comes in between Aayan and Jai

'Didn't you hear what he said...!' Jai glares at Radhika...

'Have you both lost your sanity... Don't raise your hands on my grandsons...' Mr. Thapar scolds Arjun and Jai

'Papa... They.... ' Arjun began

'I know what they did alright, and being hard on them won't work...!' Mr. Thapar said

'Naina, take them inside... ' Arjun says and Naina nods..

'We'll apologize Jindal on their behalf, and request him not to file police complaint... ' Arjun says

'And we will pay for that boy's hospital bills... ' Jai says

'Noooo....!!! You won't pay his bills... ' Aayan shouts

'If you do that, I will break his another leg as well...' Ved threatens

'Ved... ' Naina scolds pulling him towards another room

'Leave me Maa... ' Ved angrily pushes Naina away, who loses her balance, with sudden jerk and head hits the door's corner

'Ouch... ' Naina cries and Arjun rushes towards her...

'Damn it ! Naina are you okay...?' he holds her, she nods, but there was a cut in her forehead

'Radhika, get the first aid Please....' Arjun said and Rads hurriedly goes inside, followed by Nitaara...

'Ved ! Are you out of your mind...!' Jai scolds him

Ved who is terrified after his action, runs towards his mother holding her by waist...

'Maa, I am sorry.... ' he cries

Arjun pulls him away from Naina and was about to slap him again when Mr. Thapar and Naina stopped him...

'Arjun, don't....' Mr. Thapar warn him

Arjun leaves Ved and looks at Jai

'We should send them to boarding school... ' He declares and Jai nods approvingly

'Arjun, what are you...' Naina cries

He stops her, 'Please don't take their side okay... These boys need to be disciplined... I'll send them to country's strictest boarding school... ' he says looking angrily at Ved

'I won't go.... ' Ved cries holding Naina

'Arjun please....' Naina says holding both Aayan and Ved protectively

'Don't try to save them...!  They've crossed all their limits this time.... They need to be tamed or god knows what will they turn out to be, tomorrow.... ' Jai says


'No buts, these boys are going to the boarding school and that is final.... ' Arjun declared

********End of flashback**********

'Ved let's get out of here man... ' Aayan says

'Let me search that file, Bade Papa asked me to get from his study...' Ved says walking upstairs

They were at Aayan's old house, just opposite to Ved's house, which was deserted from almost 10 years...

Aayan didn't want to get inside, as all the past memories flooded his mind, making him feel weak and vulnerable...

He didn't look around, as the house's silence was practically chocking him..

He was in the living room, waiting for Ved to return from study, This was the very room, where he saw his mother leaving him forever, and in this room itself, Jai decided to send him away..

And that was the door in far left, where Naina got hurt, which angered Arjun so much that he decided to send Ved away...

Sweatbeads rolled down his forhead, he wanted to run away, but his feet were cold...

'I was kinda hoping to find you here..' came a female voice from behind

He turned around, his heartbeat pacing twice it's rate to see his elder sister smiling at him...

'You are back... ' He says

'Yes I am... ' she smiles wiping his forehead 

'You've gained weight....' Aayan says smirking

'I just had a baby.... ' Nitaara counters

'That was 1 and  Half years ago... ' He chuckles

'So what ! Side effects prevail for more than a year.... ' Nitaara hits him

'Where is Shivaalika ?' He asked

'She went with Tarun, to meet Papa at Big Dad's house....' Nitaara smiled

'And Why are you here...?' Aayan raises his brow and Nitaara narrows her eyes at him

'Good memories in this house are very dear to me, I often come here to relive them... ' Nitaara says hugging Aayan

'Atleast you have some good memories...' Aayan sighs

'You have them too okay... Stop being a baby... ' Nitaara hits him and Aayan chuckles

'I missed you... ' Aayan hugs her back

'But I didn't... ' Nitaara chuckles and Aayan hits her

'Congratulations for the deal... ' Nitaara grinned

'Thanks... Can't take the entire credit, Ved helped a lot...' Aayan said

'Ved is your better half right ? Why don't you marry him...' Nitaara chuckles

'We could've but unfortunately we are not gays... ' Ved says and Aayan chuckles

'Ved...!' Nitaara exclaims and hugs him too

'Nitaara di...! You lost weight.... ' Ved chuckles hugging her back and Nitaara turns to Aayan

'See ! This is how you make your sister happy.... ' She says and Ved laughs

'Got the file...?' Aayan asks Ved

'Yeah... ' Ved shows him the file

'Let's go then... ' Aayan says

'Why are you running away...? Stay here for sometimes na... ' Nitaara says

'You relive your good memories, I have lot of work... ' Aayan says

'You are on a leave... ' Ved chuckles

'Who's side are you...?' Aayan narrows his eyes

'C'mon Aayan... It's not that worst.... We can stay here for sometimes...' Ved says

Aayan gives up and sits on the sofa crossing his hands

Ved and Nitaara smile and join him

'We had a lot of fun here...' Nitaara says

'And we did cry a lot here...' Aayan huffs

'Why are you always so negative.... ' Nitaara sighs

'It gives you practical approach... ' Aayan says

'That's not true... If we... ' Ved says

'Don't start your philosophy now... ' Aayan cuts him in between and Ved chuckles

'Why don't you redecorate this house again... All these familiar things scare, No ! Irritate me.... ' Aayan says

'I've left this responsibility on your wife...! Whoever she will be, she will redecorate this house....' Nitaara grins

'My Wife....' Aayan huffs

'Ved ! Does this boy have any interest in girls or should I start calling you Bhabhi... ' Nitaara teased Aayan who hits her again

'I don't know about him, but I do have interest in girls so, sorry Aayan I can't marry you... ' Ved joins her

'My bad... ' Aayan rolls his eyes

'You seriously don't have a girlfriend....?' Nitaara asks

'I don't do this girlfriend thing... ' Aayan replies uninterested

'What about you...?' She asks Ved

'Same...' Ved replies

'Hmmm... I am getting suspicious now... ' Nitaara says rubbing her palms together 

'Shut up...!  Why are you back anyway...?' Aayan asks

'Arre...  This is my house as well,  and I came to see my father.. Which I suppose  even you are here for....' Nitaara gives him a suspicious look

Aayan looks at Ved... 'Of course... I don't have any other work here... ' he replies

'Ya right... ' Nitaara says

'Chatting without me folks... ' Someone says from behind

'Aadi...!' Nitaara exclaims and runs towards him

'Hey Nits....! You've become fat... ' Adhiraj said

Aayan starts laughing and she glares at them...

'Shut up...!' Nitaara says angrily 

'Adi Bhai... ' Ved and Aayan hug him

'How are you my champs...?' he says ruffling their hairs

'Bhai....' Ved and Aayan whine fixing their hair

'Care to explain why are you showing your face to me after so many months... ' Nitaara glares at him

'Hey, I have a kid to look after too...!  And unlike you I don't have a help..' Adhiraj says fixing his shirt

'I told you to remarry... ' Nitaara shrugs her shoulder

'Yeah, but I cannot handle 2 ladies in my life... I am happy with my Aditi... ' He says

'Which reminds me... Boys I have a news for you...! Good or bad...?  You decide... ' Adhiraj says turing to Ved and Aayan

'What is it... ?' They ask

'As you know my mom has turned into this Fashionista / Matchmaker...  She has marriage proposals for both of you... And she is going to tell about this to Your parents tonight... ' He says

'Ooooo.... Shit got real... ' Nitaara smirks at them

'Whatttt....!!!' Both of them exclaim together...


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