Chapter 29

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'No Deeps... I don't want to hear anything....' Ananya says to Deepika,while entering the hall...

'What happened Princess..?' Arjun asked

'Paa.... See this girl, she is not listening to me... ' Ananya whines

'Uncle she is crazy, don't listen to her...' Deepika glares at her and Arjun chuckles

'You keep your mouth shut ! Maa... Uncle and aunty are going out of the town for 5 days, I am asking this girl to come and live with us, but she is not listening...  Tell me, how will she manage there all alone... ' Ananya complains to Naina

'Ananya is right beta, How will you manage everything alone... Come live with us... ' Arjun said

'Uncle, I will go to Vikrant Bhai's house...' Deepika tried to convince them

'Vikrant and Vansh are always out for work... Even Sid doesn't stay at home...  You come and stay with us beta... ' Naina said

'Okay aunty... ' Deepika gives up

'Yyeeaahhhh.... Night out after a long time... ' Ananya cheered hugging Deepika and they all chuckled

Vansh came running inside and ran straight to his mother

'Maa... Aayan....  He.... You have to do something.... ' He said panting

'What... What happened to Aayan...?' Naina panicked

'What's going on...?' Jai asked handing Shivaalika to Deepika

'Ved called he said that something very bad happened at the Singhal's house... And Aayan is very angry... ' Vansh informed and they all gasp

The car halts at the Thapar's mansion and before Ved could say anything, Aayan stormed out of the car and swiftly walked inside

Ved tossed the key to the watchman signalling him to park the car and jogged behind Aayan

'Aayan wait...!' Ved called

'Maa.. Ved said he has never seen Aayan this angry before... He can't understand how to calm him down...' Vansh said to Naina and Jai holds Arjun looking scared

Just then Aayan entered the house, fuming with rage

They all look at him scared, and Ved followed Aayan looking all flushed

'Bro listen to me... ' Ved said catching Aayan from behind

'I said..  Leave me alone... ' Aayan growled and pushed Ved so hard that he fell on the floor, everyone gasped
Vansh quickly ran towards Ved and picked him up

'Are you okay...?' Vansh asked him

'Yeah... Maa.... ' He helplessly looked at Naina

Shivaalika began crying seeing her uncle, he looked scary when angry...

'I'll take her outside...' Deepika said and walked outside, trying to calm down the crying child

Aayan ran upstairs and Ved, Vansh, Naina, Arjun, Jai followed him

Ananya was scared to follow them, as she never saw anyone this angry in her entire life, also she could not see Aayan in this agony

Her Old feelings were resurfacing and she was scared that it doesn't over power her sane mind...

Yes... Ananya had a secret, which no one knows...  Not even Deepika...

While battling with her Heart and Mind, tears filled her eyes...
Finally her heart won and she decided to go upstairs and help others to calm Aayan down, who was a angry beast right now...

In Aayan's room he was throwing the stuff, to vent his anger out but nothing was working..

Naina and Jai entered the room, and gasped seeing the havoc he created

'Aayan... ' Jai called him and Aayan glared at him with his Bloodshot eyes

'Why didn't you tell me that my mother was a witch..' He growled and Jai's eyes filled with tears

'Aayan...! She is your mother, don't say such things about her... ' Naina said

'She just gave birth to me mom, she never loved me, and neither did my father... ' Aayan cried, tears rolling down his eyes

'That's not true son... ' Jai cried

'Why did you two gave birth to me, when you hated each other...! What did I do to deserve all this...' Aayan growled at Jai

'Bro please... ' Ved cried

'Do you know how irritating it is to explain it to everyone why I have two fathers... Do you know how insulting it is when you are being judged, because of your parent's deed...! It's so humiliating when I am called a Singhal...!  I AM NOT A SINGHAL...!'  Aayan smashed the glass on his hands

'Aayan...!' Jai rushed towards him horrified  and held his hands but he pushed him away too

'I hate you both, I hate you and your ex wife...! You both didn't are the most selfish parents anyone can get...!' Aayan accused Jai

'Aayan beta that's not true... ' Arjun says holding Jai

'When Maa left, I had no one but you...!  But you also stayed away from me... Never answered my questions, and sent me away... And now you expect me to be friends with you Dad..? Do you think this is a joke and I am toy...?' Aayan asked Jai

'I know Aayan, I did mistakes back in past, I am asking for your forgiveness son... Please come back to me... ' Jai cried

'Too late Dad.. I don't need you guys... I don't want anyone in my life... ' he growled

'Don't say like this boy, you need to calm down... ' Arjun tried to calm him down

'Calm down...! That bastard son of my mother, says stupid things about my father...!  My mother takes his side...!  My father looks like my father, but he is not... I always become this crying little bitch, whenever I see these people..! How do you expect me to calm down Big dad ! I am sick and tired of all this... ' Aayan throws away the mattress of his bed, also breaking the mirror on the dressing table

'I was always unwanted ! Right Papa...?  That's why you and your ex wife sent me away... ' Aayan glares at Jai

'No my child, No... ' Jai cried

Everyone was horrified to see this side of Aayan, no one had any clue how to calm in down

Ananya walked past Ved and Jai and stood in front of Aayan

'Annie... What are you doing...?' Vansh asked her horrified

'Ananya stay away from him, he is not in his right senses right now...!' Arjun warns her

'Aayan...! Look at me...!' Ananya orders Aayan sternly and Jai, Ved,  Naina look at her shocked 

Aayan continued to break things, when she held his arms tightly

'Listen to me Aayan, please look at me...' she forced him to face her, but Aayan was so angry that he wasn't able to comprehend anything...

He tried to free himself from her grip and others were scared that Aayan will hurt her...

'Look at me Damn It...!' Ananya shouted this time and Aayan glared at her with his red eyes

'Think about the good times Aayan... Please... Think about the good times...' she pleads staring into his hazel green eyes..

Aayan takes a deep breath, and continues to glare at her, simultaneously breathing heavily

'Please think about your happy moments Aayan...  Think about the time when you were happy... Think about those beautiful moments you shared with your father... ' Ananya said caressing his hands and unknowingly it was actually soothing Aayan

Everyone was shocked to see how Ananya was handling Aayan, and he was actually calming down
It was like a petite little beauty, was taming a beast

Aayan closed his eyes and tears rolled down his eyes, he was calming down as Ananya's touch was doing wonders

Jai looked at Ananya with admiration, wiping his tears, and Arjun smiled proudly

She went closer to him, placing her hands on his shoulders, she had to stretch her toes to reach his level, as he was taller than her

'Everything will be alright Aayan... Just calm down... Everyone loves you... You are not a loser, you are my... *paused* your father's hero Aayan...  Just control your emotions...  Everything will be fine... Your father loves you.... And I know you love him too... ' She whispered to him and more tears rolled down his eyes

He couldn't take all the anger and pain anymore, and collapsed on the ground and began sobbing...

Ananya wanted to hug him tightly, but she backed off and allowed Jai and Naina to hold him when he cried

Tears filled her eyes too

'I am so sorry son... I am your culprit... It's all because of me... Please forgive me son... ' Jai hugged Aayan tightly and kissed his forehead

And Aayan sobbed, holding his father

'You are our hero son, just don't think you are unwanted... We love you....' Naina caressed his hair

'I love you Papa....' Aayan cried and Jai's happiness knew no boundaries

He hugged him tightly and Naina smiled, wiping her tears

'I love you too my son... I love you too... ' Jai cried kissing his son's head, Arjun wiped his tears and helped Naina to get up

'I'll get the first aid box...' Vansh said wiping his tears

'Yeah... I'll come with you... ' Ved said wiping his tears too

They both left the room, and Ananya followed them

She glanced for one last time at the father son duo, who held each other and smiling she wiped her tears and left...

Vansh gave Naina the first box, and she held Aayan's hand and Aayan looked at her

'Why can't you be my mother, mom...?' Aayan said looking down

'I was and always be your mother child and you'll be my favorite son... ' Naina kissed his forehead and Aayan cried placing his head on her shoulders 

Jai and Arjun bandaged his hands and Naina held the crying boy, who cried like there was no tomorrow...

The servants cleaned Aayan's room, and made his bed

Naina with Vansh's help, made Aayan stand and then helped him lie on the bed, he was exhausted, mentally as well as physically

'Sleep my child... ' Naina said caressing Aayan's forehead and he closed his eyes

They left his room, and Jai decided to stay with Aayan

'Ananya did a great job today... ' Naina said

'Yeah... I didn't know that, she knows how to deal with angry people... ' Arjun said smiling

'Our daughter is very smart and mature... ' Naina smiled

'Just like you... ' Arjun kissed her head and she smiled


Ved was sitting in the garden swing, staring at the sky, it was getting dark, and stars could be seen

He closed his eyes, and tried to feel the cold breeze on his skin

He was worried for his best friend, he never saw him this vulnerable before..
Tears filled his eyes and he wiped them

He felt someone sitting beside him, as the swing moved, he opened his eyes to see Deepika staring at him smiling, he smiled back..

'How are you now...?' Deepika asked him

'What happened to me... I am completely alright Deepika... It's Aayan.... ' Ved begins

'I know you are worried about Aayan, and your new work..! Don't try to hide...' Deepika smiles and Ved sighs

'Just because you don't say anything, doesn't mean you have nothing to say... Your eyes speak a lot... ' Deepika says looking at him

Ved is surprised to hear this, and then chuckled

'What do my eyes say right now...? ' he asked

Deepika stares at him intently and then smiles
'You are worried about what will happen when Aayan will wake up...?  How will he feel, will he stay here or just leave...!  And also you are a  bit worried about Aayan's step brother too... ' She says

Ved was shocked... How can she be so accurate...

'Your face is very expressive... ' Deepika says staring at the sky

'That was an intelligent guess... ' Ved says

'Whatever it may be, that's not the point...  Point is... Don't worry about them,they will be fine... Aayan won't leave this early... ' Deepika pats his shoulder 

'Hopefully...' He stared at her mesmerised

'I came to call you, Uncle was searching for you inside... Come soon... ' Deepika said getting up

'Okay... ' Ved said and Deepika gave him the glass of juice which she brought and walked away..

Ved started at her
She indeed is a amazing girl...

He smiled and followed her inside..

Ananya was in her room, trying hard to control her tears, her secret which she hid from everyone was threatening to come out...

'Please just leave Aayan... I don't know how longer will I be able hide it...' she thought


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