Chapter 3

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Ananya's POV

Damn I am late again...

Deeps asked me to pick her up, and it's already 9:00...

She will kill me...

Well actually she is used to this, I guess..

Because my 10 is always 10:30 or 10:45...

Why I can't be punctual like Papa and Ved Bhai...

Also I can't leave without having breakfast or else Mumma will get angry...

I can't afford to elevate her anger twice, coz I am already in trouble for breaking my phone...

Sometimes she is very hard on me like some strict circus ringmaster...

Not literally though....

Maa loves me, but her way is different...

Which I will never understand...

I comb my long hair and leave them down, I don't like tying them up and Adjust my long summer dress...

Everyone says that, I just look like my Maa, but have a totally opposite personality..... Obviously

Maa hated long hairs and dresses, but I don't. ..

Yeah Okay, I may look like her, But I am my Papa's girl and he is the bestest father in this world..

I turn to pick up my bag and see a brand new iPhone on my bed...

It looks exactly like my old phone !

Yessss !! Mumma won't be able to figure it out...

Love you Papa !!!!

At the Breakfast table....

Ved is reading newspaper, dressed in crisp white shirt and black trousers, his jacket hanging on the chair...

While Vansh dressed in T shirt and Tracks is playing sword fight using butter knives with his cousin Rudra..

Ved and his Twin Vansh look exactly like their Father, but with completely opposite personalities...

Ved is just like Arjun ! A perfectionist, silent, Intelligent, Responsible...

While Vansh is more like a troublemaker, Spontaneous, and Carefree...

'Will you cut the noise ! I am trying to read here.... ' Ved scolds his brothers

'Who is making noise ? We can't hear it ! Right Rudra ?' Vansh Mocks him

Rudra controls his smile, as he knows what will happen if his Ved Bhai gets angry...

'I am serious !' Ved states firmly, removing his specs..

'Hello Serious !! I am Vansh !' Vansh gestures his hand forward for a handshake

Rudra loses his control and starts laughing, joined by his cousin sister Saanjh..

Ved shakes his head disapprovingly..
'You are hopeless... Like seriously, stop behaving like a kid !'

'And you are helpless... Stop yelling at me like a grumpy old man, I am already tired of one...' Vansh counters rolling his eyes..

'Matlab Kuch bhi, I call you hopeless and you call me helpless....! Atleast argue sensibly... ' Ved folds his newspaper as Ria places breakfast on the table...

'Bhai please... Don't start... ' Saanjh says but they don't listen to her

'Why you always look for 'Analytical stability' in every aspect ! It's not necessary that everything will make sense... ' Vansh sips his Green tea

'Pointless arguments are always... ' Ved begins

'Oo.. Shut up Senior Thapar 2.0' Vansh covers his ears

Ved narrows his eyes at him
'Who did you refer as the 'Grumpy old man' By the way... ?' He smirks looking behind Vansh

'Who else ? Your Father... ' Vansh answers casually

'Oo really ! Isn't he your father as well...' some older person says from behind and Vansh stiffens assuming him to be Arjun

'Wo... Papa.... I didn't mean... I mean.. I.... Uh....' he stammers and turns around to see smriking Adi and breathes in relief

Adi starts laughing and Hi fies Ved, sitting beside him

'Chachu ! Not fair...' Vansh whines

'What happened ? Senior Thapar 2.0.1....' Adi mocks him and Ved laughs

'Bhai, why are you so scared of Bade Papa...?' Shashank's son Viraj asks

'I am not scared of anyone alright... Especially your Bade Papa...' Vansh declares drinking his Tea and texting someone from his mobile

'Really....??' Some other older man says this time and everyone at the table stiffens

'Nice try chachu... ' Vansh looks at Adi who is giving him an alarmed look

He looks at his twin's face which is equally terrified and panics

Arjun approachs Vansh and snatches his cell phone...

'Don't use your Mobile phone during meal time... How many times do I have to say this.... ' he scolds his son, taking his seat

Vansh sighs... 'Let the torture begin... ' he murmurs

'Good Morning Papa... ' Ved says, trying to divert his father's attention

'Good morning...' Arjun replies and turns to his younger son

'And you will behave as if I don't exist here, won't you ?' He taunts Vansh

'Good morning Dad... ' Vansh greets him in a low voice..

'Why are you not ready ? Don't you have to go to your Stupid Studio ?' Arjun asks adjusting his specs

'It's Just a studio by the way... And yeah, we will begin today's shoot at 1, so I have plenty of time... ' Vansh replies without looking at him

'And that time you will spend loitering around... ' Arjun says sarcastically
And his cousins Snigger, while Vansh glares at them..

'What are you all laughing at...? Don't you have colleges....? Eat your breakfast and go....' Shashank says taking his seat and they gulp

All the kids in the house are scared of Shashank, because he is always serious, though he never scolds anyone...

'Morning Bhai, Adi, Kids....' he greets all of them and they greet back

'Sash, are you accompanying us to see Jai Bhai...? He is being discharged from the hospital today...!' Adi asks

'Well, as you are planning to bring him here, I will meet him today evening, if that is okay....?' he asks Arjun, who smiles approvingly

'Anyway, We have a board meeting and you will assist me Ved !' Sash orders Ved

'Yes Chachu... ' Ved smiles

'What happened to Bade Papa...?' Vansh asks Ved

'For knowing that, you should be at home... 'Arjun scolds him again

'Why do I even open my mouth...' Vansh mutters

'Tell me Vansh, What kind of unprofessional people your bosses are... I mean which firm starts their work at noon ?' Arjun says while everyone on the table is silent

Ved gesturing his brother not to say anything stupid...

Vansh takes a deep breath
'The one who consider their employees as humans and not robots...!' he states calmly...

This elevates Arjun's anger, while Adi, Sash stiffen and Others get scared...

'You mean we don't.... ' Arjun begins

'No arguing during meal time, how many times I have to say.... ' Naina intervenes in between

Arjun opens his mouth but seeing his wife's angry look he keeps quiet

'Vansh, don't drink that you have allergy... ' She stops her son who is about to drink strawberry milkshake

'Ved finish your breakfast... And Mr. Thapar, why aren't you eating fruits...?' she glares at Arjun who nods and silently eats his breakfast

'Saanjh, Viraj... Finish your milk and where is your sister...?' she asks Saanjh

'I don't know, Badi mummy... ' Saanjh replies

Just then Ananya joins everyone for the breakfast...

'Good morning everyone...' she says

'What the hell are you wearing...!' Ved and Vansh say unanimously but keep their silence seeing their Father's warning expression

She ignores them and takes her seat, smiling at her father...

'Good morning kid...' Adi says 'Ready for moot court today...?'

'I don't know how it is done chachu, let's see what I will do there... ' She replies

'Why are you worried, just debate with the opposite person like you fight with Ved and Vansh... ' Ria says

'That is okay Chachi, but here I always have the chances of winning, I can't say about there na...' Ananya whines

'Who will dare to argue against My daughter...' Arjun says proudly

'The one who doesn't know that she is your daughter....' Naina says and he frowns

'Stop giving her false beliefs... Beta do your best even if you don't win, doesn't matter... At least you tried... ' Naina smiles at her daughter and Ananya nods

'Is that a new phone Ananya...?' Ved points out

Ananya and Arjun stiffen, while Naina glares at them

'What happened to the old one...?' Naina asks her daughter who looks helplessly towards Arjun

'Wo actually.... ' He begins

'I am asking Ananya...' Naina declares without looking at him

'Wo Mumma, It... It fell from the bed and... Cracked.... ' Ananya replies

Ved and Vansh smirk, while others don't say anything

'How did it fell from the bed...?' Naina asks further

'I was angry on Deepika so I... ' Ananya looks down scared

'How many times I have to say, don't vent out your frustrations on objects....' Naina scolds Ananya

'Mumma it was by mistake...' Ananya says slowly looking down and Arjun feels bad for this

'Di, Let it be... She is a kid.... She won't repeat that... Right Ananya...?' Ria says

'A kid ! She is 23 Ria... Don't back her up for this.... Ananya you should....' Naina begins

'Why you always scold my daughter ?' Arjun Whines

'Why you always scold my son ?' Naina counters crossing her hands

'Enough both of you ! Stop arguing like kids... You are in your 50s...' Sash scolds them

And Arjun and Naina don't argue further...

And rest of the Breakfast is a silent affair, with Ananya glaring at her brothers and they smirking back...

'Okay I am leaving... ' Ananya declares getting up

'Take your new car...' Arjun smiles

'Whatt ???' All of them say

'I got her a new car as a pre graduation gift... ' Arjun says ignoring them

'We never got any... ' Ved and Vansh say...

'Thank you Papa... ' Ananya hugs him

'Don't take the new car... Use it after graduation... Go by metro... ' Naina says to Ananya and she frowns

'Naina this is too much... You can't... ' Arjun frowns

'Papa... I'll drop her to the college and besides she doesn't have a permanent license so she can land into trouble...' Ved says getting up

'Okay...' Arjun sighs

'I have to pick up Deeps as well... ' Ananya says taking her bag

'Yeah will take her along... Come... ' Ved replies wearing his jacket

'Bye everyone....' They say and leave the house

'You are spoiling her too much... ' Naina says to Arjun

'Like you haven't spoiled your son at all.... ' Arjun counters and Vansh frowns

'Bhai let's go...!' Adi intervenes before the argument starts

'This isn't over.... Find a decent job.... Enough with this nonsense.... ' Arjun says to Vansh getting up and leaves with Adi

'Maa ? Am I adopted...!' Vansh whines
And rest of the people chuckle


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