Chapter 32

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Narrator's POV

It was midnight, but Aayan couldn't sleep, he was confused about his next step, As now he promised Jai that he will think about moving back to Delhi...

It was not as easy, as it seemed to be...
AYSA was still functioning and he still shared his staff, stakes and profits with his not-so-dependable partner, Samar...

He has to fight a legal suite for split at the company's tribunal, which was a long process, also his investors, resources, team, everyone was based in Bangalore...

It won't be easy for him to get his desirable share from AYSA, and move his entire work to Delhi...

Although Jai and Arjun would happily help him to establish his firm here in Delhi, but he didn't want to involve them...

Also he didn't want to ruin his budding relation with his dad...
Things were going back on track, but at the stake of Aayan's career, which he was not ready to compromise...

He tossed the quilt covering him and got out of his bed

Maybe I should get some fresh air... He thought and wearing his t shirt, and left his room

While walking towards the staircases that descend down to the exit of the house, he saw the lights of Ved's room were on...

Is he awake...?

He knocks the door, but no one answers...

He knocks again, but no one answers this time too, he turns the knob and opens the door...

When he enters his room, he finds Ved sitting on the Bean bag, his headphones on, a gaming controller on his hands and eyes focused on the screen

Aayan enters his room, and Ved doesn't seem to notice that
He was playing counter strike online, with a player called 'The Indestructible 007', but it seemed that Ved was destroying his troops and Mr. Indestructible was not so 'Indestructible'

'Good going bro... ' Aayan patted his shoulders which startled him

He put his headphones off
'Hey Aayan... Sorry I didn't hear you...' he said

'No problem man ! You aced this game too... You were not this good when we used to play... ' Aayan said

'Yeah after you left, I practiced a lot... ' Ved said focusing his eyes on the screen

Just then Ved destroyed the enemy base, and the energy level of his opponent came to minimal...

'Wow Ved, you are good... Your opponent seems to be a kid... I mean look at his gaming ID... ' Aayan commented

'Believe me, this opponent is more kid than just his ID... ' Ved chuckled, and continued to beat his opponent

Ved threw his final grenade on the enemy's camp and it was destroyed
And the screen flashed 'VeD T wins..'

'Wooahhh hooo... Well done.... ' Aayan cheered and High fives Ved...

Just then his room's door opens and a pissed off Vansh enters stomping his feet like a kid

'Stop whooping my ass in the game...I am your younger brother... You should let me win.... ' he whines

'Learn to win by yourself, little bro... ' Ved said fixing the collar of his polo t shirt

Vansh narrows his eyes at him and then huffs

'Practice my little brother... Practice.. It will make you better... ' Ved teased him

Vansh swiftly walked towards Ved and sat on his lap and Aayan started laughing

'Big broo... Let me win...' he pouted

'Eww get off me... ' Ved tried to push him away, but he didn't budge

'Damn you are heavy Vansh... Get off me, My Legs are paining... ' Ved whined and Aayan poured himself a glass of water

'Yeah yeah, you find me heavy, your Shanaya is light as a feather right... ' Vansh taunted and Aayan spits the water and starts laughing..

Ved glared at him, and got up gathering his all strength and tossed Vansh on the floor...

'Ouch, my sexy ass... ' Vansh cried, rubbing his bottom and gets up and then sits on Ved's bean bag

'I never picked Shanaya... ' Ved huffed

'Actually you have.... ' Aayan said and Vansh jumps from his seat excitedly and runs towards Aayan

'When...?' Vansh asked excitedly and Ved facepalms himself, sitting on the bed

'At the boarding school, we had Christmas parties, so in our final year, there was this Prom theme, and Ved was Prom King and Shanaya was Prom Queen...' Aayan said

'Really...?' Vansh smirks at Ved

'Yeah.. And traditionally, Prom King and Queen have to Dance together, so during the dance, Ved had to lift her...' Aayan said and began laughing...

'What.. What happened ? Why are you laughing... ' Vansh gets impatient and Ved hides himself inside the quilt

Aayan controls his laugh
'Shanaya was a bit heavier back then and our hunk was also leaner, so when he tried to lift her... Both of them fell on the floor... Shanaya broke her nose and she had to get it surgically fixed.... ' Aayan said and started laughing

Vansh starts laughing like a maniac and falls on the floor, Rolling with laughter... (Like literally ROFLing)

'I didn't worked out back then alright, also the hostel food was not good, so I was weak too... ' Ved said from inside the quilt

'You still can't lift a girl....' Vansh teased, sitting on the floor

'Ooooo really, how many girls have you lifted...?' Ved comes out of the quilt and glares at him

'Well... I lost the count... ' Vansh flexes his arm muscles

'Yeah right... ' Ved rolled his eyes

'You don't believe me...? I'll show you one day... ' Vansh smirked

'Yeah yeah... We will see... ' Ved lies on the bed and covers his face with the quilt

Aayan winks at Vansh and he grins

'Well I think, we'll see Vansh lifting a girl very soon... ' Aayan said

'Really who and when...?' Ved asks not getting out of his quilt

'He'll lift Deepika, at their wedding...' Aayan said and Vansh looked at him shocked..

'Dude...!!!! Wedding...??!!' He whisper yells at Aayan and he facepalms himself

'Sorry... ' Aayan mutters

Ved gets up from his lying position with a jerk and stared at them shocked

'Are you crazy...?' Ved says shocked

Aayan and Vansh compose themselves

'Why what's wrong in that...?' Aayan raised his brows

'It's weird...! I mean she is Ananya's bestie... ' Ved exclaimed

'So...? Who said you can't date your sister's bestie... ' Vansh raised his brow

'You want to date her...?' Ved asked shocked

'Well, I haven't thought about that yet, but yeah, why not...? She is beautiful, funny and I like to talk to her... ' Vansh said smiling and Ved gets Angry, while Aayan smirks at Ved's reaction

'Yeah and Big Dad and Mom also won't have have any problem... ' Aayan grinned

'Yeah... ' Vansh said

'Have you both lost your brains... How can Vansh date her... When....!!' he begins angrily but stops mid way when they hear a slow romantic song playing from some distance

(A/N - I imagined the song, mentioned above, it's my current favourite, you can think of any other song you all like...! Do let me know what song you guys imagined...😃)

'Weird song... Who's getting so hopelessly romantic at this time... ' Aayan said frowning

'It's coming from Ananya's room... ' Ved said

'What...!' Ved and Aayan exclaimed

'I think I should, reconsider my decision of going out with Deepika... I didn't know they had varied interests... ' Vansh comments and Aayan starts laughing

Ved hits him...
'Why is she playing music at this time...?' He says to himself

'Let's go there and eavesdrop them...' Vansh exclaims

'Grow up Vansh... ' Ved scolds him

'Huh.. You are no fun... ' Vansh frowns and then holds Aayan's hands
'Let's go Aayan.... ' he says dragging Aayan along with him

Ved sighed and followed them

They reach outside Ananya's room and the sound becomes clearer...

They stand outside her room and Ved facepalms himself

'This is ridiculous... ' He mutters

'Shut up... They'll hear us... ' Vansh whispers and the music stops, and they panic

'Ananya this song is so stupid and I don't want to dance with that idiot Krish in this... ' They hear Deepika's voice

'I think the song is nice, unlike your partner....' Ananya laughs

'It's very old... Also very romantic... I wish it was someone else, instead of Krish...' Deepika sighs

And Vansh and Aayan's breathings almost hitched, because their plan would've failed, if she took Ved's name

'Pheww... ' They breathed out and Ved looks at them questioningly

'You were our Miss Fresher's and he was Mr. Fresher, so as per college tradition, you guys have to dance... ' Ananya says

'Aarrgghhh... No ! I won't... ' Deepika whines

'What are we doing here... Let's go... ' Ved says

Just then Deepika plays a funky song with beats and pulls ananya to dance with her...
Both of them laughed and danced together, swaying their hips along the beats, enjoying themselves...

Outside their room, Vansh also started dancing, and Aayan looked at him amused, while Ved slapped his head..

'Hey come on it's my favourite song... ' Vansh says and continues dancing like a mad man and then unlocks Ananya's room and enters inside dancing...

'Vansh...' Aayan and Ved called him horrified, but he was already inside

'Hey girls... ' Vansh approached them dancing

'Hey Bhai...!' Ananya exclaimed happily and started copying his steps

'Hey Vansh.... ' Deepika said while jumping on Ananya's bed..

But then she realised, 'VANSH...!' and halted her jumping, thinking that even Ved might be here....

Ananya's bed was so bouncy, that when Deepika stopped jumping, it recoiled and Deepika lost her balance due to abrupt halting, and was about to fall, when Vansh caught her mid air and carried her in a bridal style...

'Woaahhhh easy there, Bugs Bunny... ' Vansh said and Ananya gasped

Ved and Aayan entered the room, and saw Deepika in Vansh's arm, Ved clenched his fist and Aayan covered his mouth to hide his smile

Vansh turned around with Deepika in his arms and raised his brow at Ved smirking at him and put Deepika down at which Ved huffed...

'Why aren't you both sleeping...?' Ved asked irritated

'Bhai we had to practice... Actually not me, Deeps had to practice, but she is not listening to me... ' Ananya complains to Ved

'I don't have to practice anything Ved, don't listen to her.... ' Deepika said

'What practice...?' Vansh asked

'Ball dance practice... ' Ananya said

'That's it ? Ved is expert in that, he will teach you... ' Aayan said and Vansh started laughing remembering the incident

'What so funny...?' Ananya asked

Vansh was about to say, but Ved intervenes in between

'Nothing, I can teach you basic steps Deepika, my school teacher taught me... Come here...' Ved said in dominating tone

'No Ved you Don't have to... ' Deepika began, but Ved cut her off in between

'I said come here... ' he ordered and Deepika quietly followed his instructions, she was intimidated by Ved right now...

'Keep your hands on my shoulders...' he instructed and Deepika followed his orders

He kept his hands over her waist and pulled her closer, Deepika looked down, trying not to blush, and Ananya looked away controlling her smile

'During Ball dance, you don't look down, you look at your partners eyes... So look at me, not the floor... ' Ved said

Aayan and Vansh smirked at each other at this

Deepika slowly looked at Ved, and they stared at each others eyes...

'Annie start the song, you were playing before we came... ' Ved instructed without taking his eyes off Deepika

The song began and Ved slowly started moving himself and Deepika, and moved along the rhythm...

They both danced like they were lost in their own world, Deepika who had no idea about Ball dance, was actually doing it..

Though she did hurt Ved with the irregular movements of her legs, but he didn't seem to mind, he was a very patient teacher, moreover he was enjoying himself so there was not really a scope of him getting irritated

'Should we disturb them...?' Aayan asked

'Absolutely not... ' Vansh said smiling

Ved and Deepika were lost in their own world, it seemed that they were actually living the lyrics of the song

(A/N : I understand this became too filmy right now, don't judge me I am a 90s Bollywood fan... *Pouts* Guilty... But it's fun...😂😂)

Ved looked at Vansh who was smiling at them, and god knows what came to him, he lifts Deepika in the air, holding her by waist, like those difficult lifting step in the Ball dances

Deepika was shocked and so were Ananya-Aayan...
Ved smirked at Vansh lifting his brows at him, and Vansh gave him an amused look...

He let go of Deepika and then smiled

'You learn very fast Deepika, well done... Let's go for one last practice, then you'll be ready for tomorrow... Annie start again...' he said to Ananya and she followed his instructions...

Vansh looked at Aayan, gesturing him that they should leave...

'One minute bro... ' Aayan said and Vansh nodded and left Ananya's room smiling

Aayan walked towards Ananya who was watching them dance..

'Hey I never got the chance to say thanks to you... ' He said

'For...?' Ananya said, her eyes still on Ved - Deepika...

'For the advice that day, and also for bearing my tantrums, day before yesterday... ' Aayan sighed and Ananya looked at him

'So you know how to say thank you as well...? Hmm, Interesting...!' Ananya teased him

'There are lot of things you don't know about me... Kindly take some interest here as well.. ' Aayan smiled and Ananya's heart started beating twice it's rate

'Are you trying to flirt with me, in front of my brother... ' Ananya joked

'It's good for health you know...! Like Yoga... ' Aayan said laughing

'Wow, you have watched YJHD as well..!' Ananya says excitedly

'Yeah... ' he replied smiling 'But on a serious note Ananya, I think we should stop fighting, and become friends... ' he said

'You want to be friends with me...?' Ananya asked shocked

'Yeah...' he smiled and forwards his hand 'Friends...?' he asked

Ananya was reluctant to accept his friendship proposal, her conscious was not ready for that...

She looked at him, and he stared her expectantly, sighing she held his hands and shook it..
'Friends...!' she smiled

'See you.. ' Aayan smiled and left her room as well...

Yes ! Tonight there were a lot of new beginnings for Arjun & Naina's children...


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