Chapter 35

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'Papa, wake up.... ' Aayan said, opening the curtains of Jai's room

Jai sighs and turns to the other side, covering his face with his quilt...

'Young man, you should not sleep this much, you know when I was of your age, I didn't sleep at all... ' Aayan said imitating Jai

Jai chuckled and removed the quilt from his face..

'I never said that... ' He said and Aayan laughed

'I know... Now wake up, Mom is calling you for the lunch, your afternoon nap of 30 minutes extended to 2 hours already... ' Aayan said

'I am old, leave me alone... ' Jai whined and snuggled himself inside the quilt

'Papa... Come on...!' Aayan pulled away his quilt

'5 mins Aayan... ' Jai said

'You've become lazy, now a days... From tomorrow you'll come with me for the morning walk and after I leave, you'll go with Ved... ' Aayan said making Jai sit

Jai's eyes fill with tears and he looks at Aayan

'Do you have to go son...?  I mean I just got you back... ' Jai said his voice cracking

Aayan hugs him
'Give me some time Dad, I'll take you with me or come back to you... I promise... '

Jai wipes away his tears and gets up from his bed

'What about your marriage...?' he asks teasingly

'Papa...' Aayan warns him

'Okay... Okay... One thing at a time... ' Jai raises his hands in defense, and Aayan laughs at this

'Come let's go... ' Aayan holds Jai, and they walk out of his room


Aayan was waiting for Ved in a coffee shop, he got his repaired phone back and was going through his phone, to check whether all his data was retrieved or not

He wanted to go back to Bangalore, to resume his work... 

His visit of 7 days was already extended to 20 days and his partner Samar was not a very great help, he was worried about the work and also had to begin with the legal suite procedure for AYSA's split...

So He and Ved were going to discuss about his further plan, which was delayed due to Ananya's stunt...

He smiled, thinking about her...

Yes, she is stubborn...!
But whatever she did, had a noble reason behind it...

Had she not damaged his phone, he wouldn't have got this chance to improve his bond with his father...

She was the one who made him realise that his Father was not always wrong...

He remembered how pretty she is, how she makes others smile, and how she understood him, when no one did...

I was wrong about her...
She is a good girl...
Maybe I should ask her out for a coffee sometime, just to thank her ofcourse...
No stupid stuff involved... He  thought...

Aayan's thoughts were disturbed rudely by his half brother Yash, who intentionally banged the table to get his attention

'Well well well... Isn't he my favorite half brother...?' Yash said to his friend, who sniggered

Aayan looked at them and then rolled is eyes, focusing his attention back on the phone...

'Nice try to ignore me brother... But you know you can't do that...'  Yash smirked, sitting opposite to Aayan

'Buzz off Kid...! Go bother someone else, I have no time for stupid, hopeless children like you... ' Aayan said, and Yash fisted his hands

'No one tells me what to do... ' Yash puts his feet on the table, which angers Aayan

'What do you want...?' Aayan asked

'I want your apology for insulting me that day and also for hurting my mother... I prefer a oral apology rather than written....' Yash said

'And you really think that I will apologize to you... ' Aayan raised his brows

'I will make you... ' Yash challenged

'Really... Make me... ' Aayan crosses his hands near his chest and leaned against the chair

The manager of the shop approached them, and politely turns to Yash

'Sir...  Please may I request you to keep your feet down the table... It's bothering our customers and also it's not decent...  Please sir... ' He said

Yash takes out the bunch of 100rs note  from his jacket and throws it at the manager..
'Is that fine now...? Move... ' He orders rudely

'But Sir... ' the manager keeps the money on the table

'It's not his fault sir.... This boy is an orphan and is just released from the Juvenile home... He lacks manners, kindly pardon him... He doesn't understand politeness... ' Aayan said and tossed Yash's leg from the table, such that he loses his balance and fells along with his chair...

'Bro...!' Yash's friend helps him to stand and Aayan dismisses the manager

'You know who are you talking to ? My father can shut down that scrap company of yours... ' Yash sneered taking his seat

'And my father can shut down that shit run by your father, whose advertisements are equally cringe worthy.... ' Aayan matched his tone

'How dare you... You son of a.... ' he began but stopped midway

Aayan smirked at him, 'Go ahead, say it... Unfortunately we share our mother, so if I am that, you are too... ' he said and Yash huffed

'Mom did the right thing, by leaving your loser father and marrying mine, because..... ' Yash begun


Aayan slapped Yash, in front of everyone and his friend gasped, now everyone's attention is on Aayan and Yash

'Bastards like you must be tamed properly, or else this happens.... ' Aayan gritted getting up

'You... ' Yash grabs his hand and Aayan jerks it away and catches Yash by his collars

'Listen to me boy... You are not my brother... And I have no relation with your mother as well... Dare you bother me again, and you will not walk back to your house... Go ! Start working, before that saint brother of yours throws you mother - son duo out of his house...' he pushed Yash away and he fell on the floor

Aayan turned to get out of the cafe, when he was hit from the back by a steel chair, and he collapsed on the ground...

Everyone gasped and the manager runs towards Aayan, who was almost on the verge of crying in pain because his back was hurt by the impact of the chair

'Sir are you okay...?' He helped Aayan getting up who cried in pain

'Call me a bastard, I don't care... Atleast I don't live a miserable life like you, your loser father and that whore sister of yours.... ' Yash sneered keeping the chair back

Aayan's anger crossed it's limit now, he could bear the vile words about him, but no one dares to say anything about Nitaara in front of him, because then that person faces the wrath of Aayan that he will never forget...

Aayan pushed the manager, and marched towards Yash angrily, pushing away his friend who tried to stop him

He grabbed Yash, by his collar and pushed him to the pillar nearby, chocking him by his neck, glaring him with his Bloodshot eyes

'How. Dare. You...!' Aayan gritted and Yash was trying to get out of his hold

He throws Yash on the floor and started punching him on his face...

He forgot that he was his half brother, he was so angry at that moment that if not stopped, he might kill Yash with his bare hands...

Ved entered the Cafe and saw the whole scenario, scared, he ran towards Aayan and tried to separate him from Yash

'Aayan leave him... ' Ved held Aayan from the back but Aayan continued punching Yash, whose nose was bleeding now...

They heard police sirens, which scared Ved, and he pulled Aayan away from Yash, who was struggling to breathe now...

When Ved, helped Aayan stand, he collapsed on the floor, because of the severe pain on his back, and Ved gasped

'Aayan are you okay...?' Ved asked

'Arrest this man... Look what he did to my friend..' Yash's friend told the police inspector, pointing at Aayan

'Call the ambulance, fast... ' The inspector ordered seeing Yash's condition

'You have to come with us... ' Policeman said to Aayan, who stood up with Ved's help

'Sir, please look at his condition he can't even stand, please let me take him to the hospital... ' Ved pleaded

'Can you see the condition of that boy... This man beat him so badly, we have to arrest him... ' Policeman said

'Sir, that boy started everything... ' The manager came to Aayan's rescue

'Get the CCTV footage to the police station, and get your lawyer to bail this man out... ' The policeman said, holding Aayan, who winced

'Sir, please look at his condition.. Have some mercy on him, he needs to see a doctor... ' Ved pleaded

'Sir you can take him to the doctor after bailing him out... Also we need to inform the boy's parents, if they decide to file a case against him, then your friend is in a big trouble... '

'Do you know who is his father...! He is the son of Prateek Singhal, he can destroy you... ' Yash's friend said angrily

'Do you know who's son is he...? Jai Varma, he can destroy his father's company as well....' Ved countered

'Oooo... Rich brats... Call their fathers... ' The inspector ordered the constable

'No sir...' Ved said horrified

'Take him to the police station and this guy to the hospital... ' The inspector ordered and the constable pushed Aayan inside the police van and Ved stood there helplessly...

'Aayan, I'll be there with Mr. Singh... Don't worry...' He said and called their lawyer

At the police station...

Aayan was sitting inside the cell, leaning against the wall, as his back was hurting very badly...

His hands were bloodstained, and he was angrily looking at the floor...

Prateek Singhal entered inside the police station, followed by Sameer

Sameer looked at Aayan and winced seeing his condition

'Where is that monster who did this to my son...?' Prateek growled

'This is not your office, keep your tone down or else I'll lock you inside too... ' The inspector scolds him

'Do you know, who are you speaking to...!' Prateek glared at the inspector

'Dad please... ' Sameer tries to calm him down

'How can I calm down Sameer, didn't you see what he did to your brother, I want to file a case against him... He will suffer for this... ' Prateek cried and then he spotted Aayan

'You..! I will kill you with my bare hands you worthless boy...!!' He shouted

'Behave yourself Mister... ' Inspector said again

'Lay a finger on my son and I will break your hand... ' Arjun said angrily from behind, he was followed by Ved, their lawyer, the cafe manager and Jai

'You...! You are the reason, that he turned into a brat... ' Prateek blames Arjun

'You are the reason he is like this... ' Jai said coldly

And Prateek didn't say anything he looked away, afterall how can he face Jai after destroying his and his children's life

'Whatever you did in the past, I won't say anything on that Mr. Singhal, but if you try to harm my son, believe me Singhal advertising will face Jai Varma's wrath and you certainly don't want that... ' Jai threatened Prateek

'But he hit my son, he is in the hospital..!' Prateek argued

'The fight was started by Mr. Yash Singhal, he hit Mr. Aayan with a steel chair....' Jai's lawyer, Mr. Singh said and showed the video clipping to the inspector

'Also, Mr. Yash behaved rudely with the manager and was disturbing other customers in the cafe, we have the manager with us to testify that....' Mr. Singh said further

'According to the city hospital's doctor, Mr. Yash did not get any major injuries, here are the reports, also you did not let Mr. Aayan go to the doctor, he may have got serious injuries, just look at the impact how he was hit by Mr. Yash... Do you understand that if something happens to Mr. Aayan, you will be in trouble... ' Mr. Singh says to the policeman, who gulps

'I have Mr. Ved to testify against you, that even on his repeated requests you did not allow Mr. Aayan to be taken to the hospital, who urgently needed medical attention... ' he threatened the inspector

Jai looked at the clip, where Yash hits Aayan with the steel chair, and Aayan falls on the ground, he winces seeing that...

'Release my client immediately sir, it's a family matter... Aayan and Yash are brothers...' The lawyer said, and Aayan fists his hands

'But that was not a brotherly fight... ' Inspector argued..

'We want an FIR to be filed....!' Prateek growled

'If anything happens to my son in this jail, I will file a case against Yash Singhal and you... ' Jai said to policeman angrily

'But he is a minor...!' Prateek argued

'He turned 18 last month... ' Arjun shot back

'Please arrest Yash Singhal Sir, he provoked Aayan to do all that....' Ved said

'So he will beat my son mercilessly... ' Prateek Singhal countered

'Enough...!  I am the incharge here.. Don't tell me what to do...!' Inspector scolded everyone

'Sir, we haven't filed any FIR against Mr. Aayan, so there is no scope of any criminal case, as Mr. Yash is fine... Unless Mr. Singhal decides to file a case...' he looked at Prateek

Jai glared threateningly at Prateek and he hung his head low..

'No... ' he said slowly

'Okay then... Do you want to file any case against Mr. Yash...?' Inspector asked Jai

He looked at Aayan, he gestured him not to do that...

'No... ' Jai said

'Very well then... Release Mr. Aayan and both of you, sign here... ' he orders the constable and asks Jai and Prateek to sign

Constable releases Aayan, and Ved rushed towards him, holding him for the support..

'Are you Okay Aayan...?' Ved asked and Aayan nodded wincing

'Is it paining too much son...?' Arjun asked and Aayan just nodded

'Let's take him to the hospital... ' Jai said worriedly and they all walked towards the exit, Prateek glared at them and left...

'I am sorry on Yash and Dad's Behalf Aayan, Get well soon... ' Sameer said and left with his father

Aayan stopped midway and turned to the inspector
'Sir.. May I ask who called you there...?' he asked and all of them looked at him bewildered

'I am sorry we cannot reveal the name... ' Inspector said

'I will give you in writing, nothing will happen to that person... ' Aayan said

'Aayan, what's the point in knowing the name...?' Ved asked

'I don't know bro, but I just feel that I should know... ' Aayan said

Aayan wrote his consent in a paper and gave it to the inspector, who read it and put it inside the file...

'It's not in the protocol to reveal the name sir, but I see that you belong to a respectable family and won't harm the person, so I think I can trust you with the name... ' The inspector said

'Thank you sir, I promise ...' Aayan said

Police checked the register and then said
'The complainants name is Ananya Thapar.... '

All of them gasped at this...


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