Chapter 42

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New Delhi...
E market HQs...

'Is this the crap, I asked you to prepare...?' Ved growls at his sales team and they get scared

'But sir... This is how you instructed us to make the report... Category wise, Electronics, Furnishings, Stationaries etc... ' The manager informed him

'Mr. Mishra, these reports are very vague, I asked you guys to give me brand wise reports, so that I can talk with the dealers of poor performing brands and send them off... ' Ved said angrily

'But sir there is the brand wise performance mentioned in the end... ' Mr. Mishra said

'I want a whole new report based on the brands understand...? Now leave... All of you... ' he throws the file on the table and the staff hurriedly leaves his cabin

'Useless people... ' Ved mutters and his phone begins ringing

He glances at the ID and sighs in frustration

'What do you want Shanaya...?' He grits angrily

'You said that you will meet me today...' Shanaya says from the other side

'Why will I do that...?' Ved raised his brows

'It's been months, that I have seen you Ved... You broke up with me, just after a week of dating... Alteast give me a proper closure... ' She cried

'I told you that, I don't do this dating thing, you were clinging to me like a leech.... On your insisting I tried that too...  I didn't like it, hence I broke up... What closure do you need...?' Ved growled

'Ved I love you, don't do this to me... ' Shanaya cried

'Don't waste my time Shanaya... I have important things to deal with... ' He replied uninterested

'Fine...! Don't meet me now, but you will come to me begging... Then I won't entertain you... ' Shanaya said

You will come to me begging for my forgiveness Ved Thapar, and you won't get it... I promise you that...  You will regret your words one day...
Ved recalled Deepika's words and clutched his phone tightly

He cut the call and angrily put his phone inside the drawer...

There was a light knock on his door and he composed his expression

'Come in... ' He said

The door opened and Jai enters his cabin, dressed in a three piece suit...

'Bade Papa...? Why did you come here... You could've called me to your cabin... ' Ved said getting up from his chair

'Well, I was bored looking at all those charts and graphs, so I decided to take a walk... I heard you shouting at someone, so I came here to see... Is everything okay...?' he asked taking the seat opposite to him

Ved sat on his chair, and sighed..
'Yeah Bade Papa, everything is fine, it was just a useless call... ' He smiled

'I understand that you are stressed because Arjun is not well, but don't worry son, he will be fine, you heard the doctors yesterday... They said he is okay... ' Jai smiled

Ved smiled faintly and nodded

'Now go out in the garden, take some fresh air and calm down... You need to be in a good mood, we are bringing your father back home, Remember...?' Jai said getting up

'Yes Bade papa...' Ved smiled and Jai left his cabin

He glanced at the photo frame, on his table, in which He, Vansh and Ananya are smiling at the camera...

'I miss you guys...' he sighed and then gets up and walks out of his cabin


'Deepika...? Joshi sir is calling you inside... ' Her colleague informed 

Deepika looks up from the screen and then adjusts her glasses

'What for...?' she asks

'He wants to discuss some case... ' her colleague Maya said

'Okay... ' Deepika, closes the file she was reading and gets up from her table

She was working in a law firm, run by city's famous lawyer, and was about to move to Bangalore, to work under his brother...

She knocked the door and entered inside

'Sir, you called...?' she asked

'Yes Miss Mehra, come take a seat... ' His boss Mr. Joshi said

Deepika sits opposite to her boss's table and he forwards her a file

'Is there a problem in the case reviews sir...?' She asked

'No all of them are perfect, and your suggestions are very practical, we can use this points to argue against the prosecutor in the court... ' Mr. Joshi said

'Then...?' she asked

'You didn't give any points for Mr. Desai's son's case... Don't you think he has any chance of acquittal...?' Mr. Joshi asked

'Sir, Mr. Desai may be the richest man in the city, but he failed to teach his son basic public behavior... The way he behaved with the police officers and beat up those kids, was not right..' Deepika said

'But I have to defend him, his father hired me for that... ' Mr. Joshi said

'Sir, I have gone through the facts of this case, it's kinda hard to save Mr. Desai... Its a case of half murder sir, it's his luck that the boy survived, or else he would have been charged with homicide... And his son also has a history of complaints against him, You should not defend such man Sir...' Deepika argued

'It's our profession Deepika, we have to do our job irrespective of the background of the client... ' Her boss said

'I will never defend any Rich brat, just because he is paying me money, Sir... ' Deepika said getting up

'In fact I have taken a vow, of never working with a wealthy client... I said what I felt sir, else it's your firm your decision... ' she said and left his cabin

Deepika takes a seat on her cubicle and takes a deep breath

Trying to trap rich boys to live a luxurious life...?  Very smart Deepika...
Ved's words rang on her ears...

She shut the voice  by covering her ears with her hands

'I hate you Ved Thapar... ' she muttered and wiped the tears forming in her eyes...


A white mercedes halts in front of a lavish building, located in the commercial area of the city, where only rich people reside...

The chauffeur comes out, dressed in white uniform, and opens up the back door of the car...

A tall man, wearing a sky blue shirt, black trousers, Black jacket, wearing a rimless glass, hair neatly gelled and combed, gets out of the car and nods at the chauffeur...

He walks inside the building which has the glassdoor entrance and the door keepers greet him..

The reception reads 'A. V. Tech Solutions' embossed in gold on the wall and the receptionist stand to greet him, he curtly nods at her and walks towards the private elevator, which only he can access

AV Tech solutions building had 6 floors and it's sole owner Aayan Varma worked on the top floor...

This may look like an ordinary building from outside, but inside with was equipped with latest technologies and was basically involved in research for technologies that make people's life easier, and was now attracting top technology graduates as their dream work place...

Aayan gets out of the elevator, on his floor, and walked towards his cabin addressed as 'Aayan Varma, Director'

Before he entered his room, his eyes land on the young girl, who was talking to one of the engineers working on the floor...

'Don't you know that ladies are not allowed in this floor...?' he said curtly, grabbing their attention

The girl gulps looking at his annoyed face and the engineer looks at him scared

'Sir... She is new, she did not know about this, I was informing her, that this is a restricted area for women... ' he said

'Now you know...?' Aayan asks the girl and she nods scared

'Don't repeat the mistake, or else you will be fired... ' Aayan said and turns around to get inside his cabin

'But sir, sorry to ask, but I don't understand... Why aren't ladies allowed here...?' The girl gathers her courage and asks him and the male employee looked at her horrified, gesturing her to shut up

Aayan turns and glares at the woman..
'Don't you love your newly acquired job...? I think you are taking your career for granted, that's why you are messing with your boss.. ' He smirks

The girl could not believe that how can someone so handsome, is equivalently rude...

'No sir.. I was just asking...out of curiosity ' she said looking down

'Use your curiosity for research, that's why you hired here... Not in petty things, understand... ' Aayan curtly replied and the girl nodded looking down

'And as far as your question is concerned, I cannot stand any woman  in this floor... I respect them of course, but prefer to maintain my distance... They are not worth my time....' he said and girl looked at him bewildered for giving a paradoxical statement

How can someone say that they respect women, but also say they are not Worth their time...

'Don't use that brain in decoding my statement... Use it for making codes... Now leave this floor in 10 seconds or I will fire you....' he warned and girl looked horrified, she quickly turned around and ran away from there...

Aayan turned to the employee, talking to her...
'Next time I find any woman in this floor, except the one I permitted,  You... Not the woman, but You, will be fired.... Get it...?' Aayan threatens the man

'Yes... Yes Sir... ' The man gulped

'Good... Now scram... ' he dismissed him and walked inside his cabin

Yes ! The Aayan Varma, who was considered as a rich brat and a womanizer two years ago, was a woman hater now...
He believed that no woman was worth his time, and can only fulfil a man's material needs...

From last 2 years, only the girl he loved dearly and his Naina mom, were the ladies he interacted to, and of course the house keeper Mrs. Kumar, else he didn't prefer to interact with any other woman...

Though his company had women employees hired at the executive posts, but he preferred to keep minimal contact with them, and hence their message was conveyed to him, by their male associates...

Aayan takes his seat, and opened the file placed on the desk...

His friend and AI team leader Alex enters his cabin...

'Good morning, Aayan... ' He greets him

'Good morning Alex, is the draft ready... ' Aayan asked, not looking up from the file

'Yeah, it is, but I think I need 2 more graduates for this project... ' Alex said

'Recruit some interns then... And if they are good, we'll hire them permanently.... ' Aayan said and Alex nodded

'Sir, the Cyber security team is here... ' His secretary informs him over the intercom

'Good, send them up... ' Aayan said and read the profile of the team..

He immediately calls his secretary after glancing the names
'Aarav, are there two women in the team...? He asks him

His secretary, looks glances at the team who were standing in front of him, and then gulps

'Yes Sir, I told them that the ladies cannot go up there, but they are not listening, they say that the ladies are their chief developers... ' Aarav informs

Aayan sighs in frustration....
'Ask Amit and Shreya to talk with them and send Amit to give me the review report of this team... Don't send them up here... ' Aayan said and cut the call...

'Wow, you really are a woman hater...' Alex commented

'All thanks to someone... ' Aayan gritted remembering Ananya...

'It's very unpractical and also sometimes unprofessional to distance yourself from the females, I mean you can't avoid them, They are in every field, you have to interact with them someday... ' Alex said

'I do interact with them, if it's really really very important... It's not that I have distanced myself from them completely... I have Amayra living with me, isn't she a girl too...?' Aayan asked

'But Amayra is... ' Alex began, but Aayan cuts him off in between

'Give me the draft, let's do some work... ' he said

Alex sighed and began explaining him the draft...
After sometime, Aayan's intercom rings, and he answers it, still looking at the draft, Alex was explaining...

'Sir, Amayra mam wants to talk to you... ' Aarav said

'Connect the line... ' Aayan smiled

'Hey sweetheart... ' he said sweetly

'Yeah... Yeah I miss you too... ' he said and Alex smiled

'But I am working, how will I come straightaway.... '

'Okay okay... I'll be home soon... Yeah... I promise... ' he smiled

'Bye baby, I love you... ' he said and hung up

'You really love her don't you...?' Alex asked

'Yeah, she came to my life, when AYSA was shut down and AV was just an idea... ' Aayan smiles

'Then why can't you tolerate other women...?' Alex raised his brow

'She is the only woman I need in my life right now, rest are waste of time...' Aayan said

'She is very lucky to have you... ' Alex smiled

'I am the luckiest man in this world, to have her buddy... ' Aayan said and they continued with their work...

After an hour, Alex leaves his cabin and Aayan opened his laptop, which revealed Ananya's picture as the homescreen, He fisted his hands seeing that...

'Just because I have Amayra now, it doesn't mean I forgot you Ananya... ' he said to the picture

'I know you are out there somewhere, living your life happily... But don't worry, I am coming to destroy it... It's payback time Ananya Thapar.... See you soon... ' he smirked running his finger to her face on the screen

A mystery lady in Aayan's life...
Ved the super sadu and Deepika the rich people hater...
Too much changes right...
Don't worry more drama will unfold soon...
Do let me know your views

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