Chapter 50

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Next day...
New Delhi...

Ananya, Aayan and Amayraa were supposed to leave for the airport, and Vansh was going to pick them up from the house...

Vansh walked inside from the gate and stood in front of the mansion, battling with himself, whether to go inside or not...

After sometime he decided to stay outside and wait for Ananya and Aayan, so he placed his luggage near the porch staircase and sat on the stairs, playing with his phone

Arjun who descended downstairs, saw Vansh sitting outside the house, and his heart clenched seeing his son so distant from him, tears filled his eyes..

But there was no use for crying now, afterall he was the reason that Vansh doesn't come inside the house...

I think it's time to call him back... Arjun thought and walked towards Vansh and stood behind him, he was watching Dragon Ball Z in his phone and Arjun smiled at this...

Still a kid.. When will he grow up...

Vansh didn't seem to notice Arjun's presence right behind him, and continued watching the series

Arjun felt like hugging his son tightly and say that he is very proud of him, and how precious he is, but Vansh won't accept him that easily, so he stayed back...

Arjun coughed to make his presence known, Vansh turned around and got scared seeing Arjun standing this close...

'Holy shii.... ' He exclaimed and slipped 2 stairs down the porch

'Be careful son...' Arjun rushed towards him and helped him to stand

'Are you okay...?' Arjun asked panicked and Vansh looked at him confused

'Since when you started liking me...?' Vansh said and moved away from Arjun

Arjun composed himself and sighed
'Why don't you come inside...' he said

'No I am comfortable here, I don't like to visit the places where I am not welcome..' Vansh replied

'This is your house Vansh...' Arjun said

'It was my house Sir, it's not now.....' Vansh said

'Sir...?' Arjun asked looking hurt

'I don't think I am worthy enough to call you as Dad... Afterall I am not as successful like Ved yet... ' Vansh said not looking at him

Arjun was really hurt by this, he was on the verge of breaking down..
He took a deep breath and turned away, and quickly wiped his tears

Jai walked towards them and seeing Arjun's troubled expression, he turned to Vansh

'Hey Champ ! Let's go inside... ' Jai held Vansh's hand

'No Bade Papa, I am fine here, just ask Annie and Aayan to hurry up please.. ' Vansh said

'Oo come on ! Don't be a Sadu like your Dad, come with me...' Jai coaxed him further

Vansh sighed and walked inside, and Arjun muttered a Thank you to Jai, and Jai patted Arjun's shoulder

Living room..

Jai went to take Amayraa from Aayan in his room...

Vansh was seated on the sofa, staring at the nothing in particular and Arjun took a seat opposite to him...

None of them spoke for sometimes, avoiding each others gaze, but as it was getting more and more awkward Arjun decided to talk

'So you have your own production house I heard... ' He said

Vansh looked at him bewildered and then gave an indifferent look

'Yeah... It's called V square productions... ' he replied

'V square ? As in Vansh and Ved...?' Arjun asked

'Vikrant and Vansh, not everything in my life has to be associated with Ved...' Vansh said sarcastically

'I didn't mean that, I thought....' Arjun began

'Ved did not help me in this, I also have some brain of my own... I know you are very proud of your perfect son, but kindly acknowledge your other children's work as well... ' Vansh said

Arjun sighed
'Okay... What does your production house do...?' he asked further

'Ohh so now we are talking about my work...?' Vansh asked irritated

'I am just trying to know how you work...' Arjun replied calmly

'Why didn't you take this effort two years back...!' Vansh exclaimed

'I always wanted to know what you do... I asked you many times....' Arjun said

'There is a way of asking,Dad...!
There is a huge difference between,
"How are you working on that new proposal son, tell me if you need my help... " AND "So your camera broke ? Huh... I wonder how you people make your living by just playing with the camera..." Vansh mocked him

Arjun sighed at this
'You were not serious about your work, 2 years back... ' he said

'How did you know ? how did you judge that I was not serious..! Just because I didn't roam around with files like Ved, or wasn't sophisticated and diplomatic like him, you assumed I am not serious...! You know what Sir, let's not discuss about my work...' Vansh said frustrated

Arjun sighed at this and both of them didn't say anything for a while

'I think you should come back Son, your mother misses you, we all miss you here... ' Arjun said looking hopefully at Vansh

'Are you for real Dad...! What made you think that I will come back ? I will take Maa with me, but won't return here...!' he huffed

'What after you get married...? Will you keep my daughter in law away from the family... I won't let you do this young man... Believe me on that..' Arjun matched Vansh's tone

Vansh looked at Arjun and then huffed

'I won't get married, At all... ' He gave a challenging look to Arjun

'That's ridiculous, you will fall in love with someone for sure... ' Arjun chuckled

'You think, I am mad like Ved or Annie to fall and suffer in love, I am way smarter than them in this matter... ' Vansh blurted out, without realizing

'What...!' Arjun exclaimed shocked

'Yeah... Like Annie fell in love with Aayan and then cried, and Ved liked....' Vansh continued his blabber, but stopped mid way and then cursed himself under his breath

'Ananya cried for Aayan..! Why ? When...?' Arjun asked

'I don't know about this....' Vansh lied

'Don't lie okay... Say it... ' Arjun warned

'No... I am not lying... I was just blabbering.... ' Vansh said panicked

'Vansh... ' Arjun warned again

'Annie...! Aayan...! We are getting late.... Come fast...!' Vansh shouted getting up from his seat, trying to avoid Arjun

'Don't avoid me young man.. ' Arjun said authoritatively and Vansh had to oblige to him now

'2 years ago, when Aayan left, I heard Annie crying and confessing in front of Deepika, ki she loves Aayan... I don't know anything else.... ' Vansh said and then ran upstairs, to check on Ananya and Aayan

Arjun sat there, still shocked hearing Vansh's revelation...

Ananya loved Aayan, I mean how is this possible... They always fight, then how can she....
He then remembered how he and Naina used to fight on petty things when they were younger...

Images of Aayan and Ananya taking care of Amayraa flashed in front of him, Also how Ananya calmed Aayan down when he was on his beast mode, the way they looked at each other...

Now it all makes sense...
I need to talk to Jai and Naina about this...

1 hour later...

The BMW SUV halted in front of the New Delhi airport departure terminal, the chauffeur quickly got down and opened the doors...

Aayan, Ananya got out from the back seat, while Vansh got out from the front seat holding Amayraa in his arms who was busy staring the huge airport in surprise

Ananya's phone started ringing, and she walked away from them, whereas Aayan was helping the driver to keep their luggages on the trolleys

'Hey Deeps... ' Ananya said cheerfully

'Ananya...! Why didn't you tell me that Ved was coming to Mumbai... ' Deeps said angrily from the other side

'Surprise Babe....' Ananya grinned

'This is not funny Ananya, you have no idea how awkward our interaction was, he pretended to be Vansh and I spilled out everything in front of him...' Deepika exclaimed

'What..!! OMG...! Ved Bhai did that... That's awesome... ' Ananya said excitedly

'You are really enjoying this, aren't you...?' Deepika huffed

'Totally... ' Ananya laughed

Ananya was chitchatting with Deepika, unaware that the security staff has released a huge SUV in the lane she was standing, which was speeding towards her...

'ANANYA WATCH OUT.... ' She heard someone shouting, and next thing she knows that she was pushed from the road, and was pinned to the ground, with someone hovering over her...

She tightly closed her eyes, and felt someone's weight on her, and their breaths on her face, her heart was beating rapidly and so was the other persons, as she was crushing under their weight...

'Are you okay...?' the person asked

Ananya immediately recognized the voice and slowly opened her eyes, which met hazel orbs staring at her with concern, and after 2 years she was speechless again in front of him

'Say something Ananya....' Aayan said

Ananya felt really awkward because of their position right now, she sighed

'Please let me go Aayan.... ' She said slowly and Aayan too felt awkward at this and immediately got off her, and stood up, giving her a hand to get up

She grabbed his hands and got up, and Aayan held her by shoulders

'Why can't you pay attention huh...! What if that car hit you... What would I have done...!' Aayan scolds her and Ananya started at him bewildered, not sure what to say...

'You scared me there... Don't be so irresponsible in taking care of yourself... ' Aayan sighed

Ananya couldn't take it anymore, she pushed his hands away and took a step back at which he got confused

'What do you think you are doing...?' Ananya glared at him

'What am I doing...? Ananya I was... ' Aayan began

'You think I am stupid enough to fall in your trap...?' she said crossing her hands


'Yes Trap ! Your change in behavior, your care, your concern, your sweetness may fool others Aayan Varma, but not me... You are not changed... I know that... ' Ananya

'I am not trapping anyone... ' Aayan began

'I clearly remember our last encounter, you promised that you will come back to destroy my life... And I can see you are back, that too with a plan...!' Ananya glared at him

'You think I don't remember what I did the last time...! Trust me I feel very guilty for that... ' Aayan sighed

'Wow a new trick...! Amazing... ' Ananya clapped her hands dramatically

'Well I understand that it's really hard for you to believe what I am saying right now... But I will show you that I am changed... Yes I was a beast back then, but now I am not... ' Aayan took a step forward, and Ananya took a step back

'I know your soul Aayan, it's dark, you can't be changed... You are a obstinate, manipulative person who knows how to find their way out from any situation.... I am not falling for this drama of yours... ' Ananya said

Aayan took a deep breath
'Whatever I did with you on that day, was out of rage... And I am really, really sorry for that... I was lying that day... It's impossible for me to be indifferent with you... I... ' Aayan said and looked at her, and Ananya raised her brows

'I really like you Ananya... It's impossible for me to stay away from you... ' He said truthfully

Ananya's heart did flutter at this, but her mind was screaming not to believe that crap...

'Brilliant... ' Ananya exclaimed 'You are a brilliant actor... You should definitely try acting, you'll get an award.... ' She said and then walked towards Vansh who was busy playing with Amayraa

But Aayan caught her hand midway and pulled her closer to him, their faces inches apart and stared straight in her eyes, which actually made her knees go weak...

'You may not believe me today Ananya Thapar, but one day you will come running back to me, and fall in my arms... I promise that I will make you Ananya Varma one day... I promise that I will make you mine...for rest of our lives' he gave her a challenging look

Ananya freed herself from his grip and keeping the challenging look om her face too..

'Even I won't fall for your cheap tricks, I won't be your possession that you will win in some race... I also promise you Aayan Varma... I will never be yours... ' she said and walked away from him and he smirked

'Another war in on... Ananya Thapar, soon to be Varma...And like always, I will win this time too... ' he said to no one in particular and then followed her..


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