Chapter 82

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One week later...
New Delhi...

Ved and Deepika's Sangeet....

Thapar's house was in hustle and bustle, everyone was busy in some or the other work, the youngsters were taking care of the decorations, music systems and other arrangements of the function to be held in few hours

Aayan and Vansh were looking after the decorations, Rudra and Viraj were taking care of the DJ systems, Sayesha and Saanjh has taken the responsibility for refreshments and other requirements of the guests, while the responsibility of dressing up the groom and deciding his speeches, dance and other tasks was on Ananya...

'Let's add these red roses in the bouquet, and decorate the hall with orchids... What say...?' Aayan says keeping the basket on the table and Vansh frowns

'I wonder what Annie saw in you... ' Vansh rolled his eyes and Aayan chuckled

'How boring you are... I bet Roses and orchids were in the theme of my parent's wedding too, they are that old and cliched... Let's go for yellow tulips and white lilies... ' Vansh suggested and Aayan laughed

'Yeah but, red and purple gives room a vibrant and romantic look....' Aayan argued

'You don't know anything about romance, It will make our house like a vampire house, yellow and white make room look bright and lively... ' Vansh said

'This is such a girly task... ' Aayan whined irritated

'Yeah man, I wonder which brilliant personality assigned these tasks to us... ' Vansh said mirroring Aayan's expression

'I did... ' Came an elderly voice from behind, and both of them stiffened

Slowly they turned around and saw Arjun looking at them threateningly raising his brows, and they gulped

'I think you should know everything, that's why I assigned these tasks to you for learning, so that next time you do everything perfect in Sayesha or Saanjh's wedding....' Arjun said matter-o-factly and they nodded

'Damadji, I thought you are enthusiastic in learning new things... ' Arjun turned to Aayan

'I am really enjoying this Dad, I even suggested some good ideas too, but Vansh is not liking them... ' Aayan lied and Vansh glared at him

'And you ! Don't you film people do this all the time with lights and all... What is your problem... ' Arjun raised his brows at Vansh

'There is a separate art department for this, I specialize in cinematography... ' Vansh said and Arjun nodded understanding

'Then learn this too, this will help you in long run... ' Arjun said and walked towards Viraj and Rudra who were playing with the wires of Music system, and seeing Arjun they started working...

'What will I gain after learning a florist's job... ' Vansh commented, rolling his eyes

'A backup business skill...!' Arjun called from the other side and Vansh stiffened, while Aayan put his hands over his mouth to control his laughter

'Damn he has sharp ears... ' Vansh said

'Thanks... ' Arjun called again and Vansh pursed his lips and Aayan started laughing

'What are you laughing at... ' Vansh hit him

'I think Dad will make you decorate your own wedding hall... ' Aayan laughed

'No he will make me decorate Annie's baby shower hall soon... ' Vansh smirked and Aayan's laughter faded

'Who has a baby so soon... ' Aayan said annoyed

'Exactly, who gets married so soon... ' Vansh shot back

'You will enter the married people club soon, I have a feeling that your doomsday is near too... ' Aayan smirked

'You wish... ' Vansh rolled his eyes and they continued to argue about the wedding theme

Ved's room

'Annie...!  This is too tight... ' Ved whined wearing the maroon kurta

'But you look so handsome Bhai, see... Your muscles and abs are flaunted too.. ' Ananya made Ved look at the mirror and he huffed

'What will that flaunting gain...? I am getting married anyway... ' Ved chuckled

'Haww... How mean...' Ananya hit him playfully

'But seriously Annie, this is too tight, I can't move my arm, how will I dance... What if tears in front of the audience... ' Ved said showing her the part from where it was tight

'Fine, I'll change your Kurta, this means Deeps's dress will change too... God Bhai ! You always increase my workload... ' Ananya whined

'This is the last one... ' Ved said and Ananya took out a teal blue Kurta from the wardrobe and gives it to Ved

'Here try this... ' She says and dials Radhika's number

'Maasi, I think there will be a change in the dress again... ' she said in a tired tone

'What is this guy up to... ' Rads said from the other side

Ved comes out wearing the kurta and Ananya stares him in awe...

'Bhai, you look so handsome... ' Ananya exclaimed and Rads chuckled on the other side

'Which one...?' She asked

'Teal Blue... ' Ananya replied and Rads instructed her staff to take out teal blue lehenga

'Is the fitting fine...?' Ananya asked and Ved nodded

'Yeah Maasi, let's fix this... ' Ananya said and Radhika confirmed in affirmation and hung up the call..

'Let's see matching shoes with this... ' Ananya said and started opening the boxes

Vansh and Aayan enter inside the room arguing..

'Ved your brother is not listening to me... ' Aayan complained

'Annie, ask your husband to obey me as I am the older one... ' Vansh said to Ananya

'Your idea is stupid... ' Aayan whined

'Your idea hails from the times of stone age man... ' Vansh countered

'Well he is a stone age man... ' Ananya commented under her breath and Ved looked at her surprised

'I heard that....' Aayan glared at her

'What's the issue...?' Ananya asked ignoring Aayan

'Your husband wants Orchid and red roses, which is so boring and he is not letting me use lilies and tulips... ' Vansh complained like a kid

'It's a wedding sangeet, not a birthday party that you will add tulips... ' Aayan countered

'Simple ! Add red roses and white lilies... ' Ananya said handing the shoes to Ved and Vansh - Aayan look at her shocked

'That's...' Aayan began

'Brilliant...' Vansh exclaimed

'See my wife...' Aayan grinned and others chuckled

'She is my sister first... ' Vansh held Ananya by shoulders and she winced making Aayan stiffen

Vansh noticed Ananya's wincing and saw the nail marks on her shoulders which were fading away and frowned at this, Ananya worriedly look at Aayan

'How did this happen...?' Vansh asked and Ananya - Aayan looked away uncomfortably

'Did he hit... ' Vansh was about to ask Ananya, but Ved interrupted in between

'They are married Vansh, don't ask such private questions... ' Ved said and Vansh too got uncomfortable

'Oh...! Sorry... ' he said and walked out of the room

'I'll show this to Maa....' he said and went close to Aayan and whispered in his ears.... 'No wonder she called you a stone age man... ' and Aayan cringed at this...

'Eww Ved... It's nothing like that... ' He whined and Ved ran outside the room

Ananya adjusted the scarf over the wound and Aayan looked at her suspiciously

'I know you and Sameer are hiding something from me... ' he said and Ananya looked at him shocked

'So you better tell me now, or else I will find it out anyway... ' he said locking her in a eye contact and she sighed

'Let Sameer come tonight, we will tell you what is the matter.... ' Ananya said and Aayan nodded

'I'll continue with the decorations...' He said and she nodded approvingly and he walked out of the room.

I better tell him today itself, before he misunderstands me again... She sighed and continued her work


The guests started to arrive and the elders of the house were welcoming them

'Ved are you ready...?' Aayan walked inside Ved's room wearing a dark red kurta

'Yeah... ' Ved said, looking at the mirror, and Ananya was adjusting the broach on his kurta

'Perfect... ' Ananya exclaimed clapping her hands and Ved moved backwards to check himself out in the mirror, that's when Ananya came into Aayan's notice and he was mesmerized looking at her

She was wearing a dark red lehenga, same color as Aayan, her hair left loose, but a part of it tied with a clip, covering her milky white shoulders, a simple chain around her neck, along with the mangalsutra, and vermilion on her forehead, she looked so pretty yet elegant that Aayan couldn't take his eyes off her

'Indeed perfect... ' He blurted out and Ved - Ananya looked at him and Ved smirked

'Thanks bro... ' Ved said and Aayan was back on his senses, he composed his expression and smiled

'I hope that compliment was for me... ' Ved teased him

'Of course, it was for you... ' Aayan said and Ananya smiled

Vansh enters the room wearing a golden kurta, and looks at Ved in awe...

'Look at my princess... All grown up... So grown up that she is getting married... Ah ! Kids grow up so fast... ' Vansh wiped his fake tears and all of them chuckle

'Aww... Mom... ' Ved played along

Vansh dramatically hugs Ved and then caresses his face

'See my son, if Deepika beats you up for not cooking properly, please don't hesitate to call.... Annie... Because I don't have time for such bullshit... ' he pushes Ved away and everyone starts laughing

'Shut up... ' Ved hits him, and they start chasing each other, while Aayan - Ananya start laughing...

Naina enters the room and hits both of them...

'Is this a time to play ! Come downstairs, Deepika's family has arrived... ' she says and they nod

'Ananya - Aayan... Come fast... ' she says to them as well and exists the room

'Chal bey teri baarat aa gyi.... ' Vansh says going out and pulls Ved along with him, who chuckles at this...

Aayan walked towards Ananya who stares at him confused

'Uh.. You look very pretty... ' he says hesitantly

'You look good too... ' Ananya replied blushing

'Thanks... Where is Amayraa....?' he asked

'She is with kitty... ' Ananya informed and he nods

'Lets go then... ' Aayan said and she nods and they exit the room

The function...

'Beautiful ladies and Handsome gentleman, and also Saanjh and Kitty... I Rudra Thapar, welcome you all to the Sangeet ceremony of the eldest son of the house, Mr. Ved and His soon to be bride Ms. Deepika....' Rudra announces on the mike and everyone clapped

Sameer walked towards Ananya and stood beside her, and she smiled

'Hey Devarji, you are late... ' Ananya said and Sameer chuckled

'Your mother in law takes a lot of time to get ready... ' He said and Ananya laughed

'Hey bro... ' Aayan greeted from behind and they stiffen and turn around to see him staring intently at them

'Aayan bro, how are you... ' Sameer smiled and Aayan gave him a side hug, continuously staring at Ananya

'I am good brother, actually you both were supposed to tell me something about last week's incident, so is there a holy timing for it or you are telling me now...?' Aayan looked at both of them and they nervously looked at each other

'Uh.. Actually last week... ' Sameer began when Rudra's announcement interrupted them

'Won't Groom's younger sister and Bride's best friend come and perform for us... ' he said and the lights were now on Ananya and so was everyone's attention...

Yash who was sitting far away from everyone, at the bar counter, looked or more like glared at her..

Ananya turns excitedly towards Aayan
'Come na Aayan... ' she said holding his hands and Aayan frowned

'I don't dance... ' He said and she pouted, leaving him and turned towards Sameer

'Atleast you come na Devarji... ' She said pouting and Aayan fisted his hands at this

'Your wish my command Bhabhiji... ' Sameer smiled and walked towards the dancefloor along with Ananya and everyone cheered

'So ladies and gentleman, please welcome the Chief Princess of the Thapar's Ananya with her brother in law, The Crown Prince of Singhals Sameer... ' Rudra announced and everyone cheered, while Aayan took a deep breath to control his anger

(Please insert any song you want to, and let me know, I am inserting the song from Loveratri - Chogada or Hasee to Phasee - Punjabi Wedding Song because these are the only songs I can think right now, its 2:30 am okay, my brain can't process any other songs :P..) 

The DJ played the song, while Sameer and Ananya started dancing along the lyrics and the crowd cheered them, everyone was enjoying their dance, except Aayan who was burning with jealousy and Yash who was burning with desire...

There was a moment when Sameer and Ananya completely came in sync with each other, and were performing the exact same steps even though it was not pre choreographed and everyone cheered loudly at this, Sameer and Ananya smile at each other and continue to dance...

'Their Rapport is so good... ' Someone commented

'Aren't they best friends...?' One of the office employee of the Thapar's said

'I wonder, if Ananya Ma'am married the wrong Singhal, she looks so good with Sameer than with Aayan... ' Someone else commented

'Aayan is Varma, he and Sameer are step brothers... ' said other and Aayan took a sharp breath at these comments and walked towards the Naina who was seated with Priyanka and other ladies

Aayan was jealous because he didn't like to see Ananya with any other man, especially Sameer, who he considered as his competition, he fisted his hands to control himself from doing anything stupid, and looked at them performing happily

'Your daughter in law is very pretty Priyanka...' One of the ladies commented and Priyanka smiled

'Yeah, their pair looks good, you should've got them married instead of her and Aayan... ' Said other lady

Aayan and Naina frowned at this and Priyanka smiled at this again and said
'I think she is perfect for my Aayan, will search for a better one for my Sameer...' she said proudly and Aayan irritatedly left from there as well

The song stopped and the crowd cheered for them, Aayan sighed in relief at this...

'Isn't this the best Devar - Bhabhi jodi ever... ' Rudra announced on the mike dramatically and everyone clapped for them

'Let's hear it for the star couple of the evening then... ' Rudra said and invited Deepika and Ved on the dance floor...

The DJ played the romantic track and Ved and Deepika started dancing, and everyone stared at them in awe and Aayan rolled his eyes... 

Soon everyone was on the dance floor, with Vansh and Rudra dancing like Mad men and lifting Ved over their shoulders, Ananya too was dancing along with her sisters, when Yash started walking towards her....

Sameer who was watching everyone, noticed this and frowned, whereas even Aayan's eyes land on Sameer and he followed Sameer's gaze and then stiffened seeing Yash walking towards Ananya angrily

Before Yash could keep his hands on Ananya's shoulders, Sameer stopped him, glaring at him dangerously and pulled him out of the dance floor and Aayan observed all this...

'What do you think you are doing...?' Sameer glared at Yash

'I just wanted to say sorry... ' Yash replied

'With this attitude ? I saw you okay, it was like you wanted to hurt her... ' Sameer scolds him

Yash huffed, 'Of Course I hate her, it's because of her, you raised hands on me for the first time.... ' He said

'You expect me to applaud you after what you did Yash...? Do you have any idea if Ananya went to police, what would've happened...? That's her generosity that she wants to save our and mom's relationship with Aayan, or else you had already ruined it last week... ' Sameer said angrily

'Bhai I was drunk and stoned at the same time....' Yash argued

'What's with all that stalking then, from where all those photos came which I made you delete... Yash have some shame, she is like your older sister....' Sameer said with a disgusted look on his face

'I hired a man to do that on my behalf, and I don't owe any explanation to anyone, for why I like a girl ? It's not like, I have control over it...!  I saw her, started liking her, as simple as that... ' Yash said shrugging his shoulders

'Trying to force yourself upon your sister in law was not cool, and it's not right in anyway, plus she is someone else's wife..' Sameer argued

'Bhai, I won't repeat myself I was not in my right senses... Besides why do you care for her so much... Are you just being a best friend or trying to be something.....' Before Yash could complete this, he was slapped tightly by someone and he fell on the ground

Sameer gasped and saw Aayan whose eyes were red with Anger, advancing angrily towards Yash

On the other side, Jai and Arjun saw this and they were rushing towards them in haste

'What is the matter Son...?' Jai asked stopping Aayan and Yash got up angrily brushing the dust off his clothes

'Just because you are the older one, doesn't mean that you will hit me all the time... Had you not been my mother's son, you would've recieved a better reply... ' Yash sneered

'Yash, keep your mouth shut... ' Sameer warned him and Aayan was glaring at him

'What's going on...?' Arjun asked

'How dare you touch my wife...!' Aayan growled and Jai - Arjun gasped

Ananya ran towards them, along with her brothers followed by Naina and Priyanka...

'Ask Rudra to take care of the other guests, we'll take them inside... ' Arjun says to Vansh and he nodded and ran towards Rudra, While Arjun and Ved dragged them inside the room

'I was drunk, I am here to say sorry for that... ' Yash said and Ananya looked away, and Arjun came to her side

'Sorry...? Sorry ! You tried to molest her and now you want to say sorry...! You bastard...!  She is your sister in law for god's sake... ' Aayan hit him and he again fell on the ground,while others gasped, and Arjun held her protectively

'What...!' Ved exclaimed angrily

'How dare you....' Vansh marched towards him angrily, but was stopped by Sash

'Aayan.. What are you doing, don't hit your brother....' Priyanka comes to Yash's rescue

'Brother...! Is this how brother's behave, trying to force themselves upon their older brother's wife !' Aayan growled, Jai was holding him tightly because if left loose Aayan would kill Yash right now

Priyanka glared at Yash, and he looked away...

Ananya had tears in her eyes, while Naina held her protectively, controlling her own tears...

'You didn't reach the legal age of drinking you freak ! How dare you do something like that... ' Vansh growled angrily

'Son, relax... Who saved you Ananya...?' Sash asked Ananya and she looked at Sameer who sighed

'Had he not reached there on time, I don't know what would've happened...?' Ananya said her voice cracking and Arjun looked at Sameer in gratitude

'We are indebted to you son.. ' Jai said and Sameer didn't say anything, just glared at Yash

'Did you actually save her, or you were a part of the plan as well... ' Aayan said angrily and they gasped

'Aayan..!  Don't doubt him... He did what a true friend must do... ' Ananya came to Sameer's defense

'Wow, this girl has charmed all of my sons... ' Priyanka said looking at Ananya and others looked at her shocked

'Wow, Naina, your daughter is a charmer, just like you... ' Priyanka said and Naina looked at her confused and so did Arjun, while Jai fisted his hands

'What do you mean Mrs. Singhal...?' Arjun asked

'Why would my Yash go behind her, if she didn't provoke him to do so, and my naive Sameer, he can go against his brother for her, and Aayan ! Well he is spell bound by her.... Just like Jai, Sash and you were for Naina... ' Priyanka taunted and Arjun fisted his hands

'Mom what are you saying...?' Sameer was shocked

'You want to say that Ananya provoked Yash, that's why he stalked her and then tried to molest her..?' Aayan said angrily

'I don't see any other reason behind this.. ' Priyanka said

'What about having a sick mentality and want for other people's wife, just like his father... ' Sash taunted and Priyanka glared at him

'My daughter in law doesn't have a loose character like you... ' Jai said

'And even if god comes and says that Ananya tried to seduce Yash, I still won't believe him, because my wife is not like that... ' Aayan said proudly, and Sameer nodded in agreement

Ananya looked at Aayan in awe, wiping her tears and Aayan walked towards her and held her hands

'My wife may dislike me for my habits or behavior but she will never cheat on me... I trust her with my life on this... ' Aayan said looking at Priyanka and Naina - Arjun looked at their son in law proudly

'See this is what I am talking about... You are spell bound by her son... You can't see what is right and what is wrong... ' Priyanka said

'Are you trying to break my son's house...?' Jai asked angrily

'I am just trying to show him the truth behind his wife's innocent face....' Priyanka said casually

'Enough Mrs. Singhal... ' Arjun growled angrily

'Is that so..? So even Sameer must know the truth about his perfect loving mom... ' Jai said and Sameer looked at him confused, while color on Priyanka's face drained

'What... What do you mean..?' Priyanka stammered

'I know you and that useless husband of yours have lied to this innocent boy about his mother's death... ' Jai said and Priyanka looked scared

'What do you mean uncle...?' Sameer asked Jai

'Go son, ask your parents the truth, and if they don't tell you, come to me, I have your mother's last letter, which she wrote to me before dying, I'll tell you that your so called perfect parents are not so perfect... ' Jai said and Priyanka's eyes filled with tears and Sameer looked at her in anticipation

'Why... ' her voice was a mere whisper

'Yes I was a bad husband Priyanka, but today your son's show that you failed not only as a mother, but also as a woman... ' Jai said

'As far as your son is concerned, we'll spare him this time, because he already went to jail once, but next time, He will face serious charges... ' Arjun threatened

'No...! Paa... Get him arrested now itself.. ' Vansh argued

'Yes Dad... He must be punished... ' Aayan said angrily

'Let him go son... He won't do this again, your mom will make sure of it... ' Naina said looking at Priyanka who wiped her tears and left the room

Sameer followed his mother, and Yash gave a last glare to Ananya and walked out of the room

'This is not right..  ' Vansh said angrily, and walked out followed by Ved and Sash

'Let's go back to the function Arjun, Deepika's family would be worried... ' Jai said and Arjun nodded, he caressed Ananya's face and patted Aayan's shoulder and left along with Jai

'Come out soon...' Naina kissed Ananya's head and walked out

'Why didn't you tell me about this before...?' Aayan asked holding her hands

'To avoid what happened today... I didn't want you to hate your mother..' Ananya said teary eyed

'She deserves my hatred... I am so sorry you had to hear all that... ' Aayan said wiping her tears

'It's okay, and don't worry, now I am used to such disappointments after our wedding... ' Ananya gets out of his hold and he looks away

'Will we ever sort out our differences Aayan...? Or this is what we signed up for rest of our lives... ' Ananya asked him and Aayan was speechless

He just looked at her, not saying anything

'I got my answer... ' Ananya wiped her tears and walked out of the room

'I don't know...
Because I think I am losing the energy and will to continue this anymore..  ' Aayan said to himself


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