Chapter 90

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Next day...
10:30 pm...

Ananya was adjusting the pillow on her bed, she was wearing her pajamas and her hair were open..

She then pulls out the bed from Aayan's sofa cum bed and adjusts the mattress so that Aayan could sleep there comfortably..

He was in the adjacent room, trying to make Amayraa and Shivaalika sleep, she could hear the girls giggling and then Aayan's faint voice, requesting them to sleep...

'Please baby dolls, sleep now, I will take you to the park tomorrow morning... ' Aayan says pleading

Ananya chuckled hearing that, he sounded so helpless, she could imagine him with a tired face, trying to control the two energy balls and make them sleep...

But yes ! No one can control them except Aayan, he never raised his voice on the girls, but somehow managed to make them listen to him...

He was indeed very good with kids, he is a great Father and Uncle...
Ananya wondered how good he will be with his own kid...

And this mere thought made her nervous, because he was Aayan afterall and she has risked her emotional self again, and if he fails her again this time, she may not be able to love again...

Last time he tricked her with his attention, sweet gestures and fake care, and she still feels stupid falling for them, but not this time, her dream wedding and blissful married life which was always wanted was shattered because of Aayan's obstinance...

And now everything was at risk once again, because if Aayan makes everything okay and then breaks her trust once again, she won't be able to recover...

Ananya and her mother Naina, had a lot of things in common, and sadly, the men they had fallen for were the most confused beings on the earth, however Ananya's man was a step ahead, he was confused, trapped in his past, somewhat bipolar and arrogant...

Her task was more challenging than her mom, but she was not among the ones who give up and run away from the situations, she was a fighter, who was ready to fight all odds to achieve what she always wanted, a happy and a content life...

After making Aayan's bed, she walks out of her room and stands in front of Amayraa and Shivalika's room to check whether they slept or not..
Hearing no giggling sounds, she assumed that they slept, so she decides not to disturb them and comes back to her room...

She lies on the bed and covers herself with the quilt as winters were about to start in Delhi... She closes her eyes, but sleep was far away from her, she couldn't help but rethink about her decision of giving Aayan another chance...

He is not a heartbroken boy next door, who can be pacified by counselling, he was Aayan, the most difficult man ever created by God, his own parents cannot control him, how can Ananya do that...

She sighed and turned to another side, facing the night lamp and tried to sleep

This time I won't fall for his tricks.... Even if he says that he doesn't want revenge or anything, he still cannot be trusted...

Who knows he will change his decision tomorrow morning and then I will be the one who suffers ultimately...

I can't fall for Aayan again and again, but I cannot deny that, I cannot love any other man except him...

What a mess my life is...!

God please help me...!

Ananya turned to another side, trying to get comfortable, and after sometime she felt other side of the mattress sinking and stiffened..

She opens her eyes and saw Aayan lying down beside her and she immediately sits on the bed looking at him confused...

He smiles at her and then adjusts the pillow behind his head and lies down comfortably and Ananya moves away from him...

'Uh.... What are you doing...?' she asks and he grins at her

'I am sleeping here... ' He says matter o factly...

'I can see that Genius...! I am asking, why are you sleeping here...?' she asks irritated

'Where will I sleep then...?' Aayan asks innocently and this irritates her further

'You always sleep on sofa cum bed, here as well as in Bangalore....!' Ananya says


'Aaarrgghhh... Why this sudden change of mind to sleep on the bed then...!' Ananya yells losing her calm

'Shhhhh.... You will wake them up...' Aayan panics and covers her mouth

Ananya tries to say something, but her voice is muffled, as Aayan is covering her mouth...

'I can't hear you... ' Aayan says and Ananya slaps his hand with her free hand and he yelped removing his hands

'Crazy woman, you slap really hard...' Aayan whines caressing his hand

'You explain this to me, why are sleeping on the bed...!' Ananya exclaims

'Because that's what normal people do....' Aayan says shrugging his shoulders and Ananya gets more angry

'Aayan...!' Ananya was about to lash out

'Okay okay, I am sleeping here because, I think we should sleep together, since we are married... ' Aayan began

'Are you serious...!' Ananya stares at him shocked

'Hey... I am just suggesting that we should share a bed, not....' He said but then stopped in midway looking away

Ananya understood what he wants to say, she too looked the other way, trying to control her rapid breathing...

'Why this change of mind... I thought you can't bear me for more than an hour, and now you suggest to share a bed...' Ananya looks at him raising her brows

'Since we have decided to work on this marriage for our family, I think we should give ourselves a chance as well, I mean how can I be with you for life, if I don't learn to accept you the way you are, no matter how annoying I may find you...' Aayan said rolling his eyes

Ananya who should've been offended by this, smiled and then pulled Aayan's cheeks to annoy him and he frowned

'Awww... You know you are so cute sometimes... ' She teases him and he scoots away from her

'And you are crazy you know, you find anything cute... ' Aayan says shaking his head and then lies on the bed

Ananya doesn't say anything, she places a pillow between them and then lies down, and Aayan looks at her bewildered

'Why this...?' He asked

'Because I want to... ' Ananya says

'Yeah I understand that you can't control yourself around a handsome man like me... ' Aayan smirked running his fingers through his hair and Ananya huffed

'Says the one who always... ' Ananya began but then bit her tongue to say anything further

'Who always...?' Aayan raised his brows, but Ananya didn't reply, she just looked away so that he could not see her reddened face

'Nothing... Sleep, we have to catch the flight tomorrow...' Ananya says lying down

'It's a evening flight... ' Aayan said

'So you plan to stay awake the whole night and roam like a ghost... ' she taunts him and he frowns

Aayan looks at her suspiciously, but then doesn't say anything, and throws away the pillow in between them..

'What are you...?' Ananya glares at him

'Learn to control yourself....' Aayan said and then covers himself with Ananya's quilt and she frowns

'That's mine... ' she points at the blanket

'The person beneath the blanket is yours too... ' he winks at her and she could feel heat rising up her cheeks again

Man he is good...

'From where did you learn all these cheesy lines...?' Ananya asked

'I am expert in them, I can make any girl fall on her knees by my smile, and if I use my lines on them, they fall on my knees....' He said proudly, flipping his hair and Ananya rolled her eyes

'Really...?' she gives him a challenging look

'I can try my lines on you as well, but I don't need to impress you, because you already are my wife...! Consider yourself lucky Mrs. Varma, you have surpassed a lot of women to reach this position... ' He smirked and unknowingly Ananya felt jealous thinking that he did take efforts to impress other women but not her

'Who says you should not impress your own wife....?' Ananya raises her brows

'I said...!' Aayan grins and she frowns

'I don't want to be impressed by you...!' Ananya says irritated and he looks at her amusingly, as it was evident that she was jealous

'I can make you blush within 5 minutes....' Aayan challenged her and she flipped her hair, giving him an uninterested look

'I am not like your other catches... ' Ananya said

'Indeed you are not, but still you are a girl... ' Aayan smirked and she made herself comfortable on her pillow, not paying attention to him

'Really... Try me... Use your best lines and If I smile or blush, I lose and If I don't you lose....' Ananya says to him and Aayan turns to her, and rests his weight on his shoulders, looking at her smirking

'Challenge accepted... And If I win, I get a kiss... And if you win, you get it... ' Aayan grinned and Ananya's eyes widened

'What... No...! No kiss... ' She states firmly

'Scared...?' Aayan raised his brows and she glares at him

'You wish... ' she says and he grins

'Okay then... ' Aayan sits on the bed and rubs his palm, while Ananya sits on his opposite side, facing him giving him a bored look

'You may start..' Ananya says yawning again he narrows his eyes

'You know, I know your secret...' he says looking at her smiling

'What secret...?' she raises her brows

'That you were looking for me...?' Aayan smirked and Ananya was bewildered now, she looks at him confused

'Yeah, someone told me that you are looking for your Mr. Perfect... See I am here... ' he grinned and Ananya stares at him shocked

Oh God....

She was not able to comprehend, whether to laugh on this line or to cringe, it was that bad...

Aayan noticed her blank face and understood that his stupid pick up line didn't work, he scratched the back of his neck, thinking some another line

'You know, if being hot is a crime, you would be charged as guilty... ' he said looking straight to her eyes, with a flirty smile..

He looked so adorable right now, but his line didn't impress her at all because she heard this a lot of time, she rolled her eyes at him and he looked at her shocked

This one always works... He muttered and then looks at Ananya and huffs

'Okay... This one should work... You must be a cure to the Alzheimer's, because I simply can't forget you... ' he winked at her and she bit her lips to prevent herself from laughing

Aayan saw this and huffed

'So what do you do for living, except exciting me with that look...?' he said flirtatiously moving closer to her and Ananya covered her mouth to control her laugh and he huffed

'Charizards are red, Squirltles are blue, if you were a Pokemon, I would choose you...!' he said and Ananya couldn't control her laughter now, she started laughing like mad and Aayan stared at her shocked

She held her stomach and collapsed on the bed laughing, and Aayan huffed at this...

'Oh.. *Hahaha* Oh God... These were the... *Hahaha* these were the worst.... *hahaha* pick up lines ever... ' She laughed and Aayan looks at her irritated

'They worked okay... ' he huffed

'Okay... Who were you trying to impress then... Pikachu...?' She said laughing and he glares at her

'You consider yourself as lucky that you had an arranged marriage, because with these flirting skills, you would have probably died single....' she laughed and he looks at her shocked

'I have impressed girls okay... ' Aayan says irritated

'Really, what is your score...?' Ananya sits up straight to control her laugh

'I... ' Aayan says looking away

'Yes you...?' Ananya coaxed

'I didn't have a girlfriend... ' he says scratching his head

'What...! What was Ritika then...?' she asked

'She was a fling, me and Samar my ex partner, had a bet that, the one who takes her out, will get the bigger share in the company... ' Aayan began and Ananya looks at him shocked

'Don't judge me now, I wanted the bigger share so I impressed her and took her out, but then the next day, I set her up with Samar and they both got into a relationship... ' Aayan explained

'And Ritika agreed just like that...?' Ananya asked

'No... I lied to her that I am just the employee, and Samar was my boss, To get rid of her and she believed that...' Aayan chuckled

'But that day...?' Ananya began

'See... You also know that it was to irritate you, so she was just acting... ' Aayan clarified and Ananya glared at him

'I wouldn't care, even if you be with her alright... I don't.... ' she began, but then words cease to leave her mouth as she was pinned to the bed and a pair of hazel eyes staring at her intently

'Why would I go for that trash, when I have the most beautiful and precious diamond with me... ' Aayan said, staring straight to her eyes, and Ananya was speechless now

Her one hand was above her head, Aayan was holding it tightly and one was over his chest, trying to keep him away, while his another arm was wrapped around her waist, he was half lying over her...

'Aayan...I... ' she was about to say, but he didn't let her talk

'You know how lucky I am, the one who is desired by many is mine now, and will be mine forever... ' he whispered in her ears and she had goosebumps all over

'You are so beautiful Ananya, more than anything in this world...!' He smiled and then kissed her forehead, Ananya closed her eyes unable to meet his piercing gaze

'Open your eyes love... ' he says softly and Ananya followed his instructions

She could feel heat rising up her cheeks as she saw him gazing at her lovingly and then she looked away smiling

'See... I won... ' he smirked and Ananya looks at him shocked

'What... ' She looks at him confused and he leaves her and pats himself

'You were difficult, but see I managed to make you blush too... ' Aayan said proudly

'You mean you didn't mean anything what you said...?' Ananya asked composing herself

'Of course not, you will always be that annoying little pixie who is born to irritate me... ' he said teasing and Ananya huffed

'Well what else can be expected from you, you are Aayan after all...' Ananya said adjusting her hair, pretending that it didn't affect her

'The one and only... ' Aayan said grinning

Though Ananya expected something like this, but deep down she wished whatever he said few moments back was true and but Aayan did know that it was true...

'Soo... As I won, give me my reward...' Aayan smirked at her and she was actually shocked now

'I am not giving you any kiss... ' she glares at him

'Then I will take it... ' he grinned and Ananya moved away from him

'Aayan, stay at your side of the bed... ' she warned as he advanced towards her

'A deal is a deal Mrs. Varma... I finished the challenge, I get a kiss... ' Aayan said catching her hands and Ananya glares at him

'There is something called consent you know... Or else it's a crime...' Ananya tried to threaten him, but he didn't budge

'I won't force myself on you, you will kiss me willingly... ' He smirked, sliding his hands around her waist

Ananya gets shocked as his hands slide inside her t shirt, and his fingers were caressing her stomach, creating havoc inside her, she had goosebumps all over, and Aayan sensed this

'I won't kiss you... ' she manages to say

'But your body says a different story altogether... ' he slides his fingers from her face to her neck and she bites her lips to contain the sensation he was creating inside her with his touches

'You are not playing fair... ' Ananya managed to say, pushing him away from her right hand, but failed as he didn't budge at all

'I never play fair... ' he whispered to her ears and then bit her earlobes, and she moaned, unable to control her senses..

Aayan smirked at this and then moved closer to her face, he kissed her forehead and then cheeks one by one, and she closed her eyes, her other hand grabbing his t shirt tightly

'Aayan Please.... ' she whispered and Aayan smiled at this

'You know, when I said you are beautiful, I wasn't really lying... ' he said and she opens her eyes to see him

'You are beautiful and mine... ' he said and moved closer to her lips, and she closed her eyes, he did that too...

Their lips were about to touch, when they hear the door of their room opening and Amayraa's sleepy voice, they immediately pull away from each other and look at the direction

Amayraa was rubbing her eyes with one hand, and was holding her teddy on the other hand

'Aaya... Sleepy.... ' she says in a sleepy voice

Ananya quickly gets down from the bed and walks towards Amayraa, picking her in her arms

'What happened Baby...? You can't sleep...?' Ananya asked

'Shivali Di, Sleepy... Amyraa no sleep...' Amayraa whines and Ananya chuckles, and kisses her cheeks

Amayraa yawns and lays her head on Ananya's shoulders, encircling her arms around her neck and Ananya caresses her head to help her sleep

'Come sleep with me... ' Ananya takes her to bed and Aayan lies on his side of the bed

'Come baby... ' He stretches his arms and Amayraa goes to his arms and lays her head on his chest and closes her eyes

'You want to hear a story...?' Aayan asked, but Amayraa was already asleep

'She must be tired... ' Ananya said and Aayan nodded

Aayan carefully lays Amayraa, beside him, and Ananya covers her with a quilt, and kisses her head

'My daughter is the most beautiful girl in this world... ' Ananya caresses her face and lies down herself

'Indeed she is... ' Aayan smiled looking at Amayraa and then at Ananya

'My girls are the best... ' He said smiling and Ananya blushed at this

They covered themselves with quilt, and carefully adjusted Amayraa in between them...

'Good night Aayan...' Ananya said, turning off the light

'Good night Mrs. Varma...' Aayan said and then they slept holding their princess between them

Next Day...

Ananya wakes up with the beeping sound of her alarm and quickly turns it off as Amayraa may wake up and then will cry the whole time, due to lack of sleep...

She looks at them and sighed in relief to see both father and daughter sleeping peacefully and then she ties her hair into a messy bun and checks the time, it was 7:30 in the morning

She quickly gets down from the bed and adjusts the quilt over Aayan and Amayraa, and smiles looking at them, Aayan was holding her protectively and she was sleeping resting her head on Aayan's shoulders

She walks towards them and caresses Amayraa's curly hair and then kisses her chubby cheeks, she squirms a bit and then sleeps holding Aayan's arms, she then turns to Aayan, and the events of last night ran in her thoughts, she was about to caress his hair, but then a voice inside her spoke

He is a great actor, don't fall for his antics, he may deceive you anytime...

She reverts back, and then turns around, but someone grabs her arms and pulls her closer, and she gasps as she lands on his arms

'You know your baby's father is cute as well, he won't mind getting a good morning kiss too... ' Aayan said and Ananya gulped

She didn't say anything, just tried to get out of his hold, but his grip was stronger

'Aayan, I am getting late...' she says

'I have few errands to run as well, but I am still waiting...' Aayan said and she sighed

'Fine, look towards Amayraa... ' she says and he smiles and does as instructed

Ananya slowly leans in and kisses his cheeks and he smiles closing his eyes, she pulls away, but he grabs her arms and pulls her closer and plants a quick peck on her lips, which leaves her shocked

She hits him and then moves away, while Aayan smirks

'Let's make this good morning kiss as our daily convention, it surely brightens my mood at least... ' Aayan says and Ananya huffs internally

Don't fall for his antics Annie, don't fall for his antics...
She chants inside, closing her eyes

'Aren't you getting late now...?' Aayan's voice breaks her chanting and she opens her eyes looking at him

'Yeah... You too freshen up, I'll prepare the breakfast... ' Ananya says walking towards her closet

'I will help you... ' Aayan grinned

She turns to look at him and raises her brows suspiciously

'Why will you help...?' she asks

'Good husband practice... ' Aayan said and she narrows her eyes and he understood what she wanted to say

'For real... ' he says getting serious and she then nods and continues her work...

It is hard to convince her that I have no covert intentions this time... Aayan sighed and watched her, walk inside the bathroom and closing the door

One hour later...

Ananya was preparing breakfast for everyone, she was chopping vegetables for Amayraa and Shivalikaa's soup, while the house help Shaanti was preparing batter for the pancakes...

Aayan walks inside the kitchen wearing his t shirts and tracks and Shaanti looks at him shocked...

'Good morning Shaanti Didi... ' Aayan greets her and now the maid is scared because this is the first time Aayan acknowledged her presence, Ananya too looks at him bewildered at this...

'Good morning, Chhote Sahab...' Shaanti greets nervously and then continues her work

'Good morning Baby... ' Aayan holds Ananya from the back and kisses her cheeks, while she stiffens at his behavior

'Aayan leave me...' she slaps his hands around her waist, he pouts and leaves her

Shaanti hides her smile and turns to Ananya..

'Didi I will wake Shivaalika and Amayraa Baby... ' She says and walks out of the kitchen giggling

'She is in my room... ' Aayan calls and Ananya turns to him glaring

'What are you doing here...?' she asks

'I came here to help you... ' Aayan grinned

'We don't need any help, everything is set... You go and wait outside...' She orders and Aayan looks around

'Where is Papa's oats..? And the Tea...?' he asks

'I will prepare the oats and Shanti will make the tea, you go...' She says pushing him outside

'No... I will make the tea... ' Aayan declares and Ananya sighs

'You don't know how to boil Water Aayan, how will you make tea...?' she says and Aayan huffs

'I make excellent tea alright, ask Mrs. Kumar once we get there... ' Aayan says and Ananya looks at him amused

'Okay then go ahead... ' Ananya says and Aayan takes out a frying pan

'You don't make tea in that... ' Ananya says controlling her laugh

'I know that... ' Aayan says and then picks up the right vessel to prepare the tea

He pours water, sugar and milk into the vessel, and then looks around for the tea and picks up a container

'Aayan...?' Ananya says and he turns to face her


'What is that you are holding...?' she asks amused

'It's tea... ' he grinned

'Those are cumin seeds... ' Ananya laughs and Aayan puts it back and huffs

'I knew it, I was just checking whether you know it or not...' he says and then picks up the right container, having tea in it

Ananya laughs and then continues her work, while he struggles to prepare the tea

'Ananya beta, I brought the fruits... ' Jai says entering the kitchen and then he sees Aayan and, the grocery bag he was holding falls down

'Oh my God, from where did the sun rise today...?' Jail exclaims shocked and Ananya starts laughing

'Oooo come on Paa... Don't overreact...' Aayan rolls his eyes

'This is literally the first time, I am seeing you in the kitchen son, I have to video call and show this to Nitaara as well... ' Jai literally runs out of the kitchen

Aayan huffs and Ananya continues laughing, he narrows her eyes at this and then quickly walks towards her and pulls her in his arms

'Aayan... What are you... ' She says but then he sushes her

'You should not laugh at your husband's weakness sweetheart... ' Aayan says leaning closer to her

'Aayan... Papa will come... ' Ananya stammers as he slides his arms around her waist, pulling her closer

'Let him come... ' Aayan says moving dangerously closer to her like a predator moves towards his prey

'Sha.. Shanti will...' She manages to say

'Who cares about her, this is my kitchen and you are my wife... ' he says and plants soft kisses on her neck to jaw..

Ananya holds his t shirt to control her moan, her stomach doing somersaults the whole time...

Don't fall for him, don't fall for him, a voice said inside her and she opened her eyes, and pushed him with all her might

He holds back the kitchen counter to prevent himself from falling, and looks at her bewildered...
Ananya turns away from him and takes deep breath to control her heartbeat, while he composes himself and walks back towards the tea

'Nitaara see this rare scene, your brother is cooking... ' Jai enters the kitchen holding his phone

'OMG... Who whacked his head... ' Nitaara says excitedly from the phone and Jai laughs, while Ananya chuckles

'Ha ha very funny... ' Aayan rolls his eyes

'Well done Annie... ' Nitaara says

'She didn't do anything okay... ' Aayan says irritated

'Whatever bro, marriage changed you... ' Nitaara says and Ananya walks out of the kitchen to see whether Amayraa is awake or not, whereas the brother and sister continue their banter...

1 hour later...

After the breakfast, Jai, Amayraa and Shivaalika were playing with the doll house, while Ananya and Shanti were cleaning the table

'See my tea was good... ' Aayan says and Ananya rolls her eyes

'That was a sheer luck... ' She says

'Don't be jealous sweetie pie, I am a better cook than you... ' Aayan says proudly and she ignores him

'What's up with the cringy nick names...?' Ananya asks

'Do you like them...?' Aayan asks

'No... '

'So they continue to be there... ' Aayan says looking at his phone and Ananya huffs

Aayan's phone starts ringing and he picks up the call...

'Hey Alex what's up....?' he says and walks upstairs

'Annie...!' they hear Vansh's voice and look at the entrance

'Maamu...' Shivaalika and Amyaraa runs towards him and he kneels down to hug them

'How are my princesses...?' he asks kissing their cheeks one by one

'You are leaving...?' Jai says seeing his travel bag with him

'Yes Bade Papa, my flight leaves in 2 hours, so I came to meet you all... ' He smiled and Jai nodded

'Bhai... I'll miss you...' Ananya runs towards him and hugs him

'I'll miss you kid... I just wanted to talk to you in private... ' he says to her and they walk towards the kitchen

'What is it Bhai..?' Ananya asks

'Listen Annie, I know you love Aayan and trust him very much....' Vansh says in a serious tone

You know nothing Bhai... Ananya thinks

'But listen, don't trust him blindly and beware of a girl named Ritika Ahuja, she is his ex girlfriend, and can create trouble for you... ' Vansh warns her and she nods

I have met her Bhai... She wanted to say out loud

'Most importantly, take care of yourself, and I repeat, Aayan has trust issues and also cannot be trusted.... Please please let me know if you find anything suspicious about him... ' He says holding her hands and Ananya couldn't say anything

'Don't get me wrong Annie, I do respect my brother in law, but I can't trust anyone with you... ' he says caressing her face and she looks at him with teary eyes

'What..? What happened..?' he gets scared seeing her teary eyed

'Nothing, I am just so lucky to have you by my side Bhai, I love you so much... ' She hugs him

'I love you too kid, more than anything in this world... ' he hugs her back

Aayan's room

'You mean they hired a newbie lawyer to prosecute against AV Tech...?' Aayan says over the phone

'Yes, they say though she is a trainee, she is good... ' Alex replied

'Her details....?' Aayan asked

'We are trying to find her, she is Joshi's new trainee, is all we know now... ' Alex informed

'Whoever she is... We will destroy her, she doesn't know who she is dealing with... ' Aayan smirked over his phone

Ofcourse you will, or will you...?

Sorry, actually this chapter required a lot of research since it had romantic scenes and I am not good in writing them, hence the delay....

Sorry for late update, but I am actually working on it since morning...

Word count : 4853

Next update : Can't say, but won't be long...

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