Character's Rant

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All the characters are gathered in a seminar like arrangement, as they have called the author to ask few questions....

They are seated on their chairs and there is a small podium where the author will sit...

Author glancing at the arrangement from the corner..
A : Why do I feel that I am in trouble, Again...? It feels like some court proceeding...

She is startled when someone puts a hand on her shoulder..

A : *yelps* Mummy... !!

And everyone turn backwards  to look at her...
Author looks at the person who startled her and sees Vansh smirking at her

A: Hey kid...!  How are you...?

Vansh : Don't call me a kid, I am older than you...

A : *rolls her eyes* I created you

Vansh : Whatever... I am still the older one...

He drags her,towards the podium and grins at everyone..

Vansh : Look what I found, lying in the corner, no no.. It's not a trash... But yeah something like that only..

A : Heyyy....

Author takes her seat, and everyone look or more like glare at her, she ignores them

A : What do you want to ask...? 

Arjun : When will your actions improve...?

A : What did I do now...?

Naina : You messed up all my children's life, that's not fair..

A : It's not as messed up as yours...

Jai : What did I do to you...? Why the hell am I so miserable...?

A : *Looks guilty* I am so sorry Jai... I know I was unfair to you, but Aayan had to...

Jai : His life is probably more messed up than mine, see I don't mind living like this, but give my son some solace...  Why he is always in trouble...

Arjun : And why my Ananya makes him land in all those troubles....

Naina : Why is Arjun always after my Vansh, and you made Ved, as the younger version of his father... Why..??

A: Everything will be fine Naina, don't worry...

Jai : Well, I must thank you for divorcing me with Priyanka, I didn't like her much though...

Naina and Arjun look at him shocked

Jai : What... She didn't let me play Video games... And I had to give away my avengers collection, because she thought it was childish...

Adi : *gasping* Man she was evil...

Jai : I know right...

A: So you are not angry on me for separating you from your wife...?

Jai : Naah... I don't mind being vulnerable, as long as I am hot and rich

Sash : You are above 55 in this story...

Jai : *gasps and glares at the author* I still don't like you...

Sash : Care to explain why am I divorced...?

A : You are not divorced... You wife doesn't live here with you , that's it...

Sash : Very kind of you... *rolls his eyes*

A : I'll explain your story too in further parts...

All the older characters nod and then start chattering among themselves...

A : Why are only these oldies complaining, don't you guys have to say anything..

The younger lot doesn't say anything...

A : I guess my work is over here then,  I'll leave  *Gets up*

Aayan : Dare you leave that podium, or else you won't walk back home...

A : *gets scared and takes her seat back, but maintains a even face* Don't you mess with me young man, you don't know what can I do with you...

Aayan : I am older than you too, and yeah these threats won't work on me, you've ruined my life already, what worse you can do...? Don't give me a partner...!  I don't care... I Don't like the one you are planning to pair me up with anyway....

Ananya glares at him at this...

Ananya : Why can't I get a better partner... Why this Sadu...?

A : But he is your dream man...

Ananya : Oh come on AK ! Dreams aren't real... Give us different partners... Make him die single though..

Aayan glares at her now...

Vansh : Do whatever you want to do with them... Don't make me die single though...

Ved : *smacks Vansh's head* Don't be so selfish..

Vansh : Shut up, Senior Thapar 2.0

Ved : Why is he so cool and I am a sadu...?  We are identical twins for god's sake....

A : Wow, a genuine problem Ved *rolls her eyes*

Deepika : What the hell did I do to you...?  Why did Ved do this to me...

A : Because he is Senior Thapar 2.0

Author and Vansh high five each other, while Arjun and Ved glare at them

Vansh : But why is my dad unhappy with me...? Please make him proud of me... I miss my Paa.... *Pouts*

Readers : Aww... We love you Vansh..

Ved : What about me... I didn't want to work in E market either...!  Why you portrayed me as a jerk...

A : You and Aayan just have anger management issues, that's it...
Or else you guys are the best, you are the heros afterall...

Aayan : I don't want to be a hero... Just make me stay away from everyone, I don't like people... *huffs*

Ananya : Why do I love this man...?  *whines*

Sameer : Do I have any other role in the story, apart from being an obedient son of the villain

A : *grins* Of course you do

Vansh : How can he be so nice, if he is the villain's son

A : Is this a tradition ? Politician's son politician, Doctor's son Doctor, so Villain's son a Villain too...? He is genuinely a good guy

Sameer : Thanks AK...!

Aayan : The tradition applies to Ved though... And also Yash... *he and Vansh snigger*

Deepika : See, I don't want to be with Ved now... He is so mean...

Ved looks at her guiltily...

Ved : *to Deepika* She made me do it... *points at Author*

Vansh : Yeah, she didn't give me a partner too

Ananya : She paired me up with a sadu

Aayan : Made me miserable, because of my parent's divorce...

They threateningly walk towards the author... She jumps from her chair and hides behind Arjun...

Arjun : It's okay kids, she will set everything in order, it's her habit...
First she messes up everything and then makes it right...

A : Thanks Oldie... *grins*

Arjun : I am still a handsome old man

A : Yes you are, and see everyone forgave you for your stupidity in the previous book, but they hate you for a different reason though

Arjun : *Glares at her* I know you are taking some sort of revenge from me, You always make me do things that makes readers hate me...

A : Hey that's not true, you are my favorite...

Jai : Thank god, I am not your favorite..

Arjun hits him playfully...

Sash : Come on everyone, let's go...

All of them rise up from their seats and turn to leave

A : Hey...!  No goodbyes...? 

Vansh : First sort out the mess you created, then we will talk...

They all leave the room

A : These people will never behave politely with me...


Hey guys...

I have been told to reintroduce the characters as there are so many and it's confusing too..
I'll tell about few of the introduced characters... Will introduce new ones when time comes

Here it goes...

Main Protagonists -

Ananya Thapar

Aayan Varma

Co Protagonists -

Ved Thapar

Vansh Thapar

Deepika Mehra

Antagonists -

Yash Singhal (Son of Priyanka and Prateek Singhal)

Shanaya Nanda

Ritika Ahuja (To be introduced) 

Prateek Singhal

IWAY clan -

Naina Malhotra - Thapar

Arjun Thapar

Jai Varma

Priyanka Singhal

Shashank Thapar

Claire Matthew Thapar

Aditya Thapar

Ria Thapar

Radhika Singh Khanna

Sidharth Mehra

Supporting characters  -

Rudra Thapar, Sayesha Thapar (aka Kitty) - Aditya and Ria's Children

Saanjh Thapar, Viraj Thapar - Shashank and Claire's Children

Nitaara Varma Malhotra

Sameer Singhal

Ayesha Singh

Adhiraj Singh

Lalit Mishra

Samar Sahani

Vikrant Mehra

None of the parts of the book are allowed to be copied, translated and published on any other sites....

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