Engagement (Part 2)

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Deepika came out of Ananya's room after freshening up, she was brushing the dust off her gown, when someone pulled her into the corner

She was about to scream when the person covered her mouth with his hands and Deepika begin struggling to get out of the hold

'Shhh... Deepika... It's me... Ved... ' the person sushed her

Deepika stopped struggling, and then looked up to meet his chocolate brown orbs

Ved leaves her mouth and she takes a deep breath
'You should stop scaring me Ved... ' Deepika scolds him

'You should stop running away from me Deepika.. ' Ved pouts

'See I have to help aunty in serving the guests, so let me go...' Deepika gets out of his hold

'We have a lot of servants to do that...' Ved turns around to stop her from going

'I have to be with Ananya... ' Deepika said trying to move away from him

Ved grabs her hands from behind and turns her around, pulling her closer to him, she gasps as her hands land on Ved's rock hard chest

He slides his arm around her waist and pulls her closer...

'You have time for everyone except me... ' he pouts

'Why will I have time for you...?' Deepika raises her brows

'Because you are my girlfriend... ' Ved grins and kisses her forehead

'Who said this...?' She raised her brows

'Me... ' Ved grinned

'Since when you started deciding things for me..?' she glared at him

'Since the day you captured my heart...' He said

Deepika blushed at this and looks down

'Have I told you that you look super cute when you blush....?' Ved says and Deepika looks away

'Leave me Ved, someone will come... ' She tries to get out of his hold

'No one will come upstairs till midnight....there's a engagement party downstairs... ' Ved says not letting her go

'See we are matching too... ' Ved grinned

Deepika realised that they were indeed matching, Ved was wearing a light pink shirt under his black coat, and Deepika was wearing a baby pink gown, she sighed at this

'Ved don't do this....' Deepika says slowly 

'Don't do what...?' He asks

'Pretend that you like me... ' Deepika says tears filling her eyes

'But I do like you...' Ved states truthfully

'Ved I can't spend more time with you, please let me go...' Deepika's voice cracks

'Why are you saying like this... ' Ved asks concerned

'Ved I cannot fall in love with you again, I can't bear that heartbreak again... It took me 2 years to get over you and you swooped back in, in less than 2 months... That's not fair... ' Deepika sobbed, covering her face with her hands

'Please don't cry.... ' Ved requests her

'You just cant accuse me of being a gold digger and then come back asking for forgiveness... ' Deepika says angrily

Ved let her go and then removed her hands from her face

'Deepika I am so sorry.... See I will say 10000 times sorry everyday of you want... But please forgive me... ' he pleads

He kneels down in front of her and catches both his ears...

'I am sorry Deepika... I promise that I won't break your heart ever again... ' He said and Deepika smiled at his antiques, wiping her tears

'Also I will fight 1000s of Anurags who will try to take you away from me, you are MINE... ' Ved said and Deepika's heart skipped a beat

Deepika also kneels down to his level

'What if Shanaya tries to manipulate you again...?' Deepika asks

He holds her hands
'It was not Shanaya's words that triggered me, it was my insecurity, my fears of seeing you with another guy, made me do that... But I won't do it again... I swear... ' Ved said kissing her hands

'You promise that you will work on your anger issues... ' Deepika said gesturing her hands forward

He held her hands and brought it near his heart..

'I promise... ' he smiled

'I'll sign a prenup like Aayan did, if you want...' Ved said and Deepika chuckled

'Okay... ' Deepika says getting up but she notices that Ved doesn't get up

'Ved...? What are you doing... Get up...' She says

Ved smiled at her and gets on one knee and Deepika gasps

He takes out a small red box out of his pocket, and reveals a solitaire ring...

'Ved...' Deepika says tears brimming in her eyes

'Let me do this... ' Ved smiled

'It's too fast... ' Deepika said

'I can't risk of wasting, another minute...' Ved said and Deepika smiled

'Deepika Mehra, I saw you, when you were in class 10, I know it's wrong to check your sister's best friend out, but you were so irresistible, from then, till now, I have adored you and only you, yes I did date some bitch for a week *Deepika chuckles at this* but I swear I didn't touch her or anything, Damn this is not how you propose... ' Ved said frustrated

Deepika smiled and held his shoulders
'It's okay, try again... ' She smiled and Ved smiled at her and took a deep breath

'Okay... Deepika Mehra, I have always adored your cuteness, Admired your smartness and loved your madness.... Will you give me the opportunity to be with you forever...?' he said and Deepika gasped, tears rolling down her eyes

'I love you Deepika Mehra, will you marry me...?' He asked and forwards the ring towards her

'Yes... Yes... Yes.... ' Deepika cried and Ved stood up happily

He slid the ring on her finger,and placed his lips on hers, kissing her sweetly...

Deepika snaked her arms around his neck and pulled him closer...
Ved groaned and kissed her harder, his free hands roaming all over her body..

They were kissing each other with intense passion, and After few seconds Ved's hands reached the zip of her dress...

Deepika gasped at this and pulled away
'Ved we are in the corridor.... ' She panted and Ved looked at her eyes panting heavily, more like seeking permission for something, Deepika looked down shyly at this...

'Okay... ' he smiled and pulled her inside his room, closing the door behind


Ananya stood at the spot, where she used to stare at Aayan and tears rolled down her eyes

She was hurt by Priyanka's words, she wiped her tear

Why does everyone thinks I am a brat, does being dearly loved by your father makes you bad...?

She sniffed and then shivered as the cold breeze touched her skin

Someone wrapped a blue coat around her and then pulled her closer to his chest, resting his arms on her arms

'Hey... ' He whispered

'Hey....' she quickly wiped away her tears and Aayan turned her around to face him

He wiped the tear which was about  to fall from her eye and cupped her cheeks

'See... That's why I don't like her....' He said angrily

'Don't say like this, she is your mother....' Ananya said

'She can't say stupid things about my wife...' Aayan huffed

'I will convince her that I am a good daughter in law okay...?' Ananya smiled

'We won't call her to the wedding... ' Aayan huffed

'Are you crazy, she is your mother, how can she miss your wedding.. Don't worry she will accept me... ' Ananya smiled

'You don't need to prove anything to her, she is no one to us... ' Aayan said

'She is my mother in law Aayan, and yes, mother in laws dislike their daughter in laws, it's very common... ' Ananya smiled

Aayan was shocked to see this level of understanding in her, he was expecting to hear vile words about his mother and bashing about his family, but here the case was different...

Ananya was trying to please Priyanka, who doesn't even live with them...

'Don't worry she won't live with us... ' Aayan said

'Okay... ' she smiled

'Don't cry please, I don't like seeing you cry because of someone else...' Aayan said

Ananya stared at him lovingly and then placed her head on his chest feeling content,  Aayan too closed his eyes at this and wrapped his arms around her

After sometime, Aayan made her look at him and stared at her dark brown eyes, Ananya could feel heat rising up her cheeks

'Can I kiss you...?' He asked and Ananya stared at him shocked and then slowly nodded

He leaned closer to her, and Ananya closed her eyes and her heart started beating very fast

He placed his lips just on the side of her lips, and kissed her on her cheeks, and then her forehead

Ananya opened her eyes and he smiled

'That can wait... ' he whispered and Ananya hid her face inside his chest

'I love you Aayan.... ' Ananya said, and his heart started beating frantically

He didn't know what to say, he had goosebumps all over his body...

It was the first time anyone said I love you to him...

Ananya could feel his frantic heartbeats and then she looked up to him

'It's okay... You don't have to answer..' she smiled and kissed his cheeks and his cheeks turned red

I can't hate this girl...
But I have to...
She ruined my plans, she was the reason Papa sent me away from him...
I can't fall in love with her...
I just can't...

'We have our entire lives to hear your reply... ' she hugged him and he hugged her back hesitantly

Suddenly he cannot make eye contact with her, his sane mind was trying it's best to invoke senses back to him that it's wrong to think about revenge, but his irrational mind was not letting it do that, it already blamed her  for all his miseries of his life and was determined to take revenge from her, he was in dilemma...

He pulled away from her and slowly took steps away from her

I can't do this...

'Aayan are you okay...?' Ananya asked

'Ananya I wanted to... ' Aayan began but they were interrupted by Saanjh

'Love birds, everyone is searching for you, you can romance later.... ' She said and Ananya blushed

Once again Aayan's devil mind overpowered his sane mind and he cursed himself

She is a brat...
What the hell I was thinking, I can't have weak moments like these...
You hate her Aayan...

They walked downstairs, and everyone greeted them with smile...

'Children, just wait for one month, you can spend time with each other after that....' Adi teased and Arjun frowned at this

'Why did you guys leave...?' Arjun asked

'Mom said something to her and she got upset.... ' Aayan said before Ananya could reply

'What...!' Jai exclaimed angrily and Arjun frowned

'Bade Papa it's nothing, relax... ' Ananya tried to calm him down

'She is your mother in law for namesake okay, she can't just say anything to you, she doesn't have any rights !' Jai growled

'That's why Sameer took her with him....' Arjun said

'Yes I asked him to do that...' Aayan huffed

'I won't leave that witch, how dare she insult my daughter in law... ' Jai growled

'Relax Jai... ' Arjun tried to calm him down but was actually himself freaked out for his daughter

'We won't call her at the wedding.... ' Jai said angrily and Aayan nodded

'Are you crazy Jai, she is groom's mother, how can she be not there at the wedding.... ' Arjun said

'Mother ! Are you serious ? What duties did she perform as a mother...? Abandoning the kids...' Jai said

Nitaara held her father's shoulder
'Dad, we don't care whether she comes or not, she has gone far away from us long ago, but Big Dad is right, she is groom's mother, she has to be there... ' she said

'Are you okay my child...?' Jai asked Ananya

'Yes Bade Papa.... I am fine.... ' Ananya smiled

'You don't have to worry about her, she is not a part of our family.... ' Jai said hugging her

'Okay Bade Papa.... ' she smiled and hugged him back

'Start calling him Papa now... ' Nitaara teased her and Arjun chuckled

'Naa, I only have one Paa.... ' Ananya said and hugged Arjun and they look at them in awe, Arjun wiped his tears

'Stop it old man... ' Jai hugged him too

'You are not losing a daughter Big Dad, you are getting an another son...' Aayan said and Arjun smiled

'I know... ' Arjun caressed his hair

'Ladies and Gentlemen, I may now request the newly engaged couple to come on the dance floor... ' Viraj announced

Everyone looked at Aayan and Ananya and both of them got anxious

'I don't know how to dance... ' Aayan said nervously

'Me too...' Ananya said

'Where is Ved, he would've saved me...' Aayan whined

'Lets not search for Ved for sometimes...' Vansh laughed

'Come on love birds, don't be shy....' Viraj encouraged them and everyone cheered for them

Aayan and Ananya hesitantly walked towards the stage and then turned ti each other...

'Just follow my lead okay... ' Ananya whispered to him and he nodded

Rudra played, My heart will go on song from the movie Titanic and everyone hooted

Aayan put his hands on Ananya's waist and Ananya put her hands on his shoulders and they came closer to each other

They looked at each other and were lost in their own world...
Everyone stared at them in awe...

Sash moved towards the counter to have a drink, when Claire stopped him...

He glared at her, but she smiled

'You must refrain from alcohol, you have high BP... ' she smiled

'Why do you care....?' he asked her angrily

'Because I am your wife... ' Claire said

'You are just mother of my children alright, our marriage was over 15 years ago....' he huffed

'Okay, listen to your children's mother and don't drink this, have this... ' she hands him a glass of juice

He takes it from her hands and then throws away the juice in the sink, and Claire sighed

He walked away from her abd towards the crowd, and she slowly followed

The music came to an end and everyone clapped for them...

Aayan - Ananya bowed down in front of the audience and later everyone joined the dance floor...

After sometime, All of them had dinner and by this time Ved was back, but Deepika was nowhere to be seen

'Where were you...?' Aayan asked him

'I was...uh... Doing some office work...' Ved lied

'Spare the office work atleast today... ' Aayan whined and Ved chuckled

Ananya spots Deepika and waves at her

'Where did you disappear Deeps... ' Ananya asked

'I had to attend an important call... ' she said looking away from her

Ananya narrowed her eyes at her, but didn't say anything...
They all had dinner then

Arjun was sitting in the couch, staring at Ananya - Aayan, thinking about something...

'You don't have to worry about your daughter, her brother is alive... ' Vansh said sitting beside him, offering him a sweet

'I know... ' Arjun smiled and looked at the couple smiling

This was the beginning of Ananya and Aayan's struggle, and now Arjun Jai's friendship was going to be at stake...

Let's see who wins here...


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