Sneak Peek #1

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Hey reader !

Thank you for reading this story..

Warm welcome to IWNBY...!

This book is a sequel of IWAY, which can be found in my profile...
(However there is no need to read that before to understand this, because the plots are totally different...)

This book is unedited, so kindly avoid the errors and there are few cliche moments in the book as well, so if you don't like them, kindly ignore...

Postive criticism is appreciated, but abuse is not !

A humble request
Kindly DO NOT Copy my works..
Please do not try to plagiarize the story in name of writing a fan fiction...
DO NOT try to copy it into any other language...
If you find anything like that, please inform immediately...

Hope you will like the story...

Thank you !


Aayan enters his mansion and finds everything surprisingly quiet....

It's a rare scenario that his house is so quiet, ever since he got married..

'Ananya ?'

No answer....

'Ananya ? Where are you ??'

Still no answer....

He sees three big bags in the living room and wonders, whose are they ?

He calls for the servants, no one answers...

Where is everybody ?

Confused he keeps his travel bag on the couch and walks around to find someone...

'How was your trip ?' His wife asks from behind

He smirks...

Stupid girl...

He turns around and finds his beautiful wife who is clad in red saree, glaring at him..

He gets confused seeing her expression, the one who followed him like a love sick puppy was changed now...

What's with her ?

'Hey Ananya ! I missed you..!' he greets sweetly and walks towards her, opening his arms to embrace her..

'Quit this Drama, Aayan Verma ! I know you are pretending, I know you are not happy to see me....!' Ananya snaps

He stops on his tracks and stares at her confused
How does she know ?

'Baby, What are you saying ? I...!' he begins

'Oo Shut up you liar ! I know you were not at the Bangalore for your so called 'Emergency Crisis'... I know you were at Goa, with that whore !' she half yelled controlling her tears

Aayan's confused expression changes into a smirk..

'How do you know ?' he asks amused

'I have my sources !' Ananya crosses her hands

'Soooo, My cute little Ananya is not that Naive, I presumed she would be !' he advanced towards her smirking

'I am not yours !' Ananya huffs taking a step back...

'Who wants you anyway !' he retorts

'Then why did you marry me ?' she asks irritated

'Like I had any choice !' Aayan huffs

'You plotted all this...!' she snaps

'To teach you a lesson and leave you forever !' he snaps back

This broke her heart, her dream for a perfect love story like her parents was shattered..

But she was Naina Thapar's daughter afterall ! She won't cry for this worthless man !

Ananya didn't reply to his rude remark

'Now that you know, let's keep this secret between us...!' He states moving closer to her

Really ?

'And why do you think I will agree to that !' Ananya raises her brows

'Because you love Big Dad and my Papa so much ' he smirks

Now Ananya's angered expression morphs to worried one...

'And you don't want to hurt them and Naina mom !' His smirk grows wider..

This cunning brat !

'Fine !' She pushes him away and walks towards the bags...

'Tut, tut... Poor heartbroken Ananya is leaving her husband's house ? That's Sad !' he mocks her

Ananya starts laughing and he stares her bewildered

Did she lose her sane mind ? He thought

'Heartbroken ? For you ! In your dreams, Aayan Varma !'

Aayan doesn't reply at this and waits for her further words...

Now Ananya turns back to him and smirks...

'These aren't my bags, my darling husband...! And I am certainly not leaving this house !'

'Then whose bags are those ?' he asks

'These are yours ! You are leaving ! Cheaters don't deserve a house' she declares



None of the parts of the book are allowed to be copied, translated and published on any other sites...

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