"I will never let you go" - Pranushka OS

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*Apologies for not been able to update any of my regular stories.I will soon.

*This Shot is dedicated to @MouluvsPrabhas <3 <3 <3 a very happy birthday to you baby and a small gift from my side.And also to all my readers take this as a compensation for not getting regular updates

Clad in a simple color and her regular attire, Meenakshi entered the hall room.She pushed her hair at back of her ear feeling the presence of much people around.She feared people and when they were in majority.She hardly prefers to go out if not in case of urgency.

"Meena come here sit with your Anneya."

Shreya held hands of her 24 year old sister in law and made her sit with them.She knew of her fear and how after much insistence she made it there.

"Meena.Why again with this simple dress.I asked you to change it.You could have worn some different color."

Meena smiled at Shreya and looked down.She was her best friend and companion in all these years.She has become an important part of her life.She would never imagine how without her presence she would have made it so far.Her dull life had some motions because of few people and Shreya was one of them.Arush, her son was another who brings a smile on her face.

"Ayiyo.He is almost here.Meenu I told you about this insanely handsome stud.The rising sensational Director who achieved so much at the young age.Your Anneya has met him few times for work purpose and when he asked him to attend this event he said yes.He is a down to earth person and guess his age is just 29."

Meenu controlled butterflies on her stomach because of excessive tension and nervousness.She could still hold back the smile.Shreya sounded so excited and taking a man's name when her husband is around.

"Shrey Akka just 29. Too young?"

She laughed meekly and Shreya glared at her.

"Meena huh.Too young to be a successful director.Okay he is here."

Honored to have Mr PRABHAS with us today on this eventful day.When we invited him for the charity purpose event for betterment of children, he said yes without settling for any second options.

He looked tall, had broad chest and very well dressed.He waved his hands at people and did not forget to join his hands in front of everyone.He was seated and having a word with rest.Shreya nudged Meena who was having difficulty in raising her eyes up.

"Meena see see.His height 6 plus how can a person be so tall.And his face with that smile.I have heard he is still single and no girl friends."

She fixed her stole and bit her lips.

"Akka why are you so interested on him.Wouldnt Anneya mind if he catches you singing praises for him.Its bad right."

Shreya burst into fits of laughter.Meena was a bundle of cuteness.She stayed with a blank face.

The event went on successfully and at the end Shreya was standing with Meenakshi at one corner of the hall.She found her husband Prakash approaching them and along with him was Prabhas.Prakash and Prabhas shared a rather formal relationship.Long years of formal relationship have made them share a personal like one and could be called as friends.

Meena tried best to hide ehrself behind Shreya.She sensed the presence of stranger and her heart beats got rapid.

"Shreya.Finally.Prabhas wanted to meet my beautiful and blabber mouth wife."

Prakash spoke getting a glare back from his wife.Amidst the small chatting session,someone's eyes were set on one person.He did not fail to capture the innocent face with eyes that emoted a lot without saying a word.

A cough from Prakash and he was back to the world.

"Very pleased to meet you.Hope I can call you by your name or."

Getting a nod from Shreya,Prabhas shared some more words with them and left after getting invitation for dinner at their place the next day.

A month passed and what transpired in the time span was sudden and fateful.After that day frequent visits were made to Prakash and Shreya's place by Prabhas.The reason became obvious with time to Prakash but he felt it was not time to let it out from his side.He sensed the liking and a spark in Prabhas's eyes for the innocence and beauty of Meenakshi.

Prakash and Shreya had a small family which consists of Prakash's mother and their 6 year old son Aarush.Of course Meenakshi was the youngest one on their small family after Aarush.

Hailing from the city of Hyderabad they believed in freedom and concept of modern culture.However, Prakash's mother was very back dated.Her thoughts were restricted to old beliefs and traditions.An aged lady who after losing her husband started leading life as that of a widow.She maintains a low key profile and dresses up in whites.Prefers food without spices and boiled.Has a strong hold on traditions , considering life of a widow who had no right to lead a normal life.

For many reasons there were times when conflicts had taken place between his mother and the duo.Shreya never wanted to take him away from his mother.So she made sure to keep things stable as long as possible.

It was late night and Shreya was patting Aarush to sleep.Prakash put his spectacles away and laid himself on bed.His wife smiled at him and he brushed his hand on soft curls of his son.

"Shreya did I tell you about the conversation that took place between me and Prabhas this morning."

Shreya looked at him slightly raising her brows.

"Hmm.We had to sign this deal for the venture he is been working on.My company is sponsoring his next budget movie.So.We met and.We had a talk about.Meena."

"Meena?Our Meenakshi?"

Shreya shifted in her position making sure not to disturb the sleep of little one.

"Yes and do you know what he said Shreya.He.Asked for Meena's hand."

Prakash was shocked to see a rather pleased expression on his wife's face.It looked she knew before hand.

"Dont give me that look Prakash.Didn't you see how all these while he came to out place.Without any proper reasons.His eyes searched for one person.Her innocence captured his heart.How I always wished for this day to come.Even she deserves a new life.Dont you feel that?"

A deep sigh from his end and she was aware of the run of emotions in his mind.

"I know Shreya I know.I have always looked for her happiness and the little one suffered more for her age.But."

"Amma.Did you tell her.

Prakash please.I dont think I will be ready to compromise for anything, but Meena's life.I wouldnt think twice to fight for this if she disagrees.I know she would."

The night went with both having a fear as well as a content in their heart.

"How can you think of committing such a big sin.Prakash I knew you were influenced by your wife and her modern thoughts but to this extent?I feel so ashamed of you.Instead of leading her in path of rightness, you want her to.Oh god.Dont ever think I would give my consent for this crime."

"Why amma.what wrong had that girl done to you or us?You have been punishing her for years and we never said anything.You made her wear white clothes snatching away all colors from her life.She deserves to live a life like a human.She is a human and too young for all these traditions and norms.Why should we bind her , she does not deserve this."

"Shreya.You are forgetting that she is a widow and she whose husband died night after her marriage, deserves to bear this plight for life long.She deserves it.A bad omen.Got my son killed.Why I had to get her married to my Shiva out of all girls."

Prakash had enough.He felt disgusted at such low thoughts oh his own mother.She cursed this poor soul for no reason.They were one who should be blamed for causing her the sufferings.

"Amma.How can you.Shiva had an accident and it was unfortunate.That doesn't give us right to put all blame on her.She suffered a big shock at this age and instead of supporting her and being on her side.What did we do.Tell me."

Shreya felt proud of her husband and held his arms giving him the much needed support.She conveyed him through eyes she was with him on this.

"Amma I have taken decision.I am giving her hand to Prabhas.She will not lead this life anymore.I will make sure she gets what she deserves."

"Prakash stop it.Getting a widow married again is a sin.She will kill that man also a bad omen can never."

"He loves her amma and will give her much needed love and respect which she should have got here.He knows about her past and decided to accept her despite of that."

Shreya spoke maintaining a calm tone and Prakash probed his mother further.

"I am sorry amma.I was quiet for these years for your respect.You have lost a son.But she lost a husband who had relation with her for few hours.why should she bear the brunt for her whole life."

Meenakshi kissed the head of little Aarush who showed her his drawing with such enthusiasm and joy.He had drawn a boat which was about to sink under water.Her situation was on similar grounds.

She tied her hair in a bun and opened the windows of her room.The fresh air let her breath.Her eyes were moistened.A huge commotion had taken place and it was all because of her.How she wished she would have died the day her husband died.She had no qualms or no expectations from her life.

She hailed from a poor and conservative family.She was married off at age of 19.She had no sense of marriage,love or husband.Despite of that she was made to tie a knot with a stranger.

Shiva Kumar was an IPS Officer.The night after marriage he had to report on urgency and within minutes of him leaving for work place, news came of his accident in which he lost his life.Being a new bride, she had no idea what happened to her and she was blamed by her new family.

She still remembers the day colors of her life were taken away ruthlessly.She was given white clothes and warned never to take back a look at the color red.It signified married woman and she was a curse.

Still she couldnt come to terms what was her fault.She stared at her palms and could feel the odor of henna getting back.Her hands looked so colorful and beautiful.All had gone away with the storm that had taken away a lot from her.

It was her luck she got people like Prakash and Shreya in the same family.Never they treated her as a curse.She was showered with love.Prakash made sure she completes her graduation and studies kept her busy.He had to argue for that with his mother.Later she got admission much to her mother in law's annoyance.Somehow she managed to survive.

A new storm emerged in her life in the form of this new stranger.A man she hardly interacted with.She had left all hopes for her life.Was made to believe thinking about a man ever would be a sin.She hardly talked with any.Mostly Aarush was one keeping her alive inside house and the chirpy Shreya.Prakash gave her love of a fatherly figure she missed out.

She cannot say no to Prakash or Shreya and can neither go against her mother in law.What her mind wished.She hardly knew.She felt so weak and miserable.

Prabhas kept the cup of tea down on the table and coughed.His eyes followed the Shreya who held on to a rather nervous and blank faced Meena bringing her in the garden area outside their house.

She was dressed in a simple piece, yet looked the most beautiful creature on earth to him.Her simplicity made him fall for her.He discovered it was not mere liking but love.Without going for any thoughts, and keeping in mind the sufferings he had faced in all the days since he met her.He made sure to be blunt with Prakash and ask for this precious thing from him.He loved her if it had to be some emotion.

Shreya made her sit on one of the chairs opposite to Prabhas and eyed Prakash to give them some privacy.Meena held Shreya's hands and made a helpless face.He could see her shivering with fear.

"Its okay Meena.We are here only.You both need to talk hmm.Dont get nervous."

Meenakshi shivered and could hardly raise her eyes at the person.Prabhas on other hand observed her carefully.He was right about her.The innocence she had and discomfort she felt around him was not for him skeptically.It was for every random person.She had not experienced, rather she was not used to.

He heard from Prakash the thoughts of his mother regarding the marriage and Meenakshi.How disgusted and fathomed he felt towards the superstitious beliefs.He wished if he could have found her earlier and then taken away all her pain and miseries.If he had.

They sat for almost half an hour and none of them said a word.Meena frowned her brows and looked up with much hesitation.She felt his deep eyes on her and instantly looked down.Prabhas smiled and he couldn't had control on his heart.His heart swelled with love and affection after he got to sense those moments with her.He made his mind.He was looking forward to spend his life with her and only.Her.It had to be her.

"You look so beautiful.My Doll.I have been waiting for this day to see in colors and your life be as beautiful and full of happiness with your partner."

Shreya kissed her forehead with affection and touched her own eye taking some kohl.She put a small black dot on Meenakshi's cheek which got hardly visible.

"Akka.I feel scared.I."

Her voice broke and she broke down in Shreya's arms.She will be leaving the house in a few hours.Everything will be left behind.The place which gave her shelter.The people who showered her with immense love.Her heart was filled with thousands of emotions.The mere thought of entering a stranger's life and living with him under same roof was disturbing her.

Shreya could feel about this poor soul's heart.The situation was not in their control.Prakash and her always wanted the best for their little angel.Time has come such that they could not arrange for something big.Rather Prabhas wanted it a simple affair with the marriage ceremony held in presence of some members of his family.He wanted to avoid media attention, announcement about his marriage was to go down after a certain time.He did not want his wife to be scared away by media and their interest on her past life was a thing he would never want any of them to raise finger at.

"Meena.Listen to me.Forget what life you have been leaving for these years.Everything.Live it from the start.Every girl dreams about her marriage and a perfect life partner.Prabhas is the one for you and we could not find any suitable person for you if not him.He will keep you happy and give you same love we did."

She wiped away the fat tears and did some touch up of her make up.

"Promise me.You will come to meet me.Arush.You will send him.I.I will miss him.Amma.asked me not to ever come back here.She hates me.akka."

Shreya felt miserable.Her mother in law had been adamant on her stand and they could do nothing to break that stand.Least she did spoke out some horrible words for Meenakshi and called her a bad omen.Wishing ill for her.She strictly asked her not to show her face again and she wont be allowed to enter the premises once steps out of it.It was Prakash's adamancy on other side at which she was left with no option.The marriage was to take place at their house.

"You were meant for me and I was destined for you".

Prabhas heard the door of his room and he stood at his favorite corner with hands primly fixed inside his pockets.They reached home quite late due to wedding rituals.It was mid night.He had lost his parents long ago.His close family relatives inculding elder league paid a visit making necessary arrangements of his day.He felt blessed to get love from much people and a faint smile covered his face.From now on he have some one in his life.Whom he will love with his all his heart and she will with all her life.

Meenakshi's face looked a bit pale.She cried her heart out while leaving her home back and her people.The tension and nervousness has made her drained out from last days.The long hour rituals made it worse.She had no strength to stand on her feet.Her whole body shivered with budding fear inside her.When she stepped in her new home she was surrounded by unknown faces.The post wedding rituals were completed and she was asked to change in a new dress.When the ladies helped her to get ready and decked her up with jewelery and flowers, she felt her heart going out.She was given instructions for the night that holds importance for two people starting new journey of their life.She knew nothing.

A high breath shunned her body she heard him locking the door.She could hear him taking steps closer to her.

He held her hand and felt it dead cold.She sensed her discomfort and made her sit on the bed along with him.She has slowly taken her hand away from his hold.He lightly smiled at that.Out of all things he has known and discovered about her, Shreya expressed it to him in clear words that she needs time for few things.She has been nothing still 19 year old living in a shell for years.She needs to feel what is a relationship and how does love feel.How can a husband and wife deliver it through words and experience, their journey.

"Meenakshi.You alright?"

She had her lashes down and played with her hands.They had henna on them beautifull colored dark.He wished to take hold of them instant and kiss them.Refrained from the act as it will cause her fear and abnormal urgency.He does not want to take any step which will break her into pieces.He wanted to sort one by one and then let her be part of his world.

"Say something."


She was sweating in the air conditioned room.With time she could not budge to hold back the single drop of tear from her eye.It fell down on his hand which he kept on hers.He raised his brows and felt a pain inside.

"I am sorry.Iam.Meenakshi.Did I hurt you?Please dont cry.Your tears be my death if it is so."

For first time she raised her eyes and looked at him.He was her husband.She has seen him for many times and he was a nice person somewhat she knew.When the marriage proposal came from his side, she hated him.He was taking her away from her world.

"Please.dont cry and.Dont feel uneasy.This is your home now and you shouldnt feel any discomfort here.If you need anything ask me.You can without any hesitation.Now say something."

Her eyes moistened and she broke down into sobs.He was in a fix.Couldnt dare to touch her again and stop himself from letting her break down.

"Why did you bring me here.I am a bad omen.I will ruin you."

He passed her the glass of water and stopped on his tracks the words escaped from her mouth.

"What did you say?"

She cleared her cheeks and had some water.Her throat dried for long and she drank all of it.

"Why did you get married to me.I will kill you and ruin you to death.I am a bad omen.Amma said.."

She bit her lips and faced other side.Prabhas closed his eyes and supressed his rising temper.How cruel of some people to still have such high beliefs and spat words which could devastate a person to dead end.He has to correct it.

"Tell me do you have similar thoughts regarding this?"

She moved her head saying yes and he sighed.


"Because.He also died.and what if you also."

She lacked courage to say it further.

"Why did you do this.You could have saved yourself from a wrath like me."

"And how do you know that with such conviction?"

She set her orb like eyes on him and had a black face.

"Meenakshi.Tell me how did HE died?"

She held her breathe and spoke in an audible voice.

"Accident.Next morning after wedding."

"So.you were the one driving the car/bike.Or you failed the brakes causing the accident and letting him die."

She frowned her brows at him and faced other side.

"You are not getting me.he got married to me thats why had to face death.I am a bad omen I."

Soon she felt a hand on her mouth stopping her.She felt a shiver down her spine.First time a man was touching her.She would better take a step back and let him know she was not liking it.

"I am sorry.But I had to do this.To stop you."

He mouthed every word giving her an intense stare.

"Do you know Meenakshi I lost my parents when I was at very young age.That day I cried and got stubborn for my favorite toy.They had to get it for me.I was waiting for them with hopeful eyes they will be back soon .They never did.The accident has taken them away from me in some different world far away."

She was listening to him with attention and felt bad.He turned around and faced her.

"Tell me now was I at fault for whatever happened.I killed my parents.They died because of me?

It was in their destiny and mine.We can never fight back our destiny Meenakshi.If something had to happen it will.No one has control over the happeneing except God."

He held her from shoulders and spoke with visible emotions.

"You are far away from being a bad omen to anyone.Because you are the lucky charm for me and have been one since I met you.Trust me.My life has been getting every single thing I waiting for and.Its all because of you.So.Please dont ever talk about yourself in such context.It pains here."

He pointed with his fingers to direction of his heart.He left his hold from her and went to bed taking a blanket and pillow in his hand.

"This is your room and I dont want you to feel uncomfortable for anything.Guests are here so I will sleep on couch for night.Soon they leave I will shift to another room.One more thing, I promise to make your life more beautiful and for that you have to be with me.I will wait for your answer and this is a gentleman's promise."

He winked at her.The night was quite a different and escape for her.His words created a different hope and spark inside her.All her life she never gave importance to what she felt and she thought.One man have taken effort to make her feel good.She wanted to figure out reason why.

"You are my new dream"

Had been more than a month they got married.Life is getting better and new in many ways.Prabhas resumed his work and announced his marriage after a week or two.Wishes and disappointments flooded in with the hunk taken away by some one else.He strictly maintained and made it a request to keep his person and professional life away from each fronts.

Meenakshi is learning new ways of how to live a happy life.Think positive and embrace every morning with a happy face.Who was the one who taught her this.She was pouring her cup with some coffe and remembered last night.A smile crept her cheeks.Prakash and Shreya visited their place for dinner along with Aarush.Prabhas returned early home and made sure to entertain his special guests not leaving them aloof for once.Little Aarush developed a lovely bond with him.He was a charmer.A wonderful person and gentleman, for his behavior towards her.He started off as friends with her.She was happy when she knew nothing to give on for his expectations.

Her smile faded off she remembered the conversation with Shreya last evening.

"Meena I am soo happy.Look at you.I hope the perception towards life has changed for you as well as the glow on your face.These colors suit you well not the white one which makes you off."

Shreya patted her head who rested her head on Shreya Akka's shoulder.

"I miss you people.You have forgotten me so easily.Wish I could spend every day with you."

She felt a light smack her head and looked with confused eyes.

"You are still a dumb head.After marriage a girl looks out for spending every with her husband.Look at you ha ha.My innocent bangaram." (bangaram means Gold and precious)

Shreya noticed sudden change at mention of marriage and husband.She cleared her throat and clasped her hands.

"Tell me Meena.Prabhas is good with you?He doesnt behave badly."

She moved her head sideways in an instant and Shreya smiled.

"he.he is nice."

"Hm.Good.I told you he will be a perfect husband and a compatible partner for you.You figured it out?"

She pursed her lips and remained quiet.

"Meena.I know things need time and you have to adjust.Think about a person who never gave it a thought before making you a part of his life.Prakash tells me how Prabhas has lessened his work timings after marriage and it shows he wants to work it out with you badly.He deserves a chance.Doesnt he?"

Shreya hit her head and did felt bad for poor soul out there - this time it was Prabhas.

"Look at me.You never failed to express any feeling with me.I am not only your akka but a friend.I can advice you as well show you the right direction.You trust me with your life do you?"

"Akka.Dont say like that.You are the only family to me and you know that."

"Then hear me out.A husband and wife can start off as friends also.Understand him and let him know about the real Meenakshi.Express your feelings.Discover this beautiful phase with him kiddo.You will not regret this I am tellng you hmm."

The honk of the car got her back from thoughts.he was home early.She felt a different sensation in her nerves.They have developed a friendly bond in this time span.yet there was so much to look out for him and for her.

"So.how was your day friend."

He made it a point to emphasize on the word friend making her blush.He started liking this new thing about her.The red hue that came on her face.She looked adorable and beautiful his heart would have hard time controlling.


He has just taken shower and came down for some coffee which she made for him. They exchanged a smile and taking first sip he relished it.

"You have magic in your hands.I had so many cups since morning and this.satisfied me.fully"

He spoke every word lingering his eyes at her and she felt a different heat.He moved his head side ways and got busy with his phone.

"I wanted to say something."


he found her standing in an odd manner.She sounded nervous and anxious.

"what happened?You want something?"

"yeah.I.I wanted you to do something.Please."

he probed her to complete her sentence without fumbling.

"I.Please shift back to your room along with your belongings.I feel uneasy."

He kept the cup of coffee on the table and went on his feet to her.

"What makes you feel uneasy?My absence.or my presence?"

"I.I m okay with it.We are friends also.I dont want you to leave your room.You have been living there and for me.Get back"

He smiled at his wife and got back to his sit sipping the coffee.

"Meenakshi.Stop working your mind on what others must be feeling or going through.First let yourself know how you feel.What you want.Tell me.Do you want me to come share a room with you?"

She had no answers.He knew it was testing her well.

"I have no qualms waiting for you for my whole life.You think and give time.But make sure to let your mind know that you exist and your existence holds more importance to me.Than any room which I held on to possession for long"

Months passed by and part by part life started getting better.

Meenakshi got a new friend on Prabhas who never left any chance to boost her confidence and at times tease her leaving her red.She has started feeling something for this man.She was unaware of what that feeling could mean.He was a friend and she loved spending time with him. Talking with him when he briefed her about his work and what he did whole day.She have gone to parties with him and faced media few times.She felt it was difficult and he was on her side not leaving her alone for a second.She has come to know how popular he was and loved by others specially the female attention.She remembered Shreya speaking about him.

She can never forget the mention of the first meeting.Little did she knew that moment was to change her life forever and for good - now she believes.

She was on her bed reading a book.Lately she developed this new hobby of reading books.From childhood she was a fantasy lover.Used to believe fantasy world exists in real and how about if it comes true.She had hopes and excitement for her own life when it came to crashing down because of the mishap in her life.If God made her for some purpose and she thought she was yet to know full purpose and accept it.Her dead emotions and dark end has taken a new turn where happiness and optimism welcomed her.

Meenakshi had tip of her finger close to her mouth.She was on verge of excitement and palpititions with the climax of the story she was reading.Her phone rang and picked it up.

"Akka.you had to call now.I am so tensed."

Shreya laughed on other side of the call.

"Oh my little ehad Princess must be busy with one of her fantasy stories.Meena stop reading those nursery kid books.Learn mature romance.Poor your husband"

Shreya didnt knew her mention has already turned someone red.Meenakshi kept the book down and sat up with her hand on her hair.

"Akka I am not a kid.These are stories not rhymes please.They can be read by adults as well."

"yeah right.Adults like you who have their head without brains.So did the monster came and ate up the Princess. Or Prince saved her?Even Arush would be disinterested on them."

"Akka dont be so mean huh.Only you say so.he is better than you atleast he listens to"

She slacked her head and could speak a word.Shreya knew whom she was referring to.Her heart felt contented so they were crossing small hurdles and maybe something was in store, soon.

"Hmm.So he is close to you more than me.I get it."

"Akka.you know right.Dont tease me.Tell me when are you planning to visit me and you will there on Kerala trip right?We will have so much fun."

"Sorry Ma.Wont be able to make it.Arush exams are coming and your Anneya has some work here."

"This is not right.I will also not go then.What will I do without you.I will get bored"

"Dont you dare cancel this trip.Your husband is enough to entertain you and even you should do something to keep that going.Meena we cannot always accompany you in everything.We went before quite few times so its time for you to get some time with each other alone."

"But Akka I."

"No need to feel scared.You go and I see you tomorrow have something important to tell you."

The natural beauty of Kerala had her heart.Her excitement levels were that of a kid and Prabhas was in love with every motion of his wife.He had to shoot for few important sequences of his project.So his team decided the location and they were to stay for a week or two.

After marriage this was first time he decided to take her for any official trip.It was more personal, he had kept shooting hours minimum so that he can spare time for his wife.He was in a fix Prakash and Shreya refused to come, he was in thoughts with whom Meenakshi will be left with.

"You sure you will be comfortable here.I will be back in an hour.Its first day so ."

Meenakshi assured him she will be fine.She was busy taking pictures from the balcony of their small guest house.Beach was visible and she loved water.The shoot was arranged at some different location, a place at distance away from guest house of an hour.Prabhas looked unsure and left informing his guards to take care and inform him in case of urgency.

"Cut excellent short."

He has been restless from time shoot started.He held his head with hand and dialed her number.It was dark and he missed the chance to make any call to her.He promised her to be back in few hours he felt bad.Wrapping up everything,he left in his car.

"I wish I had the power to hold you back"

Meenakshi broke down into sobs with phone in her hand.She has been on a miserable state ever since the news of the mishap reached her ears.Was busy when one of the guards knocked her room and with face down informed her that Prabhas car met with an accident while he was on his way.Her heart raced with beats and she fell down.Every time she had to face the wrath.While she came to terms with her life she was never a bad omen and cannot be for one, god has to get her back to same situation.

Her heart screamed with agony of losing him.She cannot afford to let her life fall like that.He is precious to him and she realized it.She did not knew whom to call or inquire about him.The fear of losing him made her weak.She cried with hiccups and soon had her eyelids giving up and fell down on the floor.

"She is fine.Low blood pressure and some kind of shock.Keep her on check.Dont worry your wife is fit enough."

He gave a smile of relief to the middle age person who has been summoned when he found his wife on floor and her face strained with tears.His assistant left with the doctor and closed the door.He went to her side on bed and kissed her head with affection.His eyes got watery and made his chin touch her head.He was in a hurry to reach her and the driver failed to control the brakes causing accident.By God's will he was saved from a disastrous mishap and only he knew how he has managed to escape death for his love.He kissed her head many times.

"Please dont leave me no.I cant."

he heard her murmurs and looked at her in disbelief.She has been on a shock.Meant she cannot bear losing him.He was a part of his life and he got the acceptance.He smiled through the tears and ran his hand through the traces of her jet black hair.

"I am here.And I wont ever leave you.I promise."

She opened her eyes and found same pair of eyes glancing at her.He was there.he did not left her alone.This time her destine did not betray her.Without giving any second thoughts, she crushed herself in his arms and the hug was that of passion and every emotion mixed.

"Its okay Iam here.I am alright .see."

"Why did you leave me.You know I cant leave without."

Self realization struck her and slowly she got out of his hold.She felt embarrassed at her own self and escaped his gaze.She felt too weak to keep her eyes open for long.He made her sleep for some time giving her medicine and he laid down beside her patting her head.

"I love just being with you"

The morning rays made way inside the room and the air smelt fresh.The nature had a different aura with the winds carrying a soothing signal.Meenakshi stirred in her sleep frowning her eyes.She felt a hand on her waist and opened her eyes.He had his protective hold around her.She was completely immersed in his chest.He shifted pulling her closer and she felt shy.

The discomfort was long gone from her side.Even she did not knew when and how things changed.All she knew she realised what love is.She cannot think of living without him and his existence made her life worthy.Last night thoughts prevailed her mind and she got possessive.She snuggled in his chest and held him tightly pledging in his mind not to let him go ever.

Prabhas woke up with a sensation in his heart as well in his body.She was too close to him and her nose touched the bare part of his chest.It took him time to come in terms with the actual situation.Soon he was embraced with a smile and a breath of content.She was in love with him and she feels for him.What more he had to ask from life.

The next few days work had stalled because of weather issues.It was raining heavily and they had to cancel the shoot for a week.Their stay got extended and this gave him a beautiful chance to steal some moments with his wife.

She enjoyed the rains from the window and felt few drops on her hand.Her face was so expressive.She has been stopping herself to let it come out and now he loves her more.She got conscious with his hands from back.He perfectly rested his chin on her shoulder and swayed with her side ways.It was a moment for them , he would wish to hold it for life time.She closed her eyes equally participating in the moment.A sharp desire hit her when his lips touched her earlobe slightly.

"I find it hard to complement.Whose beauty strikes me more, nature or.My wife."

His deep and hoarse voice increased her plight.A pang of guilt raised in him and he left her.She looked at him with confusion.he take her hands in his.

"I am sorry.It happens I.Lose out the control.what to do.You are so beautiful and this weather is doing no good to me.I think better I should stay away from me.Or you stop looking this beautiful."

The hue that formed in her cheeks made him a goner again.He fixed strand of her hair that disturbed his view.She could read his passionate stare and felt more shy.The beauty of their relationship lied in silence.They spoke through eyes and heart.

Back to home and life.

They were happy with the new step taken and both had consent for it.Prabhas was busy whole week with continuous long hour schedules.He have to made it up for pent up work.He knew he was doing injustice to wife sitting at home.Little he could do to get back at late night and leave a kiss on her head and patting her to sleep.They shared same room and same bed with no hesitation from her side.

When they came back from trip she expressed her desire to start a life with him as a couple.He was happy but made sure to take slow moves from now on sensing the sensitivity of their relationship.

It was Sunday and he has gone to work.Meenakshiwas not happy with her husband's decision to get immersed in work.Shreya was expecting and was off to Chennai at her home town.She was to stay there till delivery along with Aarush.Prakash makes frequent visits there.She was so happy for people who filled her life with happiness.She made sure to meet her Akka first when they got the news.Prabhas went with her and looked equally thrilled to welcome the new addition in their family.

They had to see their faces when Shreya expressed her wish of seeing a small Prabhas or Meenakshi soon.She burnt red while her husband stared at her with all deep meanings.

From then she had a thought on her mind.Their silent confession has been different zone.What was next was stage they were yet to climb.He never forced her to physically get involved with him.There was everything in their life that existed yet she felt a void. An empty devoid feeling.The hugs and small kisses on cheeks and heads they shared, she felt shy and satisfied with them.She wanted to yearn for the completeness they lacked in their married life.Fact was she felt too shy to express.Fear also subsided in her heart.

After a tiring day he returned home and quite early.He climbed the stairs to his room and did not find her there.Soon she came with a glass of water offering him.He looked dead tired from face.Dark circles formed below his eyes and they were red and puffy.She looked at him with concern.

"Have you looked at yourself.

Dont struggle to hamper your health.Whats the need even."

She sat facing him on the head and he pressed his temples.

"Its okay for a while.Going to end in few days.I intend to take a break."

He had a headache and could wait no longer retire to bed.She covered him with the quilt and turned on the air condition.

It was mid night when she heard his moans.She switched on the bed side lamp and checked on him.he was running a high fever.His body felt burning hot and she got worried.She tried calling for a doctor but got informed it was in morning he would be able available to attend.With a disappointing face she looked at her husband.He got all red with the temperature and she covered him more with the quilts.

She tried every thing to make him feel better.Putting wet cloth on his head and massaging his temples.She rubbed her hands on his one and his feet too.The thermometer still showed high temperature and he shivered badly.She felt bad at his state.

"Just few hours then will get a doctor."

She kissed his head and massaged when he looked at her with a faint smile.He could think of that being on such state.Her face looked soothing to him.It made him much better and he eyed her to come closer.Soon he frowned and coughed.He fell down shut his eyes.With time he got serious and shivered continuously.She kept on thinking what to do and could not have anything on her mind.

He clutched her hand and murmured her name.With moistened eyes, she thought of something.Pulled him closer to her heart she felt his head on her chest.She breathed high.She turned off the lamp and went to him.She kissed his eyes and got inside the comforter with him.He crushed her body with his making her jolt.She has decided on it and never felt sure of one move.She opened the buttons of his shirt and got him out of it.Soon she undid his clothes and on that unconscious state his body responded invariably.

For a while he opened his eyes and stopped her from taking this step.She conveyed through her eyes its her wish.He smiled on semi unconscious state.The night witnessed the union of two souls in one.She gave him the warmth,love and both lost battle to passion.Her body shuddered at every move.he claimed her and she claimed him.

Meenakshi fell down on the pillow with sweat and a feeling of respite on her face.Her lips smiled through tears making way for the acceptance.They were one and she had no qualms on making him a part of her.

Prabhas woke up and felt pain to move his body.Fever has come down and he was in better condition.When he got a clear view, he found his wife snuggled to him.her hair spread on his chest and he could hear her faint breath.He made his lips touch her head.His raised his brows when he tried to move and when he found out real position of them.

"Meena.I never wanted to.Let it happen like that.Why did you."

Meenakshi found guilt on his face and she replaced it with a kiss.She cupped his cheeks.

"because I love you and whatever I did it was for my love.to make him feel better.I am yours in every sense."

He hugged her closer to him and his eyes were on verge of getting teary.In life some times unexpected things come as blessings for you.She is a blessing to him.A mere thought crossed his mind.He was hesitant to share with her.

"Meena.I didn't knew you.You did not share any intimacy with your."

He looked down not able to ask her in clear words.Meenakshi got his question.She had her lashes down.She thought about her past after all these days.It was a period in her life she would never want to look back.it gave him a family she can never be thankful enough.

Her silence made him feel bad and he kissed her head.

"I am sorry I shouldn't have.Its okay if you dont want to discuss."

"No.its not like that.I am fine with it.I.I wanted to tell you before.Akka asked me to let you know about this.I was scared and did not know how to tell you.I never had relation with him.It was first night of our marriage when he told me, he wasn't interested on me and.This marriage was out of compulsion."

Prabhas sighed in utter disbelief.She has been sacrificing her happiness for sake of someone who never gave her right.He felt angry.

"Are you angry with me?Sorry."

He got hold on the disturbance in his mind and shrugged away the thoughts.

"Nope.I am not.Even if you had something with him, it would have not matterred to me.You are mine now and I dont care about your past."

"You never did.I know.I did not intend to hide this from you.I.Only Shreya Akka knows.Did I do injustice to myself?"

he remained silent for few seconds and rubbed her back.

"You dont have any right to cause harm to you Meena at cost of someone who never deserved you.Its okay.I will teach you how to make yourself better in such departments."

His intimacy raised the heat on her face.She felt shy to involve herself.

"I feel proud to say that I own you.And I surrender myself to you.No one has right to own my soul and my body.You have it."

He brushed his lips on her neck and locked their lips.A proper kiss they had.She found hard to breathe and he rested his head on her bosom.

After a pause

"So.can we go for honeymoon now?"

She controlled the hue on her face and hid herself in his arms.He raised her chin up and touched his head lightly with his one.

"I am planning a long break.Let this be the ultimate chance for us.To discover every feeling.we have been missing out."

Her silence gave him the answer and they had a long way to go.

After one year.Meenakshi watched the birds and played with them on terrace of their house.The sky was clear with breeze touching her face.She felt so good.Fresh air was a need for her and spending time at her favorite place.

"When your life feels good and you smile without any reason, what more can you ask for"

From a hopeless life without any direction.She has got a new treasure and in this journey she realized her existence.Life is beautiful when you are surrounded with beautiful people.

Shreya gave birth to a baby boy and they were happy with small family.Prabhas achieved more he imagined in this one year.He gave credit to his wife, who was auspicious for him in every sense.

She enjoyed the weather and felt his hands from back.He kissed her hair and hugged her.She melted in his arms.

"Thinking about me?"

She moved her head side ways and turned to face him.

"No.Some one else."

He felt jealous and crossed his arms.She hid herself in his arms and he savored the moment.

"What is it.my lady looks happy and touchy for a change"

"hmm.there is a reason. a big one."

He looked at her and cupped her cheeks.She smiled and took his hand placing it somewhere.He reacted after a minute.

"You sure?"

She gave a nod and soon he engulfed her in a rib crushing hug.Life was going to turn more beautiful for them.A new life to blossom. A new beginning yet again.Different turns and phases they were to enjoy.

M- "Thank you for making me believe in life."

Both of them faced the big sky.it was about to rain soon.Their eyes held immense happiness.He bumped his head with hers.His voice said with much conviction like it had first time when he spoke to her.

P- "I promised.I will never let you go.In any lifetime."


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