Prologue: Angel of the world part 2

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A/n: Ok for those who even care about this book. Seeing as this isn't something I do out of passion sorry to say the chapters are gonna stay short. But I'll make the next one bigger when I choose to right it

3rd person pov

Y/n summoned  two guns then bursted into the room and fired at the guards inside turning them into chunks.

Y/n:(Mind) Alright En's report says they'll be in their office.

Hearing someone coming Y/n ran ahead with a smirk on his face.

Y/n:(mind) Alright let's get this all over with. I've got a nap to get back to.

Laughing as he gunned down every guard in his wake Y/n remembered how he once was in the past. Unable to even stand for himself he now could handle such a group with ease.

Y/n: Come on can't atleast one of you put up a decent fight?

Forming a sword in his hand Y/n hacked apart one of the guards. Kicking in the door Y/n saw the target standing infront of him.


Y/n: Its' over asshole i've been paid to deal with you personally.

 Going to pull the trigger Y/n was suddenly knocked back to the sight of Endeavor standing behind in his way.

Y/n: I should;be  known a rat hero like you would be behind it. 

Endeavor; You know nothing about what you've gotten into boy.

Y/n: I know enough  to bring back up weapons..

 Firing a blade at the hero from behind Y/n jumped onto his feet. Watching endeavor burn away the blade Y/n jumped at him then chopped off his head with a smirk.

Y/n:  A rat always is a rat. I always knew someone like you would turn down this way.


Jagi went to shoot Y/n causing the boy to  blow out his kneecaps. While Jagi screamed out in terror Y/n aimed a sword at his head.

Y/n: Business is over here Jagi; fade away.

Jagi:N-NO PLE-

Y/n cut off Jagi as he impaled his head then left his body.

Y/n;*Sighs* Finally another  job is done.

Walking back home Y/n heard a voice call out then saw a old friend staring back at him.

Y/n: Hey there...long time no see.

???: W-Where have you been?!

 to be continued

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