Prologue: Fight

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Third POV
Y/N's Mom: FIGHT!

Y/N's mother has been training Y/N since he was 5 years old, she taught him everything their ancestors knew. Everything.

Y/N fell down while his mom had her wooden sword on his neck


Y/N stood up not caring at this point how much his body was beat up

Y/N's Mom: I will TRAIN you until you understand your family's legacy! You are my son, my only son. You have to set a better example for yourself Y/N!

Y/N: ...

Y/N's mother and Y/N were training like any other day and his mother always had the upper hand. Y/N fell down again

Y/N's Mom: You're Y/N L/N! GET UP!

Y/N stood up

Y/N: Heh you do this to your seven year old son eh?

Y/N Mom: You will thank me later.

Y/N's Mother said with an emotionless face

2 years later

Y/N fell again

Y/N's Mother: I will admit you are getting better, but your motivation is lacking

Y/N stood up

Y/N: Don't you get it? I don't like fighting

Y/N Mom: If our family heard this they would never consider you as a L/N.

Y/N: Like I even care

Y/N whispered

Y/N Mother kicked Y/N on his head

Y/N Mother: Don't you ever disrespect our family again Y/N.

Y/N: Then come on, fight me

Y/N smiled at his mother annoying her

Y/N Mother: At least our families personalities were passed down to us.

Y/N Mother didn't find Y/N's smile annoying but it gave her motivation

2 years later, Y/N was now 11 years old


At this age Y/N was building up his anger which led him to understand his mother's teachings more better

Y/N did as her mother said and tried to get her into an arm lock but she dodged and kicked him instead

Y/N's Mom: Your age is being a real advantage for you my son

Y/N: And also my anger

Y/N smiled crazily this time

3 years later, Y/N was now 14 years old

Y/N just finished eating dinner with his father and he was going to do his homework

Y/N's Father: You know son, you should let out your anger but not in the way your mother is treating you

Y/N: Then why did you marry her?

Y/N's Father: She was...very different when I first met her Y/N. Come with me, I want to show you something

Y/N went along with his father

Flashback Start

Y/N's Father: Honey please stop hurting our son

Y/N's Mother: He's a L/N. He is built to fight, its in his blood, his DNA!

Y/N's Father: I don't want our son to have traumatic memories!

Y/N's Mother: I'm doing this for his sake, he has no word for the saying

Y/N's Father: Then I will be a parent to him then

Y/N's Mother: I love you, nothing will change about that, you don't as you please

Y/N's Father and Y/N's Mother kept on talking but they didn't know that Y/N was hearing them

Flashback End

Y/N's Father and Y/N arrived to

Y/N's Father: You see this Y/N

Y/N looked around and saw just a destroyed house

Y/N: Yeah it's a shitty looking house

Y/N's Father: This is where our first ancestor turned into a Titan, The War Hammer Titan

Y/N was shocked

Y/N: But the War Hammer Titan is from the Tyber family unless if you are-

Y/N's Father: I am part of the Tyber family, which makes you too

Y/N: Why are you telling me this now?

Y/N's Father: I don't know maybe it was you're time to know.

Y/N: What's the point of me knowing anyway if all the 9 Titan Shifters are gone now

Y/N's Father chuckled

Y/N's Father: Oh but they aren't my son

Y/N seemed confused

Y/N: What do you know?

Y/N's Father: All the 9 Titan Shifters in the past all agreed to not have any wars anymore with Titans. The current holder of the Founding Titan at that time destroyed all Titans except the they and other Shifters. They all agreed to have peace and never use their powers for evil, but they didn't want to put a curse on their descendants so each time the Titan power has been passed down we all have been given the memory of the past.

Y/N: Like the Attack Titan.

Y/N's Father: Very clever, at that time the holder of the Founding Titan and the holder of the Attack Titan were in a relationship so they combined their powers so all future of the 9 Titan Shifters Descendants can look upon this memory

Y/N: Wait so that means...

Y/N's Father: Yes Y/N, I am the current holder of the War Hammer Titan.

Y/N: But doesn't that mean someone else has to turn into a Titan to eat you to get your power?

Y/N's Father: Ah of course you ask these questions. There is a simple answer to this question, Simplicity.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Y/N's Father: As humanity grows, we Titan Shifters do as well. We don't have to eat each other to get the Titan Power, we can transfer our blood

Y/N: Hm

Y/N's Father:  We need to transfer enough blood so the person inheriting the Titan power cna get it. Of course the previous Titan Shifter won't die which is better because they get to live their lives without worries but if they transfer too much blood then the previous Titan Shifter will die while the person who is going to inherent the Titan power still inherents it.

Y/N: How about the 13 years when they get the Titan power?

Y/N's Father: As years passed the limit to how many years we live have been increasing. The problem was our stress of things like the wars from the past or more rather negative emotions. We have countered the Curse of Ymir with positive emotions

Y/N: Curse of Ymir?

Y/N's Father: You will learn and understand when you're older

Y/N: Okay but how many years can all of you live?

Y/N's Father: We can live for 100 more years

Y/N: 100 more years?!

Y/N's Father: Although you live longer technically because when you gain the power of a Titan power, the age you got it on will be the age you are physically when someone else inherits it. As for me when I give my power to someone I will be 14 years old again with my body. I will be the tallest I have been for my life as a Titan Shifter and I will be as young as I was at 14. Then I will age regularly.

Y/N: Does my mom know about this?

Y/N's Father: I've told her already and we both think that it's time for you to inherent the War Hammer power now.

Y/N: Then why isn't she here?

Y/N's Mom: I am

Y/N looks behind him

Y/N's Father: M/N?

Y/N's Mom: Yes I'm here D/N, your family's doctors came to our home, its time

Y/N's Father: I see I thought I had more time to talk with Y/N

Y/N's Mom: Don't worry you can talk with later

Y/N: Wait am I going to inherent your Titan?

Y/N's Father: Yes, you are

The L/N's now were going to their home for Y/N to inherit the War Hammer Titan from his father.

1 year later, Y/N is now 15

Y/N's Mom: Y/N it's time for you to go to school

Y/N got his backpack

Y/N: Yep I got it Mom

Y/N's Father: Have a nice day at your first day at TyHigh Y/N!

Y/N: Thanks Dad

Y/N was opening the door

Y/N's Mom: Remember to eat healthy and don't eat much meat

Y/N: Come on Mom

Y/N's Mom: You need to be fit not fat

Y/N: Well my DNA says otherwise

Y/N's Mom: Even though our DNA is fine without working out or eating junk food you are still going to be stronger

Y/N: I got it I got it

Y/N waved to his parents goodbye and went to the gate of his home to open it and saw his friends outside the gate

Y/N: Hey guys

Author: Welp this another story I made and I didn't expect the Prologue to be this long. Their will be more explanations about how the Titan Powers will work in my story. I hope yall enjoyed my story! Stay tuned for Chapyer 2!

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