Part 1: The meeting

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''Ms.! Ms.! Ms. wait up! you dropped something!'' a voice said from behind. She was surprised to hear someone else here at this time of night.

She had to look around the whole city to find the perfect gift for Nico. Unfortunately, the hunt reached up till late that night.

Bianca di Angelo turned around and saw a guy, about her age running towards her. She was surprised to see how his blue seem to glow in the street lights, his blond hair was air-blown which made it more so as he ran. He was wearing a black jacket over a plain white tee shirt, a pair of ripped jeans and a pair of gray and black Vans.

When he caught up, she noticed that she was still staring at him and quickly raised her scarf to hide her embarrassing blush.

''H-here, you...'' he panted, ''you left this.'' he said as he handed her a small box wrapped in green wrapping paper

''Oh gods!'' she said as she shuffled around the bag she was holding, sure enough, there was a hole there that the gift must've fell through. She sighed as she took  the gift from him.

''Thank you,'' she uttered, ''I don't know what I'd do if i lost this.''

''Why? who's it for?'' he asked looking in her eyes.

She felt herself blush and looked away. She tucked some of her brown hair to her ear, she was not in the mood to feel attracted to some guy she met in an alleyway so she said, "It's for my brother. It's his birthday tomorrow.''

''Oh. Cool.'' he said smiling. Then he looked away while scratching the back of his head,  ''So, where are you from?''

''I live in a boarding school with my brother, down at Westover Hall. You?''

''I just came here for a visit. Uh, my uncle died.''

''Oh. Condolence.'' she said though the tone in his voice sounded like he was only convincing himself.

An awkward silence hung between them, and for some reason, both can't keep themselves from staring at each other.

"H-hey,'' he stuttered, ''I didn't get your name.''

''Bianca. Bianca di Angelo.''

''Bianca...that's a cute name.'' he smiled making her blush. What he said next made her blush even more.

''W-would you like to go see a movie with me sometimes?''

She totally froze and felt the hot contrast of her skin with the cold night air. She tugged on her scarf and looked down, feeling butterflies in her stomach, nevertheless, it felt good...''I'd love to.''

"You would?" he said in unbelief.


"G-great, I'll meet you here tomorrow then. I-is that ok?"

"Yeah. See you then... uhm..."

Realizing this, the boy blushed and gave her a sheepish smile, which Bianca found cute, "My name's Jason Grace by the way."

Bianca smiled, "See you tomorrow, Jason."

With that, she smiled and started to walk away, not knowing that Jason was still staring at her.

Holy Venus, Jason thought to himself, she got me good...

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