Isn't It Romantic?

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The sunlight was shining into the dimly lit hotel room, the curtains opened just a crack, something the ginger wasn't used to. Stirred him out of his peaceful slumber. The 22 year old ginger had the blanket half covering his completely bare body. The older brunette heard him groan and he looked over seeing the younger male turn his head looking at him. The brunette smiled and he walked over, leaning down and planting a gentle kiss on his forehead.

Chuuya lazily kissed back and he looked around. The moment his eyes traveled back to the bed he immediately started blushing.

"How'd you sleep?" Osamu asked softly.

"O-oh um good..." His voice was so quiet. Chuuya himself wasn't sure if it was because he was embarassed or simply tired. "H-How did you sleep..?"

"Mm very good. Especially since it was next to you." Osamu gently kissed his nose. "I hope you're hungry. I made a good balanced breakfast for you."

Chuuya was bewildered. "You? You cooked? Without burning anything down?"

Osamu chuckled doing an overdramatic pose. "I forgot how mean chibi is.~"

"No! No! It's just... Well the present you can barely do his own laundry..."

Osamu laughed. "Well I'll have you know I'm not completely useless now. Especially when you were pregnant. It was very hard on you. You worried me a lot."

Chuuyas jaw dropped. "P-pregnant?!"

"I told you we had kids." The alpha laughed. "You did let me mark you.... eventually."

Osamu showed the mark on his body that proved he was also marked. Chuuya couldn't believe his eyes. "S-So... are we going to be stuck like this... forever?"

"Stuck? What do you mean? Being bonded isn't being trapped or stuck, Chuuya."

"N-No... this. What about your Chuuya, don't you miss him? And your kids..?"

"I don't know... I don't think it'll be stuck like this. But of course I miss them. No doubt. But I also believed this happened for a reason. Younger us. We had so many regrets."

"Well... what should we do? It's not like I can talk to my Dazai right now..."

"That much is true. But I can show you what it's actually like to be dated properly. Right now I know your confidence is low... and it shouldn't be and it's my fault... I want to show you how I should have been treating you all along. How your present Dazai should be treating you. If you'll allow me to?" Osamu said, stroking his cheek.

Chuuya's face turned several shades of crimson. "I... I don't know..." The brunette gently cupped his hands and had a genuine smile touch his cheeks. "Let me show you what it's like to be loved."

"Osamu... I don't..."

Osamu looked into his eyes. "I know you're scared... but I am asking you to trust me. Just this once."

Chuuya looked down and bit his lip. "O-okay..."

"We can do anything you want." Osamu smiled. "So what would you like to do?"

"Well... I haven't been to the movies in a while..." He whispered. Osamu smiled and grabbed his hand. "Then let's go watch a movie, hm?"

Chuuya smiled. "Okay... what movie though?"

"There was a new comedy/romance movie that came out... I believe it was called.. Isn't It Romantic?" Chuuya smiled. "That sounds like a great movie..."

Osamu smiled and kissed him. "Well then eat breakfast and get dressed. I'll take you and then we can go out shopping after."

Chuuya nodded, had his breakfast, and took a quick shower; changing into what he was going to wear. The ginger would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous, but when they got to the movies the brunette easily settled his nerves.

Osamu had a hold on his hand and he pulled him to the concession stand line. "Get whatever you want." Chuuya was so shocked. Dazai never ever would offer him shit when they went out.

Chuuya nodded and ordered a medium popcorn and soda. Osamu saw that he wanted the pizza but didn't want to be rude. Chuuya pulled out his wallet to pay but the brunette took it and put it in his pocket. "And two small pizzas, along with a medium sprite please."

The woman grabbed their orders and rang it up. "That will be $18.47, please." "Osamu let me pay... you're taking me out, let me buy." The younger one whispered.

"Absolutely not. Here you go Ma'am. Keep the change."

They got their food and drinks and headed towards the theater. Osamu handed him his wallet back and the ginger blushed, thanking him.

They sat in the very back. Osamu let Chuuya pick what seat he wanted and he sat in the other. Osamu shifted the table up from the side of the seat and he laid out their theatre treats on the table.

"You know... you didn't have to buy me all this stuff.. I promise I could have bought it.." he whispered. The latter just smiled. "I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to."

Chuuya smiled at that. The movie was actually very good and it was super romantic. Osamu held Chuuya's hand throughout the movie and there was even a moment where he rested his head on the ginger. Once the movie was over the lights cut back on and the end credits were rolling. "What did you think?" Osamu asked.

"This has to have been one of the best movies I've ever seen." He smiled. "I loved how she didn't believe in love and getting trapped in a romance novel... it made her realize who she loved all along..."

"I'm glad you loved it. I thought you would. Well it's now." Osamu checked his watch. "1 pm. How about we go shopping and then there is this amazing Italian restaurant right by the docks that I know of. We can have some dinner there?" Osamu put the loose strand of Chuuya's hair from his bun behind his ear. "How does that sound?"

Chuuyas' face turned red again but he smiled. "I would like that...'' Osamu smiled and gently grabbed his hand as he led them to the huge mall. Chuuya rarely got to go shopping because of his job but he loved it.

Chuuya saw the hat store and he ran over. "Wow! This is a nice hat!" It was beige with a blue band around it. Chuuya tried it on and he really liked it.

He asked the brunette for his opinion and gosh Osamu thought Chuuya was the prettiest omega in the world. Chuuya also said that Osamu should shop a bit for himself too. So that's what he did. He saw a really nice coat and Chuuya snatched it from his hand and ran to the cash register buying both things. The latter tried to stop him but Chuuya was already paying. "That will be six hundred even, sir." Osamu thought his heart was gonna stop. He looked at Chuuya who casually pulled out a few hundred dollar bills and thanked him.

"Chuuya you really didn't have to buy me that."

"Well in the wise wise words of you.." he smiled. "I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to."

"That's not fair. You can't use my own words against me." Osamu teased.

"Oh, it's very fair. Besides, I'm the underboss of the mafia. I can afford these." The brunette smiled and gently kissed his hand. "Then thank you."

Chuuya and Osamu shopped for a total of 3 hours. Osamu was walking out with 2 arms full of bags and they were all Chuuya's. Damn could the little omega fucking shop til he dropped. Literally.

When they got home Chuuya used his ability to put everything away and tidy up. "Hey Osamu.. I'm gonna start a shower for you okay? And then I'll make dinner."

"But... their food is so expensive! And I called this morning and they are booked..." The brunette chuckled cupping his cheeks. "I made reservations, Chuuya... C'mon I promise you will love it."

Osamu drove them and when they got there Chuuya's jaw dropped. "Oh my god..."

Osamu took them in. "Hello my name is Dazai Osamu, I made a reservation for 6:30 pm."

The woman smiled. "Come on in." Osamu intertwined his fingers with the smaller ones and led them to their table. It was a glamorous restaurant. Chuuya felt super out of place. They sat down and the waiter immediately brought them bread and a bottle of wine Osamu had already requested with the reservation and cheese.

The brunette thanked him and that's when Chuuya realized that the whole back room was closed off. "Oh my god how did you reserve this whole room?" Chuuya asked. "Magic~" He teased.

"I have a few cards up my sleeve tooooo..." He whined.

"Uh huh..." Chuuya laughed.

Chuuya and Osamu had such a lovely dinner. To be honest, it was one of the best days Chuuya had in a while. He didn't regret one bit of it.

Osamu offered to pay and after they drove straight home. Chuuya stepped out onto the balcony and felt Osamu's presence. "This was a wonderful evening... thank you."

"Of course. We will have so many more evenings like that. Trust me. I'm going to spoil you til you can't stand it." Osamu said kissing his nose and the brunette meant every word.

To Be Continued...

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