Seeing You For The First Time in 4 Years

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The purpose of the story and well their kids existence and all, as well as Dazai's character development we decided to give it a slight alpha/omega mix. It won't go deep into it we are focusing more of the relationship between them; it's just so it makes sense. But anyway I hope you guys enjoy! We will have an update next week sometime. Comments and likes appreciated. :)


Dazai yawned and he opened his eyes, gently rubbing them to get rid of the sleepiness. He gazed at the clock in the middle of the car. It was 8 am sharp. Work started at 8:30 am and he was not in the mood to hear Kunikida scold him for being late again. He got dressed and started walking into the ADA office. The moment he stepped in he felt like he was being dissected by the way the man in the room looked at him, and was uncomfortable to say the least. He noticed the boy had white hair, he wasn't even a boy the more Dazai looked at him. He looked almost 30 years old, and had a very concerned look on his face as he approached the brunette.

"Dazai?" His voice was soft, and the brunette had just then realized that this man was his subordinate, Nakajimi Atsushi. The boy looked so much older. Dazai was confused, he had just seen the eighteen year old yesterday, and now all of a sudden he looks as if he's thirty years old? The silver haired boy put his hand on his shoulder, a look of worry spreading across his face.

"Dazai, are you alright?"

"Atsushi...why do you look like that? What happened to you?? Did you get hit by an ability or something?"

Now that Atsushi was looking closer. Dazai looked so young. His beard was gone, and his facial features weren't that of a 34 year old man.

He had similar looks to the Dazai he remembered, but something was different in his eyes. They looked cold, and distant. The brunette was getting tired of the stare and was offended by the other man's statement.

"What do you mean what happened to me?! What happened to you?" He snarled.

Dazai was absolutely flabbergasted. Atsushi was never one to speak to him that way. When did he even become so bold?? Dazai and Atsushi were interrupted by the sound of the office door opening. When Dazai turned around and looked. His eyes widened as he saw a face that he knew better than anyone else. But this face even though it had every same feature. It was older, he could tell slightly, and their hair was a lot longer. Almost down their back. The man looked as ertheral as the first day they met.

"Hey I brought Osamu... lunch." The redhead was confused as he looked at the brunette. "Osamu... what happened to your face...? You look so young!"

Dazai was truly left dumbfounded. He was looking at his once lover, Nakahara Chuuya. Dazai just stared at the ginger, his mind blanking out of words. "Chuuya w-what are you doing here? Mori would kill you if he saw you here like this."

Chuuya looked up at him, raising a brow in confusion. "Osamu, I've been working here for the past eight years. And you didn't answer my question. You look so young, like you're in your twenties, why?"

Dazai was freaking out. Was he dreaming? This had to be a dream right? He asked for Chuuya's phone. "My phone...? Osamu..."

Dazai got annoyed. "Stop calling me that! And just give me your phone!" Dazai snatched it from the redhead. Chuuya started boiling with anger. A red hue started to glow around him and his eyes were filling up with tears. Chuuya tossed down the stuff in his hands, trying to calm down. Telling himself being upset is not well for him right now. Chuuya walked off angrily and slammed the door.

The silver haired man walked towards him taking the phone out of his hand and setting it on the counter. Dazai looked up at him, his eyes furrowing.

"Give me the phone Atsushi." His voice was low and clearly louder. The other man looked at him crossing his arms staring deep into the brunette's chestnut orbs.

"No, not until you apologize to Chuuya." Dazai rolled his eyes leaning on the counter.

"Why should I?"

Atsushi looked at him practically mortified listening to the younger man.

"Osamu, that is no way to treat you husband." Dazai immediately spun around, eyes widening.

"My what?!"

Chuuya sniffles as he paced back and forth in the hallway. Fuck hormones sucked. He's usually never this sensitive but carrying a baby will do that to you. Chuuya sighed and he started to feel like he had to puke, and by god did he have to. Any slightly unpleasant smell, or food that his baby didn't agree with had his stomach churn and made him so queasy. Chuuya ran to the nearest bathroom and he closed the door, locking it.

Dazai walked out of the room to see the redhead running towards the men's bathroom. He put his head towards the door and could hear him slowly cursing to himself.

"Fuck hormones." Chuuya walked out of the bathroom a few moments later to see the brunette standing right outside the door.

"Osa- I mean Dazai?" He corrected himself with a hint of sarcasm. Dazai could tell Chuuya was feeling sick. He reached out and touched his forehead and it was scorching hot. Dazai's eyes widened in worry.

"Chuuya is everything alright?" The ginger turned his attention towards the younger man and gave a weak smile.

"Oh I'm fine, it's just one of the side effects of growing a human." They walked over to one of the tables that appeared to be Chuuya's workstation. There was a small silence and the brunette had a million thoughts running through his head but only one managed to come out.

"Chuuya, who is the father?" The redhead looked at him, cocking his head to the side in confusion.

"What the fuck Osamu?! You are!"

Chuuya looked at Dazai quite pissed off now. "What is going on with you?! You're acting so weird!"

Truly, Dazai was thinking he could say the same thing to him. Nothing about this situation was right. Dazai grabbed Chuuya's phone off of Atsushi's desk. He put in the password, it was Dazai's birthday. Which wasn't much of a shock honestly. The first thing Dazai noticed was it said a different year and month from the current one they were supposed to be in now.

Dazai's eyes widened and his jaw fell to the floor.

"What the actual fuck." He managed to mumble under his breath. Chuuya snatched the phone out of the brunette's hands, sliding it back into his pocket.

"Dazai, I don't know what has gotten into you but I want an explanation, now."

Dazai showed Chuuya his phone. When Chuuya looked at the date and month it was several years backwards and when Chuuya started going through it, his eyes widened.

"What is this a joke? Dazai..." The brunette swore it wasn't. Chuuya thought about it. "You have been acting very weird." Chuuya tested him.

"If you're the Dazai from the past then... when did you mark me?" Chuuya knew if it was his Dazai he knew this answer, it was such a special night. But the brunette before him looked utterly lost.

"Marked you? Chuuya we had a fight four years ago, and we haven't seen each other since." The redhead's eyes widened and he began to panic. Where was his Osamu, his husband, his best friend. Chuuya yanked the brunette towards him, narrowing his eyes. His sapphire eyes were filled with worry, anger, and a little bit of pain from the baby. "Where is my Dazai Osamu?"

"I don't know! Don't you think that, if I knew I wouldn't be here!" Dazai yelled quite annoyed now.

Chuuya takes a deep breath looking back over at the brunette. "I know I'm sorry, it's just he was here just yesterday and he doesn't usually leave without notice very often, especially when I'm pregnant."

Dazai saw the sorrow in the other man's eyes, and gave him a small pat on the shoulder. "It's okay."

Chuuya smiled and looked outside, and the sun was beginning to set. The thought just occurred to the redhead, if Dazai isn't from this timeline then where is he going to sleep?


He caught the brunette off guard, who was staring at his bandages. "If what you say is true, and you're not from this timeline, where are you going to sleep?"

"I.... I don't know. I mean... I slept in my car. I'll probably just sleep in it again." Chuuya looked at Dazai sadly. Was he homeless and afraid to tell Chuuya?

"Dazai, are you homeless?" Chuuya had a worried look on his face and picked up the brunette's hands. Dazai didn't dare meet his gaze, instead he looked down. Chuuya lifted his chin up and gave him a warm smile.

"If you have nowhere to stay, I don't mind letting you stay at my place." Dazai's eyes shot up and he looked deep into those sapphire eyes.

"...But... I hurt you. Badly. I don't... I don't deserve to stay with you..." Dazai mumbled.

Chuuya smiled. "Dazai, it's okay, we can discuss this later, but for now why don't you come with me."

Dazai followed Chuuya and they headed to what in this timeline was their home. Once home, Chuuya stuck the key in the door letting himself and Dazai in. Chuuya scooted some toys out of the way with his foot. He paid the babysitter, thanked her, and sent her on her way. Chuuya then checked on the children who were both sleeping peacefully. Dazai watched as Chuuya tucked the kids in and gave them a small kiss on the cheek. Chuuya closed the door and gestured for him to sit down on the couch. The brunette felt a little nervous, but at the same time he felt at home. Chuuya gave him a warm smile and patted the open seat next to him. Dazai scooted closer resting his head on his chest. He could hear the gingers heart beat, and felt his hand slowly rubbing his head. Chuuya's voice was soft and caring, with a hint of concern.

"Feeling okay now?"

Dazai nodded. Chuuya was trying to be his comfort but Dazai just couldn't break his walls down. Dazai felt as Chuuya was breathing in and out and Chuuya leaned up quickly and leaned forward a bit. "S...sorry... I've been feeling the queasiness worse lately..."

Dazai immediately sat up and saw Chuuya barely keeping his eyes open. He hunched over grabbing the side of his stomach with one hand, and waved his other hand at Dazai to say he was okay. He was the farthest thing from being convinced, Chuuya quickly got up and ran into the bathroom.

Chuuya groaned as he felt so nauseous. Chuuya leaned over the toilet and he threw up. Chuuya was feeling so awful. The morning sickness was so bad. But one thing Chuuya noticed was Dazai was rubbing the small of his back. Dazai isn't too sure what came over him, but he felt like he needed to help Chuuya. The last time he saw Chuuya, or rather his timeline Chuuya, they hated each other and Dazai said nothing except harsh words to him. Chuuya sighed out and he groaned. Dazai got up for a moment and he got Chuuya some water. He came back and sat beside Chuuya, giving him the water bottle.

"T-thank you..." Chuuya opened the bottle of water and took a sip trying to calm his stomach.

Dazai gave a weak smile, trying to comfort the ginger. Chuuya sat back up breathing slowly. He looked exhausted and Dazai felt pity for him.

"Thanks for being here... It really helps." Chuuya smiles. Dazai gently rubbed his hand and he helped him up and to bed. Dazai could feel Chuuya was still running a fever.

"What do you usually take when you have a fever?" Dazai's voice was obviously filled with worry, and the ginger just waved trying to reassure him. "I u-usually just s-sleep." His voice was raspy, and his eyes were barely open. Dazai pulled the older Chuuya into his arms. And he gently put strands of wild curls behind his ear.

"You know for being 12 years older than the Chuuya I remember seeing, your still as beautiful as always." Chuuya's face had a small blush creep over his face and he gave out a small laugh.

"I look terrible. And you're being a flirt? I don't think I look good pregnant... I look sickly... and pale."

"But you're the most beautiful man I've ever laid eyes on, pale, sickly, or not." Chuuya's face heated up a little as he tilted his head to the side. "Dazai, you flatter me."

Chuuya chuckled and he started to yawn tiredly. Dazai gently ran his fingers through his hair giving him a warm genuine smile. "Go to bed Chuuya. I'll be here if you need anything."

Chuuya was already half asleep. Dazai knew he was wrong for what he did. He was just scared of being honest. He didn't want to make Chuuya a target. He loved him so much to the point he was intentionally hurtful because losing him to corruption or a hitman looking for Dazai. Would have been so much worse. But Dazai swore it. This time... he'd make it right.

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