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I didn't get the dates right when he quizzed me. Screw the dates, I wanna know the beef!

"So what happened in 1782?" He asked. His eyes were glinting but I chose to ignore it.

"Umm... A revolution between the vampires and.. werewolves?" I had no idea but to guess. And I guess I got it wrong.

After I said the last word Adrian straightened up. His eyes were yellow, bright yellow with the smallest flecks of red. Was he angry? What did I do? He stood up, towering over me with his tall frame. He looked like he wanted to kill me.

"Don't ever say that word again. Ever." He hissed, his body completely black because of the light but his eyes remained a glowing yellow. He let out a low grumble, and flashed his canines as a warning.

I whimpered and shrunk under the covers.

Adrian saw what he had done, and gone was his yellow eyes, replaced by baby blue. He shifted till he was closer to me, and pulled back the covers.

"Sorry Fella, but Vampires and... Were..wolves' don't mix. They have hated one another for almost eternity. Don't say that word again or you will be punished." His eyes lit up on the last word. His face remained straight and serious.


A knock on the door startled us.
"Come in." Adrian commanded.

The door creaked and groaned at being opened so slowly, and a small head popped in. The head belonged to a girl with waves of dark brown curls, with a black lace bow.

She had a small pale face with large loyal brown eyes and thick lips. She had a petite nose with rosy cheeks. Any man would think she was pretty. I thought she was pretty, and the usual envy crept up quietly on me. I embraced the envy. She was worthy of me embracing envy instead of ignoring envy.

"Master Adrian, the Queen wants to see miss Fella." She barely moved her lips, speaking so quietly.
Adrian and I exchanged looks. His face was so hard to read with so many emotions causing one hell of a traffic. Mine was pretty simple. I was excitednervous. Yes I did mean that. I was excited and nervous, and what better way to express those two feelings with a very  original word; Excitednervous!

I shot up from the bed and instantly the girl looked away. Why? I looked down to see myself in my undergarments. Adrian smirked. That stupid vampire beast!
He must of undressed me when I was still out!

"I'll....wait outside." The girl said faintly. She swallowed and closed the door with such force I thought the door would come clean off the hinges.

When it was just us I turned angrily to Adrian.

"Did you undress me!" I bellowed. Adrian's smirk was replaced with a wider grin.

"Yes I did little girlie, and I had a great time doing it too." He was practically beaming.

I let out a growl, lunged forward and slapped him on the cheek. That stupid pervert guy!

The slap rang out loud and clear, loud enough for the girl outside to maybe hear. And oh, that slap was totally worth it. Adrian's shocked face and bright red mark would so worth it. Never mess with me coz I kick ass so hard you won't even have an ass afterwards.

"Now, do you have any clothes for me to wear?" I questioned stoutly. Adrian was still shocked he couldn't move. I was highly enjoying this. Slowly, he stood up and called the girl back in the room. One side of his cheek bright burning red the other white. I guess my ass would come off too coz I've been laughing too much.

It was impossible to not stifle my laughter. It rang out loud and clear and both the girl and Adrian looked back in wonder.
Adrian recomposed himself, standing tall and dignified, signaling for the girl to come in.

"Fella, this is Winnie. She will take care of your needs and clothes. She is basically your personal maid." He pushed Winnie forward and left the room, closing the door which let out a heaving groan. I still think my brain and the door should get married.

"Miss Fella, pleasure to meet you." Winnie stammered, bowing with respect.

I waved my hands frantically to stop her. "Please don't bow! I don't want you to think I'm better than you!"

Winnie looked up, confused. "But ma'am, I am your maid. Can you be suggesting we're.. equal?" 

I groan. Its like she's been brainwashed with rubbish. Its gonna take a lot of work to make her un-brainwashed.

"Is that not allowed in the Vampire Kingdom? Equality?" I huff, stroking my arms awkwardly.
Winnie padded over to the wardrobe, flings the doors open ( I swear this is door abuse ) and just chucks out random clothing at me. I dive onto the floor to avoid being hit.

"Equality is not in the Vampire Kingdom Miss Fella. We have a hierarchy. There the King and Queen, then the aristocrats- Master Adrian is one of them, then the lower nobles, then maids and servants, then the peasants that wait outside of the Castle doors to have tidbits to feed on."
Winnie explains effortlessly, still chucking random clothing everywhere.

"Ah here!" She exclaims, holding up a gorgeous strapless red dress peppered with pastel colored flowers. It was magnificent, more than I could of dreamt. I swiped it from her hands and immediately tried to find the bathroom to change.

"Miss Fella, it is on your left."

I turn to the left, and spot a cream colored door. Careful to not abuse the door, I open it and march inside, my hands quivering to try on the dress. Needless to say, I might as well be on the Door Abuse Offenders List, since I slammed the door shut with mighty force.

After carefully sliding into the dress, I noticed Winnie had a good fashion sense. This dress completed me. The red dress made my emerald green eyes and freckles too. My body was just so effortlessly shown off in one dress.

I stepped out of the bathroom with pride, and looked over to Winnie for a reaction.

Winnie gasped when she saw me.
"Fella you look beautiful!" She immediately clamped a hand around her mouth, and dared to whisper an apology.

"Why are you sorry?" I asked perplexed.

Winnie slowly uncovered her mouth. "Because I didn't say Miss Fella. I only said your name." She blushed in what she thought was shame.
I slapped a hand on my face.

"Please Winnie, just call me Fella. We're equal." I stated, frowning at Winnies shocked face.

Before she could protest Adrian stepped into the room, abusing the door by crashing it open. I swear if someone abuses a door again....

"The Queen is ready for you Fella." He managed a half-hearted smile.

I guess I'm going to see my mother.

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