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"Get a move on woman, I need the money! Get your ass out of my house!" The same old scruffy voice rang through the house always at around 9pm. My dad shuffled into view in my room, his eyes red from the drinking. He flared his nose like a bull, blood pumping up his neck through his veins, making his skin a bright shiny red. He held a can of beer in his hand, before taking a big swig to empty it. Dad crushed the can and threw it at my feet.
Before I knew it he was right in my face.
"Leave this house and don't come back until I see you have money." He threatened, and I had to hold my breath to not smell the strong smell of beer from his mouth. For a second I swore his eyes flashed red. He raised his hand to hit me, again. This time, my reflexes kick in and I just about missed it by half a millisecond. He didn't expect me to dodge, so he lost his balance and clumsily toppled to the floor. I stared down at my father, panting, before grabbing my bag and phone and thunder down the stairs, slamming the front door shut. Halfway down the street I hear my front door open again and I dare a look back, only to see my dad , his skin still visibly red.
"Don't come back until you got cash!" He yelled, again without emotion. I think its safe to say he hates me. Even if he isn't drunk. I wipe away tears as I quickly walk towards the city centre, and mentally welcomed myself for a show of bright lights and prostitutes. They were common around here. No asking why. Our mayor welcomes the idea with open arms, maybe for his own satisfaction. My nose wrinkles in disgust at the very thought, and my pace quickens as I spot 2 figures steadily approaching me. Its hard to be left alone when your mother won the national beauty pageant. I sigh. I wanted to be like my mum. Strong, loving, independent, sweet, beautiful, and she made the right choices- most men looked for those qualities in a woman. Though she made the wrong choice marrying my dad. Any fool can see he was only flirting with her because she had the money from the beauty pageant. Fortunately I've inherited most those qualities, but now I wish I hadn't.
The figures were right in front of me, both wearing black, and from what I can see they were both male. Tall and strong males. My type. But something about them made me feel weird. They didn't look like normal men walking. They were walking too fast for a man. And their arms stayed firmly by their sides as they walked. Strange.  Their skin seems oddly pale too. They walked closer, nearly 50 meters ahead. I needed a distraction. I don't trust them. I spotted a group of party-goers on the other side of the pavement. It was a group of girls, with one girl wearing a sash and tiara. My guess it was a Hen party. My heart melted for her. She was getting married to someone she loves. I have a boyfriend, his name Jason ( More on this later! ). But we'll hardly see each other when we go to uni. We're going to separate universities, so even though our relationship is strong, he'll find someone and I'll find someone. Someone I'll love. But I gotta hurry up finding someone, time's running out. I'm getting old, and no one wants an old woman as their girlfriend. I literally shrieked when I saw my first wrinkle looking in the mirror the other day. That's the point, I'm getting old. I need to find love before I die. I need to find the special someone in this world. I still live by the theory that there is always 1 person in this world for you.

I saw the To-Be-Bride look in my direction, still smiling from a joke her friend said a second ago. I used that to my advantage.
"Hey... Clarissa!" I said, loud enough for the men to hear. They backed away instantly, not wanting to take on a group of girls. I face palmed inside my head. That name was so... 50's. Whoever's parents named their child Clarissa I feel sorry for.
( A/N. If you're a Clarissa reading this, I'm sorry I did not want to make fun of you. I just wanna stress my point I feel sorry for you. )

'Clarissa's attention was on me. The spotlight was on me. The whole girl group stopped chatting and looked at me like an idiot. I blushed a bright pink, but it was better then those 2 men doing anything bad to me.

Better safe then sorry kids.
I rushed over to her before she could say a word that gave away the game. The two men were still here, but in the safety of someone's front garden. They were being guarded by gnomes.
God help my humor.
I looked at the To-Be-Bride seriously. She must think I'm a creep. I can't believe she's letting me this close to her.
"Clarissa! I haven't seen you in a long time!" I started, " You must be doing well! How are you?"
'Clarissa' had a moment of confusion before I carried on, but in a hushed whisper so the men can't hear.
"Please, those 2 men over there are following me so please pretend I am your friend." I pleaded, trying to make it seem not obvious to those men. In the corner of my eye, those 2 men emerged from the shadows and safety of that front garden, and slowly started walking towards our group.
I focused back on 'Clarissa'. She caught sight of the men, and started weighing up her choices. She didn't want her night to be wasted. It was her last night before she married and I knew she wanted it to go without a hitch. I held my breath as the men walked up to us and gave me a deathly look. They really wanted me dead.

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