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I cast a deadly glare over her, clutching my bag tighter.

"What are you doing with my bag?" She spat, pushing a lady out the way so she can get closer. Rude.

"I found this bag first, so it's mine. You snooze you lose." I yawned, showing how bored I was. A few people chuckled.
Brittany's face glowed red with rage. She let out a strangled shriek and reached forward. I darted out of the way so Brittany's face collided head first into a woman's butt.

Laughter erupted from everyone, sensing the time was right to crack a smile. People looked like they didn't want to laugh but they did. A baby screamed in peals of laughter. An elderly lady was leaning on her husband for support.

I smiled, holding my bag by my side and I joined back in the queue.

Brittany's face was all red, redder than a tomato as she heaved herself up. She stamped her foot, clenching her fists and screamed.
"How dare you! You'll pay for this! I will have my revenge!"

Ah. The textbook villain's response when the hero defeats her.

This causes everyone to laugh even harder. They couldn't take this spoilt brat seriously. Neither could I.
Brittany looked like she could murder everyone here.


Was it me or did her eyes flash yellow?

Either way, she screamed and ran out of the store.

I sighed in relief.


Holding a plastic bag with Prada inscribed on it, I made my way down the streets of the city. It was eerily quiet. Too quiet. I whisked my head around, looking for people. No one was even here. I turned to face the city centre. Faint music could be heard.
I turned back.

I was face to face with the 2 men.

A hand clamped down on my mouth before I could stifle a scream.

"Shhh little darling. We found you, so now you're mine." He whispered in my ear, the other hand pulling me closer. I tried to yell, but no sound came out. My eyes went wild when it all came to me. I was being kidnapped.
The man stroked my cheek again, but gentler like he didn't dare to damage his property. The other man looked me straight in my eye, this time he didn't hide the fact that his eyes turned yellow. Bright, abnormal yellow. I screamed against his hand, burning my lungs. I screamed and screamed, but little sound made it's way out. It wasn't enough to wake up the street. No one could hear me.

"Shut up or I'll drug you." His voice was cold.
I shut up instinctively, not wanting to be drugged. The man smiled, showing his teeth.

"Good girl. You'll be obedient for your master now won't you?" He chuckled, and I couldn't help it, the way he said it was a turn on. DAMN IT.

Me and my stupid brain.
Here comes round 2.

I yelled and screamed and thrashed and kicked and did blind karate. I tried biting on his hand but my teeth can't exactly do that so I tried to knead him in the balls. Unless he didn't have any balls, which would definitely save a lot of girl's V cards.That was enough to set him off.

"You dare disobey me? I was gentle with you and I can get rough if I want! Just wait the bedroom, girlie. You'll be begging for mercy." He breathed in my ear, letting the hot air from his mouth tickle my earlobe. I didn't see him smile but I knew he did.
Shivering, I tuned out to what Mr. Perv was talking about to the other man. Instead, I focused on what I had pictured a sexy hot man to be like a little while ago.
This was my escape, my chance to liven up my dull life apparently.
I glanced at Mr. Perv. He seemed to be talking about me, since I heard my name.

I had pictured a blonde with cute brown eyes, rock had abs and a sharply descending V-line ( I didn't know what the V-line was till my friends showed it to me on the internet ). He would be caring and passionate, but rough if he wanted to.

I sighed.
I don't think I would get even half of what I've pictured. Not even close.

When I pictured a sexy, hot man, I did not picture this.

I didn't ask for an abnormal weirdo-perv with yellow eyes.

"Fella!" I almost gave myself whiplash for turning my head so quickly.

I stared up at Mr. Perv, who didn't waste his breath to hoist me on his shoulders like a dad would do with 3 year old son.

I made a face. Strange.

He seemed to notice me grimacing.

"You don't like? Well tough coz this is happening all the time starting now. Coz when you're mine, there's no escape." He smiled at his own words, like he was proud of them. He clearly expected me to get a reaction, but my face didn't change from my famous sour lemon.

He grunted at my ineffectiveness and huffed, carrying on.

He headed deeper into the dark tunnels of alleyways, keeping a strong grip on my thighs. He squeezed them tightly, chuckling when I let out a squeal.

He cascaded further into the darkness, the other man by his side.

"Where are we going?" I said. I had to grip onto his head for support though I didn't enjoy it. However, my 'stubborn' brain enjoyed the feeling of his soft black hair so I'm kinda stuck.

I could feel his face light up.

"To the Vampire Kingdom."

I clammed up quickly. Screw life- I'm gonna faint.

And I did.


I woke up gasping for air, my lungs literally squeezing the life outta me. I'm so glad that was only a dream.

Hang on.

This doesn't feel like my bed. I patted the sheets- these aren't my sheets.

Suspense drilling right into my brain and my happy thoughts just drifted out. Looking around the room and fear just completely clotted up my head. Where's my yellow wallpaper with dilly flowers? Where's my desk with my fine and detailed arrangement of stationary? Where's my wardrobe? No, the old battered one does not count as a replacement.

Great. Replaying all the memories I had from earlier this night, my mind picked up on several words.

And most importantly, Vampire Kingdom.

Great. I've been kidnapped by vampires.

Won't this make the front headlines of the Daily Mail?
I see it now- Girl Kidnapped By Legendary Creatures: Vampires.

If I found a way out of this I'd be a walking legend.
I hesitantly went up to the door, and tried opening it. It stubbornly didn't budge.

At least the door has something in common with my brain.
Soulmates 4ever from now on.
The day they get married is the day I will die.

One stubborn brain is enough- a stubborn door? Nope, I got places to be, things to do! Coz I have a life.

Well, I had one.

Now I've got... nothing. It's not like I had anything in the first place, so I guess this is one way to liven up your life- get kidnapped by a vampire.

Just went my brain thought about fainting, the door clicked and burst open.

He stood there like in those textbook movies, his body blocking the light from streaming in.

"Good. You're awake." He flashed his canines.

Screw life.

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