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I casually knocked on the door of a large Tudor mansion and lounged on the doorstep waiting to be let in.

I couldn't help replay the moments Logan and I shared a twenty minutes ago, it was something magical and strange. His lips worked their magic on my skin. I didn't care now if he made love to me now, on this doorstep for others to see, I just wanted to feel his skin against mine and his lips brushing alongside my neck.

Well, sugar, where did that come from?! Betty exclaimed.

I don't know. If he was a little protective of me because of that Chad incident. I replied back.

Two big strong arms engulfed me and pulled me back to a strong chest. Logan. I melted in his arms. I was craving him even now.

"You thinking about me?" He whispered in my ear huskily.

"Err.. Logan! What a surprise! I was... errr... talking to my wolf... about you!" I squeaked when he hugged me tighter.

"That's good to know. And sweetheart, I will always be protective of you because you're mine. I don't want any other boys looking at you like I do." he buried his face in the crook of my neck, making me gasp in pleasure. He gently grazed the bit where I was meant to get marked.

Once he reemerged, his eyes were swollen with lust and arousal. " I really want to mark you now."

I blushed dreadfully. Betty howled again.

"Well, you can't. I only just met you and if you want to be my mate we have to know each other more." I insisted.

Logan groaned, but eventually agreed. By then, the door opened and a woman not much older than me stood there, a beam on her bright face.

"Alpha! Luna! Come on in!" She called, opening the door further so we could enter. She led us through the hallway and into the lounge, where she offered us tea of coffee.

"Tea please. Milk and 2 cubes of sugar." I said.

"The usual Selene." Logan murmured and looked out the window. Rude.

"Coffee it is." Selene exclaimed cheerily. She really is that cheery spirit in this room.

Logan grinned at me, leaning in so he was right next to me. " I'd have coffee if I were you, we have a long night tonight. You didn't think I'd let that little slap get away did you?" He raised an eyebrow comically, which made me burst out laughing.

Logan smirked. "I love your laugh."

"Here we go! Tea for the Luna and coffee for the Alpha." She set the drinks down on the coffee table, and sat down on the armchair opposite to us. "Beta Luke will be here in a second. He had to do some last minute paperwork." She explained.

We sat in awkward silence, the occasional slurp echoed in the room.

The door opening took us all by surprise. The Beta ( Or Luke ) walked in, and his eyes quickly took in the scene in his lounge. His eyes landed on Selene, then slowly made it's way to Logan, then finally me.

"So this is the naughty Luna I've heard so much about." Luke cracked a grin, sticking out his large hand. " Luke, nice to meet you, Luna."

I offered my small hand back and shook it, smiling. " Please call me Fella. I haven't really gotten used to my title yet."

Luke's eyes flashed with confusion but he quickly hid it. Logan looked at me like I was plain stupid. " You are my mate, and the moment I find you is the moment you become Luna. Everyone here must call you Luna except me.".

Not wanting to make a scene, I nodded reluctantly. I stared at him, my eyes clearing stating a message ; We aren't done yet.

Logan looked at me 'confused'. He is so going to get it tonight. His ass will be begging for mercy.

"Luke, want a drink?" Selene piped up. Luke nodded, not taking his eyes off Logan. "Alpha, we need to talk. It's urgent." He turned to Selene." You going to be okay with the Lun-... erm... Fella? We'll be gone for half a day."

I punched the air inside my head. Now I can get away from my protective mate!

Selene smirked, looking me up and down. " Oh yes, because we are going shopping."
 I feel like exploding. YAS. A well earned break from this supernatural business. I nodded eagerly at Selene, and she laughed.

"See ya later wolfie." I pushed Logan out the door as well as Luke and slammed it shut. Selene and I high-fived.

"Girls day out is in go-go!" We bumped our butts together and Selene grabbed the car keys. I grabbed a banana and ripped the skin off.. Selene gave me a perplexed look.

"What??? I'm hungry!" I said between mouthfuls.




"Now lets see, this one?" Selene held up a cute black crop top that had a unicorn with a rainbow mane dancing on a rainbow.
I took from her hands as well as other crop tops that were on sale. "Yep."

We lingered round other tables and racks offering clothes and we grabbed loads and loads of other tops and jeans. I rushed into the changing rooms with a heap of clothes cradled in my arms, and rapidly changed into them. I said yes to almost everything.

And the good thing? I didn't have to pay a penny. Not one. Logan so 'kindly' offered, unwillingly handing over his credit card. I practically screamed and snatched it up like it was a million pounds. Well, maybe a million pounds was on there but, I had no way of knowing unless, I spend it all......

I gasped when I put on a bold red dress that hugged my figure, acting as my second skin. This was an emergency. I had to get it. No matter the price. If I only came back with this I will. Selene would agree.

Don't you think it looks nice? I asked Betty.

You'll definitely make Logan aroused in that thing. Words of wisdom, just sayin'. Betty answered back grinning.

Well, thanks anyway. I said.

I swung the changing room curtains to one side and stepped out. Selene, who was sitting on a couch opposite, gaped and clapped her hands in delight. She ran up to me and gave me a strong hug.

Werewolves, don't underestimate their power and strength when it comes to a hug.

"It looks perfect on you honey! Just wait till Logan sees it! He go head over heels for you!" She exclaimed and quickly shooed me back in the changing room to change back.

Betty sniffed suspiciously. You smell that sugar? I don't know that smell but I can tell it's not good news.

I shrugged it off and went off with Selene.

"What's your wolf's name?"

Selene turned to me. " Where did that come from? Her names Heather by the way."

I sniffed the air, and my senses told me something didn't smell right. "The air smells thick and weird and sour."

Selene sniffed." I'm sure it's nothing. " She replied airily.

Then I said the textbook line. " I have a bad feeling about this."

Selene didn't answer.

We bought the dress and went into another shop, where I could of almost dropped my bags in horror. The smell was right underneath my nose. Betty growled defensively, laying down low and arching her back.

"Vampires." Selene hissed, crouching down as if to spring up at them. I mentally facepalmed. Really? Why do Vampires and Werewolves have to barely hiss each other's names? Why don't they say them properly?

Because after the great war of 1788, vampires and werewolves despised each other. The offence of saying each other's names is almost as great as stealing  expensive stuff. And once again Betty was in her wise old mode. But come on, that's stupid.

 Right there, in the middle of the shop talking to that bitch I hoped to never see again, was Adrian. And Brittany.

I growled. Those two were practically destined for each other.  They must of heard my growl, because they turned their heads and faced me. The shock that was written on my face was enough for them to know.

HOW THE HELL IS HE ALIVE? I shouted at Betty. But honestly though, HOW THE HELL IS HE ALIVE? I thought he died. Do vampires never die? That is SO unfair!

I backed up slowly. Adrian had a perverting grin plastered on his face and took a large step forward.
"Selene." I said casually, my eyes still fixated on Adrian and Brittany but my head moved to face her. " In three, we run as fast as well can."

Selene nodded in acknowledgment, a mixture of horror, anger and fear twisted on her face.

"Ready? Three..." We stepped back one step. "Two.." Another step. "ONE!" We fled for our lives.

Adrian and Brittany hissed and went after us, yellow eyes flashing. Fleeing like my life depends on it ( it does ), I desperately tried to mind-link Logan. But to no avail, because I was freaking out so I couldn't concentrate. Selene grabbed my hand as we threaded through large crowds hopefully to lose them.

"Selene! Mind-link Luke!" I yelled as we turned down an empty street. Adrenaline was coursing through my body like a drug, and it helped me pick up some speed. We rushed down small lanes, crossed a busy road and flew down a street like hawks. Bags flying in our arms, we carried on sprinting and blindly turned down an alleyway.

An alleyway with a dead end. Shit.

Rushed footsteps came to a halt, and I didn't need to be a genius to know they belonged to Adrian and Brittany. I also knew Adrian was grinning like a mad-man. We slowly turned around, and I squeezed my eyes shut as tight as they can go.

And here comes my stubborn brain for Season 2. My newly updated werewolf stubborn brain still wants to get married to a door and at the moment does not believe Adrian is still alive.

"Well, well, well... what do we have here?" Adrian smirked, evil flashing in his pee-yellow eyes. Brittany's were bright bold yellow too, and that only meant one thing...

"You're a vampire Brittany?" Confusion was edged on my face. She nodded, doing a quick show of her gleaming white fangs. That, explains a lot. Including the time when I was in that Prada store and her eyes glistened yellow.
Brittany licked her lips hungrily.

I growled deeply.

Selene, on the hand was extremely quiet. Turning to her, she looked like she was going to faint.

Logan's POV

Warning: Contains minor swearing

"Yes and the rogues-" Beta Luke's' face twisted in disgust and horror. His eyes were glassy, meaning someone was mind-linking him. His face was abnormally pale.

"Beta?" My Delta raised an eyebrow. We all looked at Luke for an explanation. I banged a fist down on the table.
"I demand a reason why you are holding up this very important meeting!" I roared, slamming another fist down and almost breaking the wooden table.

Easy fella'. My wolf chimed in, sitting down in my mind. I shut him off.

Beta Luke gulped, and turned to face me. I blew air through my nose, showing my impatience. This was all the impatience I had stored up from the moment I met Fella- my wolf wanted to bang her right there on the spot. She was so breathtakingly beautiful, with her blondey brown curls and mesmerizing green eyes that put you in a trance. I loved her figure and I wanted to spend time touched every single inch of her skin.

She was my mate, and I knew I had to take her- but she was human. She didn't understand the ways of the wolf. She didn't understand the mating process. I had to give her time. My wolf and I were so desperate to mark her, but she hated the idea. For now.

She was mine and mine alone. I grew jealous when I heard her talking to her wolf about her boyfriend, and I wanted to show him who owns her.

"Alpha, Selene and Fella are in danger. Its them." Beta Luke hissed the last word. My eyes narrowed into slits. Those wretched bastards! I swear, if that Adrian boy lays a finger on my mate, I will crush his skull into a bloody pulp and tear apart his brain and personally devour them.

Just like you'll devour Fella tonight... My wolf purred, putting images in my head. I shook them away, otherwise I will devour Fella tonight- and honestly I don't want to do that to her, yet.

But to think of those stupid idiotic vampires touching my mate....

I stood up and let out a thunderous roar. " Send two of my finest warrior wolves with me and Beta Luke. Where is their exact location?"

Beta Luke told us.

I slammed a palm down on the table, making it crack.

" This meeting is over. We will reschedule for Friday." I said through gritted teeth and I stormed out the meeting, thinking only about my mate's safety. Beta Luke followed shortly behind.




I gripped the steering wheel tightly as I fought with myself to not kill everyone on the side-walk. Anger flowed through me like a drug, I couldn't control it.

I growled when we stopped at a red light. We were at the front of the queue of a four-way cross-section, and I want to keep moving so I can go to my mate. I revved the engine of my Lamborghini impatiently, and checked my watch for the 100th time.

"Alpha, are you ok?" One of the warrior wolves, Xavier asked. I roared and shot him a deadly look.

"Of course I am not fucking okay! My mate and my Beta's mate are being chased by fucking Vampires!" I spat it out before I could contain it. I stopped, rigid.

I just said that. Xavier shrank back in his seat, quietly whimpering. The other wolf didn't say anything. Beta Luke looked at me like I had just done a swearing marathon. Though, I did feel like doing a swearing marathon.

My mate is in danger. MY mate is in danger. And I was here to save her. Her prince in shining armor will come, as soon as this GODAMN light changes to green!

At long last it changed green, and I thrust a foot down on the pedal, making the car go as fast as it was built to go. I couldn't waste another second. Moon Goddess knows what's happening to my mate.

We reached the destination in less than five-minutes. I jumped out the car, my face showing absolute hell and distress whilst I followed the fresh smell of my mate. Then I growled. I could smell a vampire with her.

Calm down buddy. My wolf reassured, though still growling aggressively. He kinda just defeated his point.

We trooped towards the smell my mate was admitting. We followed the smell until we reached an old abandoned industrial building. The door was wide open. My mate's smell was stronger and irresistible, like I was floating in the air following her scent.

My mate's smell was entwined with Selene's and another smell I didn't recognize, but one more smell which was clearly Adrian's when I picked it up at my brother's party.

"What now Alpha?" The other warrior wolf called Carl said. We were right outside the building, and I was debating whether or not to burst in.

"Me and Xavier will burst in the building, whilst Beta Luke and Carl remain silent and watch the other exits if they escape." I whispered, pointing out the other exit to them. Beta Luke nodded and trooped over to the exit with Carl. They looked at me for the signal and I nodded.

Xavier and I roared viciously and burst in to the building. At once I felt a little chilled. Cobwebs clustered in every nook and cranny of the building, with dust an inch thick layering the floors.

I smirked. The dust was our clue. "Look for footsteps." I ordered to Xavier, directing him to the opposite direction. 

Wait, I think I can pick a scent up. It's other there. My wolf said, bouncing up and down in excitement. He butted his head in the direction of the scent and I followed, dust caked on my trainers.

It was true- I picked up several more scents of them  here, which meant we were handling not just two of them, but several others. I mind-linked my Delta ordering back-up. I rushed around following the scent through a small room, and inside was the stupid Godamn vampire which I wished went to hell and got rejected because even hell thought he was too bad to be let in.


The smell, My wolf said, stops right here.

Fella's POV

His hand snaked around my waist whilst the other clamped over my mouth. My eyes were filled with utmost terror whilst I frantically tried to think about ways to escape his clutch. I looked over to Selene, and saw she had gracefully fainted in Brittany's arms with a cloth around her nose.

That son of a-

"I swear, I you even think about mink-linking your Alpha mate of yours, when he comes my vampires will crush him and turn him into dust." Adrian threatened while pulling me closer to him. He chuckled darkly. " Just like old times."

I screamed whilst he slammed a cloth around my nose. I held my breath. Don't breathe in it, don't breathe in it, don't breathe in it!

I looked up to Adrian's eyes, and saw that they were dark majestic purple. But there was nothing majestic about him at all. In fact, the only thing I liked about him was when he was the cause of me meeting supernatural beings. He was the reason I met Dean and Logan. He was the one that kidnapped me, and is kidnapping me again.

I frowned. Something's changed about him. His eyes don't hold that sparkling glint anymore, and the way he touches me isn't as gentle. He lost his signature grin and fangs are slightly longer.

Adrian stared me down, still expecting me to faint. "JUST FAINT BITCH!" He bellowed, pressing the cloth further into my face. Betty whimpered, and gagged.

Pretend to faint darling! And you can try and escape when's he's busy. Betty cried, panting. My lungs were on fire, so little air left in them. Betty was holding her breath like me, desperately trying to stay alive.

A smile twisted on my lips. Let's give old darling Adrian a show eh? With that I 'fainted'.

"Finally." He huffed, uncovering the cloth from my mouth.

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