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Chaos erupted after that. One by one, the party guests shifted into werewolves, the nerving sound of bones cracking and breaking heard. Looking at all the wolves around me, I noticed that no two coats were the same. They were all  variated in their special way, some brown with black specks, some black with brown specks.

Dean ran out of the room, barking commands to the wolves. Although he was an Omega, they obeyed. By then several more vampires spilled into the room, all baring their fangs and screaming. They all carried the same shiny object that hurt Dean before.

Looking at it shininess, I could of kicked myself a hundred times in the ass. The shiny object was silver. Silver hurts wolves. The vampires stepped forward putting their confidence in the silver, as the wolves whimpered and backed up. Great. It looks like the wolves have no chance of winning.

Dean rushed back into the room carrying a spear and a cross, and tried to step towards Adrian. But a vampire blocked his way, thrusting silver in his face. Growling, Dean picked up the vampire by his collar and threw him across the room and crashed against the back wall.

"Prepare for attack!" He yelled, holding up the cross to Adrian's face. "ATTACK!"

Needless to say, all the wolves arched their backs to make them look big. Adrian hissed as the cross came in contact with his face, and instinctively his hands flew to his face, letting me go. Bubbles popped on his face as half his face pretty much dissolved. It was the equivalent to an acid attack on humans.

Dean grabbed my hand before I could object. Flashing a look in Adrian's direction, I saw the wolves leaping on the increasing number of vampires that came trough the door. Adrian was nursing his face, and Carcasses of dead vampires laid limp on the floor.

My face cracked a small smile. I seems like we are winning after all. Adrian unsteadily got to his feet, looking like a wolf had bitten off half his head. It was true too, because half his face was gone. The cross must of been more powerful than the one used to kill the peasant in the Castle.

"The spear Dean, quick!" I called, pointing to the approaching Adrian. Adrian grasped my arm smiling with half his lips, and gurgled. Black ooze rose from his throat, and he puked there and then on the floor, a rush of thick gooey black ooze just coming up endlessly. Gross.

His eyes were yellow, and his skin was the whitest I've even seen. By now his hair had turned a platinum silvery white, and his clothes torn and abused. He opened his moth, and all his teeth were gone, except for the fangs, one of them chipped.

"You.... are.... MINE!" He managed to gurgle, grasping my arm tightly till I couldn't feel my blood flow there anymore. I gulped nervously, looking at Dean. He was aiming his spear at Adrian's heart.

He threw the spear, impaling Adrian's heart perfectly. I wildly turned back to Adrian who's eyes were wide open with shock, and then he fell limply with his eyes turning glassy. I breathed a sigh of relief.
He was gone. Forever. Though his last words managed to haunt me. I wasn't his. I never will be.

By then the bodies of wolves and vampires littered the floor, with still more vampires coming and coming. I gasped as I recognized a familiar face.


But not the Winnie I had known. Her long brown tresses of hair were cut jagged and short, with dark purple streaks running down. Her face wasn't rosy and pink, but white and shiny. Her eyes didn't hold the warmth and friendliness she offered, but hate and anger twisted furiously in her eyes. Her lips were pursed sourly, and her clothes were tattered and ragged.

She wildly searched the room for me slowly, eyeing up every possible person. Winnie's eyes latched onto mine and she flashed her death glare at me, holding her share of silver. She smiled eerily, tilting her head.

Esh. She must of drunken a potion to make her have a personality change. Or, maybe she joined Kevin under the train.

My thought scattered as she thrust a leg forward. I backed up.

"Come on Miss Fella, there's no need to act like this. Just come with us and you will be one of us." She grinned, licking her fangs. Fresh blood dripped down her mouth, and stained the black tattered dress she was wearing.

I suddenly was yanked back by a strong, warm hand.

"Come on Fella!" Dean urged, guiding me towards the stairs.

How long have they planned this? Did they follow us to Dean's house? I thought as Dean practically dragged me upstairs.

Winnie shrieked and followed us up and called for back up. A few vampires stopped and looked at Winnie, then me, the Dean as they took in the scene with little understanding. Their confused faces changed into gleeful ones, as they seemed to have found their prize.


Dean threw us into his room, but I didn't have time to look for Dean rushed to a painted, unhooked it from the nail holding it up, revealing a small door with a code.

As Dean was furiously punching in the code, I heard several footsteps outside. My heart was pumping adrenaline around my body faster than I can think. Then it all flooded through me like I had eaten spinach and grown muscles like Popeye.

Instead I had grown a proper brain. I stood up quickly and went behind a set of heavy drawers, groaning to push it in front of the door. It took me longer than I had expected, but at least we can buy some time.

Satisfied at my own work, I plopped down like a fish out water on the bed, staring at the ceiling as Dean successfully opened the door. He almost yanked the door off it's hinges. Inside the door was a little covered shot glass, labeled 'Wishes.'

Throwing it at me Dean ordered me to drink it.

But my stubborn brain wouldn't allow it without knowing what it was.

"Why? What does it do?" Banging and shouting was audible from the other side of the door. Dean looked desperate. Ah, my brain does love to ruin these moments.

"Come on Fella please! We haven't much time!" He nodded towards the door which heaved and protested at the load of abuse coming in.

Those vampires should also be on the Door Abuse Offender's List. I chuckled at my thoughts.

"Fine! The drink will offer you 3 wishes and all you have to do to activate a wish is say 'I Wish'. Okay now drink!" He yelled, his eyes pleading. I guess I had no choice. Reluctantly, I took off the cover from the shot glass, and held it to my lips.

You know what? Screw life.

Without another thought, I took a large swig and emptied the glass. I let the liquid burn my throat and steam through my system.

It tasted like cherries and chocolate.

Nothing happened.

Then I hiccupped. Then I hiccupped again. And again. 

Still nothing happened.

Until I hiccupped a bubble.

This exact scene reminded my of Alice in Wonderland where Alice drank the bottle labeled 'Drink Me'.
I was about to become Alice.

But then, the door had given way and vampires burst into the room, knocking down the heavy set of drawers that offered little protection.

Winnie was one of them amongst loads.

Her eerie smile stretched from one ear to another, reaching 10 on the CreepyOmeter for me. The vampires snarled and hissed, holding up silver chains and ropes. Dean hissed, shifting quickly into a wolf.

Growling, he tried charging at them knocking the vampires over like skittle with his large body. Then he backed up on his hind legs, ready to spring up and suffocate them with his weight. Then a small vampire came nervously forward, holding up a single chain of silver.

The small vampire gulped, clearly showing signs of weakness. Dean swatted at him behind he could do any damage. There weren't many vampires left that were willing to challenge Dean. It was obvious he had won. By then back up had come, with two werewolves rushing up holding  small fragile broken girl. A closer look at her and it was clear she was dead.

I gasped at who she was.


I gave a cry of anger, punching a dead body of a vampire hardly, letting my emotions spill on him. This dead body was to take the blame. They were all to take the blame.

 Dean howled at the moon out the window in blue, sadness radiated off his song.

The two werewolves behind me were quietly slaughtered as I cried into the pillow. The thud of their limp bodies alerted me of another presence. Dean turned, his eyes glassy  showing hurt and anger and emotion mixed up into one. His eyes were a strained red, and his fur didn't gleam like it used to, but it was oily and matted.

He looked so broken- June was the only sibling that loved him back, and now without anyone to love him, he probably had no point in living.

How could the Moon Goddess do such a thing?

She was so young, although she was heard not seen, but the Moon Goddess shouldn't of taken a pure soul so young.

In the space of 12 hours, I had loved June as my own little sister.

I shared the sadness and blue with Dean.

As more vampires prowled into the room kicking the bodies aside, I felt there was nothing else to live for to. I kept my eyes on the ground as I felt a strong cold hand grab my arm. I didn't wince as it squeezed my arm.

Soon it would be over.

"Come with us." It said. No emotion came through, only a cold, harsh voice. I left the bed, catching eyes with no one though I felt eyes questioning me at my submission.

I truth was I had given up. The werewolves have lost.

Dean hunched over by the window, licking his hurt paw. He looked at me, emotion flickering through his eyes.

"Wish on a werewolf, Fella." He spoke, before turning away. He didn't want me to see his tears. "I'm so sorry."

"Silence mutt." A vampire hissed. The vampires trooped out the room, with me going along with them. One whispered in my ear, his ice cold breath tingling the lobe. "Wish on a Vampire or else you'll get it."

So here it was. My choice. Wish on a werewolf of wish on a vampire. My brain arrogantly chose vampire, not wanting to be in danger. But my heart chose something else, and I unexpectedly blurted that out.

"I.. wish on a ....werewolf?" I stuttered, and as soon as the words left my mouth I felt something spark.

"How dare you wish on those mutts! You stupid idiotic girl!" The same vampire threatened in an angrier tone, clutching my arm tighter that it might as well fall off.

 The sound of a slap bounced off the wall loud and clear. My right cheek tingled, a burning sensation rose and I felt the need for once to let a vampire touch my cheek to cool it down.

I thought I had lost hope.

 But something had ignited in me. Something new and fresh. This feeling was new, and I had no time to prepare myself.

The feeling was love.

Love rushed through me like an addiction, latching on to every part of me like it was there my whole life.

As I trudged down the stairs, the feeling became stronger and stronger. Something was urging me to go into the lounge. I had this undeniable urge to rush in and see whatever was in the lounge. Love was in the lounge.

The vampires beside me kicked bodies as we trampled over them. The vampires thought they had won, but really I was waiting to go into the lounge.

And we did.

The vampires stopped what they were doing. They were frozen in shock. I followed their gazes ahead, to meet the red eyes of a large black wolf. He was even larger than Dean.

Then it was my turn to feel shocked.

He was the Alpha.

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