Chapter 26- Friends Reunion and a Paper slip.

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Avni's POV

"Oh, it feels so good to be home after a long time.", an unfamiliar voice reverberated in my ears.

"Reece.", Liza yelled, her eyes twinkling with happiness.

'Who's Reece?'

'I'm also meeting him for the first time stupid, how do I know?'

'I thought you were a witch.'

'I wish I could slap you, conscience.'

'Ha, that's why it's called a wish, darling.'

Liza tackled him on the ground. Goodness! The girl had potential. The man, Reece laughed and whirled her, she chuckled and hugged him. 

Reece was a man in his early 20s, he had jet black hair and beautiful baby blue eyes, he was good-looking, agreed, but not more than Mr Khanna.

'Goodness Avni, you need medical treatment. You realize what you just said?'

'What? We should praise things worth of appreciation.'

'Stars! Now I feel it's you who needs Bengali Baba.'

"Why, hello there, beautiful.", Mr Reece said stretching out his hand for me to shake but before I could say something Liza smacked him across his head.

"That's Neil's girl, you weasel. Don't you dare flirt with her.", she said making me laugh.

"You know you could have done better. What did you see in that piece of ice?", he said in his strong British accent. Wow! Now, I've got international acquaintances.

"Remind me why are we best friends, again?", A cold voice came from behind. 

"Neil.", he yelled like a schoolgirl." It's been a long time."

Mr Khanna's eyes softened for a second and he nodded hesitantly." I'm glad you are here."

"Aye! Is my son again making a fool of himself.", a familiar voice came.

"Ivan?", Liza and Mr Reece simultaneously yelled, they looked at each other and the next moment they were above Mr Wilson tackling him to the ground.

"What are you all, 5?", Mr Khanna said but something me knew it was a wrong move. And that's what happened.

'I so knew you were a witch.'

The three of them, Mr Wilson, Mr Reece and Liza pulled Mr Khanna in their WWE wrestling. I stood there smiling, watching them.

Having friends was pure bliss, though I never did, seeing them all smiling and laughing was a sight to sore eyes, my bad all of them except Mr Khanna were smiling, he was scowling. He got up and glared at them icily.

"All of you, up within next 3 seconds.", he commanded and next second everyone stood up. So much for being a headmaster of a school.

"Mr Denver and Mr Wilson I expect you to behave like grown-ups because I can't expect that from Liza.", as soon as these words came out of Mr Khanna's mouth, Liza smacked him on the back of his head.

"Arrogant piece of ice.", she mumbled.

"I agree Mr Khanna is an arrogant, chauvinist, narcissist, self-conceited, hypocrite Block of Ice.", I thought.

"And I thought only we had the audacity to insult Neil.", Mr Reece said and that's when I realized I didn't think that, I spoke that. Oh, stars!

 I dared to look at Mr Khanna and of course, he was glaring at me but with anger, one more thing was dancing in his eyes.


Wait, hold on.


'You need to see an occultist Avni.'

'Remind me why are we best friends again conscience.'

'Quoting Mr Khanna's words, now are we?'

"Anyways.", Mr Reece clapped his hands and walked towards me, "Reece Denver, the handsome one of the group."

I laughed at his cockiness and stretched my hand to shake with his," Avni Mehta..", just when I began, arms wrapped around me making my breath hitch.

"My fiancée.", Mr Khanna said placing a soft kiss on my hair.

Mr Reece smiled a truly genuine smile and nodded."I'm so glad. Welcome to the family."


I never had a family, it was only maa.

"You can let go, Neil. She's all yours man if that's you're worried about you.", he said and I realized I zoned out, but that didn't go unnoticed by Mr Khanna.

"You okay?", he said and once again my insides churned. How does he always know?


"Hi, Miss Joshi or better Miss Mehta.", Mr Wilson came in view and my cheeks heated in embarrassment.

"It's Okay Neil told me everything."

"Mr Khanna?"

"Mm-hmm.", he hummed and I looked at Mr Khanna. What did he tell him? 

"By the way, I would have never flirted with you if I knew you were Neil's girl.", he mumbled apologetically.

"Don't sweat it Mr Wilson.", I smiled and he returned it.

"You Mr Wilson and I need to have a little chat later.", Mr Khanna said who was still standing behind me, his arms wrapped firmly around my waist and his chin on my shoulder and not to forget his voice was deadly cold.

Mr Wilson didn't seem to mind, he smiled a crooked smile and clapped his hand, "Alright, children let's sit and catch up but before that.", he looked at my side." Neil, my boy, at least give her space to breathe."

I looked at Mr Khanna's face and that's when I realized Mr Khanna hadn't noticed how tightly he was hugging me.

'You both need to see Bengali Baba.'

Mr Khanna stepped back and taking it as a chance Liza clutched my hand and made me sit between her and Reece.

"Finally Avni is with us.", she sighed.

"So when's the wedding?", Mr Reece asked and my eyes found their way to Mr Khanna's face who had a cold look in his eyes. Block of Ice!

"Ah, we haven't planned yet, Mr Reece.", I said hesitantly.

"For heaven's sake..we don't want a lady Neil Khanna. Just call me Reece.", he grumbled and I nodded.

"Same for me.", Mr Wilson piped in.

And from here the conversation went on and on and on.

Reece was just telling me how once he, Liza and Ivan vandalized Mr Khanna's car and how he went caveman behind them when Mr Khanna interrupted him."Okay, that's enough."

"No, nothing is enough when it comes to you.", Reece said scoffing sarcastically.

"Agreed, Avni should know who's she going to marry.", Liza added but they didn't know I knew more than enough.

"Alright, kids I agree with Neil. Reece, you should take some rest, we'll meet in the evening. Nonetheless, you have some work, don't you?", Ivan said, mischief dancing in his eyes.

"Work? What work?", Reece replied in confusion and once again he was smacked right across his head. Oh, Poor guy.

"Ah haa work, right I had work.", he said and quickly sauntered off to who knows where followed by Liza and Ivan.

Now, it was only me and Mr Khanna in the hall. I tried to glance at him and sure enough, he was staring at me.

"Umm, I think I heard Liza call me. See ya, Mr Khanna.", I was just about to escape his penetrating gaze when all of a sudden the world spun for me and the next moment I found myself in Mr Khanna's embrace.

"I didn't hear her calling you.", he said, a smirk on his lips.

"See an otolaryngologist Mr Khanna, will you?"

In reply, he just pulled me closer and leaned towards my ear making me shiver."Non voglio vedere nessuno a meno che non sia tu.", he said.

Translation: I don't want to see anyone unless it's you.

'What did he say?'

'For the 100th time, you and I are one conscience.'

"Keep it PG children, will you?", from somewhere I heard Ivan's voice and I blushed furiously in embarrassment.

Mr Khanna cleared his throat and stepped back grumbling something under his breath.


An hour later and here I'm sitting in a Maserati with Liza and Ivan with me in the back and Reece on the passenger seat.

"I don't understand why I'm doing this?", Mr Khanna complained. He was sitting in the driver seat and an annoyed irritated cold look was visible on his face.

"Oh because you love us.", Reece said and everyone including me laughed. Mr Khanna looked at me through the front mirror and once again I blushed, which would be the 13th time today.

'Oh Calculator Mehta Op.'

"Yes DD, make sure of that.. James? She is... I know... Fine.", Mr Khanna said, he had a Bluetooth stuck in his ear through which he was barking orders at DD I guess though his eyes were concentrated on the road.

"Okay, I and Avni are going to go to the women's section, till then you guys see something for yourselves, an hour later we are going to meet in the food court. Sounds good?", she gushed in excitement.


Of course, the word was by Mr Khanna.

"You shut up.", Reece waved him off." We are going according to Liza's plan."

"I won't leave Miss Mehta alone.", Mr Khanna said and everyone but me awwed. 

What the...

"Neil trust me I won't let anything happen to your Miss Mehta.", she tried to convince him.

"You want to go to the mall or not?", Mr Khanna said in a threatening voice. And for once I felt at ease, as long as that psycho's out there chasing me, I don't think I can feel the pure sense of freedom. And on top of that Liza will also be with me. What if that maniac did something to her?

"Avni please, you tell him na."

"Uh sorry, Liza but I think for once Mr Khanna's right."

"End of discussion.", Mr Khanna finalized and I sighed. Liza, on the other hand, pouted angrily making me feel bad.

Suddenly Reece and Ivan coughed and in between, I heard something like"whipped."

Mr Khanna did too because he was glaring at them icily.

We reached the mall followed by 3 more cars, which not to my surprise had an army of bodyguards. James and Charles greeted Mr Khanna and he talked to them about taking their positions whatsoever. Once he was done, he gripped my hand firmly," Come.", he said and we entered the mall.

The three notorious kids, Liza, Ivan and Reece had already started wandering.

"Come on Avni, let's go see a dress.", she winked and pulled me with her. Mr Khanna hot on our tails.

"Alright let's see.", she shuffled through some dresses while I just stood beside her. Shopping and me, not a good combination.

"Avni try these.", she shoved few dresses in my hands and then pushed me into a trial room. I hate this so much." I and Neil will finalise it, alright."

I wore the first dress and moved out. It was a knee-length, sequin back party outfit. 

"It looks beautiful on you ma'am. Do you want me to pack it?", the staff member of the mall said and Mr Khanna glared at him. Rude!

"No. Too short", he said and shoved me back into the room. Chauvinistic Jerk!

15 minutes of me changing into different outfits and Mr Khanna rejecting them later. He was like

"Very bright."

"Not happening."


"Liza, what in the world is this thing?"

I was pissed would be an understatement and so was Liza.

"Neil I'm tired of your tantrums. Why don't you yourself pick a dress for your girl?", she challenged him.

"Alright.", his answer shocked me as well as Liza.

Moments later, he came with a white packet and handed it to me." Try it, will you?", he whispered and I nodded.

I was surprised would be an understatement. It was a beautiful lavender colour gown, 3D butterflies and flowers were covering its neckline. I wore it with utmost care and moved out hesitantly.

Mr Khanna looked at me and his eyes shined with the same distinct emotion that I've not deciphered yet.

"Perfect.", he mouthed and once again ladies and gentlemen I blushed like a tomato.

"Beautiful.", Liza gushed with happiness and I smiled at her.

"I should have guessed it before, Neil's taste and choices have bettered to an extraordinary level recently.", she added and everything in me knew she was not talking about the dress.

Mr Khanna's phone rang but his eyes didn't leave me, they were shamelessly staring at me.

"I'll be back.", I said and went back to change.

"Let's go.", Mr Khanna said once I was out. I nodded and we moved towards the food court where I witnessed Reece and Ivan stuffing their mouths and waving at us simultaneously.

"Don't be surprised, they always eat as if it's their last meal on earth.", Liza whispered.

We were moving towards them when I bumped into a man. He quickly apologized and went off. Mr Khanna looked behind and gestured to his guards and immediately, two men stood right behind us.

"Come on.", Reece yelled and everyone in the food court looked at him. So much for being confident!

We settled down in our seats and ordered. I was surprised that Mr Khanna agreed to eat in a mall. Like wasn't he a billionaire or something? 

"I've taken care of that.", Mr Khanna whispered in my ear. Stars! Has he started reading my thoughts also?

I looked down, embarrassed and something caught my sight. A paper slip was stuck in my bracelet. Where did it come from?

Frowning I opened it. 'Enjoying a lot, now aren't we love?'  and that's when realization dawned upon me, the man I bumped into must have done this.

Worry and terror seized me. Is Vidyut here?

"Everything alright?", Mr Khanna said all of a sudden making me flinch. I looked at the others, who were busy planning something and then I looked at Mr Khanna and nodded. I seriously don't want to spoil their time.

Mr Khanna, on the other hand, didn't seem to buy my reply. He interlinked his fingers with mine and asked again," You are lying, aren't you?"

I plastered the best fake smile I could.

"I just want to go home.", I said quietly trying to keep my calm. Vidyut is no fool to grace his appearance in front of so many people.

"Miss Mehta, eat something and then we are leaving.", he replied, his gaze stuck to my face.

I had just picked my spoon when a white paper ball came rolling towards me but this time besides me, Mr Khanna also noticed and he picked it before I can.

And then all hell broke loose.

Translation to the Hindi term used: Bengali Baba: a man who just promotes superstition.

Woah! That was a long one now wasn't it? 

Thank you so much for completing the target, I'm so so grateful to you and as promised with the completion of the target I'm ready with the next chapter.

I hope you liked it and I hope you won't stop voting now, would you? ;) 

The target for next-85 votes

Mr Khanna's very angry and Anger and Mr Khanna is a deadly combination which we witnessed in the 2nd and 3rd chapter only.

What do you think he'll do?

Oh and did you like Neil's little gang ;)

Thanks for reading. Stay safe and until next time.

LOve LOve

Aapki seva mein sadev tatpar

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