Chapter 4- The Disguise

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I was going back to my house warily when someone shook my shoulder lightly. I turned to see who was it and trust me when I say she was the last person I expected to meet.


"Welcome, Welcome to the most horrific phase of my life." I said looking at the stars."You might be glad seeing me in so much trouble, aren't you?"

The brightest star twinkled at me twice as if it was reacting to my complaints.

"Laugh. You too laugh. That's what my life is. A darn joke." I spoke wistfully.

The stars including the brightest twinkled at me and an involuntary smile graced my face. These stars are my best friends I swear.

"I understood. You are saying that everything will be fine, aren't you?"

The stars twinkled again.

"Fine, if you say so. I'll leave now I need to go to the job tomorrow.", I said to my best friends- the stars who not only respond to me but also pacify and encourage me in their own language. Call me stupid for talking to non-living things, but solace can be found anywhere, ain't it?


The house I was standing in front of was gigantic, it was enormous and when I say huge I don't mean huge, I mean H-U-G-E huge.

"Excuse me, Sir. You here for what? I hope you know that no one can walk into NK Villa's premises without permission?", one of the watch guards asked.

Who are they calling sir but?

'It's you stupid, forgot about your look?', my conscience chided me and that's when I remembered.

I had worn a baggy shirt, a musty coloured jacket, a beanie hat, formal pants and not to forget large glasses. My long hair perfectly tied in a bun under the hat and the glasses tho didn't give me a manly look but they were efficient enough to hide my actual gender.

"uh-uh", I cleared my throat,"Ya, I'm here to meet someone.", I said nervously in a throaty voice.

"May I know who?", the guard's mind was filled with suspicion by now, I was sure.

"Me", a feminine voice came from behind and I internally sighed.

"Ma'am I'm sorry I didn't know this gentleman was your guest.", the poor guard hastily apologized to me, "I'm sorry sir. I apologize for my hostile nature. Please forgive me."

"It's okay." I waved him off like the kind lad-gentleman I am.

I was about to turn when the woman held my hand and rushed inside the house. The house needed no description of how beautiful it was. Every detail of that house screamed richness and classiness. How hard I tried to concentrate on my work, I couldn't ignore the fact that this was no less than a dream palace.

The woman quickly shoved me inside a room and that's when I came face-to-face with her. I smiled looking at the known woman in front of me.

"Naina di, what happened?", I asked with concern Naina di was a really beautiful woman in her mid-30s. She had almond-shaped beautiful black eyes and a charming smile which could win anyone's heart.

"Avni I thought you'd refuse my proposal but I must say you look absolutely different. At the first glance, even I didn't recognize you."


"You?" I said, utter shock evident on my face, looking at the person in front of her.

The lady hugged me tightly, "Avu it's been 5 years since we met, Where have you been?."

"I just shifted last month in Mumbai, SK Groups you know, I was transferred there but how come you here di?", I asked her.

"I just came from London, last week.", Naina di smiled at me wholeheartedly, "You don't know how happy I'm to meet you, sweetheart. I missed you and Neela maa so much. School ended and everyone got apart. I didn't have your single whereabouts. Where have you been?", she hit my shoulder playfully showing her fake anger.

"Sorry di, there were such circumstances.", I said trying my level best to hide the sadness that was overwhelming my senses. All I wanted was to either talk to my stars or stay alone in my room.

Mine and Naina di's bonding was just like sisters. Naina being the elder always provided the love of a friend and a sister to me as I didn't have any friends. She was very close to me and could always sense my happiness and sadness. They say na, some relations are so pure and inseparable that though you don't meet the person for years or decades, the love always keeps you bounded close.

"Avu is there something bothering you?", Naina asked seriously.

"No di, no problem. You tell me?" I tried my best to hide my dismay, "You got married. Who's the lucky man?", I said looking at the vermillion in her hairline.

"Avu don't try to divert the topic tell me, what's the matter?", Naina asked sternly.

"I'm saying the truth di, there's nothing as such.", I was never someone who tried to gain sympathy, not from my mother, let alone friends. I had gone through a lot in the day- the encounter with Mr Khanna and then the orphanage. I just wanted to go."Di, we'll meet some other day, right now I need to go."

Before Naina di could say something, I hailed a cab and left. I know my behaviour definitely hurt di but what can I do. I just couldn't hold myself any longer.

I reached a church that was closed. But still, the calmness attracted me. I sat on a bench and closed my eyes taking a deep breath. A lot happened in a single week. First, maa's health condition, then the consistent intimidating encounters with Mr Khanna and top of it-the demolishing of the orphanage. My heart ached due to the pain of seeing my maa in tears. It was not a building, it was the memories of someone very close to me. Someone, I missed every moment. The tears which were running down my cheeks non stoppingly were the only source to release my agony and pain.

"I never thought you'd lie to me Avu.", I heard someone taking my name. And that someone was Naina di.

I was broken, terribly broken. I can't share all this with Neela but I can't keep everything to myself, I also want someone with whom I can share my pains and grief. And when Naina di said these words, I let my all emotions come out. I cried a lot. I never imagined that my meeting with her would be so different and I'm sure neither did she.

"Avu stop crying and tell me, what's the matter?", Naina di, concern and worry laced in her voice.

"Di, everything is getting rui-ruined. A-All matters are-are slipping through my fingers.", Avni said hiccuping.

"Avu listen, listen to me. Everything will be alright, you tell me what's the issue?"

"Di, Neela maa has Cancer", she said with tears.

Naina di didn't say anything maybe was trying to analyze my words" What-What did you say?", she asked me again.

I narrated her meeting with the doctor to her.

"Avni don't worry. I'll make sure Neela maa gets the treatment from the best of the doctors, you stop crying first."

"No-No di, you won't do anything."

"Avu I know you're self-dependent but." before she could say further I again interrupted her. She was here and that meant more than everything to me. I can't take her help more.

"No di."

"Aavu Neela is my mother too and I have some duty for her too, how can you say like that?", Naina di said curtly and I realized how inconsiderate I just sounded.


Flashback over

"Thank you so much for this job di, I had to change my disguise because of your brother-in-law but it's fine. As long as he doesn't recognize me I'm good.", I said chuckling.

"I know Avu, I don't know why does he do this, besides Rosa, we don't have a single female staff."

"Forget all these di, I'm good in this male attire. Am I recognizable?", I asked nervously.

" Absolutely not, you look absolutely good."

Someone knocked at the door and I got alerted.

"Mumma", a small voice came from the other side.

"Yes, Aarav."

"Uncle wants to meet you."

"Avu are you ready?", Naina asked and I nodded.

She opened the door and I saw a small kid but beside him was the last person I wanted to meet again.

"Naina I want the Sinhania's file from your lock-up, could you please get it for me.", the same voice that had the power to freeze every damn thing echoed in the room. No no, this can't be true. How can Mr Khanna come here?

"Sure!", Naina di said.

She turned to get the file when my eyes greeted the most devious person I've met in my entire life. It was him again. Why on earth do I always end up meeting this cruel creature. What if he recognizes me? What if he threw me out of this job too? What if he did something again for his apology? What if he does something to hurt my maa?

"I'm talking to you.", his voice brought me out of my thought "What are you doing in here?" He asked Naina di, "Who's he?"

Ohk, hash! he didn't recognize me, that means I'm safe for now.

"Neil, meet Mr Abhiman Joshi, Aarav's new home tutor.", Naina di said, but I didn't dare to raise my eyes, I knew he was cornering me with his gaze.

"New tutor but why him? I don't think he's good for this job. Moreover, did you check his education and all.", he asked Di.

"Ya ya of course Neil.", Di said convincingly. So his name is Neil, Absolutely wrong name, his name should be Nirdayi-Khanna.

"If you say so.", Mr Khanna said and in no time he was one step away from me. "Though Naina checked all the papers, I don't want any risk. Submit your all details by tomorrow. Am I clear?", he said though calmly but for me, he sounded scary.

'No Avni, you can't give him a chance to suspect him. Stay confident.', my conscience scolded me.

I quickly fixed my glasses and looked into his cold eyes, "Sure sir."

He turned and left and I released my breath, which I don't know how long I hold on to.

"Aarav, meet Abhiman sir, he's your new teacher.", Naina di said to the little cute kid.

I'm actually shocked how do Naina di and this child manage to live with this Nirdayi Kha-Khanna. OMG, so Naina di is Naina Khanna, Crap! Crap! Crap!

A/N Translation to the Hindi term used: Nirdayi-Cruel

Phew! such a long chapter.

I hope you like Naina's character and the way I described each and every emotion. If you didn't please comment and let me know your suggestion. I'd highly appreciate it and work on my mistakes, that's how I'll learn.

Thank you so much for reading.

Precap hint- Will Neil find out Abhiman's truth?

Please vote and comment, it highly motivates me. Also, don't forget to tag your friends. And yeah follow bhi kar hi lena. Don't you think mein zyada demanding ho gayi. Sorry sorry!

Qs of the day- What do you think breaks as well as make a relationship. Let me know your views.

Aapki seva mein sadev tatpar

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