My Future (Epilogue-1)

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Happy Mothers Day..🙏🙏

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At Jai's House

Swamji took Vennela's Spirit from Maya's Body to Bottle..

Maya became Unconscious after the Effect of Vennela's Spirit..

Jai, Divya became worried that Maya didn't came to Conscious 

When Jai tried to wake up Maya..Swamji said to Jai

Swamji : Maya Life is still in Danger..She lost Hope about his Life..

Jai became worried about this..

Swamji : Jai, only You can only save Maya..

Jai : How?

Swamji : I know you will save Your Maya...God Bless You Both!!

Swamji left from there after giving Blessings to Jai, Maya..

At Hospital

Jai, Divya and Nagraj took Maya to Hospital

They said to Dr. Ajay that Spirit was took away from Maya..

Dr. Ajay and team tried to make Maya conscious..After so much Difficult they make Maya came to conscious..

Dr. Ajay examined Maya condition and became confuse on seeing the Reports..

Dr. Ajay said to Jai

Dr. Ajay : We have to operate Ms. Maya..Still her condition is same.

Jai, Divya became confuse and shock that they felt Now Maya is Normal but she is not..

Jai : You said If Spirit would gone, Maya will be Normal, Then what is need of Surgery?

Dr. Ajay : Mr. Jai..I too wished that Maya would be Normal..But That Effect of Spirit must be still pressuring Maya brain..Infact, It became worse now..

Jai, Divya and Nagraj became scared on heard this..

Dr. Ajay : Please Prepare Maya for  Surgery..Make her confident that will only make this Surgery success..

Jai, Divya and Nagraj became worried about Maya on heard

Jai understood Swamji words now that Maya Life still in Danger,Only he can only save her..

After sometimes (10 Minutes Before Surgery)

Divya said to Maya about her condition and now Doctors have to do Surgery to her..

Maya didn't respond for this, that she felt she don't have any reasons to Live..

Jai came to talk with Maya before Surgery..

Maya shouted on Jai intentionally

Maya : Why You came here? I don't need Your Sympathy..Go!! Go to Your Ayesha..

Jai understood that Maya intentionally scolding him to go from her..

Jai cupped Maya face and said to her..

Jai : Maya!! Look at me..

Maya closed her Eyes for not able to Look at Jai..

Jai : Please..Maya..Look at me..

Maya opened her Eyes and looked at Jai Eyes..

Jai : It is True, I Loved Ayesha..But Ayesha is My Past, Maya is My Future..

Maya became Shock on heard this..

Jai came closer to Maya and Kissed Maya Lips..

Maya responded to Jai Kiss, He shows his Love on her with his Kiss, Maya had tears on kissing him for his Love on her..

Jai broke Kiss and wiped Maya tears..

Jai : Nothing will Happen to You..I won't let anything Happen to you..

Jai makes Maya to sleep..

After sometime (2 Minutes, Before  Surgery)

Dr. Ajay came to Maya to ask her before to Start Surgery..

Jai, Divya and Nagraj also came there..

Dr. Ajay asked Maya

Dr. Ajay : Ms. Maya..Shall we start the Procedure ? Are you Ready?

Maya became confuse for this and  asked Divya

Maya : Akka..What Procedure? What Happened to me? Why I am here? Why Jai is here?

All became confuse for Maya Questions..

Dr. Ajay said to Maya

Dr. Ajay : Ms. Maya..You are in Hospital?

Maya : Hospital? Why am in Hospital?

All became confuse and didn't Understand what happened to Maya

When Divya about to ask Maya..Jai stopped her and asked her

Jai : Maya, Come with me..

Jai took Maya infront of Mirror, He became shock that Maya Reflection showing On Mirror..

Maya : I am only there on Mirror..What is strange in this?

Divya shouted with Hapiness and hugged Maya for this..

Divya : Maya, You are visible on Mirror..Jai, Did You see this...Maya is Visible Mirror..

Maya : What Happened to you? What is Strange in this?

Jai asked Maya

Jai : Maya, Didn't you remember what Happened?

Maya : On that Day, I said Sorry to you and you spoke with me..After that I became unconscious..For that only You bring me to Hospital...Right?

They all became Shock on heard..

But Dr. Ajay understood Maya condition..

They indicated them not to say anything

Maya : What Happened? Why you all became silent?

Divya : Nothing..You have to take Rest..We will be back..

Inside Doctor Cabin

Dr. Ajay again tested Maya Reports..

He Became Shock on seeing the Reports that Maya condition became Normal..

Dr. Ajay : Good News!! Maya condition became Normal..She don't need any Surgery..She is Perfectly Fine now..

Jai, Divya and Nagraj became Happy on heard this..

Jai : But How Doctor? Just before You said that You have to do Surgery to her...Then How it is Possible?

Dr. Ajay : Even I also in shock for this..It is Really Strange..Must be Her Brain got affected from that Day itself..In these Few Minutes, Something must Happen that The Pressure on her Brain suddenly disappear along those Painful Memories..

Jai : That means She didn't remember What Happened in these Days?

Dr. Ajay : Yes..She didn't remember What happened to her..Actually It is Good thing to her..It is Better If she didn't know about those things..Let her Be like this only..

Jai, Divya and Nagraj decided not let Maya know about this..

Next Day, On Morning

Maya got discharged from Hospital..

Jai, Divya convinced Maya that she got admitted in Hospital because of some Health Issues, After one Week she came to conscious..

At Padukotai, Tamil Nadu

Jai found Sravani details and sent her back to her House..

Sravani's Mother bring Sravani inside their House

Sravani came to House with fear on thinking about Selva..

At Her House, Selva along with his Goons stood there..

Some of the Goons who didn't came to Hyderabad along with Selva shouted on seeing Sravani..

Selva's Goons : Anna..See, Sravani came back, Go and Kill her..

Sravani and her mother became scared on heard this..

Selva remembered Maya (Vennela's Spirit) warning to him "If You again trouble Sravani, Wherever You are I will Kill You"

On Remembered this,Selva became scared ..

Selva slapped His Goons who shouted to kill Sravani..

Selva : How dare to shout on her? Sravani is Goddess to this House..Means She is Goddess to us..

Goons : Anna?

Selva : Shut up!!

Selva requested Sravani on floding his hands..

Selva : Amma..This House is Yours, You stay here only..I won't come near to you..I will leave this City..No, No..I will leave this State..I wil go to Tripathi and make these Fellows to sell Coconuts and Flowers..I will look after Devotees Slippers..Take Care, Amma..I will take Leave..

Selva along with his Men left that place..

Sravani became Happy on seeing this Change in Selva and said Thanks to God for this..

Percap : Epilogue - 2,Twist?

This is Epilogue- 1, Still one More Epilogue-2..

I am Very Sorry, Friends..If this Epilogue makes you Confuse without Logic..I wrote it as Flow..

Thank You So Much for Your Supportive Comments and Votes..

Loves You All..💕💕

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