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At Hospital

Dr. Ajay : Maya Condition is very Critical..

Jai, Nagraj and Divya became Shock on heard this..

Dr. Ajay : Sorry to say this Mr. Jai, But Maya is going to die soon..

On heard this, Jai felt like someone took his Life from him..

Divya asked Dr. Ajay

Divya : But Doctor, Just now you said Nothing worry..Then why you are saying now like this?

Dr. Ajay : Ms. Divya..We can't tell to Patient directly that they going to die..At this condition, If we say like that, She will get Panic, Risk will Increase to her..

Jai asked Dr. Ajay

Jai : But How can you say that Maya will die? She is looking Good, right?

Dr. Ajay : Let me explain you clearly..Our Brain is more sensitive than Heart..It can accept only the Emotions which that Person feel only..But Maya Brain is taking two different type of People Emotions..If it happen, Brain will be in Pressure, The Neurons in her Brain damaging day by day...Now, It is out of control..Her Brain will lost all the Emotions and it will die..

Jai, Nagraj and Divya became shock on heard this..

Dr. Ajay : Actually, These type of cases will happen to People who have multi Personality Disorder..But Maya medicine History didn't have such cases..It is really strange..Please tell me is any condition is there to Maya..Then only, I can think about some solution..

Jai and Divya thinking whether to tell about Spirit thing to Doctor or not..

Dr. Ajay understood that they are hiding

Dr. Ajay : See, Mr. Jai..I understood you are hiding something from me..IF you don't tell me anything Or else I can't help anything..

Jai : I will tell you..But You won't believe this..

Dr. Ajay : First you tell me..Mr. Jai..

Jai said to Dr. Ajay about Vennela's Spirit got into Maya body..

Dr. Ajay can't able to believe this..

Jai : I know, You won't believe this..But This is only the true..

Dr. Ajay : Yes, It is Unbelievable..But On seeing Maya Reports, It is making me to believe this..May be that another Person inside her must be pressuring Maya brain..

Jai : What?

Dr. Ajay : For Example, If Ms. Maya have Patience, That Person inside her have angry..But That Inside Person dominating Ms. Maya Original Emotions..The Emotions which Ms. Maya showing are not her Emotions, She is carrying that another Person Emotions..If She can't rid those Emotions, It will only leds to her death..

Divya requested Dr. Ajay

Divya : Will that Spirit kills My Sister? No..Please Doctor..Please..Do something..

Jai also requested

Jai : Yes, Don't think about money..Please don't tell me Maya will die..Please..

Dr. Ajay think something and said to them

Dr. Ajay : One Solution is there..But It is Very Risk..Chances are 2% only..

Jai : What is that?

Dr. Ajay : One Surgery have to do..Actually This surgery will do to Patients who have Multiple Personality Disorder..

Jai : But..Then do that..What is the Problem?

Dr. Ajay : But Ms. Maya condition is different...Even to some Patients who is suffering from Multiple Disorder also this Surgery got failed..That's why I can't suggest you this Surgery..It is More risk to Ms. Maya condition..But this is only solution we have right now..

Jai and Divya thinking what to do now..

Dr. Ajay : See, Think once again..I am saying you again..There is only 2% Chance is there to safe Ms. Maya..I can't assure you that I will save her..Please think once again..I will also ask senior Surgeons is any other  solution is there..

Jai, Divya and Nagraj came out with sad face..

Jai thinking How to save Maya without surgery..

Jai's Pov

If Surgery got failed, Maya will..

No..I don't let this happen..I have to do something to make Vennela leave Maya's Body Permanently..

When Jai is thinking like this, He got one call which gives Hope to him..

Percap : The End..Twist?

Dedicated this Update to annu_pranushka_jam...She only helps me to write this Update..Thank You So Much..Dear..Loves You..💕💕

Forgive me If any Mistakes are there..

Pics Credit to Google..

Forgive me Friends, If this Update makes you confusion..I Just wrote as my Imagination based on Some Movies..It won't have any Logic..

Next Update must be Last Update..

Thank You So Much for all Your Votes and Comments..

Loves You All..💕💕

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