BALL (3)

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Yona POV

today is a day were I'm going to a battlefield, my survival is not confirmed but...for my kids, Shuu and Reiji, I have to survive and for all those who have supported me, such as Beatrix and Christa, I will survive.

If I was reading such chessy line in my world I would have puked but this is true except too much drama involved. But it's true I do have to survive today.

As I was busy making dramatic lines for my survival, Christa looked at me with a worried expression as we were sitting in this huge amazing shimmering carriage, western style of course (which did shock me to my core).

While I was dreaming of my death, Christa reached out her hand to hold mine. I didn't notice it but my hands were shivering but as soon as she held my hand the shivering stopped. I looked towards her with a surprise expression.

She give me a small sad smile to reassure my beating heart, just her smile said many words of assurance to me. She assured me of my worries like how a friend does. I nodded my head in understanding.

Yup I can do this, I did the toughest job, giving birth to triplets. Also I changed the story or so, at least the characters don't hate me and I will do everything so that I am not hated, so I won't die. That's totally right I won't die but me going different story.

This thing was made very clear to me from the beginning I came to this world that I won't be returned home any soon. I truly had no idea how I would return or had any leads on how I may return to my world but nope, none.

Then I decided to use my otaku knowledge, If we think how I came here? my soul has been transmitted into Cordelia's body just like how in isekai novels when a person gets transmitted in a novel and become a character (mostly villainous), the reason is mostly that they may have died and made a undieing wish that's why their soul gets transmitted to the character's body or she just randomly died and somehow got reciarnated. But hello?😑😐 How am I here? I am sure that I didn't died or made a undieing wish or sort of thing, I just slept and Wala! I am here, in Cordelia's body.

Anyway, I have to survive,the death it's not meant for me, the punishment for torturing her kids, the one who suffers should not be me but Cordelia, I even have to save the kids, that's why I can't die right know, also I'm too young even through I'm a mother of triplets but that's through my body my real age is still 16 and I know I'm mature for being 16 but how wouldn't I be when I , a loner who had only one friend and rest was anime, manga and otome games.

Hmm I would definitely say they do make you mature or maybe I think that because I did learned a lot from anime. Thoroughly I was more interested in the anime and manga world than my real world. I never was in the class except when it was for anime. My whole life for somewhere else when I should have noticed it earlier the people in them, he as they were normal I never noticed their value. Now I regret it.

As I tired to stop my self from worrying to much, I decided to look out the window. What I saw made me think, 'what the heck?'
The land was barren, desert of a sort, was in purplish colour, honestly it was quite weird for me but what can you expect of a Demon world (honestly I remember correctly there was no such thing as demon world in my world), there were high aristocrat shops here and there. Where rich vampire nobles visited. In even this anime there was poverty. I saw poor roaming here and there too.

Hungry children and men, I had a pained expression when Christa spoke seeing my expression, "those are the lower vampires who are commoners." I nodded my head.

I felt sad for them but..what could I do anyway. I sighed before grieving more the carriage stopped. I was surprised, I looked at Christa to understand why we stopped while she just give me a smile and got up. The door of the carriage opened and a henchman stood their to escort us.

It seemed that we had reached the castle as Christa before getting out turned towards me and spoke, "Cordelia we have reached". I just simply nodded my head and got up to get out.

As I held the escorts hand I got down from the carriage, for saying thank you I looked towards the henchmen when I saw the henchmen in front of me with Christa, they both had very surpised expressions.

Oh Wait!! Then who is this whose hand I'm holding? I slowly turned my head towards the person holding my hand which was now being squeezed by none other than Karl. Ahh!! Oh my God!! This bastard what is he doing here? And even escorting me, ME, Cordelia. Can you even imagine? Now I get it why Christa and the henchmen had such shocked and surpised expressions.

I hastily detached my hand from his, he was a little surpised but then he went back to his normal smirking expression. I spoke with annoyance in my voice and a frown on my face, "What are you doing here Karl?".

The servants near by grasped in horror and Christa just sighed. As I didn't called him Lord but just Karl. It was the same when I spoke to him for the first time, he was surprised and shocked. As Cordelia always respected him and called him 'Lord Karl'. But I'm not Cordelia, why the hell would I call this bastard Lord? When Christa and Beatrix heard this they were also very surpised through knowing me Beatrix just sighed and Christa still had that same surpised expression like the servants. But now she is also used to this.

But it seems it has gotten normal for Karl anyway, he smirked and spoke, "I specially came to get my wife who is today's star". He said with a playful smile.

This Guy!, he definitely knew he was irritating me yet he kept at it."You really didn't needed too personal come to escort me, it's not like I'm an important person".

He had a frown on his face after hearing that, yet he still decided to speak up and with a serious face," I'm the one who decides here who is important or not, and if I say you are important then you are".

What kind of crap was this guy spourting, Cordelia important? What is this huh? He who hated her know says that she's important. Maybe because I changed his plans, he has gone insane and is now spourting bullshit, yeah definitely something like this happened otherwise why would he specially come to escort me and say I'm important.

Before I could burst out in laughter at this guy's bullshit I tried to calm my self, I couldn't just burst out at him in front of the servants, can I ? I would loss the scary card.
I sighed and spoke, "ok, Thank you for escorting me and now you can go as the ball will start soon".

With that I stormed into the castle. I was not able to see his expression but I knew It was not a good one. while Christa looked between Karl and my back, she hurriedly greeted Karl before following me.

As I entered the castle, I stopped in my tracks with what I saw in front of me. The castle was huge with big Windows on the sides. The castle was decorated from left to right. It was truly beautiful sight. There was a big chandelier too which hung on the main center floor wall. Before I can enter properly when a lady reached to Chrsita who was still falling me, the lady seemed to be a noble. Christa greeted the lady with a smile. They seemed to be close friends that's why when she looked at me with a sad expression as she was going with her friend and I'm sure she didn't wanted to leave me alone, I just smiled and told her to go on.

What I didn't notice was that there were many people starring at me as I furthur entering the ball hall, the people who were starring had a surpised and some what shocked expression. What now? First I had to go through that Bastard and now this?
Would I even be able to survive today?

It seemed that I guessed the reason for the starring, it seemed like all were confused with this new look of me. Haha! They weren't expecting such thing, were they?

Through I knew one thing that these nobles were not going to leave me out for myself, I am sure they would come for a talk and all noble shit, you know I have also seen drama!so before anyone comes to me I should better run. While I was planning for running. I was stopped in my tracks my a young lady who stood firmly in front of me. She was pretty I would say but just being pretty doesn't matter if they have a bad personality. A person should be judged by who they are not by there appearance.

She was wearing a pale green dress with her hair in a bun. I had quite a confused smile, for what reason did This women stopped me from trying to save myself?

I spoke with a irritated voice, "Yes?"
She showed me a fake smile and spoke," Today you really are different Lady Cordelia just like your appearance
today ."

So what was this women trying to say? My appearance? What was her problem?

I spoke with irritation,"yes, that's true and I definitely like my new appearance, if you excuse me I have to attend to my children".
She was left speechless, her mouth was open big enough that a fly could go inside.
With that I stormed forward looking form right to left for my kids. What did that women think herself of? To come to my face and insult me? She must have definitely though that Cordelia would throw a tantrum for this and then embarrass herself, but I'm not Cordelia so yeah wrong move.

Wit all of that I found my kids in the hands of the maids with Shuu and Reiji on the side of the hall in a quite and calm corner.

The first maid had Laito, the second had Kanato and the third had Ayato while both Shuu and Reiji were trying to cheer up the kids who were on the verge of crying. I truly had a frown on my face, who the heck made my kids sad? Who had the nerve to do that to my kids!

With that I moved towards them, to check on them when Laito saw me coming towards them and started crying looking at me. The maid holding Laito had a worried expression then she saw at what Laito is crying at, she nodded her and I also nodded my head.

With that I the maid brought Laito towards me and I took him from her hands, he was crying like anything, Ah my poor baby. He tightly clusted on my neck. I rubbed his back to let him know I'm here.

Ayato and Kanato also tried to rush over to me while Shuu and Reiji sighed in relief. I tried to put Laito down yet he was not at all letting me go.

I spoke, "thank you Shuu and Reiji for taking care of your brother's when I was not there". Shuu had a bright smile.

" No coo, it was no problem also the maids helped us too", he said pointing towards the three maids. I nodded my head in their direction.

With that I sat on the sofa on the side where Ayato and Kanato were sitting. Just as I sat they both tried to get to me yet Laito latched on to me like a koala I just held Ayato and Kanato hand. I just noticed now that Ayato and Kanato had tears running down there eyes.

I had a sad expression on my face, with that I wiped away the tears with my fingers. I tried ( at least tried) to hug them. As they had calmed down thats when Laito finally let go off me. I sighed in relief, I meant I didn't hated him hugged me but that my neck and back were going soar.

I spoke," have you both met with Beatrix yet?" The boys both shook their head I nodded and continued," Shuu, Reiji you both should go see Beatrix, she must be worried about you".

They both nodded their head and said there goodbyes and went to find Beatrix while I sat there looking at my babies. I smiled at them and they smiled back.

I had ordered the Maid to bring me a glass of wine, as she brought it I picked the glass up and drank some wine. It was truly good. Through I had never tasted wine yet Cordelia's body was used to it, so it was like cold drink to me.

As I was drinking the good freshly cherry wine, I spitted some just by seeing that person, who was walking In front of me. I had never expected to meet this person here, the one with green hair and red eyes, Cordelia's subordinate in crime,Karl's brother, Cordelia's boyfriend, the one and only Richter.

Author note: Sorry dear readers for the lengthy chapter and for the late update. 😉. My dear readers I'm sorry, my exams are coming so after they are done then I will do the update thank you.

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