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Hello! I'm Jay I think my story should be told now as it happened a long while ago... Let us begin.

I was born on the day the gods fell and I was punished for it being cursed to have any man I fall in love with die. I learned of the curse after going to a psychic to ask why every man I have ever dated and was serious with died as it couldn't be a coincidence and she told me the following.

"A cursed placed without a cure unless you can love no more. Men will continue to drop and you will be alone. Unless you meet the man of stone"

So I thought she had been talking about a statue to appease the gods and I went all around to every statue of the male gods  and prayed for the curse to be lifted but it never worked...

One day I was walking and I bumped into a guy, mind you I gave up on love long ago at this point, and he apologized and offered to take me out as an "I'm sorry" and I accepted. A few days later he called and we met up and he became a very close friend but my worst fear came true... I started falling for the dork! His name was Max and he was simply... Perfect for me... So to protect him I started avoiding him. Stupid I know but I didn't want him to die! After a while he and I stopped talking... And as much as it hurt I knew it had to be done, to protect him...  A few moths later I see him again and he starts walking towards me, mind you it's late at night and pretty much nobody is out side, when ... A gun shot. He falls. And footsteps run away... I rush to him and see that the bullet went right through his heart and is on the ground a few feet away and I start to cry...

He LAUGHS I look at him and he's laughing like he did't get SHOT IN THE HEART JUST NOW and I look at him flabbergasted "B-but you... Shot... How?!" and he explains something to me... "The gods the day they fell I had found love... They cursed me with immortality so I would out live her saying they "Made me a man of stone so I wouldn't be able to break"" ". . ." "What?" "You're the man of stone..." "Yes?" I kiss him, he kisses back, I explain my curse and what the psychic and he looked astounded.

We were married a year later happy as could be, he shared his curse with me so we could always be together and we had a perfectly un-perfect life.


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