All great things come to an end

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A/N: Decided to come back here and edit the ending. I must've been tired when I wrote this ending because to be honest, I wasn't even a bit satisfied while reading this. Welp, time to actually do something about this hot mess of an ending.

It's been a year since I started dating Rad. A lot of things honestly happened right after news got out. My dad, who I thought wasn't going to actually take this seriously, gave me a big lecture on running away, but nothing major happened after that. My brothers told me that since I ran away, our dad actually changed his view on the world. Sure, he attempts to destroy Lakewood Plaza from time to time, but he allowed my siblings and I to have some freedom.

Me and Rad actually got along great since we started dating. We live together now in a small, cozy house with two cats. Enid occasionally comes over and jokes around with me and Rad, with the usual flirting mixed with some insults. Let's just say that when she makes those sorts of jokes, it's fair game.

K.O and T.K.O, who are now 13, finally opened up to Carol about them dating. Carol, K.O's mom, accepted them while Gar was breaking down in tears of joy. Oh, did I mention that Gar and Carol are happily married? Well I usually forget to leave out the big details now in days.

Enid is now currently dating Red Action. Their relationship is very....strange. They usually talk about things like the future or just anything involving the future in general. Red, sometimes Rad, usually tags along with me and Enid when we would go out and get some coffee. It's quite nice, in my personal opinion. Life's going great for us all.

"Shannon, are you talking to yourself again?" my boyfriend, Rad asked me in a concern tone.

"Sweetie, for the last time, I ain't talking to myself." I reassured him.

"Our friends are coming over today, along with your family." Rad reminded me, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Oh, that's right! It's our one year anniversary! Why do I always forget things?" I asked him, scratching my head.

"Maybe it's because you're distracted by my manliness." Rad responded in an attempt to sound cool.

I giggled before telling him, "There ain't nothing manly about you, asides from the fact that you workout and the fact that you're a boy."

"So you're admitting that I'm finally up to your standards?" Rad asked me.

"Rad, we all know that I have high standards. Ask why the house is always kept clean and that I always go out to get groceries for us. You, on the other hand aren't up to my standards..." I paused myself, waiting to see his reaction.

"You're honestly waiting for me to react, aren't you?" Rad asked me.

"You honestly know me so well." I responded to him.

"Well, we all know that you're going to say that "I'm above your standards" now aren't you?" Rad asked me.

"You read me so well." I responded back to him.

The doorbell rang.

"Welp, it looks like everyone's here. This is going to be a very fun party." Rad said as he opened the door.

"It sure is, Rad, it sure is."





Well, I honestly couldn't think of a better way to end this book, so I gave y'all a time skip. Don't worry, there will be a sequel. I can assure you that. I just wanted to talk to you all today about the main reason why I'm ending this book on such an early notice. I've been lacking some motivation to finish this story off lately due to some personal issues. I did have a lot of ideas in the beginning when I first started this back in October, but somehow they just didn't fit in well with the story.

As you can all see, I'm trying out a new writing style here in all my books. Let me tell you, the views have skyrocketed since I started using this new style. We can all tell where this is going, so I might as well get to the point.

W h a t d o y o u w a n t h a p p e n i n g i n t h e s e q u e l?

Comment below, if you dare.

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