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"That picnic was very nice, Rad," I said, "I very much enjoyed it."

"Thank you." Rad responded.

"Guess I'm going to change my clothes then." I said.

"You did play in the sand a lot. I honestly wouldn't blame you." he responded.

These past couple of days, well it has only been two, were very calming. I didn't have to deal with my siblings, fight some heroes, all I did was basically relax and cook some food. Oh, that reminds me, Rads parents are coming home tomorrow. That'll be pleasant, hopefully. Maybe they'll let me stay here, just for a few weeks and then I'll leave.

I grabbed one of Rads shirts and a pair of his boxers, that I sadly had to use as underwear, and headed into the shower, I then got dressed and headed downstairs only to see Rad making dinner. He must've manned up over the past two days. I somehow find that very attractive.

I have gotten to know Rad better than I thought I would. Turns out he just fakes his personality around people to get the girls, but sadly he doesn't have one, yet. Rad's just a big, sensitive, and very caring person, like I've just became. Honestly, if we would ever start dating, I'd probably be the clingy one out of the two of us. We did kiss one time, I'll admit, but I was malfunctioning and Rad's just a boy going through puberty. It was nothing more than that. Even if I did wanna kiss his lips again, I would, but I'm just not ready for that yet.

"What are you making?" I asked him.

"Something simple," he responds, "I hope you don't mind."

"Oh I wouldn't," I responded back, "I really wouldn't."

"Oh," he said. "My parents are coming home tomorrow."

"I'm fully aware," I responded back, "Would they let me stay a bit?"

"Probably not, but if they do then I'll help lend a hand." he says.

"Thank you." I said.

"It honestly wouldn't be a problem,"

"Mi amo."

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