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Which statement is true? 

C. The UML is a modeling language for software blueprints.  


In which three ways does a structured class differ from a traditional class? (Choose three.)  

A. It clearly defines the class boundary 

B. It brings public interfaces into the class via ports.  

C. It shows the role that the class plays. 


Which is a characteristic of a structured class? 

C. can play multiple roles that vary on the objects that interact with it 


Which statement is true about an iterative development process?  

A. Testing and integration take place in every iteration.  


Which two statements are true about interfaces? (Choose two.) 

A. The interface should have a clear purpose. 

D. Classes may have multiple interfaces depending on the purpose  


What is the focus of analysis?  

D. translating functional requirements into software concepts 


Why is encapsulation important? (Choose two.) 

B. It places operations and attributes in the same object. 

D. It prevents other objects from directly changing the  


What are analysis classes?  

A. early conjectures on the composition of the system that usually  


An architect looks at two classes. The first class has the following operations: 

A. getName(), getSize(), and findAverage()  


An architect is responsible for creating an Analysis Model for a system. Which area of focus is essential for the creation of this model?  

B. behavior of the objects that comprise the system 


What does a required interface do? 

B. uses the services that a classifier requires to  


In a sequence diagram, each interaction on the diagram maps to _____. 

B. the transition on a state diagram  


Which two questions does the use of multiplicity on relationships allow you to answer? (Choose two.)  

A. Is the relationship mandatory or optional?  

B. How many links can an object of one type maintain  


What are two important considerations when diagramming state? (Choose two.)  

A. Any time a message is received; there may be a change of state.  

C. Whenever there is a change of state, there is a transition.  


Which statement is true about circular dependencies?  

C. They must be avoided.  


What is the purpose of Architectural Analysis?  

C. to define a candidate architecture for the system 


When the interfaces between two classes have been defined from a sequence diagram, the ports are defined by the _____. 

A. interface  


Which statement is true about attributes?  

B. They change value from object to object of the same class. 


What are the three purposes of Analysis and Design? (Choose three.) 

B. to transform the requirements into a design of the to-be system  

C. to evolve a robust architecture for the system  

E. to adapt the design to match the implementation environment  


Objects that are polymorphic _____.  

D. may have the same operation names but the operations perform differently  


Which is a best practice for nesting structured classes?  

A. should limit the nesting of structured classes to two levels per diagram  


During Architectural Analysis, a Software Architect wants to reduce the complexity of the system at work and improve its consistency. 

What should the Software Architect define to accomplish this?  

C. analysis mechanisms  


Which two characteristics do all objects have? (Choose two.)  

B. state and behavior  

D. a unique identity  


Analysis classes evolve into _____. (Choose two.) 

A. design classes  

B. subsystems  


What happens when a superclass is changed?  

A. All subclasses inherit the change.  


Which two statements are true about use-case realization? (Choose two.)  

B. It provides traceability from Analysis and Design back to requirements.  

D. It describes the use-case in terms of collaborating objects.  


Which state does NOT contain another state?  

C. Simple State  


Which statement is true about grouping elements into a package?  

A. Elements in a package should share a logical, common grouping.  


What are three architectural mechanism categories? (Choose three.)  

A. analysis mechanisms  

C. implementation mechanisms  

D. design mechanisms  


In a sequence diagram, what can be defined by the interactions between participants in the interactions?  

C. both provided and required services for interfaces  


Which view focuses on the physical realization of the system?  

B. Implementation View  


Which statement is true about an active object?  

A. It is an independent object that can communicate with other active objects asynchronously.  


During Use Case Analysis, what is generally allocated to control classes?  

A. behavior specific to a use-case or part of a very important flow of events  


What are three sources for Key Abstractions identification? (Choose three.)  

A. domain knowledge  

B. requirements  

D. glossary  


What is a named object in UML?  

A. Matt:Employee  


During Use Case Analysis, an attribute should be used instead of a class when the information _____.  

A. is accessed by operations that only get,  


Which view is NOT part of the RUP 4+1 View Model?  

B. Distribution View  


What are two functions of visual modeling? (Choose two.)  

B. improves communication and comprehension among team members  

D. documents system behavior and structure before coding the system  


During Use Case Analysis, why are analysis mechanisms used?  

A. to reduce complexity and improve consistency by providing  


Which statement is true about patterns?  

B. Patterns provide a common solution to a common problem.  


During Use Case Analysis, why is it sometimes necessary to supplement the use-case description?  

A. The description of each use-case is not always sufficient for  


In Use Case Analysis, what is the purpose of the Unify Analysis Classes step?  

A. to ensure that each analysis class represents a single well-defined concept, with no  


Which three processes are best suited for UML? (Choose three.)  

A. use-case driven  

C. iterative and incremental  

D. architecture-centric 


Architectural layers are commonly modeled in UML using a _____.  

A. package stereotyped <<Layer>>  


In a state diagram, a state has two transitions. One of the transitions is an internal transition and the other is an external transition.  

Which state(s) can perform an exit action?  

B. the external transition only  


Which two statements are true about use-case driven processes? (Choose two.)  

A. Use-cases are concise, simple, and able to be  

B. Use-cases help synchronize the content of different models. 


Which is the primary function of entity classes? 

A. store and manage information in the system  


Which is a UML general-purpose mechanism for organizing elements into groups?  

C. a package  


During Use Case Analysis, how many interaction diagrams (sequence or communication) should be drawn for each use-case?  

A. enough of each type to ensure that all responsibilities  


In Use Case Analysis, what is the function of boundary classes?  

A. to insulate external forces from internal mechanisms and vice versa

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