Lava/ Bonding With The Herd/ Betrayal/ Soto's Death/ Goodbye Roshan

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Deep In The Glacial Valley, Runar (The Human Tribe's Leader) Led His Hunters Across A Snowy Plain. Their Wolves Pulled On Their Leashes, Sniffing The Ground Like Hunting Dogs. The Humans Stopped Beside A Set Of Footprints To Examine Them, But Then They Shook Their Heads Sadly. They Weren't Tiger Tracks. The Wolves Sniffed Around, Digging Their Noses In The Snow, But They Seemed Confused.

Runar Tightened His Grip On One Wolf's Leash, He Had To Admit That The Wolves Had Lost The Scent. One Of The Hunters Came Over And Took The Leash From Runar's Grip. With A Deep Sigh, The Chief Looked Down At His Son's Broken Necklace In His Hand. He Shook His Head, Giving Up Hope. He Had To Lead His People Through Glacier Pass To Their Settlement On The Other Side Before The Snow Made The Trip Impossible. With A Heavy Heart, Runar Followed His Hunters Back Toward The Rest Of The Tribe.


The Herd Was Only A Few Miles Away From Their Destination.

"Well, Would You Look At That? The Tiger Actually Did it. There's Half Peak. Next stop, Glacier Pass. How could we have ever doubted you?" Manny Asked, Sarcastically With A Smirk On His Face.

"Gotta Admit, I'm Impressed." Luna Said, Gaining Diego's Attention. "You're Little Death Defying Shortcut Actually Helped."

"Yep. That's Why We Sabers Are Known For Our Tracking Skills. We Know Shortcuts When We See One." Diego Stated.

"Sure. Keep Telling Yourself That, Buddy." Luna Said, Teasing Him.

"Did You Hear That, Little Fella? You're Almost Home!" Sid Then Paused As He Felt His Feet Getting Warmer. "My Feet Are Sweating."

"Do We Have To Get A Newsflash Every Time Your Body Does Something?" Diego Complained.

"He's Doing It For Attention." Manny Stated.

"Yeah, Just Ignore Him." Luna Said

"Seriously! My Feet Are Really Hot!" Sid Ran Up To The Group Saying "OW" Every Time He Stepped Forward.

"Uh, Guys? Is It Just Me Or Is The Ground Getting Hotter By The Second?" Luna Asked, Feeling The Heat Underneath Her Paws.

Suddenly, The Herd Froze As A Loud Rumbling Sound Was Heard.

"Tell Me That Was Your Stomach." Manny Said.

"I Don't Think That Us Making That Noise." Luna Told Him.

Diego Hushed Them As Sid Tried To Reassure What The Sound Was. "I'm Sure It Was Just Thunder... From... Under... Ground?"

Suddenly, Lava Explodes Out Of The Ground And Causes Everyone To Scream And Run Away. More Lava Comes Out Of The Ground Eventually The Lava Has Destroyed Most Of Ice Around Them, Including Some On Their Path. Which Separates Diego From The Group.

"Come On, Keep Up With Me!" Sid Said While Running, Although He Is Running In One Place.

"We Would If You Were Moving!" Manny And Luna Yelled.

Diego Catches Up With Them By Jumping From His Ice To Theirs.

"Wow, I Wish I Could Jump Like That." Sid Said.

"Wish Granted!" Manny Kicks Sid So Hard That It Launches Him In The Air And He Lands On The Other Side Of The Volcano, Which Is A Safe Area And Continues Their Path.

"Come On, Move Faster!" Diego Tells The Remaining Group.

"Have You Noticed That There's A River Of Lava?" Manny Yells Back At Him. He Takes A Look At The Lava, And Then At The Baby, Who Is Whimpering In Fear. Making His Choice, He Jumps To The Other Side With The Baby.

"Luna, Get On My Back!" Diego Said.

"You Don't Have To Tell Me Twice!" Luna Exclaimed Before Jumping On Diego's Back.

He Tries To Make The Jump, But Diego Didn't Make It. The Two Were Now Dangling Over The Lava, With Diego Hanging On To The Ice's Ledge And Luna Still Hanging On To Him For Dear Life.

Manny Looked Behind Him And Saw The Two In Trouble. He Then Gave The Baby To Sid. "Hold Pinky!"

Manny Slowly Stepped Close To Reach Them, But Not Too Close So That The Ice Won't Break. As He And Diego Were Reaching For Each Other, The Ice's Ledge Started Slowly Breaking. The Part Of The Ice Diego And Luna Was On Broke, And Manny Managed To Catch Them Before They Fell.

Realizing That The Ice Won't Hold Them For Long, Manny Threw The Two To Where The Others Were At. Once They Were Safe, The Ice Manny Was On Broke Completely And He Fell Along With It Into The Lava.


Both Sid And Luna Yelled While Diego Looked Shocked At What Just Happened. However, By Some Miracle, Large Steam Coming From The Lava Launched Manny Into The Air And He Landed In The Safe Area Near The Rest Of The Herd.

Everyone Looked Up To See Manny And Both Sid And Luna Ran To Check If Their Friend Was Okay.

"Manny, Manny, Manny, You Okay?" Sid Places The Baby Down For A Second.

"Come On, Come On, Say Something. Anything!" Luna Nudges Him A Bit.

Manny Started Mumbling But Nobody Understood What He Said.

"He's Still Breathing!" Luna Stated.

"What? What? We Can't Hear You!" Sid Tells Him.

"You're Standing On My Trunk." Manny Said.

Sid Realizes And Moves His Foot So Manny Could Breath. "Oh, You're Okay! You're Okay!"

"Please Don't Scare Me Like That. You Almost Gave Me A Heart Attack." Luna Said, Putting Her Paw On Her Chest.

As For Diego, He Had One Question For Manny. "Why Did You Do That? You Could Have Died, Trying To Save Me And Luna."

"That's What You Do In A Herd." Manny Answered. "You Look Out For Each Other."

"Well, Thanks" Deigo Thanked.

"Hey, I Don't Know About You Guys, But We Are The Weirdest Herd I've Ever Seen." Sid Commented.

"I Agree." Luna Laughed.


Meanwhile At Half Peak, Diego's Pack Were Getting Impatient With How Long Diego Was Taking To Get There.

Soto Paced In Annoyance At Diego's Lateness.

Zeke Was Excited And Eagerly Anticipating Their Planned Mammoth Meal.

"I Can't Wait To Get My Claws In That Mammoth." Zeke Said, Excitedly.

"No One Touches The Mammoth 


Hours Pasted By And The Herd Eventually Was Caught In A Huge Snowstorm.

"Guys, We Gotta Get These Kids Outta The Wind." Manny Says As Luna And The Baby Huddled Together For Warmth.

Luna Spots A Nearby Small Cave And Points Towards It. "We'll Be Safe From The Storm There."

The Group Made Their Way To The Small Cave And Were Finally Away From The Blizzard.

"How Much Further?" Manny Asks Diego.

"Three Miles." Diego Responded.

"I'm Beat." Manny Said.

"Yeah, Me Too." Luna Agrees As She Jumps Off Of Manny's Back Before Suggesting. "How About We Get There In The Morning? For Now, Let's Rest Here For The Night."

The Group Turns Around And Notices Sid Drawing On The Wall With A Rock.

"What Are You Doing?" Luna Ask Him In Curiosity.

"I'm Putting Sloths On The Map." Sid Says Before Showing Them A Poorly Drawn Picture Of Himself.

"Why Don't You Make It Realistic And Draw Him Lying Down?" Manny Told Him.

"And Make Him Rounder." Diego Added.

Manny Takes The Rock From Sid And Draws A Circle Around The Picture's Belly, Making It Look Fat.

"Perfect. Now It Looks Like The Real Thing." Luna Smirked.

Sid Laughs Sarcastically At His Friends' Rudeness. "Ha Ha. I Forgot How To Laugh." He Takes The Rock Back And Scribbles Over The Picture To Erase It. However, He Does It So Fast That Sparks Flew From The Rock To A Small Pile If Sticks, Which Caused Them To Light On Fire.

Everyone Looked At The Fire In Surprise And Impressed.

"I'm A Genius." Sid Said Proudly Before He Kissed The Rock.

The Fire Soon Got Big Enough To Warm The Group, As Well As Light Up The Mini Cave A Bit More.

"From Now On You'll Have To Refer To Me As Sid, Lord Of The Flame." Sid Does A Pose Near The Fire To Look Cooler.

"Hey, Lord Of The Flame, Your Tail's On Fire." Manny Pointed Out.

Sid Looked At His Tail And Realized He Was Right. His Started Running In Circles While Yelling, Which Made The Baby Laugh.

Diego Got Tired Of This And Pulled Sid Onto Some Snow That Was Next To Him. Sid Sighed In Relief Once The Fire On His Tail Was Put Out. "Thank You. From Now On, I'm Gonna Call You Diego--"

"Lord Of Touch Me And You're Dead". Sid Flinched In Fear At What Diego Said Before Getting Pulled Into A Noogie. "I'm Just Kiddin', You Little Knucklehead."

"Hey Lovebirds. Look At This." Manny Catches Their Attention And Shows Them That The Baby Started Taking His First Steps, Surprising Everyone.

"I Don't Believe It." Sid Says As The Baby Seemingly Starts Walking Towards Him. "Come Here, You Little Biped. Come Here, You Little wormy Worm. Come To Uncle Sid. No, No, No, No, No, No. This Way. This Way."

The Baby Changes Directions And Starts Walking To Diego. "No, No, No. No, Go To Him. Go To Him." The Baby Gets To Diego And Hugs His Leg. "Uh, Okay." He Says Awkwardly, Not Really Sure What To Do. "Good Job. Um, Keep Practicin'."

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