Chapter 5:

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I'm doing P.O.V.'s from now on!!! Thanks y'all!
- Brooklyn

Leo's P.O.V.

Sara and I woke up in a grimy prison cell. I felt a slight bit of blood dribble from my mouth.

" Sara?" I coughed.

Sara replied in a raspy voice, " What...?"

She spluttered a unnatural cough and turned her head to face mine. I let out a hoarse gasp. Sara was covered in gashes and crusted blood. She looked into my icy eyes.

" What are they doing?" she whimpered, a tear slipping from her eyes.

I felt frightened seeing this bad ass girl crumple into a weak and sobbing mess. She had been dead for God's sake. I crawled across the floor, yearning for my handcuffs to be gone. I scooted next to her and did my best to give her every bit of love and comfort I could. She laid her head onto my shoulder and let out a small sigh of relief. No sooner had a tall and rather gruff looking man approached us from the shadows. He was dressed in leather pants and jacket. He had diamonds imbedded on the jacket. He was wearing shiny silver sunshades. He had shiny black hair and olive skin and wore a smug grin on his dirty face.

" Get away from the lady." he hissed.

" What's it to you?" I said in my sly way.

He took out a whip with a black handle and a electric blue, sparking tail. He lashed me across the black. I screamed in pain. A long gash was severed into my back and it was gushing rich, red blood. Sara stifled a scream. I saw her hands move to comfort me. Her handcuffs rattled as she tried to reach me. Her eyes filled with hatred and tears.

" Matser?" she croaked.

" What is it slave?" he snapped.

" I have to use the bathroom Sir." she replied, feebly looking up.

I turned my neck slightly to look at what was happening. The man took a set of keys and unlocked the door. He had his finger tips brushing his whip. Sara stood up and got a sly look on her face. She drove a roundhouse kick to the man's face. He fell to the ground and left his keys and whip to our un-trustable hands. I placed a strong kiss on her lips.

" Let's get moving." I said.

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