Chapter 1.1: Going to Beacon/ A detour

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3rd POV (Next Day Early Morning)

The day finally came for Y/N to go to Beacon and his parents are as happy as they can be when the bullhead came for him his parents were tearing up at there son leaving and going to follow both his dream and continue a family tradition of becoming a huntsman. As Y/N was walking on the bullhead his mom decided to go in for one more hug nearly choking him while she's tearing up.

Mom: "I'm so proud of you son! Please call us Everyday!"

Y/N: "Mom.... Can't.... Breath."

His mom let's him go and he takes an inhale and exhale.

Y/N: "It's ok mom and don't worry I'll call both of you everyday."

Mom: "Please Do!"

Dad: "Listen son if anything happens please call us, no shame in calling in for help."

Y/N: "I will. But I feel like I shouldn't do that, because this is an adventure that I should do on my own."

Dad: "If that's what you wish then so be it. But still please call us and fill us in every now and then."

Y/N: "I will, and I love you guys! Thank you for everything."

Y/N's parents decided to go in for one more hug as they're tearing up. His dad broke his hug but his mom didn't let go.

Dad: "Honey, please he has to leave."

Mom: "*crying* I know I just feel like I can't let him go yet."

Y/N: "Please mom, you have to let me go."

His mom let's him go and she goes to her husband and he puts his hand over on her shoulder holding her but she's still crying to see her son go. Y/N's dad is extremely happy still holding back his tears.
Y/N goes up to the bullhead door and looks back at his parents with a tear falling from his cheek and he wanted a hug from Touka but she can't be found anywhere. As the door closes he goes to his seat and the pilot told him to go in his seat and buckle up, then they were off to Vale.
An hour goes by and Y/N was wondering where Touka was but he noticed a large extra bag he didn't put in the ship.


Well what the hell is this? I don't think I had this bag and ...... wait it twitched. Ok I'm gonna slowly open and wait OH MY GOD IT MIGHT BE A BOMB. C'mon don't freak out here it might no be bad might be some extra clothes or something. Ok here we ............... *Unzips the bag*

We stared at each other just dumfounded. I jump back in realization.


Touka: "Umm .... Hi master hehehe."

Y/N: "Ok uhhh how did you get in there?"

Touka: "I just squeezed myself in, luckily I did get a cramp."

Y/N: "Here let me help you outta there."

I lend out my hand and she gets out of the cramped bag and she stretch's out with her tail and wolf ears wiggles from her stretch, I don't know why but it's funny seeing her do that.

Y/N: "Well you definitely feel better after being freed from that bag."

Touka: "Indeed I am master."

She sits down next to me.

Y/N: "Hey Touka why did you come, remember this is something that I have to do on my own."

Touka: "I'm sorry if I offended you by doing this but I just feel like you might need me. And also ... I just felt ... lonely, .... and it was your dad's idea for me to come with you."

My right eye brow lifts up and I pinch the bridge of my nose.

Y/N: "Wow dad *sigh* him and his crazy ways of getting things done. Under that tough exterior he is a goofball."

3rd POV

Y/N's dad sneezes.

Dad: "Ow that kinda hurt."

Mom: "You ok honey?"

Dad: "Yeah I'm fine just that sneeze packed a punch."


Y/N: "Just wow Dad, hahaha I know my dad did funny stuff before but this takes the cake! Wait did you say you were ... Lonely."

Touka: "I've just got used to being around you master, and if it's to selfish to ask but can I please still be at your side?"

Y/N: "Touka, you don't even have to ask. I'm always happy with you at my side either as my butler or my Bodyguard."

Touka:"*tearing up* Your... your too good to me master. I I don't disserve your praise after what happened to you. I-I-I I"

I put my hand on her head and rub her head and bring her closer to me like a hug, I see she is tearing up from his gesture.

Y/N: "Touka.... Listen well, I will never in my life blame you for what happened at the charity or for anything that matter. Please don't be to hard on yourself for what happened, I'm always happy to protect you."

Touka: "B-but I'm YOUR body guard I should be protecting you not the other way around!"

Y/N: "I know, but as I remember once you said to me that I was like a brother to you, what sibling would I be if I didn't protect my sister. Not a day goes by that I don't regret meeting you and bringing you to my family."

As I said them I ment every word but as I said those words Touka started to cry and she cried into my shoulder. I know Touka can get emotional at times but in a way she needs to control them, I know that better then anyone else especially at a young age. Even the night I first met her and saved her, your emotions can drive you to do the greatest blessing or the worst sin that you can commit. I still remember that man's face from that night, even though yes he was scum and was going to both rape and kill Touka that night. But either way I look at it he was a human and still ..... he didn't disserve to die by my cold and blind rage.

(Four Hours later)

Touka fell asleep awhile ago from her emotional moment. While she has her head on my lap using it like a pillow and haha I'm still petting her head and she still loves it because I see her bushy tailed wags when I do that for her. I decided to get up and stretch my legs so I slowly got up and used my jacket as a pillow for her. It felt good to stretch out for a few hours of sitting, I decided to check up with the pilot up front.

Y/N: "Hey is everything ok up here?"

Pilot: "Don't worry kid we'll be in Vale in a few hours maybe four. But don't worry kid we should be smooth sailing from here on ou...... woah."

Y/N: "Woah what?"

Pilot: "Aaaa kid I see smoke up ahead. See it?"

Y/N: "I do, and I have a gut feeling that it's bad."

Pilot: "You have that feeling too?"

Y/N: "Well let's go take a look, if people are in danger and if there's a chance we can help let's take it."

We nod to each other and the pilot puts the engine up to full speed heading towards the smoke. I should wake up Touka since we might be in a fight.

Y/N: "Touka! Welp she's still asleep. TOUKA!!"

She gets up sporadically.

Touka: "WHAT WHAT Who stole the cookies!!!"

I looked at her confused but she instantly turns to me with a surprised look on her face.

Y/N: "Touka listen up and gear up we might be in a fight soon."

Touka: "What are we under attack master!"

Y/N: "No we're not but there's smoke up ahead and there might be some people there that need our help."

Touka: "Ok Master. But where is my bow I didn't pack it!"

I quickly walked over to one of my bags unzipped it and it was her Bow and her large quiver of dust infused arrows. I grab it and toss it to her. Lucky I had a feeling she would've found her way to Beacon so I decided to pack it.

Touka: "*bows* Master your the Best!"

Y/N: "Better believe it!"

Pilot: "Alright, You were right there is a fight happening down there! Looks like four kids are fight off a horde of Grimm and looks like one of them is waving us down! Crap went in to fast I gotta turn us around."

Y/N: "Alrighty, ready Touka?"

She puts the two swords together to form the bow.

Touka: "Yes I am master!"

Y/N: "I like that! Now put on some knee and elbow pads just in case. Oh Pilot be sure to do run rounds and provide us some cover fire and take out any Grimm below us!"

Pilot: "You got it! Oh and be careful down there."

Y/N: "Don't worry about that, me and Touka are young but we are battle experienced. Alright ready Touka."

Touka: "You know it!"

Y/N: "Love the enthusiasm."

Wait the kids decided to huddle up together, oh no and the Grimm are going in for the kill! I go up to the co pilot seat.

Y/N: "Hey take out the Grimm close to them before you let us down. Fill those bastards full of holes!"

Pilot: "You Got it!"

As he fired the chain gun at the Grimm close to the kids they all looked surprised from what we can see. I fist bump the pilot and me and Touka ready to jump.

Y/N: "Ready to jump Touka."

Touka: "Ready!"

Both me and Touka jump from the bullhead. Before we hit the ground I used my semblance and created a ice slide for us, I did a super hero landing with my staff in hand while Touka landed on her knees sliding and quickly spinner around while readying her Bow and shot an two explosive arrows down to the field into a group Beowolves. The four people behind us looked confused at us. Touka did a backflip to me and next to me she asked.

Touka: "Amazed Master?"

Y/N: "Yeah I am, more then amazed I'm proud of you. I'm going to check on the kids."

Touka readied her Bow and nodded so I ran back to the four kids and I see the Bullhead coming down with a minigun out shooting down more groups of Grimm.

Y/N: "Hey are you guys ok? Me and my pilot seen smoke and we came here as soon as we could."

????: "Oh thank Oum you came at the right time we ran out on ammo and the Grimm here are more frequent here. And sorry there we gave up all hope and huddled together."

Y/N: "Well dying with your friends in your arms is a way to go out, but never give up on hope miss theirs always hope besides me and my friend are happy to help. Oh and names Y/N and what's yours?

????: "Mines Coco, Coco Adel."

(Coco POV Ten minutes before)
Start the song at 0:43

Dammit these Grimm will not take a hint that this is not their Village! Fuck I'm running low, the rest of the group ain't looking so hot either. And please hold on Velvet.

Coco: "Fox How's Velvet!"

Fox: "She ain't looking good, the scratch was deep and she is slowly losing blood."

I couldn't help but cry because Velvet took the hit for me from an alpha.

Coco: "Dammit Velvet your an idiot. I should be there not you!"

She holds my hand and barely spoke.

Velvet: It's ok... Coco... I'd gladly take... another.... for you. Your my ... best friend ... after all."

She couphs out blood and I felt a few drops landed on my face.

Coco: I'm so sorry guys I'm a terrible leader for choosing this mission. I'm going to get all of you killed."

Yatsuhashi: "Coco your not a terrible leader, if it comes to it I'm happy to die among my friends."

Fox: "Me aswell, I'm happy to call you guys my friends."

Wait what's that noise.

Coco: "Guys do you here that?"

Fox: It's ... It's a Bullhead coming our way!"

Coco: "What my scroll was destroyed I didn't get a chance to call one in.

I see it's getting closer I try to wave it down but it flew straight past us.

Coco: "NO NO NO Please *fall on her knees crying* please don't go. Did they even see us?"

I see more Beowolves coming at us. I grab my minigun and start killing more of em. Until...

Click Click Click

No, I'm ... out. I turn back to the rest of the team crying.

Coco: "I'm so sorry guys I don't have any more ammo."

I can tell Fox and Yatsuhashi are extremely tired, Velvet doesn't look so good either.

Coco: "I'm sorry guys I'm going to get you guys killed."

Fox: "Please Coco we aren't blaming you for this."

Yatsuhashi: "Now come here Coco."

I look at him confused.

Yatsuhashi: "If we die today we die as friends and as a team. I wouldn't be happier meeting Oum without you guys."

Fox nodded and both of them even Velvet reached out there hands for me. In a way I couldn't be happier then have these three as my team and friends. I join in group hug around Velvet and I felt her squeezing my hand.

Velvet: "Thank you guys .... your the greatest friends I ever had."

I can here the Grimm coming closer. Oum your going to have company soon we all tensed up for death.
Wait that noise again then I here the Grimm coming closer and soon bullets flying down around us and the Beowolves faded away and seen that same ship came back. We all looked up confused and we see two people jump out of the bullhead and one of them created a giant ice slide and one landed on his knees with a large staff. The faunus girl landed on her knees sliding she had a bow then two big explosions could be heard. We all got up and looked and I can hear em.

Girl: "Amazed Master?

Guy: "Yeah I am, more then amazed I'm proud of you."

What the Master? Is he her teacher or something. I see him walking towards us.

Guy: "Hey are you guys ok? Me and my pilot seen smoke and we came here as soon as we could."

Coco: "Oh thank Oum you came at the right time we ran out on ammo and the Grimm here are more frequent here. And sorry there we gave up all hope and huddled together."

Guy: "Well dying with your friends in your arms is a way to go out, but never give up on hope miss theirs always hope besides me and my friend are happy to help. Oh and names Y/N and what's yours?

Coco: "Mines Coco, Coco Adel."

Y/N: "Well Ms. Adel it's nice to meet you, you and you friends don't look so well..*notices Velvet* Oh Oum is she ok!"

Coco: "No she ain't she took a hit from an alpha for me."

He hands me his staff, what the hell is this thing. I see him reaching out and puts his hand where the wound is.

Coco: "What are you doing?"

I see he closed his eyes and his hand glowed and it looked like Velvets wound started to heal. Velvet looks like she is going to be ok!"

Yatsuhashi: "Did.. you heal her?"

Y/N: "I gave her my own aura to heal it. Now you two.

He grabbed Foxes and Yatsuhashi's shoulders and did the same to them, they looked refreshed and healed.

Y/N: "Alright you two should be ok, now lastly you Ms. Adel."

He grabbed my shoulder I don't know what it was but I felt energy just rushed through me like I just woke up from someone giving me a adrenaline needle. Wow that Felt weird.

Coco: "Woah I feel... Fine!"

Velvet: "What my wound is gone!

We see Y/N fall on his knees and he looked dizzy.

Y/N: "Woah, that drained me allot.

Girl: Master are you ok?!"

We see that girl from earlier coming up to him she looked extremely concerned for him.

Girl: "Master what happened?"

Y/N: "It's ok Touka, they needed the aura more then me, looks like the Grimm are almost cleared out of here..... wait."

It looked like he is talking to someone through his ear piece.

Y/N: "What!....... we can't just leave! There are people here and I just can't just let these people die..... well contact Beacons headmaster and tell him either to send back up or evac Bullheads. *presses button on ear piece.*"

Touka: "Master you should rest let me and the ship handle the rest of the Grimm."

Yatsuhashi: "Hey don't let yourself have all the fun."

Yatsuhashi gets up cracks his knuckles and neck. Looks like he is refreshed and ready to go.

Y/N: "Hold it their guys, the pilot of that ship says a big horde of Grimm are coming this way."

We all looked at each other, but still I don't want to leave this town lives are at stake here.

Y/N: "Pilot says we should leave but I'm not going to leave and let these people get slaughtered by Grimm. Besides what Huntsmen would we be if we just left the people to die like chickens to a pack of coyotes."

Coco: "He's Right, we can't just leave here we have people to protect. And we wouldn't be huntsman if we left these people here."

Y/N hears in on his ear piece.

Y/N: "Hey guys luck is with us Ozpin is sending a team here.

Velvet: "How long will they get here?!"

Y/N: "Within the hour but right now..."

Touka: "We have to hold the line here as long as we can."

Y/N: "Hey I have an idea. Hey can you land the Bullhead so I can access the cargo."

Was he talking to the pilot again? At least what he said he landed but Y/N went to the back. He told Yatsuhashi to grab a large box, one he opened it we all looked inside and seen Ammo Galore.

Y/N: "You guys were out of Ammo so grab what you need and Gear Up."

He sounds so authoritive, I kinda find that sexy about him.


Alright it looks like everyone has the ammo they need but I kinda see from the corner of my eye Coco eyeballing me. But I start to feel something. I feel like something big is coming our way.

Pilot: "Y/N you feel that right?"

Y/N: "I kinda do, but what do you think..."
We hear loud roars, chirping and growling from the direction of where the horde was.

What ever that was he heard it was big. And those noises sent chills down all of our spines.

Velvet: "Umm what.. was.. that."

I seen Velvet shaking with fear and shock.

Y/N: "Um Pilot get Up into the air now and do some Recon.

I see the bullhead lift up high and I'm scared of what he'll find. I can feel the ground shaking.

Pilot: Sir, We got an Enormous problem!"

Y/N: "Its something big isn't it. I can feel the ground shaking beneath my boots."

Pilot: "It's atleast 10... no 12 meters tall!"

*Gulp* What! What can possibly be that big!"

Pilot: "I can think of one but I never knew they existed."

Y/N: "Tell Me, What can be that big!"

Pilot: "A Lilith."

My knees almost gave in from hearing that name. I thought those Grimm were legends but with new Grimm appearing I shouldn't see the possibility of one emerging.

Coco: "What is it Y/N.... *no response*.... What is it Y/N What is coming!!"

I didn't look at them I didn't want them to see my scared expression, a leader has to stay strong and on his toes to think in the moment.

Y/N: "Guys we are going to fight against something that has never been seen before. It's a legendary Grimm.

Velvet: "What would that be?"

We hear the roaring chirp again as we all feel the stomping coming toward us.

Y/N: "Listen guys what we are going face is a Lilith."

I can feel they're fear growing.

Y/N: "ok Guys stay calm. We need to plan this carefully this thing is big and powerful. But as long as we work together we can get through this battle.

As the stomping got bigger it split through the trees and did it's chirp roar at us. Oum please let's win this.

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