▪New Apartment▪

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Y/N = Your Name
M/N = Middle Name
L/N = Last Name
H/C = Hair Colour
H/L = Hair Length
E/C = Eye Colour
S/T = Skin Tone
POV = Point of View
F/F = Favorite Food
F/C = Favorite Colour
A/N = Author's Note
or ●○● or ○●○ = a separator, not really an abriviation. Will be used in certain places.
Italics = Thoughts, Onomatopoeia, Or emphasising.
Parenthesis = A small reminder or conversion of money or standard to metric system.



▪Y/N's POV▪

Today was the day. I finally have enough money for an apartment of my own! Luckily for me, the one apartment I saw when I arrived in Magnolia was still on sale, still for 90,000 jewel. I told Lucy about the apartment. She was really excited and encouraged me buying it. I got to admit, even after being happy for buying my own apartment, I'm a little sad to move away from Lucy. She was such a nice friend to me. At least my apartment was fairly close to hers.

I really loved the inside of the house. Despite it being unfurnished, it was lovely. The kitchen was a decent size. This meant a lot to me because I prefer cooking over getting something from a restaurant. The living room was fairly big. That's really good for future sleepovers. There was two bedrooms, the master having a bathroom attached to it. The bathroom was fairly nice, a large shower with fancy tiles, a large sink with marble counters, a porcelain toilet, and nice white tile for the flooring. The other bathroom, which was placed by the living room, was sorta small. A bath, a sink, and well, a toilet. What I loved most was how big the place was.

Okay, so I have to buy furniture. I wasn't really planning on picking that out myself. I debated who to call, but I ended up calling over Gray and Natsu to come help pick out furniture. Hopefully they wouldn't joke around about it.

We made our way from the guild to a nice furniture shop. The three of us agreed to look for a sofa first. I found a few sofas I liked, but Natsu and Gray had preferred other ones.

"Hey guys! Come look at this!" Of course, Natsu found one that looked awful. I palmed as Gray insulted him. Luckily I was able to stop their fight before it ended. We continued wondering, Natsu now sour for us disliking his taste in furniture.

"Hey, how about this one?" Gray had pretty good taste, thankfully, but it wouldn't be the best looking in my apartment.

"It might look odd in my apartment, you know? Still, that's a good choice." He nodded and continued on.

"Ohh! This one is perfect!" I almost yelled, the two came running over. We managed to agree on a L shaped sofa that was small, enough for about 3 to 4 people, in a deep grey. It took us awhile to find our other items, but in the end, I was satisfied. I payed the fee for my furniture, which Gray insisted in helping with.

▪Time Skip▪

A couple if hours has passed, and boom! Everything is furnished and is looking like an actual apartment, not a blank canvas. I thanked Gray and Natsu for helping. They both nodded with smiles and left.

"Now what to do... Aha!" I rushed out to the guild, passing now two very confused friends.

I finally managed to get to the guild. I caught my breath and scanned the room. I spot everyone I was looking for. Mira, Lucy, Levy, Wendy, Cana, Erza, and Juvia. One by one, I told them about my apartment, excluding Lucy because she already knows, and invited them over for a sleepover. To my delight, they all agreed. I left, thinking on what to make for dinner. Or I could just grab a pizza?

I checked the pocket watch I bring with me just in case. So it's around 5:00 and I invited them over for 6. I have enough time to cook like 4 pizzas by then, right? When was the last time I actually made pizza?

I accidently bumped into someone while trying to think. I looked up and, without thinking about it, growled, "Watch it." I looked at their face and realized quickly it wasn't someone I knew and apologized to the now what looks like scarred lady. She simply smiled a half smile and quickly left.

Okay so do I have the ingredients for pizza?

Time Skip▪

It turns out I did not have enough time to make 4 pizzas in time. The 3rd was in the oven when the door bell rang. I looked at the time and panicked. I ran to the door to find Mira.

"Hello, Y/N!" She grinned and looked at me. "Nice outfit you got there." I looked down at myself, realizing I still had my apron with flour dusted over it. I smiled.

"What, you didn't hear the new trend? You gotta look like a messy housewife!" I joked. "Now, come inside or I'll have to beat you with the rolling pin." She faked horror and came inside.

"Smells good!"

"Does it?" The oven beeped in anger. "That's the 3rd pizza, be right back!" I quickly grabbed the pizza out if the oven and placed it next to the others on the dining table to cool. I sighed and wiped sweat from my forehead, placing the 4th and final pizza in the oven.

The doorbell rang again. Mira offered to get the door for me. I gratefully let her do so. I took off my dirty apron and placed it folded on the island to remind myself to wash it. I cleaned the table and chatted with Mira and our new arrivals, Lucy and Erza. In the span of about 10 more minutes, everyone had arrived.

"Alrighty! Welcome to my new hell hole!" I welcomed my guests. They smiled. "So I want to know if you all are good sleeping in the living room or do some of yall want to sleep in a different room? There's a guest bedroom if needed."

Everyone was okay with sleeping all together. The oven beeped and I excused myself. Doing the same as before with the last pizza, I finished my cooking for the day. I walked into the living room. The girls were sitting in a circle on the floor.

"Y/N! Let's play truth or dare!" Wendy smiled and invited me. What's the worse that could happen? (Wendy is 15 in this story, shh).

"Sure! But I've got a question first," I announced while sitting down in between Wendy and Lucy, "How do you like the place?"

"Its lovely, Y/N!" Lucy gushed.

"I love it!" Wendy and Levy said in unison.

"Very nice. Congratulations," complimented...? Erza.

"I want to get drunk already," Cana ignored the question.

"I think it's nice," Juvia smiled.


"YOU'RE DELUSIONAL!" I shouted over her. She just giggled. We all joined her.

"Alrighty, who's going first for truth or dare?" Levy asked.

"Oh! Levy! Truth or dare?" Mira asked.

"Oh! Uh, truth?"

"Do you like Gajeel?" Everyone just about lost their shit. I smiled.

"I- I um... maybe," she whispered. I crawled over and pat her on the head, whispering, "You so do, it's okay." She blushed wildly. I went back to my spot.

"Juvia, truth or dare?" Ask Levy.

"I say dare," she replied calmly.

"Hmm. Oh! I dare you to say you like someone better than Gray," Levy laughed.

"I- I like... uh... Gray's twin better than Gray!"

"Wow, good answer," Cana said with a beer in hand. Where in the hell did she get that? I don't drink??

"Lucy, my rival! Truth or dare?" Lucy sweatdropped as I laughed.


"Do you like Natsu Dragoneel?" I smirked and waved my hand in the air.

"OH! OH! I CAN ANSWER THAT MISS LOCKSER! THE ANSWER IS-" My mouth was covered by a very red faced Lucy. "Yes!" I mumbled through her fingers. Mira had a nose bleed.

"Uhm- M-Mira! Truth or dare?" Lucy stuttered.

"Hmm... Truth!"

"Have you ever loved someone, if so, who?" Lucy smirked. I've never actually known if Mira has, which is interesting.

"Nope! Y/N, truth or dare?" I'm not going to get fucked by dares.

"Truth," I answered simply, grabbing some pocky and then sitting back down. I nibbled on a piece I put in my mouth.

"Do you like Gray?" I felt my piece of pocky fall into my lap.

"Eh? Can you repeat that?"

"Do you like Gray? As in the Fairy Tail wizard?" Repeated Mira.


"You?" Erza asked impatiently. Even Cana stopped drinking to hear my answer.

"I don't know," I said finally, sighing. "I haven't really felt love in awhile, honestly. I've been so broken. But, I noticed on our latest mission, I felt my face heat up a little when I was around him. Am I in love?" My eyes slightly widened, realizing I let my words slip out. "I... I mean-"

"YOU TOTALLY LOVE HIM!" Shouted everyone. I flinched.

"I... I do?"

▪Time Skip▪
▪9:56 PM/21:56▪

Everyone was dressed in their PJS. Juvia wore a light blue tank top with midnight blue pants that had a water drop pattern, Erza wore a white t-shirt that had a piece of cake in the middle with pink pants that had strawberries, Mira wore a simple red nightgown, Cana in a bra and sweats, Lucy in a white t-shirt and salmon pants, Wendy with a sky blue nightgown with the words "dream big" imprinted on it, and Levy with a black t-shirt and pale pink shorts that had bunnies on them. Personally, I had a white tank top with f/c plaid fluffy pants.

"Anyone down for the pocky game?" I offered. Everyone looked at me dumbfounded. I sighed. "Anyone down for some gay stick games?" We all laughed. "We don't have to kiss if you don't want to, I know some are uncomfortable with it," I reassured.

I was paired with Lucy first. I grabbed a piece of pocky, the tip of it in my mouth. Lucy bit the other end. It looks like she just realized how small the pocky stick was. We continued biting until the end. I smirked and bit the final tiny piece and pecked her on the lips. Her face flushed, embarrassed. I laughed and pat her head.

Next was Cana and Erza. They both did fairly good, I'm surprised Erza managed not to pull away from the smell of booze. Cana chickened out on the last bite. Erza happily ate what was left of the pocky.

Wendy and Levy were next. Wendy was flustered beyond compare. Levy smiled and told her it would be okay. They both bit slowly. When it was a tiny piece, Levy bit it, yet she kissed Wendy on the cheek. Wendy kissed her on the cheek back. I almost shouted "illegal" until I realized she was only 17, so it wasn't quite illegal.

Finally, Mira and Juvia went. Not going to lie, I thought they would kiss. Juvia ended up backing out, which was disappointing. I yawned and ate another piece of pocky, looking around. I smiled.

"Erzaaaaaaaa!" I yelled pouncing on her, resulting her to lay on the floor with me laying on top of her. My head rested on her stomach, right below her chest. "Goodnight," I remarked. She laughed and patted my head.

"Why did you pounce on me like that when you have Lucy?" She smiled.

"You're the most sturdy, you wouldn't die if I layed on you," I mumbled while looking at a dramatically hurt Lucy. I heard Mira snap a picture of me on Erza.

"I'll just go find my new best friend, then!" Lucy crossed her arms, faking anger. I gasped, sitting up and putting my hand on my heart.

"How you hurt me so!" The room erupted with laughter.

This is where I belong.


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