▪Uncooperative▪ Part 2▪

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Y/N = Your Name
M/N = Middle Name
L/N = Last Name
H/C = Hair Colour
H/L = Hair Length
E/C = Eye Colour
S/T = Skin Tone
POV = Point of View
F/F = Favorite Food
F/C = Favorite Colour
A/N = Author's Note
▪ or ●○● or ○●○ = a separator, not really an abriviation. Will be used in certain places.
Italics = Thoughts, Onomatopoeia, Or emphasising.
Parenthesis = A small reminder or conversion of money or standard to metric system.



▪Y/N's POV▪

I awoke to the sound of Lucy talking about something. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. For an odd reason, I felt warm? It was a comfortable and familiar warmth. I didn't bring my blanket down here, though. How odd. Maybe I was just dreaming about it. Anyways, I stood up and stretched. I suddenly remembered my fears. I frowned and went upstairs once more.

I reached upstairs. I looked out to see if there was any land. To my delight, there was. I quickly grabbed my luggage. I saw Lucy's and grabbed it as well. I didn't have to carry them, but I wanted to save magical energy for whatever was keeping the people at Wakenashi prisoner.

I spotted Lucy and walked over to her. She was talking to Erza, who, at the moment, had a motion sick Natsu over her shoulder. I came up behind Lucy and placed my head on her shoulder. She pat my head and smiled, then continuing to talk to Erza.

Finally, the captain announced we were here. All of us walked off the ship with our luggage, except Lucy because I have her bags, and went exploring. On the paper we were given a specific place to go. It was a safe spot, undiscovered by the monsters with slaves.

We walked along, even a now happy Natsu, in almost complete silence. Gray was giving us directions in a quiet voice was the only thing breaking our silence. I listened closely to all our footsteps and our surroundings. Nothing was out of place. The island was quite beautiful; it was full of this gorgeous shade of green grass and trees and vibrant coloured flowers. Since the place was overgrown, Erza and I cut a hopefully unnoticeable path to our destination. We noticed a towering weeping willow tree, its leaves hanging sadly on its drooping branches.

"Once you have reached the crying tree," Gray spoke quietly, "Take two steps to the right and pull on the rose encrusted in gold." I nodded and led the way.

"Two steps to the right and pull on the rose encrusted in gold." Okay, easy enough. I looked around to see if there was anything suspicious. I see the yellow rose, but do I pull on it or not? I look at the rest and put my gloved pointer finger to my lips, stopping them from walking. The group stopped walking in unison, yet I heard I footstep after everyone had stopped. I signaled for them to listen and look out. Having good senses pays off in these situations.

Natsu and I seem to hear the fsint footsteps before anyone else. We looked at each other. I shrugged. "Maybe an animal?" I signed in sign language. Erza shook her head. "A human? A monster?" She signed, "Not an animal, for sure." I nodded and mouthed, "Quickly now."

I pulled the flower and watched the ground dissolve into a spiral staircase. We rushed down quickly, I went last and pulled the flower to close up our hiding spot. When we reached the end, there was an underground town. It had at least 5 houses.

A/N: Kind of like this I guess? Less houses and less space, obviously.

"Hello? This is Fairy Tail. We're here to help." Erza's voice booms off the walls. Some people emerge from their  homes.

"Everyone, look! It's the wizards who have come to rescue us!" Shouted one. The rest emerged from their homes with relieved and joyful faces. A short and elderly woman made her way to us.

"I'm the the one in charge down here," she spoke in a sweet and shaky voice, "My name is Rosa. I rescued who I could from the clutches of those... those monsters. They're trying to enslave us all, I'm not sure what their motives are. I believe I heard they're trying to build temples, something about wanting some sacred weapon from the heavens... It's all nonsense to me."

Sacred weapon from the heavens? Could have the decency to take one from hell, they're stronger. I tried to think of what they're possibly trying to do. What if it isn't really a weapon, rather a--

"Ma'am! Are the monsters allowed out of the island, have you seen them leave before?" I spoke up and startled few people. She shook her head. "Knew it! They're trying to escape with a Heaven key!" Rosa's eyes widened.

"Oh dear. They're close, then, I'm afraid. They need 5 temples in all and they're almost done with the 5th," she informed us. "Enough job talk, you must be exhausted. Come, we prepared rooms for you."

We followed her to what looks like a large household. It had 4 bedrooms. One was hers. There's 6 of us... Shit. I checked out the rooms. One room had two twin beds, Rosa's had a king sized bed, and the other two had queen beds.

"Dibs on the twin bed room with Happy!" Yelled Natsu.

"Please, young wizards, try to keep it down. They might hear us," Rosa shushed. We nodded.

"Dibs with-"

"I'm sharing with Lucy," interrupted Erza. I frowned. Lucy gave me an apologetic look. I shook my head and went to my shared room with Gray. I placed down my luggage.

"Let's get things straight, stripper," I spoke in a stern tone, "Nothing fishy. You get your side of the bed, I get mine. I'll be up early and get dressed then," I pointed to the Japanese screen divider that was painted with black roses, "I'll change behind there. I swear to god if I catch you trying to see me changing, I will show absolutely no mercy. Got it?" I smiled innocently. He gulped and nodded. I noticed his cheeks were a tint of red, but dismissed it as a sunburn from being exposed to the sun on the ship.

How am I going to stand being in a room, alone, with Gray for about 2-3 days when I'm still recovering from my breakdown? I wanted to at least share a room with Lucy. I frowned once more and unpacked.

"Y/N," Gray broke the silence, "Why are you so distant today? Is it because of me?" I froze.

"Shut up..." I murmured.


"I said shut up," I spoke louder. He frowned and looked away.

▪Time Skip▪
▪Outside Safety Village▪

"Alright, everyone will stay together, it's safer," announced Erza.

"I'm going on my own."


"I said, I'm going on my own," I repeated.

"You can't do that, we don't even know how the monster's fight!" Protested Natsu.

"Watch me, perv," I then jumped off. "Alright, first things first I need to check the temples," I spoke to myself.

I hopped onto the tallest tree I could find, listening and looking. I saw what looked like the peak of something ancient. Bingo. I made my way over to it. As I gained closer, I realised there was 4 and about 3/4s of these temples. I hid in the safety of a weeping willow. Looking closer, I saw many people, old and young, building in the heat of today.

"Poor slaves." I then noticed something different. It was red, it kind of looked like Krampus with wings. I realized slowly there was multiple. "That must be the monsters Rosa was talking about."

I managed to hop over to a finished temple. I smirked. "Time Reverse: Temple." I watched as the temple dissolved into nothing. It was now just ground. "This is easy," I shrugged. For the hell of it, I looked to the unfinished temple. I spotted one Krampus monster.

It snapped its neck my way. Ohhoho shit. That was a bit horrifing. I waved and smiled and started jumping away from it. But no, it was fast, I mean fast. This thing was flying towards me faster than I could run and hop, which was a decent speed. The thing got closer.

"Disorient time: Twisted weeping willow!" I yelled while pounding my fist into my open palm.

This was an advanced Arc of Time spell. It twists the object into something it never will be, whatever the commander wishes. In this particular occasion, I ordered the tree to grow and twist to hit the monster. It dodged. It slashed its long ass claw at me, I barely dodged. I used my magic to try and hit the monster, I managed at least 5 hits. It so far has only landed 2. One on my arm and the other on my leg. We danced and danced, missing and occasionally hitting each other. I had it come to the ground with me.

I hope you all are okay. Lucy, Erza, Natsu, Happy, Gray. Please, have each other's back.

I realized it started changing, using its own magic. I gasped as it turned into  the younger me, covered in blood with a bloody knife. She carried my brother's severed head, smiling like a maniac. My breathing became heavy. It feels like I was stabbed. "D-don't..." The younger me slashed me good across the stomach with her bloodied knife. I screamed in pain, and if course from my worst nightmare coming to life.

"Sh-shit, my magic doesn't work on wizards or humans. I'd be healed by now," I complained. I got up, holding my wound, and ran to where I smelled the others.

"Y/N~" I heard the nightmare taunt. I wanted to vomit. I kept running to the scent of Natsu. He was the only thing I could smell. The scent of a dragonslayer is very strong. In this case he smelt like smoke, dragons, and... food.

I kept running on top of trees, losing my nightmare. I finally spotted Natsu with the others, exploring this beautiful yet twisted land. My vision got blurry. I fell out of the tree to the ground in front of them, luckily I landed on my feet. "I... I'm a bit injured," I coughed bit of blood and fell to my knees. They all screamed my name, I smiled a weak smile, trying to tell them I'm okay and just needed a little water and a bandage.

My vision got even more blurry as I could feel someone picking me up. I rested my head against their cold chest, passing out from blood loss.


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