▪ Worthy Opponent ▪ Unfinished Chapter/Notes ▪

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Chapter idea notes:

Team Natsu, including Wendy and Carla, are assigned a mission. They were supposed to be accompanied by another guild but it turns out they bailed on Fairy Tail. The team has to fight the worthy opponent and their team. The whole problem is that the evil team, Devil's Play, are trying to bring back even higher class demons than Zeref to destroy who they please. Devil's Play shall activate a city like Nervana that they call "Satan's Wish." It moves and basically fucks everything up. Devil's Play is hella strong, managing to knock down everyone but Wendy and Carla for a short amount of time.

In the author's note write down something like "Sometimes, not every story gets a happy ending"

Unfinished chapter.


▪Y/N's POV▪

Something isn't right. Master looks way more concerned than usual, not to mention he's looking just our way. His small, grey eyebrows were scrunched up as his common smile was at the moment a frown, his eyes focused on me. I frowned back, nudging Gray. Annoyed, the ice mage looked at me. He hasn't been in the best of moods lately.

"Notice anything strange with Master?" I whispered to him, hoping he understands what I mean.

"Looks fine to me, probably just remembering a bad memory," he shrugged it off. I growled in annoyance.

"Don't you see it?! He's clearly thinking about something that concerns him, not to mention he's looking at team Natsu!" I whisper shouted. Erza glanced at Master, quickly analysing his face. She turned back to me and nodded, arms crossed.

"Seems more concerned than usual," she mumbled, "I wonder what's troubling him."

"He's never like this," Lucy frowned. I frowned back. Whenever she was upset, I got upset with her.

"Aye," agreed Happy.

"I'll ask him if everything is alright," Natsu shrugged, "After all, we're all family and family deserves to comfort each other, right?" I cringe at the word 'family' and click my tounge.

"Not the best idea, Campfire," Natsu frowned at the name but let me continue. "What if it ticks him off? He could be easily angry over concerned, sad, etcetera."

"She's right," Erza commented. "But, we might have no choice. What-"

"Team Natsu, we have something important to discuss," Master Makarov's voice was loud and clear over the chattering guild members. I flinched slightly while thinking of the worst. We all stand up in unison, following him up the stairs of the guild. The sun didn't shine as bright up here as it does below us, causing my eyes to adjust to the lack of sunlight.

"What do you require, master?" I ask politely. He shakes his head.

"There's a mission that is very similar to the one that Team Natsu went on before," he starts. I raise an eyebrow and cross my arms. The others look at each other, questioning silently which mission it was. "Unfortunately it'll be more of a challenge this time. You'll be accompanied by Wendy and only one other guild, Blue Pegasus." Lucy's eyes widened.

"You don't mean...?" She muttered, shocked.

"The Oración Seis are back?" Finished Natsu.

"Pardon?" I shift on my feet, trying not to make an outburst. Gray put his hand on my shoulder, his small way to tell me it'll be alright. I realized my muscles were tensed as they start to relax. Gray removes his hand, a light smile on his lips.

"No no, it's not them," everyone sighs in relief. "It's worse."

"Well shit," I accidently curse under my breath. Master raises a brow at me as I apologize with a bow.

"A dark guild who claims to be called Devil's Play are trying to resurrect demons. Some rumoured to be stronger than Zeref himself. From what the magic counsel has told me, they're very powerful. Be on high alert at all times," his head turns to me, his gaze softens. I shift uncomfortably. "Y/N, dear, please do protect your companions, especially Wendy. Devil's Play is more than likely going to be as strong as you."

I put a hand on my heart and bow. "I will protect them with my life if it comes to that, Master Makarov, and that's a promise I am willing to keep." He frowns upon hearing me say I'll give up my life for my team. How am I supposed to protect them only to the extent of my life? They revived my soul from the darkness that clouded around it, I'll give up anything for them. Truely.

"Very well. Do be safe on this mission. Fairy Tail and Blue Pegasus will meet at the train station tomorrow, 12 pm sharp," he informed. We nodded. "Now, please do tell Wendy the information I have given you." We nod in unison, heading downstairs.

"Y/N, you don't really mean it when you say you'll give your life for us, do you?" Happy asked sorrowfully. I clicked my tongue, holding back a frown from his contagious sadness.

"Of course I mean it, Happy. I'm willing to fight for this guild and everyone who is apart of this family, even if it means my life is on the line." Everyone frowns at that, not enjoying the idea of me dying. "Besides," I continue, "I'm not that important, you all can carry on without me, act like I didn't exist, like before."

"You idiot," Gray angrily mumbles. I responded with a quick "Eh?"

"Hate to say it, but Gray's right," Natsu continued, causing more confusion for myself, "You're an idiot for not understanding how-"

"Hey! I found Wendy!" Happy excitingly flew to Wendy, interrupting Natsu midsentence. We all follow closely behind, Natsu's words disappearing from my mind.

"Wendy," Erza grabs her attention with a stern tone, "Master Makarov has assigned us a mission; and you're coming along." After a brief explanation with agreement to elaborate on the train tomorrow.

"Better start packing, its going to be a long trip," Lucy sighed. And with that, we all went to our respected houses.

A rather short walk turned into a long one as I walked slower than normal, thinking about our mission. Why did the others sound so concerned when Master mentioned Or something six? I dont even remember the name. I scoffed at my bad memory, continuing to think. Were they really that bad? What if someone fucks up? What if I fuck up?

While intensely overthinking, I knocked into someone. Losing balance, I fall on my back from not catching myself. A scowl was evident on my face, clearly upset for being interrupted while thinking.

"Watch where you're going, asshole," I growl, getting up and rubbing the back of my head which was in pain. The person I had bumped into quickly apologized, fear evident in their eyes. Maybe that was overboard... No. Fuck it, nothing matters. Fuck you, fuck me, fuck everything.

Angrily, I stomped my way to my apartment, packing up for the trip. Nothing special, just 2 weeks worth of clothing and personal items. After packing, I lazily skipped dinner and plopped on my bed, falling onto a troublesome sleep early.

▪Next Morning▪

"Y/N!" A familiar, annoying voice called from the other side of the bedroom door. I flipped over on my side with a pillow covering my ear, hoping the voice would go away. "IF YOU DON'T GET UP YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE!"

"Go away..." I tiredly mumble in my rough morning voice.

"I will kick down this door, dammit."

"Do it pussy," I mumbled once more, drifting off to sleep. That is until someone kicked down the door.

"Get up," the voice, now identified as Gray my annoying boyfriend, demanded. I shook my head, burying my head into the pillow.

"Darling," he whispered into my ear in a dark yet attractive voice, "won't you get up and be a good girl?"

"God daMMIT, GRAY!" I shout, flustered and angry. I throw my pillow at him and throw myself out of bed.

"That worked," he grumbled, rubbing his head from I assume the pillow.


"No." I frowned. It"s too early for this.

"I said. Out."


▪Time Skip▪
▪Unknown Location▪

"This is it?" Wendy asks confused.

"I guess so, kiddo," I respond, looking around. "Nothing is really out of the ordinary to me; how about you guys?

Carla shakes her head along with Happy, Natsu shrugs nonchantly, Erza and Lucy observe, Gray clicks his tongue. I'll take those as all no's.

God dammit this isn't fun to write anymore
Rewrite/Finish later

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