Tag #1

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tagged by just_alessia

(this is overdue XD)

Ten things about me:

1) I am a part of a lot of fandoms (Ex. ATLA, ASOUE, Miraculous etc.)

2) I wanted to be an artist when I was little.

3) I have many ideas for books, but I'm too lazy to write them.

4) I am always hungry.

5) Surprisingly, I am good in academics.

6) I have made my own video game using JavaScript.

7) I am quiet to people I don't know, and talkative to the people I know.

8) I want to travel all around the world. (not now, we have COVID-19. maybe when it gets better)

9) My favorite Webtoons are 'The Four of Them,' 'Toaster Dude,' and 'Phase.'

10) My favorite color is blue.

Tell a joke:

My boss told me to have a good day...so I went home.

Spoilers for a book:

My new book is a poetic short story, and I am planning a Disney and Pixar crossover. That's all :)


(sorry if you don't want to be tagged)





@ whoever wants to do this 

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