Chapter 53

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It was after school on a Monday, and I was alone and sorting through my locker. I was relieved the day was over as it had been a particularly long one, after having to sit through two fucking hours of Mr-I can't-stay-on-topic-for-the-life-of-me, drone on about his second divorce. 

Let's just say our history teacher was an oversharer...

 On the Brightside, I had the day off work today, so at least I wouldn't have to deal with the nightmare that was Sugar Shake.

As I was deep in thought, I jumped in surprise as I felt a pair of muscular arms wrap themselves around my waist and a warm body press against my back.

 I instantly knew the hands belonged to Ethan, from the distinct aroma of his masculine cologne.

 "Hello, sexy girlfriend," he whispered huskily against my ear, his warm creating goosebumps against my skin.

 I giggled and turned around to face him. I found him mere inches away from me and smiling down at me with a toothy grin. I watched as his eyes affectionately roamed over my face before he fixated his gaze on my lips. He looked down at me with a smirk before he leaned in about to descend his mouth on to my own.

 I really wanted to let him kiss me, but sadly, I couldn't. I placed two hands on his chest and pushed him away from me. He looked down at me in confusion.

"Your statement was half correct, you're right that I'm sexy, but I'm not your girlfriend," I winked.

 He rolled his eyes at me. "I can't believe we're still playing this game," he sighed in exasperation.

 "It's not a game. I'm serious," I said, despite the fact, there was a massive smile on my face. 

"Please, Mia, I just want to kiss you," he whined in annoyance.

 "And you can as soon as you ask me a certain question," I sang. 

"No," he snapped as he crossed his arms like a stubborn child. 

"That's fine with me, I quite like being single. I wonder if Henry is busy. He was hot, wasn't he?" I said with a mischievous smirk.

 I brushed past him and walked away as though I was going out to look for Henry. It took all of a nanosecond for him to grab me my wrist and pull me back.

 "Hey, that's not funny," he scowled.

 "What made you think I was joking?" I smirked, as I stared up at him with a challenging spark in my eyes.

I gasped in surprise as he quickly spun me around and pinned me roughly against the lockers. 

"You're my girlfriend, not his," he snapped.

 My heart jumped in excitement at the appearance of his possessive side.

 I know, I know, I shouldn't be purposely provoking him but sue me, it was hot to see him like this. 

God was I tempted to ruin everything there and drag him into an empty classroom with me and lock the door. 

"Well, I could be all yours, if you just ask me a certain question," I said persuasively as I tauntingly bit my lip.

 He glared at me for a few seconds before his face softened, and he moved back a little. "Okay, fine, whatever. You win Mia," he mumbled in defeat.

I smiled up at him triumphantly, happy that I finally managed to wear him down. 

He then did something really bizarre and entwined his hand with mine before getting down on one knee.

 "Erm...Ethan. Get up. What the hell are you doing?" I hissed in embarrassment as I looked around anxiously at all the people in the corridor, who were starting to stare at us.

 "Well, since you've forced me to do this, I might as well have some fun with it by humiliating you, of course," he winked. 

The sly bastard was trying to embarrass me on purpose as a form of revenge. He smirked up at me and cleared his throat dramatically.

 "Mia Gabriella Collins, or as I liked to call you Chubs, you're the most beautiful, sexy, smart, funny, kinda weird, worryingly crazy, and incredibly annoying girl I have ever met. Will you do me, a simple boy, the honor of being able to call you my girlfriend, forever and always?" he said in a poetic voice. 

I felt a warm feeling spread throughout my heart, finding his weird little girlfriend proposal incredibly cute. Even though he did lowkey insult me in it multiple times. 

A wildly happy smile stretched out onto my face. "Aww, that was so sweet, you're adorable," I said as I held a hand up to my chest. 

Then just like that, I swiped the smile clean from my face. "But sorry, no," I snapped bluntly as I stared back at him emotionlessly. 

He got up to his feet with a smile. "Finally, I'm so glad all that shit is...wait, what! What the fuck did you just say?" He yelled as he gaped at me in shock. His eyes held fear in them and flickered between mine frantically.

 His expression was so funny that I couldn't help myself and bit my lip, before completely losing myself by bursting into laughter.

 "I'm kidding, you idiot. Of course, you're my boyfriend," I said in-between cackles of laughter.

 He let out a massive sigh of relief. "Jesus Christ, you scared the shit out of me," he muttered under his breath. 

He tried to shoot me a nasty glare, but I could see the corners of his mouth were twitching, as though he was fighting to smile. 

"You're such a bully," he snapped accusingly. He reached out to tickle me, and I shrieked and frantically tried to dodge his hands. 

"Okay, I'm sorry. Stop," I begged, as he continued to move his hands mercilessly all over my body. With a chuckle, he finally eased up. 

He grabbed both my hands with one hand and pinned them above my head against the lockers. He stared down at me with a happy grin on his face. 

"I think I'll collect my prize now," he whispered proudly before he lowered his lips down onto mine. 

He moved his lips softly against mine, causing me to groan in pleasure and surrender to him. I reciprocated the kiss with equal passion and pulled him closer to me. The kiss soon grew heated, and our hands slid feverishly over each other's bodies, desperate for each other's touch after a weekend apart.

"Get some Ethan," a deep voice called followed by a string of wolf whistles.

 We broke apart in surprise, and I looked over Ethan's shoulder to see who was there. A few of his soccer friends had just walked past and were hooting and whistling at him. I looked away in embarrassment, feeling mortified that I had become one of those couples that I always judged for making an exhibition of themselves in the hallway.

 "Save some of that energy for the big game, Ethan," a random boy called out with a laugh. 

"Shut up," Ethan said as he flipped them the bird. 

They just cackled and walked off, and Ethan's face turned slightly red in embarrassment.

 He turned back around to face me."Sorry about that, they're fucking idiots," he chuckled as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"So, the big game, huh?" I probed curiously. 

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot to tell you. It's on Friday, and you're coming. It's your first duty as my girlfriend," he winked. 

"Yippee," I said drily, the sarcasm dripping heavily off my tone. 

"Trust me, it'll be fun, they'll even be a celebration party afterward," he sang persuasively. 

"That confident you're going to win, are we?" I teased.

 He scoffed, "Well, duh, I'm on the team," he smirked.

 I shook my head at him in disbelief. "You don't know what modesty is, do you?" I scoffed.

 "Oh, you mean the thing that people who aren't good at things need," he joked.

I was just about to hit him back with some clever retort when I suddenly remembered that I had something important to ask him.

 "Oh, since you're here, do you want to come round to mine to study?" I asked innocently, trying to lure him into my trap.

 He looked at me with intrigue. "I was gonna go to the gym, but I think a study session with you sounds far more exciting and might provide me with equally as much exercise," he smirked, putting heavy implications on the word study. 

I gave him a flat look. "No, Ethan, I mean study, study. You know with books and shit. Get your mind out the gutter," I snapped as I smacked him upside his head. 

He let out a long dramatic groan, clearly very disappointed that 'study session' had no alternate meaning. 

"Okay fine...I'll drive," he sighed. 

I smiled and pushed myself off the locker and walked alongside him to the parking lot.

 "Also, would you perhaps, maybe mind staying for dinner," I mumbled quietly. 

He stopped in his tracks and turned to face me with narrowed eyes. "Why do you sound so nervous?" he asked suspiciously.

I smiled at him guiltily. "It's because my dad wants to talk to you. He kind of knows we're dating...." I trailed off nervously.

 Ethan's eyes widened to a size so large; it was comical. The color of his face turned ghostly white and look of sheer terror clouded his features. It was as though someone has just told him he only had five days to live. He opened his mouth to say something but then closed it immediately after. 

He gulped. "A-and h-how did he take it?" he stuttered as worry pooled his eyes.

 "Well, he swore a little bit, but he didn't threaten your life or anything, so I think that's a good sign," I said as I nodded my head optimistically.

 This didn't seem to reassure him in the slightest, and his face turned a sickly green. He swallowed harshly and fidgeted nervously with his car keys.

 It was cute that he worried so much about what my dad thought of him.

 I gave him a gentle smile. "You don't have to come if- "

"No, I'll come. I'll need to win him over eventually so it might as well be today," he stated more confidently.


Author's note:

Yay chapter 53 is done! Hope you enjoyed xx

Next update: Wednesday (6-8PM-UK time)-It will be a double update for reasons I will explain later...

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